Which Riddle Riddle?

#270: Guess This Mess w/ Jon Mackey and David Brown



This is a HeadGum podcast. I am so overly caffeinated right now. It feels like my bones are shaking. I've poisoned myself this morning for everybody. I'm so sorry.


Okay, so... Weird that you said bones and not limbs. That's a very specific sensation.


No, it is so imperinol. You can feel them rattling. Oh, then we're going to finish.


It was the captain of an airplane. He stabbed him with the knife in the grave.


Adal Riddle's named Friday.


Hello and welcome to Guess This Mess. It's a game show I invented last night, that Adal named, where two guys compete with two other guys to see who knows the answer to the most riddles and who knows each other the best. Everyone's already so stressed.





There's going to be two teams. Team number one is Adal Rifai and Jon Patrick Coan from Hey Riddle Riddle. What is your relationship to each other and what is your relationship to riddles?


Co-worker and friend. Yeah, I was gonna say neighbors and friend.


Yeah. Well, well, no, mine was not mine was not like neighbors and friends. Mine was one of us is a co-worker to the other and the other one is a friend to the other.


Oh, yeah. And I know which one I am.


And I know which one I am, but there's no point in saying it.


And what is your relationship with Riddles like?


I'd say overall, maybe personally, I'm frustrated with Riddles. Got it.


Yeah, and I've done 480 episodes of a Riddle podcast, so they're nothing to me now. It's like breathing. It's like water off a duck's back. They don't even get me wet anymore.


Sorry, that was my duck. Jon Mackey and David Brown from the DePodcast. It's a great comedy podcast that you should shut up. I don't want to just take a look at it.



Erin, you should say that clearly. No.


What is your relationship to each other and then what is your relationship to Riddles like?


I think I would classify us as friends and creative partners. Oh, yeah. I like that. That was sweet. Yeah. Also, we play video games together almost non-stop.


I would say the order is gaming friends and in-person friends, creative partners. For listeners, David is slowly showing rungs down the ladder. And the rung between gaming friends and in-person friends is too big for the screen. My hand went above and below. That's quite a distance.


Since COVID lockdowns, David and I have seen each other seven times in real life. Not even that, probably six, and they were only for UFC fights. We have technically talked to each other and hung out for maybe over 7,000 hours over the last two years.


How did the two of you meet?



Through comedy at UCB in LA, Dave's on a great sketch group called Private Street, who we saw all over the place at UCB LA. For a minute we were on a Southern improv team together called Lord Willen. My only memory of a scene from one of the shows that Dave did with that group was that he married a radio station. It was grounded though, it made sense.


The audience was crying.


Adal and JBC are both nodding like yes.


When you say it, also Mackey, I did join that group and then there was probably two shows with that group after I joined it, so I think I may have killed it. Yeah. They call me the improv group killer.


Yeah. Dave was the nail in the coffin for Lord Willing. When we married a radio station in a show, we kind of all looked at each other and were like, you know what?



Time of death? I think this is the beat.


If it makes you feel better, the nails are inserted after the person is dead. So it sounds like that was dead a while ago and you were just the final one.


Yeah. So yeah, when Dave joined the group, those were the nails in the coffin. Yeah.


I also know we're saying the same thing. It's noble of you to say that you killed the improv team, but the improv concept was a southern-based improv team called Lord Willen, so I don't know necessarily how many shows it really had in it to give to them. Shaky ground, perhaps.


I'll tell you this, we were popular. We did all the indie shows, all the indie shows. We did probably a hundred shows in the years that we were a group, and people liked it.


Monocene on a porch, that's what it all started with. I was gonna say, can we get a suggestion, Scott Paper?


Could it have been gazebo?


Yes, we all sort of love you. Literally every show starts with somebody being like, does anyone want more sweet tea? Hey Riddle. Born in New York, but raised in North Carolina. Aw, fake Southern.



Well, but you're also both of you are currently in Southern California. So that's that's the real South.


Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. It's the real South here. And yeah, we thank you. Yeah, we are the the true South here in Los Angeles.


Oh, OK. So friends from Mississippi.


Actually, David's very much from Mississippi.


Yeah, the butthole of the South, as they call it.


Okay, what is your relationship with Riddles?


How do you feel about Riddles? I look up the answers online and Dave gets mad.


Well, yeah, I guess in game riddle world, you're very much like, we didn't figure this out, I'm gonna look it up, and then I yell at you.


Yeah, that we played a couple of video games where there's like a puzzle that I'll give it 15 minutes. And then I'll be like, I just don't think there's a solution. They're hiding the solution. They want you to look it up online. And then Dave is like, no, I refuse.



