Which Riddle Riddle?

#281: A Tale of Two Erins w/ Erin Whitehead



This is a HeadGum Podcast.


Alright, step up, step up, step up. Anyone can play, anyone can win. You, you ma'am. You wanna play? You look like a smart, sharp cookie, huh? You wanna play?




Yeah, you.


Oh, I'll give it a shot.


All you have to do is guess how many jellybeans are inside.


Inside what?


Of me. How many jellybeans do you think I've had today?



You look pretty sick. Very sick. You look a little dizzy.


I'm very sick.


Let's see.


Uh-uh-uh. You have to put a dollar in the jar if you want to play.


Actually ma'am, wave a dollar, give a holler. Right over here we have a different game. Follow the mouse, follow the mouse. Where's he gonna stop? You want to follow the mouse and see where he's gonna stop? Inside of me?


Where's the mouse? Did you already swallow him?


Yes ma'am. And there's numbers all inside of me. Where's the mouse gonna stop? Wave a dollar, give a holler. You don't want to play that game, man.


That game's impossible to win. I guess the jellybeans, huh? No mice, no tricks. The jellybeans stay still.


I don't know. His leg is moving. That might mean the mouse is in the leg.


He's got live mice in his pants. Don't be confused. Come over to the jellybeans game.


I'll say a hundred jellybeans and the mouse is in your butt. Step right up, step right up over here. Anyone who can solve the riddle gets to be smug about it.


Ooh, I'm Adal Rifai, I'd like to play that game.



And I'll play that game, I'm GPC.


And I'm Erin and I guess I'll play that game.


And welcome to Hey Riddle Riddle, a podcast about riddles where there's also other stuff as well as the riddles.


I have no idea what you're talking about. Really? But I will look it up.


So it was a mouse inside a little container, that sounds terrible, in a big container, and it was basically a wheel, like a wheel of fortune, and each pie or segment of the wheel had like a letter of the alphabet or a number or a color, and then the outside of the tent that you're playing at would have those colors, and you put a dollar on whatever, and if the mouse stops or goes into the hole that's based on that color, you win Adal, is there anything else that you want to talk about or you just want to keep going on with this part? What else? I come from a small town. What else is weird about small towns? Actually, I'd rather talk about something else, which is a guest we have on the show today.



Yes, yes, yes, yes.


You might know her from College Town podcast. You might know her from Wild Horses, her improv group. Please welcome a different Erin from Hingham, Massachusetts, Erin Whitehead. Hi.


Turtle racing made me think of when my grandpa would let us race the lobsters before he would boil them.


So you would put down the lobsters and race them? Yeah.


Would they stay in a straight line or would they veer off?


I mean they just clicked around. I'm sure they were just terrified and they were like, this is not what the others told us would happen, you know.


Was there a winner or a loser or did everyone die? Was it like a presidential pardon with a turkey where like one turkey gets to go?


Yeah, can you imagine if my grandpa set it up like that? Like, you better train your lobster good because that's the one that gets to go back to the sea.



All the kids are crying and painting racing stripes on the lobsters. Yeah, the lobster that was like $45 a pound and you're like, yep, I'm just gonna throw it back into the sea.


Yeah, I was like, come on pinchers, come on!


Fight for your life, pinchers! So you can see your son graduate, pinchers, go!


And I have to imagine there's a hundred different pinchers. Every time one loses, we just get another pinchers. Yeah, before we started recording, we did find out that both Erin's are originally from Hingham, which is wild.


It's wild. That's crazy. I've never met anyone else from Hingham. Yeah.


Is it a big town?


No, I mean, well, I think it's a ghost town, man.


I've been there.


You, JPC drove by my house when I was not there, didn't go in, and just took a photo outside my house when he was in Massachusetts.


It was raining. It was raining pretty hard. It was a flood. It was a torrential downpour.


This was like, I was just watching Love is Blind, and one of the guys, or maybe one of the girls did this, and the guy was like, you're so creepy, you like drove by my house and took a picture. And I was like, this seems like something that you always do if you drive by a friend's house. Like, it did not strike me as creepy.



Erin, you watch Love is Blind, you're gonna fit in just fine around here.


Let me ask a question. Would any of you ever go to like the house that you grew up in or I don't know, a house that you had lived in previously and like knock on the door and say, I lived here in whatever year and I'd like to come, would you let me come in and see the house? Would any of you ever do that?


I would. Interesting. Yeah, I would. I remember my mom and her sisters, we were driving in South Boston and they went and did that at their childhood home when I was little. And the people were super nice and were like, yeah, come in.




Yeah. Now, let me ask you this. Oh, sorry, go ahead.


No, please, please, please.


No, my mom and I drove out to, like, the desert up by Joshua Tree, because I think my great-great-grandfather had built a little house out there. And so we went to it, and we knocked, but it was like, the people had, like, American flags in the windows instead of curtains. Oh, yeah. And, like, they did not even want us on the property, much less want to let us have a tour. So I snapped a quick pic of her by a big cactus, and we left.



Now to me, that actually seems relatively normal. Like if someone knocked on my door right now and they're like, we used to live here 30 years ago and we'd love to come in and say, I'd be like, great. Well, enjoy the rest of your day. That's not happening. There's no way that's happening.


Once they get inside, they might be like, oh, that's my jewelry box. I love that. And then you're like wait a minute.


I'm not really worried about them like taking anything really I just don't think it's like like that's just not a necessary like you don't you don't need to go the rest of your life Experiencing what the house looks like now that I live in it like it's it's fine If you don't have that experience the whole from what I've because this has happened I feel like in reality shows or whatever and the whole the whole thing seems to be oh look what you've done to the place look how you've changed it and it's like


Well, that doesn't make sense. Why do you need to see what I've done to the place? You just remember how you remembered it.


I don't know. I get it. I would do it.


No, no thanks.


I would do it and lie. I'm going to just try every house and go, I used to live here.


We built this house last year.


That would be a great way to see the interior though. I mean, there's so many houses that I really want to see and I should just be like, so this house was actually built last night. Great aunt. We had to sell it to pay for her treatments. She had bad acne.



That can be expensive because it's not covered by insurance.


My great grandma, Rebecca Gayhart. Erin, we have to ask you, what is your, not just your relationship with houses, what is your relationship with riddles, with puzzles, with lateral thinking problems, escape rooms? What do you think? How do you feel?


Okay, let me go through them. Riddles, I love from literature where it involves riddles, but I never guess it. So this will give you a hint as to how this might go today. Harry Potter, even though I spit on her name now, and anything like the Goonies or anything where they had to solve a riddle to get to the next level, I'm riveted by, but not great at. Escape rooms, I think it really has to be the right group. I did not enjoy it with the group I did it with. It was high tension.


