Which Riddle Riddle?

#275: Bleh Riddle Riddle 6!



This is a HeadGum podcast.


Alright, Halloween.


Let's do it.


I gotta get in the fucking mindset. Boo! Give me ten minutes to have to change my pants.


Ten minutes? That's way too long.


Ten minutes if you shit your pants, that's too long. I guess if it's liquid shit ten minutes, but if it's solid shit, you should need two max. Wow.


I actually don't want to talk about this.




One, two, three, four, bleh.



Good evening, folks, and welcome to another episode of Terrifying Sounds. Tonight we're playing the audio of a very scary incident. Here we have Colonel Tillamandu and Dr. Savannah as they made their way into the pyramids of Egypt. As they went further and further down into the bowels of the pyramid, they came upon a sarcophagus of one Tutankhamun. Here now, the audio of them opening the sarcophagus, which is the last known audio of both Colonel Telemundo and Dr. Savannah.


Dr. Savannah, uh, it's a little bit dusty in here. I'm afraid I might sneeze.


That's okay, Colonel. It's the times where sneezing is not a big concern to me. Just go ahead and make sure you don't cover your mouth. Uh, sneeze it out as hard, as fast as you can. And if a little gets on me, a little gets on me. Little dirt never hurt nobody.


Dr. Savannah, the people back at base are sort of accusing you of being a pervert for sneezes, and that moment didn't quite help your case.



Well, we're not back at base, are we? Kind of feels like out here in the wild, a two gentlemen can just kind of be who they really are. No need to judge each other, or judge each other's perversions.


And there's no one here. Who could wake up from a thousand, two thousand years sleep to judge us for me sneezing directly in your mouth.


Colonel, I love your famous dry sense of humor. Now, I also love your famous wet sneezes.


Stepped on your joke.


Well, yeah, you did. We've been working together for too long, Colonel. Too long.


I'm so sorry. I really... I do feel bad about that.


Is it the way I hit dry? Is it the way I hit dry? I telegraphed it too much when I said dry. It's a humor.


I think I'm just overly caffeinated, doctor, and I stepped on your joke. I felt it coming and instead of letting you do it, I sort of cut the ribbon for you, if you will. Not a problem, Colonel Rifai.


Here's where I'll pause this audio to let you know I should have skipped ahead. Sorry, let me fast forward here. And now we get to the moment of the opening of the sarcophagus.



Wow, that was scary as all hell.


Glad that's over.


Yes, we got away unscathed.


And here's where I'll pause. It seems I fast-forward too far. Now, of course, fast-forward is a new technology in 1910, so I'm still getting used to it. Let me try and rewind slowly, see if I can catch it right in time.


Here's an idea. I have to tell you, Dr. Soap. Ah! Zombie!


Erm... Mummy! Zombie?


Sorry. No, I'm not. Don't get offended. I know you're a mummy.


Do I apologize to him? You're a British gentleman. You shouldn't have to apologize to him.






Curse! Thank goodness we got away unscathed.


Hey, why don't we go back to base camp and... Why don't I take off all my clothes and you can try that sneezing thing again. There we go.


Come on, cover my mouth. No!



Turn tape over and welcome to another episode of Bleh Riddle Riddle. This is Bleh Riddle Riddle number six. I'm Adal Rifai. Number six? Yeah. Yeah, introduce yourself with a spooky little name or something.


Um, trick or Keif?


Hell yeah.


Oh, okay. I will be John Pumpkin Coan.


Okay. And that's, of course, we've been for the last six years mentioned that's very similar to David S. Pumpkins.


Happy six year anniversary of the maddest I've ever been of you. Thank you, Erin. Maddest I've ever been at you. And of you. Other than the ball pit. We made it six years after the time where I was the angriest I've ever been.


Speaking of the angers you've ever been, Erin, right before we started recording this episode, you mentioned that you were mad at Lou, your dog, and you said something that made me laugh very hard. Can you repeat what you said?


Trying to remember what I said. Did I say, she's a stinker and I'm going to send her to space?



You said, she's a little stinker and I'm going to send her to space. And I couldn't stop laughing and I said, that sounds like something Catherine Hepburn would say in like an old-timey movie.


You're a little stinker and I'm going to send you to space.


And we've decided to write a movie starring CGI Catherine Hepburn and a dog, where all Catherine Hepburn does is dress down to dog and keep threatening to send it to space.


Our budget is negative two thousand dollars.


How have you already spent two thousand dollars? We had a dinner to talk about it. It was a very expensive dinner. Okay, so speaking of the madness you've ever been, we should answer last year's riddle. Which was, if you remember from one year ago today, it was, why didn't the monster eat the crazy person?


I wonder if everything that makes you mad can eventually be something you don't care about at all. Because that's progress in my mind.


Yeah. From anger to apathy?


From anger to apathy.


The JPC story? Letting go. Letting go. Letting go. Let go and let God. Why didn't the monster eat the crazy person?



Because he wasn't hungry for Adal.


Wow. He was allergic to nuts. JPC, did you look this up?


No, but I have a little bowl of cashews right here, and I have been snacking on my little cashews.


Like a little rabbit. The answer is he was allergic to nuts.


I was going to do a thing where I opened the coffin in the opening and started eating some of the coffin bugs inside, but then I was like, you know what? Even though people, no, I was going to call them coffin bugs. I have that all planned out. I had that all planned out. Even though that move was telegraphed, I don't think people enjoy eating on Mike and so I said I can wait. I can wait to eat my little cashews until we take a little break.


That's very pleasant of you. Let's take a moment of silence to just appreciate how thoughtful that was of JPC not to smack his little cashew lips on Mike. Oh no, he's doing it.


Well, you asked for it! You don't do the moment of silence. I'm sorry for all the people that have the fake disease where they can't listen to me eat a cashew or whatever. Fuck off. Happy Halloween.



Hi. I'm on your side. I wish I could lay in bed with a microphone and eat Cape Cod potato chips the entire time we record an episode. That's my secret wish, so I'm rooting for you.


Yeah, I guess I have the easiest job of the world, but it's still too hard.


My obsession, my little crunch obsession has been, uh, Trader Joe's has these mung bean crackers. Oh my god. They're just the fucking perfect, sweet, salty snack. I gave JPC a bag and then I gave JPC five bags.


He gave me five bags and guess how long they lasted in this fucking house? 14 minutes. Yeah, it was about 15 minutes. It was a mung bean feeding frisbee in my kitchen. Well, mung bean shark.


Gotta get the mung.


I do. Also, God, it's so fun to say mung bean.


Mung bean top tier bean. I'd say cashew king of nuts and mung bean king of beans.