So he's persistent and I'm not. I'll spend it. I don't know how long we're going to record, but each Riddle, I'm down for us to hold until I figure it out. That's alright.


We're gonna be here all day. Oh, also we're both dumb as rocks.


Yes, we will get most of none of them. Is that the right way to say that? Yeah.


Okay, so you are in charge of keeping track of your own score. You get a point for every answer you get right. The winning team will get to choose between two $5 Dunkin' Donuts gift cards or one $10 Dunkin' Donuts gift card that you can share in hopes that it will bring you together.


Oh, that's sweet.


So if you guys get the one gift card, then the next time there's like a UFC fight or a WrestleMania, you could have Dunkin Donuts together. That's fun.


That sounds awesome. I can't wait to use that card with you in six to 12 months.


Half the questions are riddles and the other half are like newlywed style questions about each other.





And for the riddles? Yes, Adal?


Can we have five seconds each to come up with a team name?


Oh, I would love that.


Uh, JPC, say any word. One, two, three, Toboggan. We're to potato Toboggan.


Okay. That's going to be a pain to say. I can't wait.


Uh, Dave, come up with our team name. Piss.


And you got to pick first.


Dang. Okay. So whoever buzzes in first for the riddles gets to answer it. And if you get it wrong, then the other team gets to steal. So you can go buzz for the riddles. And then for the newlywed style questions, we're going to popcorn back and forth between people and then you can text me your answer. And if your partner gets that answer, right, then you could.


Okay. Got it. Wait, wait, what?


No, he already said great. I heard him say great so we can't go back now



So, for Riddles, you're gonna buzz in. You know the answer, you go buzz, and then you get to give your answer. But for, I'm not, this is not one of the questions, but if I were to go like, Jon, what's David's favorite color? Then David would text me his favorite color, and then you'd have to guess it right now.


Oh geez, am I gonna get any of these? It has to be what's his favorite video game. And even then, I don't know.


What's Jon's druid's favorite shirt? I could probably nail that.


This is my favorite part about video game, friends. These people have hung out together for 40,000 hours, and then you're like, hey, what's one thing about him? And you're like, oh man, Jesus Christ.


I think he's got a mom.


I think he has a mom. I was about to say, I think he has a mom.


It leans too heavily on Manna.


All right, we're going to start with a Riddle. Potato, toboggan. Are you ready?




Kiss, are you ready?


Toboggan. Potato, toboggan. It means no worries.


I'm going to start with an easy riddle. Okay. What is full of holes, but still holds water?



Buzz, buzz.




Is that a sponge?




Oh, come on. I didn't even have time to process the words before you knew it.


Can we argue that I would say sponges have pits, not holes, if I'm being honest.


Yeah, they're porous, but they don't go all the way through because that's insane. Yeah, so that one doesn't count. It wouldn't work.


Still zero to zero.


Okay, then no point.


Zero to zero.


No point awarded.


I'm not talking though.


Does a hole... Does a hole doesn't have to go all the way through though? Because if you dig a hole, that doesn't go to like... Is a belly button a hole?


Because if it's not, then this... Do nostrils or ears go all the way through? Yes. Do we not know what a hole is?


We've all said the wrong word this whole time. I don't think they're holes. They're little tiny crevasses. Yeah, they're little caves.



Wow, man. This is like the NFL where it's like you get one challenge and then if it's wrong you get your time out taken away.


I'm glad Jon retracted that challenge because I was about to absolutely break down over the concept of holes not being what I thought they were for 34 years. I was like, oh fuck, holes are not what they are.


Oh God, this whole time. Okay, so David and Adal are going to text me their answer to this and JPC and Jon, you're going to ask for your partner's answer. What is your partner's favorite Nicolas Cage movie?


Oof. Oh, wait, it's the... Oh, crap. This is how dumb I am. I came from under the bed.


He just got to Google it. Oh, this cage. Man, uh, I think... Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. I think I know Adal's, uh, but I'll say that I'm like... Adal, have you texted it to me?





Oh my god, he's been in so many. It's hard to scroll. What's the name of it?


There was a good 15 years where he really needed money. That's gonna be a huge problem.


Hey, I got it. I got it. My phone's in airplane mode. That's why. Nothing is working.


It's like when Pat Sajak was hosting from home and he's like, I'm still in bed.




OK. OK. Can I go, Erin?


Yes, you may go.


I think I think what Adal would say in this situation is I think he would say face off.


OK. That is incorrect.




He said raising Arizona.


Oh, I went legit, legit good versus like fun. Good. Cause face off to me is the fun. Good answer. But, uh, uh, raising Arizona is a legit good one.


I would watch face off any day of the week. Anytime. Even on a Tuesday. Even on Tuesday. Wow. Right now. All right. Jon, what do you think David's favorite?