What's the name names? Who'd you go with?


It was just a lot of grabbing of things if you're not going fast enough. And I was like, this is, you know, I'd rather die in here with you guys than be grabby. I recently did finish my first like big puzzle by myself this last winter because I was staying at a friend's house and he had left like a Like a thousand piece puzzle. I hate puzzles. I was always like, life is so hard and you want to take a picture that's already done and then break it and then make me put it back together. Like it just feels so unnecessary. I never thought about it like that.



That is a total waste of time.


It feels like so stressful to me. Like I remember having a dream when I was… Sorry, my earphones are so annoying. I remember having a dream when I was a little kid. It was a fever dream that I had to count every fish under the sea and that's what puzzles feel like to me. Like it's just so hard. But I got into a real zone and I actually did have like a peaceful, focused time and I was like, okay, maybe I get puzzles now, so.


I'm so happy to hear that because puzzles, there was, Mariah and I went to this bagel, my wife and I went to this bagel place and we were waiting for our order and they just had a big puzzle on a table and she completely lost me. I was like, okay, I gotta be over here by the puzzle, I gotta put the pieces in the puzzle. And I was just having the best time and she was like, the bagels are ready, it's time for us to go. And I was like, oh no, but I have so much more puzzles in here.


It really is like a zone, like I would be like hovering with a piece, like standing and crouching and then like, it was just, I was like, this is a much more active thing than I ever imagined.


I've many times putting together the entire border or frame of a jigsaw puzzle and then been like, that's good enough.



That's sort of the most fun.


Yeah, that's sort of the most fun part.


Are you like a crossword puzzle wordle person?


Wordle every day. I actually forgot to do it for the first time since 2021 recently, and I was so mad. I had gotten halfway through, got a phone call from a doctor, and then fully just forgot I hadn't finished it that day, and I was so mad that I broke my streak. Do you start with the same word usually? Do you mix it up? I close my eyes and let the universe deliver a word to my head because I love – I like to think like maybe I'm in tune with Josh Wirtle. By the way, I emailed Josh. His name isn't Josh Wirtle, but the guy who invented Wirtle. And I was like, I have this Wirtle chain that I'm on. It's like two of my oldest friends. You've really like changed our lives because now we wake up every day and we check in with each other and we do Wirtle together. And I was like, would you be willing to record a video for my friend's birthday? And he didn't, but he wrote an email back and was commenting on our starter words and our styles. It was really cute. That's cool. Josh Wirtle.



That's amazing.


Josh Wirtle. Josh Wirtle. We have a whole thing where we do bits where we work for Josh Wirtle and it's like a boring loss.


Lions, ugh, not good enough. Back to work. His last name is close to Wirtle, right?


It's close to it, and now I can't remember what it is. Waddle?


I can't either, but that was the whole thing.


I think it's Wartle.






And he, like, made it for his wife or something?


He did, over the pandemic, yeah.


For his, like, acne treatment.


Now, Wartle suggests the existence of a Martle, who's sort of a good version.


Oh, yeah.


The Wario Mario, I see. Wartle, Wartle.


All right, enough fun. We have to get to some riddles. So that is exactly what we'll do. You know, something that happens on the show every once in a while is someone will send us an email to hrrpodcast at gmail.com and, hell, Maybe they'll put something about riddle submission in the subject line and maybe the body of the email will contain some riddles. And today, I actually have some pretty fun ones. They were just kind of like back to back, which never happens, but very cool, where people have invented their own little like riddle games that we're going to play. So the first one, now this submitter did not give a name, but they invented a game and it's kind of similar to something that we've done on the show before with Sandy. It actually may be even one of the things that we've done on the show before with Sandy, but they're like new. Riddle Riddle Hey, if you want to see the Suns play, you gotta have a ticket. You can't just blank blank arena without paying.



River Phoenix is the closest. Walking Phoenix! You can't just walk in Phoenix.


Wow. Okay, so Erin understands how it's played. Yes, if you want to see the Suns play, you gotta have a ticket. You can't just walk in Phoenix Arena without paying. Walk in Phoenix. So it's not always exact, but now you understand. They fit in in a way, okay?


Got it. Got it.


All right, we have a few more, so let's go to the next one. Erin has one point. Erin has zero points. Adal has zero points. There are no points for that game.


I will say though, I did not know the Suns played in Phoenix, so that was a group effort. I would not have gotten there.


Good, good, good, good. Adal just threw that one away. And Adal, do you know, is the arena the Phoenix Arena, or is it just in Phoenix?


It's in Phoenix. All the arenas are some branded, you know, it's all like Gatorade Arena or whatever it is. So yeah, I can't imagine it's just Phoenix Arena. It has to be some sort of sponsorship deal.


Unless the band Phoenix bought an arena. I know they were big. French band Phoenix. It was a historic day for comic strips when Jim Davis picked up a pencil blank blank for the very first time. Garfield. Andrew.



Andrew Garfield. Andrew Garfield!






Erin Whitehead is crushing us at her own podcast.


Much like the team that plays in the Phoenix Arena.


You guys are, it's a team effort. It's a team effort here. Yes.


Andrew Garfield. Very quickly, I will say, Footprint Center is where the Phoenix Suns play their home games. Wow! I don't know what Footprint is though.


That's a poem about Christianity. Oh yes.


And when there was one set of footprints leading up to the dunk at the basket, that was when you were carrying me.


I was only four footed because only one player showed up.


I do want to see a quick scene. This will involve Erin and Aaron. Erin Keif, I'd like you to play Jim Davis. Erin Whitehead, I'd like you to play Garfield. And this is just a scene where Jim Davis has drawn Garfield for the first time and Garfield's come to life and they kind of have a conversation about their future together.



Okay, you know Garfield doesn't speak, but okay, go ahead.


And I finish the tale and I electrocute the piece of paper and here we go. Hello?


I'm so hungry. For what? For... Oh God, if I could pick anything. I just came into existence, but I want to say the word lasagna. Does that make any sense to you?


I did it. I drew him right. It does. And Garfield, Garfield, how do you feel about Mondays?


Don't you say that word to me. I work all week. Monday's the worst day.


Incredible. I made him in my image. I love it. And Garfield, does your ex-wife hate you too?



Jim, listen. I know this is why you had to get a drawn calf instead of a calf. Because of your wife's allergy. Okay. But I've never even gotten them. I thought I was going to get together with Nermal and then I found out she wasn't even a girl.


Okay, this is great. Do you want to hang out? What's up?