I think. Mung Bean sounds like Kong Bean and King of Beans makes me think of like King of Beasts. So now I want to see like a Mung Island where like the big Mung Bean lives.



Erin, do you remember anything? I'm having a bit of a brain fart. Maybe we can cut this out. Do you remember what Tutankhamun is? You know Tutankhamun, he's sort of like a... A mummy? Yeah, that's right. Mummy, mummy, mummy. Spider, spider, spiders. Give me such a fright. A ghoul terrifies haunted doll hair giveaway. Based on a tome attitude, my death in riddies and puzzies. Undead Adal writes a check. It's time for another spooky, spooky game show. Are you two ready to play?


Ready to win. I have a question. Have we done this before?


Yeah, we've done it before.


Several times. Okay, okay. We've done this several times. This version, the spooky version.


Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I said. Hold on, hold on. That's new though, right? I've never heard that in my life. Is that correct? Who was that man? That's brain speaking new. That's Carney.



Parrot. Casey says it's not. Fuck. This is concerning to me if that's not new.


Oh, man. Well if you've never heard it, it's new to you. That's right. Here's what I want to do first. I want to play a little game called A to Z. We played this last year with spooky words. This year I want to play A to Z with possible Halloween costumes for this year. Now Halloween I think when this comes out is I want to say six days away, something like that. So people still have time to cobble together a half-assed idea. And I want you to give some costumes. Ideally your response takes no more than just a few seconds. Erin, why don't we start with you? We're going to go in alphabetical order. We're going to bounce back and forth. So Erin, you'll start with A. JPC will go to B. Erin, you'll have C, et cetera, et cetera. And I'll give points at the end for who I thought did the best. Everybody ready? Yes. Yes. Erin, take us away.


Abe Lincoln, sexy.


Bebop and Rock Slutty. So that is a combo costume where one of you can be more conservative and the other one could be a little more sexy. Okay.



Cat, Slutty.


Okay, a sense of theme.


Doja Cat, not Slutty. I want you to do your most chaste Doja Cat.


Erin Keif, Slutty.


Kurt. Frank. And then in parentheses, like penis, in Stein. So it's like a, it's like a, cause like a Frank Farad of, yeah.


When has Frank been slang for penis?


I was thinking more like hot dog, like a hot dog is like phallic, you know, but like.


I can think of one instance and it's something about Mary where it says he got the Frank above the beans, but I don't know if that movie's on.


Casey is typing.


Okay, we gotta go faster. We gotta go faster.


Uh, he said Fucking Stein was right there and I agree with Casey.


You play the goddamn game. Frankengrind.


Uh, ghost!




Uh, horse. Jesus Christ. You said faster!



Ice cream cone.


Joker, comma, sexy.


Keith, comma, slutty.


Uh, Lincoln comma Abe comma Slippy. Hold on, I'm proud of that one. I like that one a lot.


I like that one a lot. Mom.


All right, for the first time ever, I'm stopping the game.


No, no, no, why? What did I do wrong? Mummy. A mummy. She's a mummy. She's a mummy.


Okay, okay, clear. I just want to make sure that we're all in the Halloween spirit, because it just seems like, I don't know, I don't know.


I have my next one.


We're repeating a lot of stuff. I just can't even next one. Okay.


Knob Goblin. This is kind of sexy. There we go. Back on track.



Um, ostrich comma sexy.


Uh, okay. Can't picture it?


This one's more conceptual. You're not trying hard enough.


This one's more conceptual and it's only for kind of like adult Halloween for like sexy Halloween and it's, it's, it's penis. Mm-hmm. There's a costume.


Didn't we say that we were going to turn this podcast into a spirit of Halloween for the month of October? Didn't we promise together that?


We promised that this year we're going to have the Hey Riddle Riddle Halloween logo and then have a spirit banner Halloween draped across it as if it's taking over.


Now, did we promise that on an episode that's come out already or did we promise that on an episode that hasn't come out yet?


I don't think we talked about it on an episode at all. I think it was in between. I did penis.


I was singing the song.


Queen Elizabeth, comma sexy.


Rugrats, comma Tommy, comma sexy.


Spirit of Halloween.


Tommy Pickles, comma Rugrats, comma sexy.



You. Umbrella, comma not sexy.


Victorian child, comma, dying of dysentery, comma, sexy.


Oh, dibs. With love. That's my costume of the year. Which, comma, sexy?


Xena, hornier, princess.


What's something that begins with a Y?


Y. Well, if you did which, JPC has Y. U. No, I did X. Come on.


You're up, JPC. Y is just you? You just said you? You.


Be yourself for Halloween.




Um, Z. Sorry, be the sexy.


Uh, Z, this is a little bit of a cheat, but it's gonna be, uh, buh, comma, zinga, comma, young Sheldon, comma, sexy.


Why is there a comma between buh and zinga if the letter was Z? Should it be zinga, comma, buh?


I'm reading off the list you gave me. I don't know. You told us to say all this. Adal sent us a list before in an email and then we just read it verbatim.



R.I. R.I.P.


because this is the first ever Bleh Riddle Riddle dead literal literally dead stop. Uh oh. Who got it?


We both win the money? Jamie's here. What's going on? Huh, what is going on? That's the longest a game's ever taken and that's the worst you've ever done in a game. Hold on, hold on. Half of those were good, half of those were good costumes. Here's what I'll say. Aaron and JPC, zero points. Casey, Tony. What? One thousand points for Fucking Stein.


Are you kidding?


No, I'm not kidding.


I could have said Fucking Stein. Couldn't.


Did we explain how all the costumes would have worked? It would have taken way longer.


Too many commas, too many sexies, too many outfits that were not in any way associated with Halloween or anything scary or spooky in general.


Alright, too many sexies. Let's not be going to Adal's Halloween party because apparently he don't want the hotties with the bodies up in his spot.


I like them frumps. I want to make sure that we're, are we in the Halloween spirit? Is there something I can do to help better set a spooky table? What do you, what do you need from me in order for this to be a little more Halloween tinned? It's just a table.



Oh, I wouldn't say no to a pumpkin spice donut.


Yeah, pumpkin spice latte, some candy corn, apple cider donut.


All right, perfect. A Reese's varietal. I would, I would pick that up for eating crackers.


Okay, here's what I think is going on. I think me, Adal, I'm not very scary. I have a beard. My eyebrows look kind of angry, but that's not necessarily scary, more annoying. So I'm going to bring in someone I think might scare you into shape. So let me just step outside this door. I'll be right back.


Who do you think is going to be? Pussbot?


I mean, it's usually Puzzbot.