I'm going to say because I think it is. It's probably my favorite. Con Air.


Smart way to play the game. You got it. Smart way to play the game. Did I really? The bunny back in the box.


This sucks. This sucks.


Because that means that there are three of us whose favorite movie is Con Air. And so I knew Adal didn't like Con Air as much as I like Con Air. So I was like, it's not Con Air.


I guess I was going off in favorite Nic Cage performance.


Shut the fuck up, man. Shut the fuck up.




Wow. Great job, John. I love this game. I love this game. It's going great now. We're going to keep that one. So we're up one oh a half here.


Give them a point. Give them a point. It's one to one. It's one to one. It's one to one. It's fine. One to one.


What question can you never answer yes to?


Buzz. Adal. Are you awake? Are you sleeping? One of those? Are you sleeping? Are you awake?



Yeah, are you asleep yet?


He buzzed in, and you run the third word of that. You hadn't even finished it. You said the next riddle is, and he said buzz. That's how I heard it. Yeah, I think so. That's too early of a buzz. We can watch the replay. No counted there as well, so still 1-0.


That's the speed that my brain processes information. But not everyone else's, I guess.


Yeah, she says them and then, but we just both drift off like this into Nowheresville. Wait for our brain to talk.


That point doesn't count then.


Not trying to be rude at all, but just notice that I have two points and I enjoy films such as Raising Arizona.


And then Jon and David, do you have a kind of puzzle? I'm just gonna say buzz as soon as it starts next time and then make y'all wait.


I enjoy films, you enjoy movies. You never said there was a timer on how long we had to answer, so as long as we say buzz, we can just hold. What is it when they do in Congress? It's a filibuster.



Okay. We have to keep talking. You can't leave silence. Just like a filibuster.


You got to keep it going.


Sorry. Okay. So GBC and Jon, you're going to text me your answers. What is your partner's favorite city in the United States?


Oh, this is tough. This is tough because Adal has gone to so many cities in the United States.


No, but JBC, you're gonna, it's your answer.


Oh, I'm guessing for, I'm guessing JBC's favorite city.


Yeah, so JBC and Jon are gonna text me.


Wait, so I'm saying what my favorite city is?


Yes. And JBC, you're gonna text me your favorite city.


I'm gonna text you my favorite city in the United States.


Got it. Yeah. And Jon, you text me your favorite city.


Oh yeah, by the way, no cheating. I know you have your phone in front of you, but this is not an open book test.


That's my favorite part of Jeopardy, where they're like, hey, by the way, no cheating, okay?


They say it off the top of every show.



Yeah. We say it every week and every week, one of you motherfuckers.


Put your phone down, Ken Jennings. That's probably one of those episodes.


Oh, this is hard. This is hard. Is it a spelling issue, Jon? It's the same thing because it's like, is Los Angeles L-O-S or L-A-S?


Adal, you are free to guess.


I'm sorry, was this in the whole world or just the United States? Just the United States.


And are we doing continental? Can we do the 48 plus, you know, Hawaii, Alaska? Can we do territories?


Or is it just Hawaii only?


It's just Hawaii. I guess it's your favorite.


Erin, I'm going to say Louisiana Purchase for JVZ. And I think that covers quite a bit.


That's such a smart answer.


I'll go ahead and guess for JPC. Here's going to be my real guess, but I do want to preface this by saying I know, not for a fact, but I'm pretty sure JPC's favorite parts of the US are like a lot of national parks because he's been to a lot of them. So it's hard to think of like a specific city. I want to say maybe somewhere in Colorado, but I'm going to go off recency bias. I don't can't think of any cities. He just recently loved New Bedford. He went to the Whaling Museum. So because I can't think of a specific park in Colorado, I'm going to say New Bedford.



That is incorrect. He entered Chicago, the city you both currently live in. No. Oh, wow.


I thought that would be pretty easy because it's... One City is my favorite. Well, it's the one that I chose to purchase a house in. That is a marker that I do kind of like it in this place.


I think in my head I was like, it can't be where we're living, but yeah.


David, what do you think John's favorite of you is?


Well, with all that banter, it makes me want to say Los Angeles, but because that's where John has decided to rent an apartment. But I'm going to say his heart is in Chapel Hill. No. Wow.


No points awarded. His favorite city is Chicago as well.


Chicago will join them. Why don't you move to them then? Chicago's the con air of answers here.


Well, look, I've not traveled a lot in my life. Well, I've only had great times in Chicago.



Have we ever talked about Chicago while we're gaming? No, come on.


Jon, are you here? Because it's working. It's working in a major way. No, no.