No, I don't. Could you draw me, first of all, one of the presidents? If possible. And could you draw me maybe a little pooky? And maybe a little bit? And maybe, I don't know, a loud mouth big lipped cat with a long, long neck?


Uh, yeah, I guess I could give it a shot. Draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw. Jim, you don't have to say draw while you're drawing. Jesus Christ. Oh, man. Is he still alive? No, right? I think he is, yes.



Yeah, I think he is, for sure. Jim Davis.


I didn't realize his ex-wife hated him. I made that up, but maybe. Oh, okay. I knew that they didn't have a cat. Oh. And I think it was because she was allergic, yeah.


So almost like how Josh Wirtle invented Wirtle for his wife, Jim Davis invented Garfield so his wife could have a cat.


And that's how the rubber gloves were invented, too, is a guy, his wife, like, worked in the medical field, and her hands would get chapped, and so he felt bad for her, and he invented rubber gloves. And that's true. I just learned that fact.


Her hands were chapped from, like, being in bodies. Don't ask questions.


I don't mind the blood and viscera.


It really dries the hands.


Now, Nirmal famously was shipped to, I want to say, like, Looney Tunes cities, where it was like Timbuktu or Kalamazoo, right?


Yeah, places like Abu Dhabi, places that don't exist and never have, for sure. I do wonder now, of all of the inventions that were invented for a spouse I like it.



Yeah, the Garfield thing would have been, I would have overtaken the marriage for sure. I'm guessing that guy farmed out the making of the rubber gloves to others, but I could be fully wrong.


The psychopath who's like making the gloves because his wife's hands are chapped, he's gonna want to be involved in every facet of it.


Sir, can we make more than one size, which is my wife? Perfect for my wife.


I think I would be real smug about it if someone invented something because of me. I'd feel like a muse. I'd be like, I'm just incredible. It's because of me. I'd bring it up all the time.


Is there something you wish had been invented for you, like Lunchables pizzas or something?


I was going to say pizza! Alright.


I know you too well.


Alright, let's do another one. Speaking of know you too well, I don't necessarily know if you're going to know this one too well, but we're going to go with it anyway. I might pull up the IMDb to give you some hints, but maybe you'll get it. You may need to be scanned with an X blank blanks have formed in your kidney.



Ray Stone? Ray Winstone. Ray... Ray Winstone! Yes, yes, yes. Who is that?


Yeah, I don't even know who that is.


You might know him as one of the CGI-ed actors in the most recent Beowulf movie. He always plays like a big brute. He always plays like a menacing... He's British, I believe.


Yes, he's British. I think Ray Winstone is one of our great character actors. I know nothing about him personally. I'm fully willing to throw him under the bus if it turns out he's bad.


Oh, I recognize him.


He's very much... Who's the guy who played... Speaking of Harry Potter, who's the guy who played Mad-Eye Mooney? Who has like the famous son? The Scottish guy. He was in Braveheart as well.


Hey Riddle



Okay, here's your next one. Congratulations, Adal. You did a really great job on that. Thank you. Here's your next one. After being outside for too long without his gloves, the Arctic Explorer was diagnosed with crow blank blank bite in his fingers.


Cro-magnon? Cro... Cross? Beat? Cro... Blank blank.


Crow blank blank bite in his fingers. Cro-bar? Did you just say Nick Frost? I did.


Erin. That's not it I guess. No Erin, you did get it right. I did? It is Nick Frost.


So wait, can you say the whole sentence with the name slotted in? Yes, so it's, after being outside for too long without his gloves, the Arctic Explorer was diagnosed with crow blank blank bite in his fingers. I see. Cronick frost bite. I see.



I get it. I was like, is there a celebrity with the first name as the flies? No, that's not a thing. You really wanted it to be crow. Lord of the as flies, yeah.


Okay, well, let's do one more. We're gonna do one more. Actually, we might be doing a couple more. But we're gonna do one more from our unnamed riddle submitter. When I go into battle, I always bring a knife blank blank so I can kill my enemy no matter how close to me they are.


Sterling Sharp.


Ah, a knife Sterling Sharp.


Close by. Close by. Can you read it again?


Sheath Richards.


Now, if we were playing a different game, Sheath Richards would be an excellent game. I don't know what game that is, but I love the answer. Sheath Richards. Yes, I'll read it one more time. When I go into battle, I always bring a knife, blank blank, so I can kill my enemy, no matter how close to me they are.


Bayonet. Bayonet. Michael Bayonet.



With me. Wait, what was the last part? I feel like I keep not hearing the last part of it. I always bring a knife blank blank what?


So I can kill my enemy no matter how close to me they are. Oh. You know what? I'll change it to say no matter how close or far from me they are.




Whoa, that changes everything.


Bow and arrow.


Who is Andrew Ninjastar?


So this is the first one. I think every other one that we've done so far has been an actor. This is the first one that's an actress. Okay.


I would love if Andrew Ninja Star was in like Gosford Park in all these like Gilded Age movies. This is the first actress, you said.


With a spoon, Reese Witherspoon.



Oh, Reese Witherspoon would be nice. I bring a knife with a spoon.


That is a great guess.


It is not Reese Witherspoon.


A knife?


Uma Thurman. No.


Erin, are you trying to do this as an actor?


Anne Hathaway. No, no, I'm actually really trying. I'm trying.


I will say that this actor, one of their names, I won't say if it's first or last, is another name for like a weapon.


Blade. Abigail Blade. She won an Oscar like two years ago. Don't Google it. Andy McDowell.


It's, oh, a McDowellrod.


I love that answer. That's fantastic.


Is this an unusual name, this person's first name?


No, no, I would say that both of the names are... Blunt. Oh, Emily Blunt, okay, but no, it's not. I think both of these names, first and last, are pretty normal.


Machine Gun Kelly Osbourne? Whatever that means.



Okay, okay. I take immediate offense to that. I will also say, look, I think this person... Anna Gunn.


Erin, it's Anna Gunn! Oh my gosh.


A knife and a gun, wow.


That was good. Yeah, yeah.


Yes, it is, bring a knife and a gun. Erin, I want to see a quick scene. So this is going to be, we'll do a scene between all three of you, Erin, Adal, and Erin. But Erin Keif, you are showing up, it's like the day before a battle, you guys are like a civilian militia. And Erin, you are showing up with what you think are weapons, but what no one else thinks are weapons.


Wait, which Erin?


I'm sorry, Erin, this is my fault. Erin Keif, you are the one showing up to the day before the battle with fake weapons.


And sorry, witch Adal?


And we are just other people.