Who is Puzzbot? I don't know who that is.


My name is Blood Clot.


Adal, when we have meetings with your therapist, we talk about why Puzzbot exists and it's when you feel so disappointed by us that you disassociate from yourself and you have to send Puzzbot in.


That's a question for Adal, but that sounds right. Here's what I'm going to do. Blood Clot would like the two of you to do. Hey, wait, what does that sound? Sorry, my gears must be broken. Looking inside chest. Nope, not in here. Looking inside butt. Nothing there. Looking inside head.



Nothing there. It must be a... bop bop bop bop bop bop bop. Halloween Animal Parade.


Oh, okay Blood Clot. Yeah, was that, was that necessarily the beat? It doesn't matter Blood Clot, you're doing great.


Here I'll play a recording of Adal doing it. That's better, that's better.


And one of you... Yeah guys, a hamster dressed as a ghost.


A vampire who is a barracuda.


A horse bobbing for apples.


A cheetah on holiday. A wolf trick-or-treating. A marmot with a costume.


A bird rest as Iron Man. The cut-off is gone. I award you both zero points. Is everything okay? Still tight? Still tight is pretty good.



Wow, no points.


Is everything okay with you two?


No, I have no points. I said ostrich comma sexy and I got no points. What is this place?


Is it because an ostrich is already inherently sexy?


Hey guys, I just saw someone leave out the door that I came in through. Was that, did I know that person?


No. In a way, yes, but it's way too much for us to unpack now.


Wipes off metallic paint. Oh, I was just doing a Mad Max audition.


How'd it go?


I think I got the fart.


Oh, cool.


It was me and Anya Taylor-Joy auditioning for the female lead.




Okay. I think it went well.




Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, why don't we, I don't know what happened while I was gone here, but why don't we pick up with A game that we started doing last year that instantly became my favorite thing we've ever done on this show. Erin, I think you remember your trailer. Do you remember?



Yes, my publicist told me not to confirm or deny the existence of that episode and how I actively was not listening when you gave me the name of the trailer and then dove straight. Basically, it was like diving into a pool without water. It's one of the most dangerous things I've ever done on this show.


It was a disaster. You and Bugs Bunny, the only two people who have ever done that. That could happen to anyone. Honestly, it could happen to anyone. I think Dead and Breakfast was the name of your trailer. Anyway, this is called trailer. Damn near killed her. What's going to happen is you both have two minutes to improvise the perfect horror movie trailer based on the title I give you. You will do all the voices in the trailer. You do all the sound effects. You'll do the narration, the overlaid narration, if you like. Any edits, any cuts, any songs slowed down to sound spooky. You'll list the cast if you want to say like who plays who. Your mission is to make me scared to miss this movie. Are you two ready?




Now, I have a question. It's more of a question of logistics. Is Erin going to get the same name of the trailer she did last year? Just as a true test to see if she can remember the name?



I've already said it once. Erin, did you hear what I said?


Dead and breakfast.


Okay, then she shouldn't give it.


She should get something different. If she remembers it, she shouldn't give it.


JBC, let's have you go first so Erin can learn from watching.


Get a sense of how the game is played.


I'm gonna dance. I'm gonna dance. Okay, we're ready.


Wow, Erin's doing a real fun dance. It looks great. Okay, JBC, the trailer I wanna see, and I'm gonna give you two options just because I think that might be helpful. Oh, thank you. Your two options are nobody's ghoul and bansheez all that.


Nobody's ghoul? Is that nobody's girl? Is that the play there?


I'm not gonna confirm or deny the play on anything. This is just the title.


I don't think bansheez all that. Okay. I'll think bansheez all that. Okay. Melissa Rosemont was a very plain girl. And no one at her high school noticed her at all, until one day she took off the glasses, let down her hair, and got struck by a city bus. And then we cut to, we cut to that, we all see that happen and we cut to like her funeral and you know people are just talking through it and like no one really cares. But then there's like a, you know, you see one loner kid who's at, you know, who's left at the funeral after everyone else is gone. Except the local necromancer. That's right. He's bringing Melissa back and she's about to be hotter than ever. But, can she adjust to high school while her body is literally falling to pieces? Hey boys, nose falls off, arms fall off.



Oh my god! Motherfuck! Holy shit!


Didn't that girl die? Who? One minute left. This fall. This Halloween- no, that's not this fall. This Halloween season, Adya Taylor Joy is bringing the Hold on, what is she bringing? She's bringing something back to high school. She's bringing the... She's bringing the... Okay, the scary back to library. That's nothing. This Halloween season, Ban She... Hold on, that's nothing either. Don't get your band saw. Well, no, that's nothing.


The frog that you're dissecting isn't the only dead thing at school.


That's less than nothing. That's not helpful for me. BAM! She's all that.


Scene. Wow. Very nice job. What's the opposite of stuck the landing? Got stuck in the landing? You got stuck in the landing, but... Landing got stuck on me. Landing got stuck on you. His foot's trapped and he's going... But here's what I'll say. I want a t-shirt that says, hi boys. Nose falls off. I think that's one of the better things I've heard. Also, I thought it was very nice, Erin, that you came in to try and help, so I'm going to give Erin 25 points for coming in. Oh, thank you. Just a nice sweet assist, a little bit of a John Stockton move. Hate to use that reference. But here's what I'll say. Anya Taylor-Joy, of course, just competing against me for this new Mad Max Furiosa movie. So I'm going to have to deduct a few points from what I would have given you. So JBC would have got 100 points. I'm going to bump it down to 99.



Honestly, I think what they're doing there, Adal, is they know they want you, but they're trying to drive your price down. So they're like, they're putting Anya Taylor Joy there so that they know that you're going to accept a lower offer because you think that Anya Taylor Joy is going to get the part.


Interesting. I said if they cast me, I'd take him out for a $2,000 dinner. So I'm already out to go.


Ah, yes.


Yeah, that's what we like to call a weak negotiation. So Erin has 25, JPC has 99. Erin, I am going to deduct one point, which is going to take you down to 24, because I believe, I could be wrong, and we don't have time to parse through this, I believe when JPC said the local necromancer, I think you heard the local necrophiliac, because you went, eh.


I wasn't even here. That's audio Casey used from a different episode.


Oh my god, no, no, no, no. Yeah. Oh, no. I'm a necromancer. I just put the quote suspect together. If they want to fuck, they want to fuck, but that is not something I'm even into. That is their decision.



Erin, are you ready for your trailer? Damn near killed her.




Okay. Will you do it anyway? Yeah. Okay. Erin, your options are cemetery Sarah. Or my teacher's a goblin.