I literally was like, because here's the thing. I was going to say Chapel Hill because it's probably the only other place I talk about besides L.A. because we're in college.


It's half a point.


But I didn't because I felt myself in my head being like, that's going to be the city that Dave says. Thanks for watching!


But also, the newlywed game is about guessing what your partner would say. If you would say Chapel Hill and you think Dave is going to say Chapel Hill, I think they should get a point. They didn't understand how to cheat. They didn't understand how to game the game.


I hate, I actually, the last time I went to Chapel Hill I was like, oh this place sucks now, it's just TGI Friday's is. It's like, it's become so, it's been turned into like a strip mall basically. This place sucks now.



Imagine how it is to hear that this guy thinks my favorite city is New Bedford, a city I spent less than 24 hours in.


Well here's the thing, I know for a fact that your favorite movie of all time is Con Air and I think you know my favorite city, JPC, which is... I was gonna say New York.


New Orleans?


Okay. I would say New Orleans or New York, yeah. But probably New Orleans. Okay, maybe like New Places.


Yeah. Look, hey, if you don't like New York, I gotta tell you, stop going there. Because you go there five or six times a year. If you don't like it, simply stop going.


Okay. What can you break even if you never pick it up or touch it?




Buzz. Buzz.




I heard piss first.


And then we just gotta keep talking until we figure out the answer.


Is it rules?


You know what, I will take that because it works, but we were looking for a promise.





I appreciate the delegate from Mississippi spinning his wheels, waiting for you to answer the question.


I couldn't even remember the question. I'm not kidding. What was it?


What can you break even if you never pick it up or touch it?


Pick it up. Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. No, that I would have said that. That's what I would have said. Yeah.


Okay. Do we get a point? Even though I made an answer that's not the- You get a point. Okay, cool, cool, great, great, great, great.


They should at least get a half point that adds to their other half point to give them a full point.


I'm going to go to percentages now. We're going to be doing like 0.003 points to fuck with you guys. Okay. David and Adal, you text me your answer. What do you think your partner's favorite video game is?


Okay. Oh, fuck.


I know what you're thinking. Do I have a new hat, Adal and JPC? New haircut? Why am I walking around with so much confidence?



I bet you're wondering. I wanted pretzels from the food court.


And I was just gonna let you know that it looks like you leaned on paint.


Anyways, I just had a bunch of subscriptions canceled for me by Rocket Money that I wasn't using until now I'm flushed with cash and now I'm confident. Pretzel money? Well, maybe. We'll talk about that. Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, and helps you lower your bills all in one place. I've been using it for years, even before they were a sponsor.


Erin, it looks like you may have leaned on, like, with someone painting a rocket money, like, billboard or sign or something, because it's all down your back. It's like, and it's, I could, ock it, ock it.


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You're also color-coded. A little birdie told me that Rocket Money also lets you monitor all your expenses in one place, recommends custom budgets based on your past spending, and they'll even send you notifications when you've reached your spending limits, which sounds like something my friend would like, but I forget which friend I'm so hungry for pretzels.


Speaking of pretzels, you don't get all twisted up by salty and the bread of your finances. With over 3 million users and counting, Rocket Money customers have saved an average of $720 a year.


Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions and manage your money the easy way by going to rocketmoney.com slash riddle. That's rocketmoney.com slash riddle. Rocketmoney.com slash R-I-D-D-L-E.


Hey, what's going on? Somebody leaned over my rocket money painting. Run. Everybody run. Run.


Oh no. Maroon.


Is that Da Vinci?


Yeah. Yes.



And bye. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp.


Heck, with my machete, clear the overgrown grass. Oh, I've done it. I've found it. This ancient city of better help. Oh, what is... Let me walk through here. This doesn't look ancient. It looks like there's people thriving here. What's... Hello.


Hey Adal. Hey Adal. You know me. Yes.


What a weird thing to say to hey Adal. Oh, you know us, right?


You're citizens of better help this town.


Yeah, better help is therapy that's entirely online. It's designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. I've been using it for a long time. It works for the way that my brain works, and we're just here talking about it, celebrating it.


Hmm, yes, I am here too celebrating it. You all seem very happy. This seems like a happy bunch of folks. Hey man, why don't you lose the sword? Oh, it's a machete, not a sword. Uh, yeah, you're right.


It's all good. Why don't I take that from you, huh? Yeah, we'll put this somewhere safe.



Okay, thank you. Thank you for that. I appreciate your better help.


Well, I'm not doing better help, but better help as therapy is actually pretty toned to a person like me because I want to learn positive coping skills, I want to learn how to set and enforce boundaries, and I want to check in with someone on my own schedule. I love online therapy for that specific reason.