Yeah, you're just other people in the militia. But you know what you're doing.


I think what Erin Whitehead is trying to get at is, can she play Andrew Ninja Star?


This sucks.



Am I this bad at this? When Adal did it, it seemed so easy.


I'm bad at listening. I don't know what's happened to me lately.


I have a, here we go.


God, this sucks.


Great, thank you, Erin.


Oink, oink, oink.


Okay, let's see what I have in my bag here. I got a hatchet just in case. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I have a broadsword. Ooh, whoosh, whoosh.


Y'all know I brought my spoon, because I'm Reese Witherspoon. I'm always with my spoon.


Deadly with a spoon, deadly.


Hey guys, just pulling up with my wagon. Hey girl, hey. I hope you read the book this month. So why do we think it was called Maniac McGee?



Question two. You know, I said, is the title trying to make me, you know, judge the book before I've even read it?


So sorry to interrupt you guys. Do you think that there's going to be plugs on the battlefield? Like outlets? Because I brought my blender and I was going to start with my blender as my weapon.


Be prepared for any terrain is what I always say. Now the front cover is legs and shoes. Now does he run like a maniac? Is that what we're too into it?


Well, the shoes are untied. And so I wonder if it's a, you know, if it's a symbol of how his disorganization, you know, and it's if it's that sort of... I'm starting to feel insecure.


Sorry, sorry to interrupt the book club. Reese, love you. You truly are changing the way that people read. I'm starting to feel a little insecure about my weapons. Do you think anthropology mugs are good? Bad? No, these are good. I can throw them.


This will hurt someone, right? I think so far you're just naming things that go with spoons. I think we'll be fine. You guys, I think we plan too much when it comes to battle. I think we need to focus more on the book club, honestly.



We overthink it. Yeah, the only thing Anthropology Mugs is hurting is your wallet. Those are $98 apiece ceramic. I've seen it. Now, I think Maniac McGee, you know, I think he overthought about his life, you know, where he fit in in the grand scheme of things.


Are you trying to do my southern accent back at me?


Because that's what it sounds like. Don't do that, Therese. She hates it. Do you think this blanket will work in battle?


Scene. I'm an empath. Okay, so that was, I guess we're on the South's side. We're not going to really engage too much with what that means.


You don't know what battle it was.


I don't, and I don't want to know. Don't tell me, don't tell me, don't tell me.


James, if you must know, it was South versus Deep South, so we're actually the good guys.


We're the good guys.


We're the good guys. Okay, we have two more because these were so much fun that I was like, oh, I want to write some. So we have two more that I wrote. Here we go. I feel bad for the poor man working for the owner of the nuclear power plant when blank-blank-ers finally grow a spine and stand up to him.



Hmm, blank blankers. Nuclear power plant.


The poor man working for the- George Foreman? George Foreman. At the nuclear power plant.


What's the name for employees at a nuclear power plant? The Simpsons? The Simpsons?






The Simpsons. Interesting. I like that. Follow that. Follow that.


Ooh. Oh.


When- Homer?


When blank blankers finally grow a spine and stand up to him.


Blank blankers.




Homer. When.


I feel bad for the poor man.


When will the O.J. Simpsons finally stand up to him? She got it!


Just admit that she got it, JBC.


You got a knife and a gun. When O.J. Simpson-ers finally grow a spine and stand up to him. It almost fits, but it doesn't. There's another man who works for the owner of the nuclear power plant. It's not Homer.


Oh, Smithers.


Okay, yes. Am I wrong? No, you're not wrong, but Smithers is not the answer to this.



Okay. Lenny and Carl?


When blank blankers finally grow a spine and stand up to him.


Lenny, Carl, home.


Go back. It's Smith. Something Smith. Will Smith. When will Smithers?


Thank you, Erin. Yes. Will Smith is in The Simpsons?


No. Smithers is, and it's Smith and then errs.


Oh. I feel bad for the poor man working for the owner of the nuclear power plant when Will Smithers finally grow a spine and stand up to him and it is Will Smith.


Good job, Erin.


That was a tricky one. That was very tricky.


Very tricky one. I don't even feel good about it. I'm very tricksy. Okay, here's another one. I can't even believe I'm looking at this. I must have written this weeks ago. I can't believe it. I go to this well way too often. Here we go. The mechanic told me they couldn't replace my odometer with the original part, but they did have an aftermarket blank blank that could do the same thing.


Oh, JPC, you sweet, sweet fool. It's a Miles Teller.



Not my tempo. I talk about Miles Teller too much, and I feel like it's just always on the top of my brain, tip of my tongue.


I always try and get into a car when someone's like, is that your car? I go, not my Tempo. A Tempo's a type of car, right? Nissan Tempo?


Must be. It has to be. I know that there are actors with crazy names, but Miles Teller has to be... It's egregious. There's no way that that's that man's real name.


I don't think most actors are using their real names.




Miles Teller. That doesn't strike me as a weird name.


But it's a Miles Teller is an odometer.


I did not know that. Even if I had thought of his name, I would not have thought of those answers.


I do want to see a scene. Erin Whitehead and JPC, you are new parents and you are, I'm sorry, let's say Erin Whitehead and JPC, you are about to be new parents and you are sitting down a few months in to try and discuss potential baby names that are unique



Honey, before we start, just are you sure you want to keep it? It's your choice. I just want to, again, I know we've talked about this, I just want to be sure.


And I just want to ask, because we're having this conversation again, this is not a trick, right?


Like, you're not... Baby, I'm being a feminist here, okay? I just want to make sure you are making the choice that you want for your body. Your baby. It's your baby, really.


Yeah, no, and I want what you want. Does that, is that?


Oh, are we going to have that conversation?


Uh, not if we don't, not if we don't have to.


Oh, listen, well again, it's, hey, it's, you know, you're my queen. It's, it's, again, it's, it's what you want. Whatever, let's get to names. Hypothetically, if we keep the baby, what would we name it?


That's such an easier conversation. Because when I'm thinking about it, I'm like, what kind of life are they going to have? Will they have the same life that I had? If they will, the answer is no, we're not keeping the baby. Okay, so that's back on the table. But I want to give them everything that I didn't have, right? So they can't go through life You know, having a name like Asshole Johnson.



I love your name, Asshole.


I love my name too, but like, I'm, you know, I'm 35. Like, I've grown into Asshole Johnson.


Sure, sure. When you were a little girl, it was embarrassing. I know, you got it. It was a battle.


Yeah. Of course, like, you know, it's the reason we met. I don't think I ever would have met you in the support groups if I didn't have the name Asshole Johnson.


Well, and if I didn't have the name, you know, Scrotum Willis.