Okay. I'm going to go with cemetery Sarah.


Okay. Whenever you're ready. Two minutes.


Sarah's 16th birthday party is right around the corner. And then she's walking through the hallway. She goes, Hey guys, and no one pays attention. He goes, Hey, are you guys off? And no one pays attention. The bad news is she has a party hall booked, but no guests to go to her party. She'll have to try a different hangout spot to find some friends who can come to her party. And she walks upon the cemetery and there's a thunderstorm and all the gravestones get struck and they come alive and they go, Hey, what's your name? Are you dead? And she goes, yeah, I'm dead. As long as you're actually dead, we'll come to your sweet 16.



One minute left.


Cut to the party. Let's get it started. Are you sure you're dead, Sarah? Totally.


Totally dead.


Yes. She blew out her candles. That means she has human breath in her body. Sarah, you lied to us. No, but you guys are the best friends I've ever had. You guys are the best. Please, I'll die. No, Sarah, don't try to die to become friends with us. Stay alive. We love you so much, you should live a long life. Margo Martindale is cemetary star. I just have to say something. I literally was like, I genuinely went in going like, I'm going to do such a good job. Because the second time I did it last year, it went really well. I thought I was proud of my trailer. And I went in with that confidence. There's something about, I'm crying, there's something about this game though. I start doing it and I get really scared. I got really scared in there. Good. Good.



Martheil's a powerhouse. I got to say that is a strong pick.


Yeah, honestly, absolutely not seeing that movie up until the casting reveal, and then I was like, tickets for opening night.


And if the casting reveal is the end of the trailer, you gotta go back and rewatch the trailer because you're like, I watched that girl for the whole trailer. And that is Margot Martindale.


That was Margot Martindale? I've had that with movies before. Wait, that was Gary Oldman?


Yeah, with Gary Oldman. Yeah, he's a Transformer.


He's a Transformer. Uh, okay, okay.


Oh god, I can't remember what happened again.


Erin, I do love the idea of, in the middle of a trailer for a movie, the narrator going, I can't.


I can't. I just was like, oh god, I lost. I stumbled.


If you haven't heard last year's Bleh Riddle Riddle, I recommend you go back and listen to that because this trailer game with both GPC and Erin was just so fun. Uh, Erin, um, I think a lot of what you had happened in that trailer was very reminiscent of what JPC had happened in his trailer.


What else was I supposed to do?



The first part of her trailer was pretty much the same situation as mine.


Are you accusing me of plagiarism?


Erin, here's the thing.


Yeah, yeah, I guess so, sure.


Is it the ants bugs life? We all know what happened there. Armageddon Deep Impact?


I'm a bug's life. He's ants.


Which one had Woody Allen? That's what I wrote.


You. That's the one you want?


To watch. Wait, fuck!


So Erin, I'm going to say, I think your trailer probably garnered you like 15 points, but Margot Martindale inspired choice, so I'm going to bump it up to a full one hand.


Wow, Adal, you think that there can't be two movies about a teen girl in the same year? That's too similar?


Yeah, when they go back to back and listen to the other two.


Those are different. Mine is alive and his is dead. Those are two different teen experiences.


Yours wants to be dead.


Yours wants to be alive.


I think it's not really different. It's the odd couple.


Let's call the whole thing off.



JBC, for the assist, I'm going to add 25 points to your total, but you did use the song, Let's Get It Started in Here, which, if you've ever heard the real lyrics, is very problematic.


But I used the okay version.


All right, we'll keep it to the full 125. So it looks like it's 124 to 124.


Did I ever tell you I had a dream where the Black Eyed Peas were playing on a party and they came on and they played that song but they were playing the not okay version and I was in the dream I was at the party being like, are we gonna stop this? Should we stop this? Then I woke up and I said, what a weird dream to dream in 2022.


Was it Fergie? Was it her and the Black Eyed Peas that sang the national anthem and they cut to the faces of all the players and then they're cracking up? Yeah. That was a terrible moment in history.


Well, she didn't. First of all, National Anthem Bad Song. Second of all, she did that song Dirty. You just gotta sing it kind of vanilla if you want to do the National Anthem. And nobody should. We should have a better song. I think Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA should be the new National Anthem. Because it's just so much more fun. I like that. Erin, what do you think?



Yeah. Yeah, moving my hips like, yeah, not a man. Like, yeah, yeah.


Yeah. And a Jay-Z song was on. And a Jay-Z song was on.


Mm-hmm. We'll be right back with more Bleh Riddle Riddle. I know what you're thinking. Do I have a new hat, Adal and JPC? New haircut? Why am I walking around with so much confidence?


I bet you're wondering. I wanted pretzels from the food court.


And I was just going to let you know that it looks like you leaned on paint.


Anyways, I just had a bunch of subscriptions canceled for me by Rocket Money that I wasn't using. And so now I'm flushed with cash and now I'm confident. Pretzel money? Well, maybe we'll talk about that. Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, and helps you lower your bills all in one place. I've been using it for years, even before they were a sponsor.



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Hey, what's going on? Somebody leaned over my rocket money paint thing. Run. Everybody run. Run. Oh no. Maroon.


Is that DaVinci?


Yeah. Yes.


And bye. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp.


Heck, with my machete clear the overgrown grass. I've done it. I've found it. This ancient city of Better Help. Oh, what is, let me walk through here. This doesn't look ancient. It looks like there's people thriving here. What's, hello?


Hey Adal. Hey Adal, what's going on? Oh, you know me. Yes.


What a weird thing to say to Hey Adal. Oh, you know us, right?


You're citizens of Better Help, this town?



Yeah, better help is therapy that's entirely online. It's designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. I've been using it for a long time. It works for the way that my brain works, and we're just here talking about it, celebrating it.


Yes, I am here too celebrating it. You all seem very happy. This seems like a happy bunch of folks. Hey man, why don't you lose the sword? Oh, it's a machete, not a sword. Yeah, you're right.


It's all good. Why don't I take that from you, huh? Yeah, we'll put this somewhere safe.


Okay, thank you. Thank you for that. I appreciate your better help.


Well, I'm not doing better help, but better help as therapy is actually pretty toned to a person like me because I want to learn positive coping skills, I want to learn how to set and enforce boundaries, and I want to check in with someone on my own schedule. I love online therapy for that specific reason.


Adal, if you wanted to try it, all you would have to do is just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist, and you could switch therapists any time for no additional charge.



Wow, you said fill out a stone tablet?


So there are some things that better help is not going to be qualified to help with, Adal. This may be one of them. Maybe we get you to some other type of specialist.


And this is a perfect example of something that not you Adal, but I would be sharing with my therapist.