Adal, if you wanted to try it, all you would have to do is just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist, and you could switch therapists any time for no additional charge.


Wow, you said fill out a stone tablet?


So there are some things that better help is not going to be qualified to help with Adal. This may be one of them. Maybe we get you to some other type of specialist.


And this is a perfect example of something that not you Adal, but I would be sharing with my therapist.



Okay, okay, everyone gather out, gather out. As I finish dusting off the ancient structure. Boring. It says this podcast is sponsored by Squarespace. Oh, well, that's actually interesting.


Squarespace, I've heard of this. Yes, it's the all-in-one website platform for entrepreneurs to stand out and succeed online, whether you're just starting out or managing a growing brand, right? Squarespace is what I hear makes it easy to create a beautiful website, engage with your audience, and sell anything from products to content to time, all in one place, all in your terms.


Yes, that's what Squarespace is, but the question, what is it doing buried here? Yes, yes doctor, yes doctor.


Well, I think that they're pretty cool because they can host video content, organize your video library, and showcase your content on beautiful video pages and sell access to your videos on the member areas. It's super intuitive to use. That's probably why it's buried down here.



Yeah, and Dr. Dustoff, world-famous archaeologist, they even sell custom merch. So we could get some Dr. Dustoff merch going. You easily sell it, you create passive income, it engages your audience, scales your brand. Does that sound good?


Yes, yes, yes, we all know about Squarespace and its amazing features, like the Asset Library, where you can organize and access all your content from one place, where you can manage all your files from one central hub and use them across the Squarespace Platform. We know about the value of Squarespace, but the question is, what is it doing buried here?


Okay, Dr. Dustoff, we don't know. You're the archaeologist.


I'm sorry, what? You're- I drove! Oh! They call me Dr. Dustoff because when I get into a car accident, I make it kind of go away. I'm a smooth talker, I'm an easy walker, and I'm not bad looking either. Dr. Dustoff tips his fedora to the two of you.



He just gave his fedora $20. That's too much of a tip. And there's more when that came from a hat. Head to squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you're ready to launch, go to squarespace.com slash riddle to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Dr. Dustoff, um... You're my new favorite character.


Please sign everything.


Yeah, please, please show up in an episode, will you please?


Okay, if you insist. Now hold on, I'm taking a call. Hello? They're burning it down. Good. Oh, do we have insurance? Oh, I gotta take this. Okay. Yes.


This is just JP Riddle.


Go left.


Yeah, this is JP Riddle's in a fedora.


Forget it.


I take everything back.


And so this is Dave's favorite. Yes. Mine.


You can tell us yours too if you want though.


Wait, so I'm guessing Adal's favorite video game.


Yes. Okay. Current or all time? All time.


All time. Everyone's upset with me. No, no. Yeah. I think all time. I think that's the smart way to do it.



Why did I play them? Okay. I don't know if I know my own. I'll never get this.


Is Adal locked in yet, Erin?


Adal is locked in.




Oh. Okay, locked in. Locked in.


Okay. JPC, what do you think?


Okay, hold on, Erin. You gotta give me time. He's looking up Atari games. Check his hours. I'm gonna say Adal's favorite game. It's currently on sale for 10% off. Long live the queen for the queen. No, I'm sorry. It's Honey Select's 2 libido DX. $70 for this game. You say Honey Select.


Uh, no, that's incorrect, JPC. Is that your real answer?



Is it? Okay. One more answer. Is it sex hotel simulator?


Okay. Potato Toboggan is a joke team, apparently. Are the hotels having sex?


I don't know. I hope so. I hope the hotels have sex.


Says the guy who married a radio station. I'm very interested in this topic.


My real answer, my real answer, and I think that there's a bit of recency bias in here, but I think that that's okay in video games. I think that Adal, I'm going to say, with how much he enjoyed talking about it, I'm going to say Elden Ring.




Adal? Number one all time. Elden Ring might be three. Number one all time is Bioshock.


That's probably that would have been my answer as well. Oh, I remember this for next time.


I guess a bunch of similarly aged dudes aren't as different as we all thought.


Okay, I think Dave's favorite game all time.



Jon's opening steam, hitting adult of the category.


I'm gonna guess JPC's favorite all time is Witcher 3.


You're not guessing. Unfortunately. Alright, I'm gonna say Dave's favorite game is... I don't know, this is tough. How about... I'm gonna go... Why not? The original Mortal Kombat.




That's out of left field. Wow. Right era. It's the right era.


Yeah, because I was gonna say it feels like that was a game that stuck with me.


Okay. I was more of a Street Fighter boy than a Mortal Kombat kid. Yeah, but that is incorrect.