And of course we met in AA. I think that we just kind of clicked, because if you had gone by Willis and I had gone by Johnson, I think it would have been nothing.


Why didn't we though? Why did it not occur to us to ever just go by our very normal last names?


There was a guy next to me and I think his name was Jackson and I got self-conscious because I was like, that's too close. People are going to think I'm making up a fake name.


Yeah. Okay, so I don't want the baby to go through what we went through. No. What's the least embarrassing body part? What'd you say? What'd you say?



He said, clitoris. Which I actually think is kind of pretty. Mom!


You're not involved in this! Jesus, just cause we live with you does not mean you get fucking into it!


I don't know! Don't listen to mom! Mom thinks clitoris is pretty!


Sorry, sorry.


And I always thought backflip caramel corn for a boy.


God damn it. I can't believe we taught the dog to talk.


Did you write any more? Are we done here?


No, we're done. Hey, Erin, why don't you take a break? We'll all take a break. And we'll be back after this brief break.


Thank you to Aura for sponsoring this very special episode of our show. So special. Jake, you know that the holidays are about connecting with loved ones. Of course. And there's no better way to connect than by using what Wirecutter called the best digital photo frame.



Yeah, you can connect with anyone from any distance.


This is a great gift. You actually gave this gift to your mother, did you not?


Not just my mother, but Jill's parents and Jill's grandmother.


So how does it work? You give them a digital picture frame and then before long they plug it in and they're seeing photos that you took? Yeah.


And it's constantly being updated. I have access to their picture frame. I can upload any new photo that I take of my daughter. I can just pop it on my mom and dad's frame and then you can send videos.


If that's not personal enough, you can even upload a video message to play as soon as they plug it in. Like I'm trapped in the photos.


Or whatever.


Whatever you want it to say. And this holiday season, Aura is having the best sale of the year. Listeners can save on the perfect gift by visiting AuraFrames.com. That's A-U-R-A-Frames.com. That's right. And then use the promo code HEADGUM to get $30 off their best-selling frames. Perfect. So get your frame before they sell out. The perfect gift for the perfect family members.





Terms and conditions obviously apply.




But again, that's AuraFrames, A-U-R-A, frames.com, promo code HEADGUM to get $30 off. Amazing. Thank you, Aura.




Wow, Erin, you're like a cosmic yellow, and JPC, you're like a dashing purple.


Oh, Adal, are you reading our auras? Oh, no, I'm just stoned.


Oh! But speaking of Aura, have you seen my new picture frame? It's blowing my mind, even when I'm not high. Wow, Adal, did you get an Aura digital frame? Yes, I did. It's so easy to get started, but then once you do, the tech is incredible. I can upload photos right from my phone in just one click. I got an Aura frame for my mom. I got one for my sister, Sadia. I can upload albums and photos to their frames as well. It's so cool.


Mm-hmm. And it's not like those digital frames from the early 2000s. There's no USB or SD cards and no hassle. You can change the photos anytime. It has unlimited storage and it's the best digital picture frame according to Wirecutter, The Strategist, and Wired.



And I know what you're thinking, just because there's no SD cards or USB sticks doesn't mean that you can't tape sticks and cards to your Aura frame. Now, once you do that, you will not be able to see the pictures anymore because you taped a big stick to it. And, if you're anything like me, ladies, your wife will get pretty mad that you've done that. Don't bring sticks in the house.


Your Aura frame and your Aura as a person are very dirty. Anyways, give the best gift ever this holiday season. Visit AuraFrames.com today and get $30 off their best-selling frames with code RIDDLE. These frames sell out quickly though, so get yours before they're gone. That's Aura, A-U-R-A, frames.com with promo code RIDDLE. Terms and conditions apply.


Aura does not condone Adal getting high. Adal was high in life the whole time. Adal did not use drugs.


Please do not put sticks on the aura frame, even if your wife tells you you can bring the stick in the house. No, that's not one, that's not something. That should be one! Let that be one! This podcast is sponsored by Squarespace.


Adal, Adal.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.



Um, you know how, um, GPC is, um.


Sorry, I was on my morning walk. Did you have something?


Yeah, sorry. I know it's 3 p.m.


but this is morning for me. What?


I have a new website. Did I tell you about Squarespace? I started a new website.


I started a new website with Squarespace. What were you saying?


I was gonna say I made a website of like JBC podcast fails of all of his bloopers from Hey Riddle Riddle. That's what I did. And I used Squarespace. There's two


Oh my god, this is amazing. Yeah, Squarespace is like the all-in-one website platform, you know, where I like to post any and everything that I ever have ideas for. You can, you know, manage a growing brand, you can post JPC bloopers, you know, it creates a beautiful website. You engage your audience, you can sell anything from products to content to JPC bloopers all in one place, all on your terms.


I'd like to hear another ribble.



Erin, he called you Mr. President?


I know. We're able to see this on our website because you can host video content and organize your video library and showcase your content on beautiful video pages and sell access to your videos with member areas. For even the best videos, you have to be in the member area to get that.


Oh my god, I love Dookie. Wait, Dookie? Am I saying that right? Oh, ice cream! Oh my god, I love ice cream.


Well that one's not really a blooper, it's more of him admitting he likes Green Day. You know, I enjoy the custom merch. You can easily sell custom merch and create a passive income stream that engages your audience and scales your brand, design your products and production, inventory, shipping, etc, etc, all handled for you, saving you time and money.


And it's super intuitive and easy to use. With Fluid Engine, a next-generation website design system for Squarespace, it's never been easier for anyone to unlock unbreakable creativity. You start with a best-in-class website template and customize every detail design with reimagined drag-and-drop technology for desktop or mobile. Like, for example, like look at this video.



One of my contacts just fell out of my eye into my mouth, and I don't think I wear contacts, and I'm wearing a big mask, so it shouldn't be in my mouth.


That one's actually kind of sad.


Anyways, go to squarespace.com for a free trial. And when you're ready to launch, go to www.squarespace.com slash riddle to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. That's squarespace.com slash riddle to get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. But JPC Bloopers is already taken.


Wait, there's a third website about JPC Bloopers. My Bloopers? JPC, did you make your own Squarespace site? I bloop!


Alright everybody, welcome back. We all agreed, we like this. We like that game, huh?


We loved it.


So why don't we play a completely different game now? And hey, maybe we end up liking this game even more.



I don't know, nobody likes change. Good point. Thank you for laughing. I stole that from friends. Hold up. Good writing.


Hold up.


So JPC, you're saying, thank you Erin, you're saying we're pivoting. Pivoting.