Okay, okay, everyone gather out, gather out. As I finish dusting off the ancient structure. Boring. It says this podcast is sponsored by Squarespace.



Oh, well that's actually interesting. Squarespace, I've heard of this. Yes, it's the all-in-one website platform for entrepreneurs to stand out and succeed online. Whether you're just starting out or managing a growing brand, right? Squarespace, what I hear, makes it easy to create a beautiful website, engage with your audience, and sell anything from products to content to time, all in one place, all in your terms.


Yes, that's what Squarespace is, but the question, what is it doing buried here? Yes, yes doctor, yes doctor.


Well, I think that they're pretty cool because they can host video content, organize your video library, and showcase your content on beautiful video pages and sell access to your videos on the member areas. It's super intuitive to use. That's probably why it's buried down here.


Yeah, and Dr. Dustoff, world-famous archaeologist, they even sell custom merch. So we could get some Dr. Dustoff merch going. You easily sell it, you create passive income, it engages your audience, scales your brand. Does that sound good?



Yes, yes, yes, we all know about Squarespace and its amazing features, like the Asset Library, where you can organize and access all your content from one place, where you can manage all your files from one central hub and use them across the Squarespace Platform. We know about the value of Squarespace, but the question is, what is it doing buried here?


Okay, Dr. Dustoff, we don't know. You're the archaeologist.


I'm sorry, what? You're- I drove! Oh! They call me Dr. Dustoff because when I get into a car accident, I make it kind of go away. I'm a smooth talker, I'm an easy walker, and I'm not bad looking either. Dr. Dustoff tips his fedora to the two of you.


He just gave his fedora $20. That's too much of a tip. And there's more when that came from a hat. Head to squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you're ready to launch, go to squarespace.com slash riddle to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Dr. Dustoff, um... You're my new favorite character.



Please sign everything.


Yeah, please, please show up in an episode, will you please?


Okay, if you insist. Now hold on, I'm taking a call. Hello? They're burning it down. Good. Oh, do we have insurance? Oh, I gotta take this. Okay. Yes.


This is just JP Riddle.


Go left.


Yeah, this is JP Riddle's in a fedora.


Forget it. I take everything back. I can't believe I fucked up that game again. That felt bad.


Well, that was amazing. But don't worry, we are going to move on to something else.


Casey said I can't believe it.


Is everybody ready to come back? Yes. And we're back and let's launch immediately into more trailer damn near killer.


No, no, no, no, no. Or no, you know what? I could do it because I would be redeemed.


Okay, Erin, do you want to go first?


Oh my god, we're actually doing it.


Yeah, we are.


Oh, okay. I think I can do better than what I did, and I think I can add some more dynamic stuff into my trailer thing. Oh hell yeah.



I do think the one thing causing a little point deficit is that if either of you used a song, like Erin, I don't remember, last year you kept saying, it's raining, it's pouring, etc. Like if we use a song especially, I think that's really going to be atmospheric and cool and good. Erin, would you like to go first or would you like to pass it to GBC?


Okay, I got points off for using an awesome Black Eyed Peas song, so I guess I don't really understand that note, but typical studio behavior.


I kept it 25. I kept it 25.


Okay, okay.


Typical studio behavior. GBC, you go to pick.


I think I'm going to do Erin first and then I'm going to go. Great. Sandwich style.


Erin, your options are... And if there's something that was previously mentioned you want to use, you can absolutely use that. So let's see. Nobody's ghoul has not been used, and my teacher's a goblin. But if you don't want to use either of those, the other options for you, Erin, is going to be, this purse is cursed and that's the worst. Or, haunt it if you've got it.


This purse is cursed and that's the worst.



Great. Whenever you're ready. Two minutes.




Wow. I got it. I got it. I got it.


Okay. And Erin, a new rule because this isn't fair to GPC. Erin, every time you stop, every time you stop, we're going to add 30 seconds onto the clock.


No, no.


So your trailer right now is going to be two minutes, 30 seconds. Whenever you're ready.


Money, money, money, money, money. Carol Smith has a shopping addiction. Money, money, money, money. She's hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit cards. But what if her credit card had a mind of its own? Who are you looking for? You're looking around your room for something. Two and a half minutes left. Money, money. What if your credit card started murdering people? I swear it's not me. I'm not the one murdering people. It's my credit card. Yeah, right. You're just trying to get rid of your credit card and all its debts. No, I'm not. I'm Carol and I'll fix my shopping addiction and stop my murdering credit card.



Two minutes?


This fall.




This Halloween. This curse. This curse. This curse. No. Two minutes, three seconds. This curse. This curse is cursed and that's the worst. Margo Martindale and Alfred Molina. Stop. And this curse is perfect. That's the worst. Money, money, money, money. And then the credit card goes like this. Like you can just slit your throat.


Oh, I like that. Yeah.


And end. I'm exhausted. Minute and a half left. I'm so tired.


I liked it though. I liked it. Even it was short for a trailer, but I still liked it.


Okay, Erin.


You had a minute and a half left. You didn't fill it. So we do have to deduct a point for every second. So that's 90 seconds.



But Adal, I did a creepy song. Can I get some bonus points for that?


Well, here's the thing. You did a creepy song, which was money, money, money, money, which is number one, very hard to make creepy. And number two, last year, if you listen to last year's episode, if you listen to last year's episode, um, an example I used for a song to make creepy was Money by Pink Floyd, which goes a little bit differently, but still is just a repetition of the word money.


So I don't listen to the show, huh?


Okay, so 100 points added to Erin's total.


I heard it's good.


Smart. Erin, world's better. World's better. I'm going to give you 100 points for doing a better trailer. I'm going to give you... I was going to deduct points for using Margot Martindale again, but she's a national treasure. So another 100 points for using Margot Martindale for being smart.


And Alfred Molina is the voice in the credit card.


Wow. And Kevin Kline, for some reason, we don't see them in movies anymore. They both are phenomenal actors. We deserve to see Alfred Molina more. So another 100 points. I think that makes 300. Plus you used... What did you use? No, that's it. 300 points. So that's going to be a total of 434 points for you, Erin. JPC, are you ready for your second trailer? Damn near killed her. Uh-huh. I am. So you, up for grabs if you would like them, is... So up for use if you would like them are Nobody's Ghoul, My Teacher's a Goblin, and Haunted if you've got it. Otherwise you can use Ouija for free and Full Moon Monday.



Ouija for free and Full Moon Monday. Great options. I'll go with Full Moon Monday.


Great. Whenever you're ready, two minutes.


This is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world.