Of course, yeah.


His answer is Mario Kart for Super Nintendo.


Wow. A classic. All time classic. That was in the brain as well.


That was something I was considering because that was Super Nintendo all through college.



Erin, can I put something out there as a goodwill gesture? Sure. I think Potato Toboggan is willing to give this other team a half point, team has a half point, if Jon can guess David's character that he chose from Mario Kart.


Oh. I'm going to say Donkey Kong. Aw man, Toad dude.


Notice David didn't even text that to Erin so he could have just said yes to anything.


We have integrity as a team.


I think now might be a good time for a little break.




Is that okay? I guess so.


I was just in the middle of texting you Donkey Kong a bunch of times.


Alright, we're going to take a quick break and then we'll be back with more Guess This Mess. Hey, welcome back to Guess This Mess.



I'm Erin. Welcome back to you too, Erin. I think that needs to be a thing that game shows do from now on. They need to welcome the host back to get the contestants say, no, you welcome back, Pat Sajak. Oh, well, I guess he's retired.


I bet he would shed a tear though if they did that.


Yeah, he'll never be back.


Okay, a man who was outside in the rain without an umbrella or hat didn't get a single hair on his head wet. Why?


Buzz, buzz. Adal. Him's bald.




He had his ass up in the air.


That's the way I like to...


Okay, J.B.C.


and John, you're going to text me your answer to this.


Okay, my own answer.



What do you think your partner's dream celebrity to have as an emergency contact is?


Okay, so it's an emergency contact. So my thought process here is This isn't just like a person that you want to call. This is a person that's going to like really help you in an emergency.


Yeah, but also like getting to tell people that they're your emergency contact, like other perks. Maybe you go out to dinner with them sometimes.


This is not my answer that Adal's guessing, or it is my answer that Adal's guessing. It is your answer that I'm guessing. Okay, so this is the person... So you're going to have to text me.


Okay, but I would want to... Oh, Johnson and the answer.


I'm texting my answer of who I am.


The whole time I was thinking of my answer to that.


I think I got a quick lock on that.


The emergency contact, not only, well basically also this means I've bumped my wife off of emergency contact, which I'm sure she's not going to be thrilled to hear. I get to a really bad car accident and suddenly it's not this, but like didn't tell Washington against a call before my wife. Like that sucks. And then is Denzel, is he supposed to call her? Like he's not going to deal with it.



He's going to need her number too.


Yeah. Who do I want to help me out in an accident? My wife or the equalizer? JPC, it's got to be Denzel.


You have to think about it from this way. Do I want Denzel having my wife's number? No. Of course not.


I don't want that to happen. Again, we're talking integrity. Denzel's going to treat your wife's phone number with real respect.


Look, I believe in trust in Zell, but he's never met my wife, okay? I cut off my left arm for this moment. So I just don't trust his intentions.


Erin, this is incredibly tough because JPC, from my perspective, JPC does not buy into celebrity culture. I don't think he cares about celebrities. I don't think if he were to see a celebrity, he wouldn't ask for a photo or autograph or he'd just be like, I don't care. The only celebrity I've ever seen him mildly impressed by is maybe Tim Robinson. But I think I'm going to say Luke Knoll, final answer.


I hadn't, I hadn't guessed yet. So now I am in a situation where I could.



One of the six million answers is off the table.


To be fair, I talked for two minutes before I gave the answer. So JPC, you had no time to tell me to stop.


You can tell him your real answer now.


My real answer, the answer that I texted, Erin, after you said Luke Knoll, and before I said, I've locked in and I have said Erin, my answer, was Boyd Crowder, who is a character on the show Justified.


Honestly, that's an amazing answer. Boyd Crowder. I just feel like he'd be a good problem solver in an emergency.


All right, David, what do you think?


This is pretty easy. This is going to be somebody who will definitely have your back, will be there in an instant. And if things aren't going good in this emergency situation, he'll be he'll be your make a wish. And that answer is John Cena.



Oh, so close.


It was Hulk Hogan.


I'm going to give you half a point. It's The Rock.


Oh, wow.


The Rock overseen as Cena's showing up before the Rock.


You're right, you're right.


If he can pull out an entire helicopter, he can hold your hand after you break your leg.


The Rock's gonna miss your call because he's exercising or something.


You're totally right. I think the Rock is like two movie bombs away from really taking that call with Jon.


Well, I think, I said it before, I'll say it again, I think the Rock is a moment away from just being a tequila guy. He just launched his tequila, he refuses to go back to wrestling, and his movies are fucking bombing. So, I mean, look, Dwayne, come on home, buddy. To my house.


Maybe he'll prefer home in your favorite city, Chicago.