Alright, this one comes with a little bit of a story and I really do like this because these come from Bailey and Bailey writes, these are called clings, C-L-I-N-G-Z with an exclamation point.


Which is a puzzle game that their high school band teacher came up with. And I'll be interested to know if anyone else has ever heard of this puzzle game, because I would love it if a high school band teacher tried to pass off a puzzle game they picked up somewhere else as their own, and there was like a generation of high school students that are like, yeah, our band teacher was so smart.


Am I crazy, or does Klingz, C-I-L-N-G-Z, does that sound like Bratz dolls, like needy boyfriends? Like you buy a separate doll that's like their needy little boyfriends?



These are Klingz. I think clings in general is bad branding for a like a word puzzle game. But you know, this person was a band teacher, not a marketing professional. So every answer is a combination of two or more phrases that connect over a shared word or sound.




I'll give you an example. Once you get the example, I think that you'll you'll get it. So your example is here's here's your like phrase. Francie Nolan and Detective Peralta cut down the tree's trunk and made a boat and sailed away and the tree was very happy.


Whoa, what? Is it the giving tree? The Brooklyn Nine-Nine giving tree?


Okay, so there's one thing that connects those two things together. You've got the giving tree and you've got Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Okay. There's a third phrase.


Wait, I don't think I understand. I mean either.



Okay, so Francie Nolan and Detective Peralta cut down the tree's trunk and made a boat and sailed away. And the tree was happy. Adal, I think you clued into Detective Peralta there?




And then all the stuff about the tree is from The Giving Tree.


Paddle your own canoe, Brooklyn Nine-Nine.


No, it's the giving tree. Then there's another missing phrase in between that connects to Brooklyn Nine-Nine.


Oh, a tree in Brooklyn.




Oh, a tree grows in Brooklyn. A tree grows in Brooklyn. The giving tree grows in Brooklyn Nine-Nine.


Nine-Nine. Wow, that's a long one. That's hard. Holy crap. Can this be a group effort?


Unfortunately, no. But we just did the first one as a group effort. The three of us solved the first one.


The guess is not always right. Okay.


Of course. We are not hysterical.


Just like on Friends. This can be a group effort. I don't know how you would ever get these without it because some of these, like the tree grows in, Dora, a tree grows in Brooklyn. What is that? I'm not even sure what that is. It's a book. It's a book?



Okay. Yeah, I think it's like a young adult book from the 80s, 90s.


A la Maniac McGee.


As his adrenaline kicked in, Rimsky-Korsakov had to make a choice.


Which option would give him the best chances of staying alive?


I have to assume Adrenaline kicked in, that has to be Jason Statham's character from Crank?


It has to be.


Has to be?


No, it's not. It's not Jason Statham's character from Crank.


Saturday Night Fever. Yeah, staying alive.


Saturday Night Fever or John... You're on the right track with Stayin' Alive, but it's not Saturday Night Live... The Bee Gees. Bee Gees. You got Bee Gees. Yes. I'll tell you this. When you get one, I'll tell you where it goes. So Bee Gees is the very last one.



Could you read it again?


As his adrenaline kicked in, Rimsky-Korsakov had to make a choice which option would give him the best chances of staying alive.


Now, did Korsakov write the score Flight of the Bumblebee? I have to assume so because that is the second answer.


So you've got Flight of the Bumblebeegees.


So Flight must be, is it Stanislav Washington's character from, what's that movie, Flight?


So something that ends with, the phrase that ends with Flight.


Fight or Flight of the Bumblebeegees.


It is fight or flight of the Bumble Bee Gees.


You mean high school kids were solving this in band?


I didn't understand any part of any of that whole riddle.


I can see Erin walking away from the podcast. We're scaring her. GPC, do an easier one, please.


I guess I'm fresh out of easier ones.


I mean, because I get killed at the end of this if I don't win enough points. Is that how, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. You signed the paperwork. I did. I did.



Everybody gets killed at the end. I mean, that's the end, right? Yeah. That's bleak. Here's your next one. Friar Tuck lifted his mask and whispered to the batter, Robin Hood's pitching like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.


Now Forrest Gumpire's gonna be one of them.


Robin Hood walking through the forest gump.


Merry Men of the Forest. Merry Men of Sherwood Forest Gumpire? You nailed it.


Seriously, who's that?




It is Sherwood Forest Gumpire.


Adal's brain is uniquely broken for this game. Wow, that is just... To me, the riddle sounds like the answer. Like, I just don't... I understand what we're doing, and I don't understand what we're doing.


And here's the thing. This is how my brain naturally works. Someone please give me a job.


There are no jobs that- Adal, I'm trying to tell you this.


I don't know. I think you could be president. This is big.


Also, Adal, I just gotta remind you, you are currently at work. You are doing your job. This is the job that you are doing. I do want to see a scene. So I love the idea of Friar Tuck being a catcher, but not an umpire. So you're Friar Tuck Adal, and everyone is coming up to bat, and you are using your Friar Tuck language to kind of try to get in people's heads.



Hail and well met! Nice to see you at the plate again. Hither and tither, I've requested your presence here today.


Don't talk to me, man. Come on, I gotta focus.


Oh, Big Stick? What are you, Teddy Roosevelt? Interesting.


How do you know who Teddy Roosevelt is? Strike! Come on!


Well, let me whip this ball back to the mound man, is what I call him. You know, Robin Hood, I just stole something recently. Your mother's heart. What?




Come on! I gotta go talk to my mound man, one second. Hey, can you pitch right when I psych him out? I feel like you're waiting another ten seconds.


Just use the hand signals, okay? You spend so much time talking to everyone, you gotta just learn the hand signals. Don't come all the way over here to me, man.


I've told you, Mound Man, that my left hand is holding my mask and my right hand... Is that me? ...is a tankard of me. What do you mean, strike? They're all the way over there. Aha, fooled them. Good job, Mound Man. Come on. Oldest trick in the book. Alright, that is two outs.



You're getting dust all over your hems. Get back there.


Next at bat, it's... Okay, I'm up to bat.


Oh, are you nervous? I heard a lot of warm-up lips.


Yeah, you have a sunburn in your bald spot. What? Home run! Taking my time, kissing babies, doing a cartwheel. Get that baby off the field.


I love that the umpires call strike and ball the same way they call home run.


As she pulled the Master Sword from the Triforce pedestal, F. Scott's wife was finally confident that she could defend herself and her dog from the Darkseekers.



Now I know Zelda Fitzgerald, but I don't know what the Dark Seekers is. Zelda Fitzgerald's Game? Stephen King?