The full moon rises over New York City. We have action shots, people hustling and bustling, talking, yelling, getting into traffic altercations. Everyone is acting kind of aggressive towards each other. New York City, 2023.


Only the strong survive. But this Monday, will strength be enough to survive? One minute left.



This is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world.


As that music plays, we see a shot, it's moving through this crowd of New York City, it's in Times Square, and then there's a girl just in like a white dress, and she's, you know, she looks like she's wet, like she just crawled out of a river and her hair's in front of her face, and as it hits girl, her eyes pop up, and you see the full moon, and then you see werewolf things coming at her teeth, and then suddenly, the crowd, it's chaos, it's panic. People are running, people are screaming, there's blood, people are like holding limbs,


This Halloween, werewolves come to New York City. Full Moon.


Hold on. There's a difference between pausing for dramatic influence and doesn't remember the title.



And this is doesn't remember the title.


Full Moon Monday. Did we hear any of the cast? Well, you saw it. Yeah, that was Kevin Fine.


That's Millie Bobby Brown, my friend. My man, if you can't see Millie Bobby Brown when I show you Millie Bobby Brown, you don't deserve to see Millie Bobby Brown. Fine, I'll give you the cast. I'll give you the cast. They don't do that always. Millie Bobby Brown. Tom Holland. Tom of Hisholmab. Shamik Moore. Tom Holland daysauce. The girl from the guy who's did all the Netflix stuff. I think his name is Noah. The girl from Game of Thrones. She's in there. A couple of Zendaya's. Why not? A couple of Zendaya's? Probably a Colkin. He's the mayor.


Sounds like you won an award and you don't know what you're winning it for.



I'd like to thank all parents, the moon.


And introducing as the moon, Saoirse Rowan.


Is this from the past?


What is this movie? Sometimes they do introducing as like a fun joke. They're like introducing Kevin Kline.


And he's like, come on, it's Kevin Kline. We don't know who that is. Introducing, again, because he's been gone for a while. He does Bob's Burgers, but not much else, I don't think. He does Bob's Burgers, but he does a lot of Bob's Burgers. He does a lot of Bob's. He's the mayor of Bob's Burgers. Um, JPC. Yes. Very good job. Thank you so much. It's very hard to make, um, to put, this is the story of a girl. It's very hard to put that. to the tune of It's Raining, It's Pouring. But somehow you did it.


That was an inspired choice, JPC. I thought that was excellent.


It was a long walk, but we got to the destination.


I'm glad I've never sang it that slow before, and I was like, oh, I don't remember the lyrics when it's coming this slow. You remember the basic stories. You tried to remember. You tried the whole world.



Me and Cinderella can drive it home with one light. Jacob Dillon, one light. Uh, I'm gonna get, JBC, we're gonna go ahead and say 500 points total. Thank you very well executed incredible cast.


Thank you so much.


Wasn't that fun? Thank you, I really appreciate it.


Erin? Five hundred points, good.


Erin? Sorry, that's my little, that's my little hand talking. Sometimes I draw little eyes on my finger and do a little hand talks.


It's just like Erin. A little hand. Erin, I have other stuff prepared, but if you like I'll give you another chance to do a trailer.


I got to get the hell out of here. Well, you know what? Actually, okay. Yeah. No, this time I'll do it. I'm not even kidding. I'm about to blow this up for water.


Hit me. Isn't she confident?


I feel like I'm at 20 and I just said hit me.


No, Erin, this is 21 and you're saying hit me. Okay. Okay. Erin, your options are seance anything. Or cult from the same cloth. Or you can still do My Teacher's a Goblin or whatever else that was.



Sayance anything.


Okay, whenever you're ready, Erin, two minutes.


All my instincts, they return. A grand facade, though soon will burn. Without a noise, without my pride, I reached out from the inside. I'm so happy in our new relationship. Yes, we're in high school and we're falling in love. I'm so glad we found each other. I was such a perfectionist during high school. Enough out of humor. I'm so sad that I spent all of high school just trying to get straight A's. I could have been dating a cool guy like you. Everything's going so well. I hope a demon doesn't take over my body. There's a demon inside the girl from Say Anything. That's what the movie is. She's reaching out from the inside of her to try to kill John Cusack.



One minute left.


He's starting to notice something a little off about her. We gotta get that demon out of her body. Does anyone know on Exorcist? Turns out the dad sent the demon to get the daughter to focus more on. The school work that happened to a boyfriend so she has a contentious relationship with her dad but they get the demon out at the end. Margo Martindale and John Cusack and seance. There has to be a seance.


Yeah, there should be.


There should be. Go back, go back, go back, go back. Oh, we're just dating. Everything's going well. Let's do a seance for fun for Halloween. To the beginning? Back to the beginning? That's how the demon gets in. All my instincts, they return. I thought the dad put the demon in. That was the first try.



That was my first try. Oh, okay.


So is the dad character cut completely? This Halloween. Alfred Molina and Marco Martin Depp.


And John Cusack. Oh, Sam. Time perfect. Erin, time perfect.


Can I do another one? I have to get out of this episode while I'm doing one that is good. It's a sunk cost. It's not a sunk cost. It's not a sunk cost. I can do this.


We're going to do it. Erin, your only option, you have this one option, that's it. My teacher's a goblin.


My teacher's a goblin.


I think you can do it, Erin. I have faith in you.




JPC just texted, I do not have faith in it.


That was about something different though.


It's a cruel, cruel summer. Now you're gone.



You can't sing a song normally and then just go woah woah woah.


Can't I? Kim, it's so annoying that you have to do summer school just because you failed one class because you missed a test by sleeping in. That stinks. We wish you could come to all the fun summer partying we're going to do by the lake. I wish. But I guess his name is Mr. Goblin and he's the summer school teacher. I hear he's nice but really hard. Um, yeah, whatever. Have a good summer. See you in the fall. Hopefully. What was that? Nothing. Hi, I'm here for summer school. It's so cool. And then he, the goblin teacher, is writing his name. Mr. Goblin turns and he looks and there's just something off about him.


Sure, he's a goblin.


And then she goes, is there anyone else in this class? And it's one other cute boy. And then they're walking out from the first day of class and she goes, don't you feel like there's something weird about Mr. Goblin? Doesn't he sort of seem like he could be a goblin? Kim, you're so funny. It's just that his name is Mr. Goblin. Wouldn't that be a hat on the hat and too obvious? You're crazy. He's just a weird guy. You know what? Let's sneak into his house to prove that he's not a goblin. Okay, yeah, I like to flirt and go to a house with you. That sounds awesome. It's a crew. And then they get in the house and the door slams and lock and he goes, I'll show, I need to, I'll teach you a lesson. Never coming to a goblin's house. Murder, murder, murder, murder, murder, murder, murder, murder. It's a cruel summer. And then I'm this Halloween. Margo Martindale and Alfred Molina are in my teachers a goblin.