Who else was speaking of? I guess that he would join the ranks of like, I'm trying to think of other actors who just became a tequila guy. Now Dan Aykroyd did it, but it was vodka. So that's different. Crystal Stone.



And George Clooney did it.


Clooney's on the way, but Clooney's still acting.


Oh yeah, Bryan Cranston.


Cranston and... Jesse Pinker.


Yeah, what's his name?


No, that's the character name.


Aaron Paul.


Aaron Paul, thank you.


Yeah, there's a lot of tequila guys.


Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston have a tequila company?


Yeah, and they did, like, they were doing, like, the funniest videos I saw were TikToks of them in grocery stores doing meet and greets, or like in, like, BevMo's doing meet and greets for their tequila, and one of them was a child. Like, couldn't have been more than nine years old, walks up, and he's just like, I'm such a fan of Breaking Bad, will you say it to me? And Erin Paul just goes, bitch. Yeah, bitch. To a nine year old. And I was like, this nine year old showed up to a meet and greet with Erin Paul and Bryan Cranston to get him to say bitch in Jesse, whatever his name's voice.


I did the same thing but with Dan Aykroyd and it was just kind of sad.



It's really funny. I think the only reason that Dan Aykroyd called you a bitch, Adal, is because of the way you were acting. I don't know, it honestly doesn't mean anything.


I was dressed like a blues brother.


You were sipping his vodka and you were like, ew this is gross! If it weren't for Harold Ramis, Ghostbusters would be a mess, we all know it.


Okay, I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?


Buzz. Yes. Okay, so I shave every day, but my beard never good. I'm still, this is filibustering.


We allow it as long as he keeps talking.


I shave my beard every day. A beard, so a beard's probably not a real beard. It's something else that's the choice. I shave my beard.


A beard could be another person.


A beard, a beard. I shave my beard, but oh okay, so the beard? I shave my beard, but it what's the end of it? I'm gonna keep talking while you say it, but Okay, but my beard stays the same. A beard is a play on words. A beard is a gay friend, so they shave the beard. They're shaving their beard, but they're still the same person on the inside.



Count it? Count it? I actually will give you a point five for that.


Yeah! His voice felt like it was an answer, but there was no like answer to it.


I can't even stand behind it because it wasn't even presented like the answer to Riddle.


That was akin to like the Billy Madison where it's like he ranses and he goes, at no point did you have mercy on your soul.


Potato toboggan, you can steal it.


I'm gonna say barber.


Yes, it's a barber. I shave every day, but my beard stays the same.


That makes sense. Oh, okay, but mine also made sense. Did it?


Did it? It makes sense. You know what? Yeah, it did.


Yes, because everyone's familiar with the phrase beard being your gay friend.


Well, I am familiar with that, but the part that lost me was when you try to tie it back to shave, because shaving that person doesn't actually... You shave your back.



You're shaving someone else, so your beard's staying the same.


Yes, you're shaving. You're shaving here.


Erin, there's a motion to remove their half point.


Support it. Give me a reason. Okay, I forget whose turn it is.


No. I just texted, so it's Adal's turn to text. Yeah, it's Dave and Adal's turn to text. I tried.


Okay, great.


It's okay, Dave. Sorry, Jon. No, no, no apologies. Did you know though? No, I had absolutely no idea. I was thinking about a bearded dragon. Equally dumb. I agree.


If you had to pick a beetle, like from the Beatles, to date your sister, who would you pick?


Now currently or...


If you do it currently and then you pick like George Harrison.


I hope it's your current sister and not your back of the day sister.



Could you say it one more time? I was just realizing that I was using the word beard wrong and not.




I realized now.


What beetle would they be happy to have date their sister?


Which beetle would you let date your sister?


And I'm answering which one Dave thinks he would let Dave his sister.


Yes. And not that the people who are guessing need this at all, Erin, but could you just real quick rattle off the four Beatles just by name?


Ringo on the drums. George Harrison on the guitar.


Got it.


Paul McCartney on the bass. Jon Lennon on the guitar.


Yes. And Pete Best on the drums, right? Yes. Okay.


So, which Beatle... Okay. I feel like I want to talk through my answer, but I have to wait until Adal locks in.



He locks in. He's already locked in.


He's dead locked in as well.


Okay. Yes.


Because here's my thought process here. You don't want it to be like John, right? Because he's dead. He's, first of all, motherfuckers dead. Second of all, I don't know, like he seemed to be going through something. He had, you know, he's going to get your sister all involved in his like weird sex art and stuff like that. You know, Ringo, Ringo seems, seems like the most like normal, like he ended up, he ended up, you know, he's still alive too, which is awesome.