No, so Zelda Fitzgerald is the last... The Legend of Zelda Fitzgerald? No, that would just be two. You got Legend of Zelda, and you got Zelda Fitzgerald. Now there's one more that you don't have.


One more before that. Oh, is Legend, is that the Tom Cruise movie? I am Legend. I am Legend. Ooh, Erin, nice one. Erin?


Did you just solve the puzzle?


I am Legend.


No, I solved it! I am Legend of Zelda Fitzgerald.


Alright, now another quick check in with Erin Whitehead. Erin, is it making any more sense?


No. Only because I literally know none of these references. If we're doing 90s rom-coms, you know, like, what the fuck are these movies? Zelda?



Failure to Launchpad?


So this sucks, but I wrote two of them, and one of them does involve a 90s rom-com, so I think... You know what? Was this 90s? I think this was 90s. I think this was maybe early 90s, but here we go. These are some, those were from, like I said, from Bailey and Bailey's high school band teacher or whatever. But I don't mind saying that I also invented a game, it's also called Klingz, and it's played the exact same way.


With three Zs.


Yeah, three Zs, because it'll make you sleepy. Or don't sleep on this game. So here's one that I think Erin Whitehead will have a little more to say about. Pressure. Yeah, shit. Never mind. This was nothing. The only thing worse than finding out your nemesis is your dad is coming to terms with your daughter's impending wedding to this female-focused monster movie sequel.


Father of the Bride is in there somewhere.



Father of the Bride of Frankenstein? It is Father of the Bride of Frankenstein.


And where does that go?


Bride of Frankenstein obviously goes after Bride. Well, yes, but... Oh, is there a first part? Yes, so you need the first part. The only thing worse than finding out your nemesis is your dad is coming to terms with your daughter's impending wedding to this female- Look, I am your father of the bride of Frankenstein. Erin, that is almost there. You are so close.


What does that mean? I got it. It's not Luke, I am your father?


It's not Luke, I am your father. It's commonly misquoted as Luke, I am your father.


No, I'm your father. Please. No, I'm your father of the Bride of Frankenstein.


I'm sorry, Erin, don't no please me. This is a game with an answer.


Please, once the public decides that something is a certain kind of quote, come on.


Hey little buddy, no, I'm your father of the Bride of Frankenstein.


Erin, was that, is Father of the Bride, that's 90s, right? Early 90s?



Early 90s, yeah.


I am glad that I did say that, you said the thing about 90s Rob Cubs, I said that I had one and you immediately got it.


Immediately got it.


That one makes me happy. I know my genre. This is how, I used to play like trivia when I was in college with my smart friends who were like really good at trivia and we'd go to trivia and they knew nothing about pop culture and I knew some things about pop culture. So it's like they would take every 90% of the work and then there would be like three pop culture quotes and I'd be like, I think that's Kesha. And then they'd be like, it's Kesha. And I'd be like, okay, so I got us the one point that I'm gonna get us today.


I do think something happens to my brain with trivia, and I think this riddle might be bringing it out, where I know things and they go away. And so something like that, like, I, because some of these movies I do know, despite them not being 90s rom-coms, and I am not thinking of them. It gets wiped. Yeah, it's gone.


Father of the Bride is always top of mind for me because every time I'm in Pasadena, I drive by the Father of the Bride. They must go like to live there is to know that a bunch of women are going to sit and park outside and look longingly at your house.



I'm wearing a Father of the Bride sweatshirt right now. Sidekicks was his fake shoe company.


Wow! I am so jealous!


What is happening?


Holy shit! The secreticity today is really a little bit wild.


This is very- first Hingham, and now- I know.


This is wild. Erin and I have probably taken pictures- we've probably waited for each other to move to take pictures in front of this house. We for sure have. I'm for sure buying that sweatshirt. Is that okay if I am walking around with the same sweatshirt? Oh my god, please. It was given to me by a friend when she got married. It was actually a wild horse's gift. She got all of us different colors. We would mention Father of the Bride in almost every show somehow.


That is wild. I can't believe that. That is so cool. It's so weird. I tried to take a picture outside of the Breaking Bad house when I was in New Mexico and people live in that house and there was a person in the driveway and so as I was driving by I was like, nope, just keep driving by.



I wonder if they like it. I tried to take a picture in front of The house that Dylan McKay lived in, like Luke Perry from 90210. And the people did not look thrilled. But I feel like the father of the bride people, they have left that house looking exactly like it did in the movie. Like you could paint it if you didn't want.


I feel like if you buy like, like maybe JBC, I want to say maybe 25 minutes from us is the Home Alone house.




And if you drive by, it's like, if you buy that house, you have to know what you're buying. Yes. Like you can't be like, why do people keep stopping by? Like, this is annoying. It's like you're buying a piece of cinematic history.


I think I would enjoy it if it was just the exterior. I would not enjoy it if people, like, tried to get in, obviously. Although, with Home Alone, actually, you know what? They'd be entitled. And they should. And I will be your parent.


Yeah, I've prepped it. Marbles on the floor. You should not buy the Home Alone house, because people will try to break in as a joke, but that's just, you don't want to deal with that.


You'd have men's heads coming through that doggy door, like, every couple minutes.



The Breaking Bad house, as I recall, there's a scene in Breaking Bad where they throw like a pizza on the roof of the house. And I do remember that there was a lot of people coming by and throwing pizzas on the roof of the house. That to me would be bad.


You shouldn't do that. If you leave it in the box, God bless, I'm eating free for life. But if you take it out of the box, it's ruined.


If you come up to me, knock on the door, and say, hi, I used to live in this house, I have this pizza, I would love to throw it up on the roof, it'll be intact, I'll get it off the roof what I've done, and then you can have the pizza, I'd be happy, I'd be fine with that.


I did a bit with that house where I exploded an airplane above it.


You only do it once.


And I was like, hey, if you fucking moved into that house, man, you knew what you were getting into.


I do like the idea of Joe Pesci going to the Home Alone house and being like, I used to live here.


Joe, Joe Pesci. Joe, we saw the movie, Joe.


I bought the Home Alone house. I know who you are.




Joe, buddy.


The top of your hat is melting off, Joe. I mean, come on. Clean yourself up. We have one more. This is another one that I wrote. And again, I apologize, but there is no 90s rom-com connection to this one. So I apologize if it's- I'll take a little nap.



It's okay.


Maybe there's a more recent rom-com connection? Okay, I'm happy with this. We'll see, we'll see. Nothing makes you horny for sea creatures like living with a group of relocating rabbits while navigating post-Edwardian era social dynamics. Okay, the rabbit one... Watership Down?


Yeah, the Watership Down. Is Nemo in there?