Time perfect.


Give her one more chance. No. I'm going to give 10,000 points. Thank you. To JPC for being so patient and sitting through.


All right, fine. Send me a list and I'll do it on my own time.


I barely interrupted at all, Erin. I barely interrupted at all.


I felt judgment. I felt the heat for setting it in high school again. I felt judgment. I felt judgment. From who? From you?


From you. I was quiet.


No, you weren't.


Erin, you were absolutely right to feel judgment from both of us, but it's not for why you think.


Why? What is it for?


Everything else except for the school thing.


What are you talking about?


How do you, how do you feel, how do you feel judgment because you said it in the school again and you used Margot Martindale four times?


It was about a teacher! What else, where am I, where else am I supposed to set it? Not a school?


To go back, I can't even, I'm in heaven. This is the best day of my life. To go back to the trailer you did before this one, if studios would be smart enough to have their trailer go turns out and then explain the ending and then also go, go back, go back, go back, go back. I mean, I would go see any movie where the trailer was bold enough, had the balls enough to pull that move.



I think that's- It's a really cool move. for a trailer to do. Is that what you think is the thing that's going on?


When someone is this consistently bad at a thing after this many chances, it seems like I'm throwing this on purpose and I am not throwing it on purpose.


But just no one's here, no one said Erin's throwing this.


Okay, here's what I'll say. Erin, you have 434 points. JPC, you have 10,624 points. JPC, since you have the higher amount of points, you get to decide. Do we go on to some scary spooky riddles? Do we do our annual Rap for Daddy rap segment, or would you like to hear Erin do another trailer damn near killer?



This sucks because obviously I want to make Erin rap, I'd love to have Erin do one more trailer, and then you have to do the classic Riddle at the end. I'd love to do all of these. Every one of these options makes me look like a bad guy though, right? I mean, I don't get away looking clean on any of these things. You think I'll fail?


JBC, I'll absolve you. Erin, you have one minute to wrap a trailer for the movie.


It's all been leading to this, huh?


At least this is not my fault. At least this is not my fault.


Slamming into each other.


You have to wrap a trailer or wrap the plot, whatever comes out. For the movie, Colt from the same cloth. Colt from the same cloth. Erin, whatever you're ready.


It will take me a minute, but I'm gonna get there. Hold on.


Yeah, you'll get there. Yeah, you'll get there.


Your husband died and you're full of guilt, so come over to my house and make a quilt with all the girls they know how to sew. They're really weird though, Adal. You can't do that. Your body can't shut down. You can't shut down if I do this. You think I'm not cringing? You think I don't want to cover my face and tie right now?



Close your eyes. Close your eyes.


Close your eyes. You're going to be okay. We're making quilt. It's a quilt knitting group and they turn out to be a cult, a murdering cult. If anyone else wants to jump in and do a verse of it.


Okay, we'll stop there. Anyone else? What on earth? We'll stop there, we'll stop there.


What on earth?


JBC, I think I'd be remiss if I didn't give you a chance to respond rap to Erin's trailer.


It has to be the same title though.


JPC, you have higher points. Do you agree to that? I can give you a different title. I can give you just a one word suggestion because you've earned this. You are the clear winner of this episode.


Thank you for telling me that I have earned it. I do feel like I have earned it.


Hey Riddle Your title for this.



Oh, I thought you were giving, I thought you were leaving it up to me to see if Erin has been a good sport because I'm like, I don't think so. It doesn't seem like she has been a good sport.


What's my title? I'm typing this into Google. How to delete a podcast episode while you're still recording it.


Huh. I would love to hear Tupac doing a rap track and in the middle of it he goes, wait, no, you can't do that. Come on, Dre. Don't put your body like that. You can't do that.


Delete this. Adal's organs were shutting down. It was so cringy and so painful for him that his body started to shut down.


Which is funny because in my brain I feel absolutely like this is the happiest I've ever been. JPC, the movie that you're going to rap about, it could be a summary, it could be a trailer, whatever you choose. The movie is Blood Brothers. Blood Brothers.


Blood Brothers. Hey, let me tell you about my bro. He is made of hemoglobin. That's right, he's blood. He's an exact copy of my mud. And when I say mud, I mean my atoms. And also, my name is atom. I'm an average high school kid, except... I got blood for a sieve. That's right. He's my blood brother. And we, to one another, are as close as brothers can be. Even though he's made of me, I made him in a lab one night. It was quite a fright. I cut myself when I tried to dig into a frog's skin. And my blood went into frog. Casey. Casey.





Casey. Put it back. Put it back. Thank you. I was not dealt with my story. And I put it in a frog. And he started hopping on a log. And then the frog spoke to me. He said, Adam, your majesty. I am your brother inside a frog because I made it your blood. I said, whoa. This is trippy. Now get into my zippy little monster 3 that I have. Well, actually, my parents paid for it. But it doesn't matter. I'm in high school. My name's Adam. My brother's a frog and he's made of my blood. Coming this summer. And that's the end, Casey. That part was the end. I was done after that. Wow. Wow. Yeah, that one, that part, that one I felt really good about, and I felt really strongly about that, about how that went.


You should, that was incredible. Here's the rub. JPC? Yeah. I'm deducting 10,500 points for you because... This makes sense. Let me explain myself. Yeah, no, I get it. This is like when a football team is up 100 to 1. Sure. And they keep in there for starters.



I'm the Bears right now.


I'm the Bears. And the other coach is like, what the fuck are you doing? You're good. Like, why take out your starters? That just felt unnecessary.


Okay, can I just say something about this episode?


But I'm there to play. Those guys want to play. They wouldn't be professional football players if they didn't want to have a little fun on the field. Here's my worst fear.


If this is your first episode ever, I'm having an off day. This is not like me, okay? I actually am so good at making up trailers. If this is your significant other showing, this is like, oh my God, it's unlistenable to have the one who's bad be also the girl on the show. I hear your comments. I am not mad at this. It's just today, okay? I'm good.


I just, I have to say this. I just have to say this. In no way is this misogyny. I would hope and I would pray and I'll do some self-reflection. I don't think any of the points reflect the fact that you're a woman. I don't think that factors.



Here's what happens. Last night I went out and I had one dirty martini and I am still hungover. I don't feel so good.


If anything, Erin, people are not going to be saying that about you. What they might be saying is, wow, the one woman on this show Really doesn't have any self-awareness about her ability to make trailers.