No, no, no. Under the water. Nothing makes you horny for sea creatures. Watership Down is the middle one.


Horny for sea creatures?


Like living with a group of relocating rabbits while navigating post-Edwardian era social dynamics.


What did you say?


Oh, I'm just so excited. Watership trickle-down economics.


It's not that. That's nothing. What was the like kind of horny show? Horny show? It's like Jane Austen, but they all have sex that everyone was into.



That's Bridgerton. Bridgerton. This is not Bridgerton. You could tell I was a fan. I would say that you're in the right like area with kind of the craze that Bridgerton was kind of.


Watership Downton Abbey?


It is Watership Downton Abbey, so you're only missing... And we need something that goes to water.


Horny for sea creatures? That covers a wide patch of land.


How does horny for sea creatures cover a wide patch of land? Wouldn't it cover a wide patch of sea? Stupid!


Could you read it one more time? I'm so sorry.


Horny for sea creatures... Now Erin... Erin Whitehead. To win this question, can you count every sea creature under the water?


Oh God, oh God! No, don't! Yeah, I agree, Erin. I agree.


Nothing makes you horny for sea creatures like living with a group of relocating rabbits while navigating post-apartheid era social dynamics. I will say, you've got Watership Downton Abbey and you're looking for a movie.


Is it... A Little Mermaid? Things Are Much Hotter Under the Watership Downton Abbey?



No, it is the title of a movie that you were looking for.


Something Water?


Oh, what's the Michael Shannon and Lily... The Shape of Water Ship... The Shape of Water Ship Delta.


Oh yeah, she's horny for that gross water guy. I hated that movie. She fucked Sushi. I did not like that movie at all. I hated it.


I went with sea creature, because what do you call that?


Yeah, no, you're right.


I didn't want to say fish, because he's not a fish, but he kind of is.


He's a fish man. Nothing makes you horny for a fish man. I hated that movie so much. I was like, yeah, this is the kind of guy women always go for. We don't need to see another movie about it. Yeah, tale as old as time. Tale as old as time.


Well, Erin, we have to have you back on if we ever do a review of Shape of Water, please. Because I want to hear, I'm dying to hear your thoughts.


Then I'd have to watch it again, but okay.


Okay, well, thank you so much to Bailey and I guess in a way, thank you so much to me because I also helped By the end I love those riddles.



I love those puzzles.


JPC, what does J and P and C stand for?


That's just my name, John Patrick Coan, but I just go by my initials JPC.


No, it was your name. Oh, that's just my name. I just realized we've gotten this far. I felt like I earned asking. At the beginning, I was too shy, but then I was like, you know what?


It sucks because I just go by JPC because my name is Erin Whitehead. Yeah, that would have been confusing.


Yeah, my dad in the early days of Hey Riddle Riddle to remember the order of letters of JPC's name. He thought JPC was very funny and remembered it by saying just plain comedy. Just plain comedy. That's what my dad thinks it stands for.


What's also people get it wrong all the time too because I don't know when it was when I was like high school or college JCPenney rebranded to just be JCP. Oh, yes. I feel like we're ramping up towards the end and I feel like I would be remiss if I didn't see at least 30 seconds.



Erin Whitehead, are you comfortable or do you feel like it's in your wheelhouse to do a Boston accent?


You know, I don't know if it's in there anymore. I haven't been around anyone from Massachusetts in so long. Like, I feel like I go, I feel like I almost go more like, I mean, I can do the very basic one, like, pack the car and have it, yeah. But like, that's, anybody can do that. You just change your ways.


I was going to say, I want to see a scene of the two Erins at a high school reunion in Hingham. We don't, we don't need to see it.


I could just be, continue bragging about where I parked.


Packed the car at MIT yard.


The law was very formal. Packed the car at Brigham's.


I packed my Honda Accord at Brigham's. I packed my Honda Accord at Brigham's. Oh, I miss Brigham's so much. I loved Brigham's. I mean, I loved Brigham's. Yeah, I can't talk. The Raspberry Lime Rickey from Brigham's is... I just got the chocolate.



Anything chocolate.


The chocolate lime Ricky. Disgusting.


Honestly, no, I would absolutely get that.


Wait, well speaking of things that we should absolutely get, that's a segue. Erin, do you have anything, Erin Whitehead, do you have anything that people could check out or anywhere that you would like to point people to?


Yeah, I'm at girl with a tail on unfortunately every social media platform you can find. Except TikTok, I can't figure it out, I'm too old. And listening to me and my co-host Seth Morris on our podcast College Town on Comedy Bang Bang World.


Adal, what about you? Anything you would like to plug?


I would like to plug, oh boy, whoever, who did the, Bailey did those riddles? Bailey, yes. I want to plug Bailey, because those were outstanding riddles, and also whoever did those movie name riddles. I feel like this was some of the best listener submitted content we've had in a long time. So I encourage, I will plug people sending us their home grown bespoke riddles and puzzles at hrrpodcast.gmail.com. Send us an email, send us some games. Erin, Keif, anything you'd like to plug?



Just check out our Patreon, patreon.com slash Hey Riddle Riddle. I really want to get to the Columbo bonus episode DM'd by Anthony Burch. I think it's a ton of fun and we are a few people away from that. So if you want to hear that episode or just get a one week free trial and listen to as much as you can in that week, check out patreon.com slash Hey Riddle Riddle.


And I would like to read a 5-star review. If you want to get a 5-star review featured on the show, just go to wherever you read the 5-star reviews, or like write one, make sure you click the 5-star button, and then I might read it on the show. Hey, today I'm reading one from MissMac666. MissMac666 writes, Farts. It's sad when one of the highlights of your year is hearing JPC read the riddle you sent in about a fart. A+, I guess. Well, it's been a weird year for you, Ms. Mack, but it's a weird year for all of us, and I'm glad that you got your fart riddle on the show. If you want to send a fart riddle, go ahead and email it to hrpodcasts at gmail.com. Make sure the subject line says fart and the body says fart. Oh, why'd I ask for that?



Oh, Casey, cut that out. Cut that out.


Don't send that email.


Don't send that email.


And Erin Keif.




Once again, speaking of gases, there is a planet out there that is mostly gas. What would that planet be?


Today we're


Hey there, plumps and condolences. If you liked that, you're going to love this week's Patreon. It's a holiday edition of Hey Relationship Relationship. You can listen to that plus our entire back catalog at patreon.com slash hey riddle riddle by joining the clue crew for $5 a month or start your seven day free trial or the review crew for $8 a month and you get those ad free episodes. See you there.



That was a headgum podcast.