I did such a good one last year. Last year I did such a good one. I was so good. My dog ate chocolate yesterday and I am hungover because dirty martini is just vodka, they don't tell you. And I am sweating through my shirt. It's hot in here.


Oh. Erin, all of that, I mean if you just would have rapped with, can you rap what you just said? Here we go. Casey?


What did I just say?


No, don't do this. Why are we doing this?


I'm a grown adult and I'm in a cult and what we do is we make quilts and we're full of guilt because we kill each other if the quilt's not good enough. Okay, I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. Puts all of my Hey Riddle Riddle stuff in my briefcase. Here's what I'll say.



Here's what I'll say. No, Erin, hold on. The rap you just did was actually very good.


Did I just rap? What happened? I'm blacking out.


You rhymed. You rhymed a bunch. You rhymed bunches.


Remember the episode during COVID where I lost it? I'm coming up against that right now. I'm hitting that same wall.


Casey, I'm going to keep an eye on the chat. Are we able to clip the trailer from last year and put it at the end of the credits of this episode?


Yes. Thank you.


The good one. Well, we'll put both.


Yes. The good one.


And here's what I'll have to say. Thank you all so much for supporting another Bleh Riddle Riddle. I don't even... points don't matter. Points are nothing at this point. I think we've lost the concept of points, but I do have to say... Well, we will never know.


I thought you read a check at the end of this. Do you not read a check? The song said you had read a check. Not for this one.



And I get that. We have to respect that.


It'll be an IOU.


It'll be a Venmo request.


Venmo request.


I do have something to plug. Yes. So this Friday, the thing maybe I've been most looking forward to since I moved to LA, it's a show. It's called Live Band Scaryoke. And it's a remount of my favorite thing that used to happen in Chicago. Where it's like a live band karaoke show where a bunch of comedians and then also very, very talented singers are going to be singing in costume at the Cat's Crawl this Friday, October 27th at 10 p.m. It's a costume party, a Halloween party. If you need a Halloween thing to do in L.A., please come. Sean will be playing the drums. I'm going to be singing a song. It's the first time I've publicly sang, I think since like 2017 or 2018. But I can't stress to you enough how outside of my involvement in it, everyone who goes to one of these, it ends up being like one of the most fun nights of their life. It's so silly, it's so fun, and it's $10 for really great Halloween plans. Please come in costume. If you need any information about it or if you can't afford it and you'd like a comp, please reach out to me on Instagram, erinkeif10, because I would really love for you to be here. If you haven't seen any of my shows in LA, This is the one to come and see. I promise you'll have the best time. That's this Friday, October 27th at the Cat's Crawl at 10 p.m.



And you're doing the karaoke as well, Erin?


Yeah, I'm singing a song.


Will you be rapping?


I will not be rapping, but I'll be doing some fun harmony on a song that you wouldn't know.


You're going to lose a lot of people if you say that you're not going to rap.


Maybe I'll rap.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm going to cede my plug to just tell Erin just straight out. If you rap, I will fly out to LA to smash a show. Yeah, I guess I'm rapping. JBC, do you have anything to plug or review to read?


Yeah, I got a review to read. If you want to get a review featured on the show, just leave us a five-star review wherever you leave reviews. I might find it. If I find it, I might read it. In this case, I'm reading this one from Toph R, and there's four R's, and the name of the review is... Discord just rolled out native soundboard capabilities in its voice chat. Naturally, I immediately added the Dean scream to my gaming group server. In the course of a night of intense gaming, a friend mentioned that she loved that I added it, and it was commonly used by one of her favorite podcasts. And that's how I learned we were both huge redheads. That's what fans are called, right? No, it's Ridiots. Howard Dean, still uniting people after all these years. Well, Tofar, to you I say. And congratulations.



Outstanding. And keep an eye out folks for on my website, I'm going to be doing a supernatural episode and it's going to be Sam and Howard Dean. Are those the two characters? Sam and Dean? But it'll be Sam and Howard Dean. So I'm going to replace Dean with Howard Dean. It'll be Howard Dean Winchester, Erin.


No, I just realized I just, it came to, we didn't do any riddles. It's my fault.


Well, Erin, you're in luck. That's your fault? What do you mean? Erin's right, we're gonna do a riddle. Here we go. Erin, what does a witch do when she goes to a hotel? And we'll find out the answer next year. Erin, what's the spookiest planet in the sky?


Erin, die forever. She lost.



I'm sorry.


Look, I know you talked about the good trailer after the credits, so I can still do that, but can I make one possible option to have after the credits? Erin, would it help you at all if I played a track I have that is a horror movie trailer soundtrack?




Do you think maybe you could get the one you want?




Okay, let me... Yes. Alright.


JBC, give me a title. Adal, give me a title. Someone make up a title.


It has to be like a pun to it, right?


Something with boo maybe? Boo's talking now? Boo, what's a- Look Boo's talking now? Thank you, look Boo's talking now.


Alright Erin, your redemption topic is, look Boo's talking now, whenever you're ready.



Yep, I'm 40 weeks pregnant. We're just sort of waiting for the baby to come. We've been nesting. We're so happy we have that new house up on the hill. And yeah, it's been hard to move in there. Obviously it's an old house, but we're so excited to meet our new baby. It's a boy! And everyone's so excited and they're celebrating and they come home from the hospital. And hello, mother. This Halloween. Why can you talk? You're like three days old. Of course I can talk, mother. I lived in this house for a very, very long time. A very long time ago. I just want my baby back. But mother, I am your baby. There's just a few things I need you to do or else I'll cry and you'll die.



Margo Martindale ends. Look, Boo's talking.


Mother, where are you? I don't have object permanence and I can't see.


This Halloween.


Look Boo's talking now. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck Adal. Fuck JPC. Fuck Casey. Fuck all y'all. I nailed it. Erin Keif is back baby. Not a hungover at all anymore. Love y'all. Happy Halloween.


Oh, very good.


Very good.


Was that better?


Yeah, that was much better. That was fantastic. Hello, mommy. You can't talk. You're three days old. Hello, mommy.


Hello, mommy. Yeah, Erin, that was very good. You killed it on that one. Thank you. That was fantastic. Cool. Any notes?



Cut the whole thing.


Hey there, Davids and S-Pumpkins. If you like that, you are going to love this week's Patreon. It's a Halloween party draft. You can listen to that plus our entire back catalogue at patreon.com slash HeyRiddleRiddle by joining the Clue crew for $5 a month, or start your 7-day free trial, or the Review crew for $8 a month. And you get those ad-free episodes. See you there!


That was a hate gun podcast.