It's the first time I've ever heard someone call Ringo normal.


Well, the most normal. Here's the thing, I think I think I'm gonna go Paul McCartney. I think Adal's gonna say Paul McCartney here


We got it.



JBZ could I tell you? I put Paul and then I said my real answer is anyone but John, but I'll say Paul. And then you go, it's probably anyone but John, but let's see.


Oh, word for word.


JBZ doubly got it.


Yeah, that's good. You get 0.25 points added.


You know why I chose Paul is I thought, I think Paul seems like the most likely to take great care of your sister, Sadia. I was like, yeah. Yeah, I think George and Ringo wouldn't really do the job that Paul would do.


He seems committed to it. I said to Erin Paul because he seems the sweetest. Erin Paul. Erin Paul. Wow. Bitch. Anytime my sister drinks tequila, gals are a bit.


See, I'm going to go in a slightly different direction. It's definitely, I don't think it's going to be Jon Lennon. I'm going to actually go with Ringo. Wow. I'm going to go Ringo. Am I wrong?


You were wrong.


I also went with Paul. Yeah, I see. I also went with Paul. That's gotta be Paul. I thought Ringo was such a goof. Ringo's like, well, George is, there's a darkness to George. You think so? Thanks for watching! I think Dave would want to have a cool guy to chat with. I think Dave and Ringo would have the best conversation. That sounds like a good podcast, Dave and Ringo.



Do you think it's really because they get along or do you think that Dave just has strong drummer vibes? Yeah. If you drum, I would be like, yeah, I assume you're a drummer, right?


Super strong drummer.


I played snare drum in a high school band. See? And this is Dave's actual voice also. He's putting on a pair. I'm from Mississippi.


Actually, I'm going to give you half a point for this impression. It's really delightful to me.


Oh, seriously, thanks. Thanks. Yeah, I narrowed it down by the two living ones and then just picked Paul.


If Paul's like, you know, let's be honest, Paul's had a long career. He's continued to make money. He would be able to take care of anyone, anyone who needed to be taken care of in any way. And I would like, I think having your sister be in a relationship with one of the richest musicians of all time would probably exist.


Even if they got a divorce, it's like she's gonna get a huge cut. I think the biggest selling point is that Stella is such a success on her own. She's not gonna be fighting for the inheritance. A man dies of old age on his 25th birthday. How is that possible?



This is probably the wrong answer, but he's born on February 29th of leap year. You got it! Wow, suck it Riddle boys! I thought he's a hundred actually. He's been alive for a hundred years.


I shave my gay best friends back. Let's never let that disappear behind a corner.


I was going to say wrong use of the word beard. It was wrong in a lot of ways, okay? It's a lot of pressure on the show. I didn't know the answers. Trying to figure it out.


No, the spirit of it was right. I was going to say that this person had Benjamin Button disease. Ooh, half point, Erin, half point.


Yeah, I'm gonna take away a half point. You have not one point taken away for that.


If you have Benjamin Button's disease, is 25, does that mean that you're 75? Or does that mean nothing? Does nothing mean anything?


I think if you have Benjamin Button's disease, I mean, you might as well just stop keeping track of everything and just let it ride.



If you have Benjamin Button's disease and someone's like, hey, how old are you? All you say is like, hey man, I got Benjamin Button's disease, okay? I'm not tracking that shit.


If somebody asks you how old you are and you have Benjamin Button Disease and you say, I have Benjamin Button Disease, their reaction is, oh, I'm okay. How do you know what age you start at, though?




You don't, because you don't.


That is such a good point.


I don't know, 95-ish I started, I guess. I was pretty wrinkly.


I started old, but I don't know how old.


They couldn't do a test. It's not like the rings of a tree. Yeah, cut me in half. See how many rings there are.


I think I would carry around a little card with me, a little laminated card that I can hand to people. They could give back to me that just said, Hey, I have binge been button disease. Please don't ask me about that.


Yeah. Yeah. With like a link to a website, understanding buttons.


Hold on. I have a follow-up question. How would someone who's meeting you for the first time who would require a card, how would they even know to ask or be like, if you're- I don't know, man.



Well, I'm going to take a point away from


If a 22-year-old approached me, I wouldn't be like, oh, this poor guy's confused. I better hand him a card that lets him know my disease.


If they approached you, but I'm also like, I'm at a water aerobics class with a bunch of old people, they'd be like, what are you doing here? And I'd hand him the laminated. I'm in a pool. What are you doing here, old man? You talk like a little baby.


And look, we've all seen the Todd Phillips classic, The Joker, where he hands out the little thing that says, I'm sorry for laughing, I have a disorder of some sort. There's precedent for this. There's precedent for a little card.


I'd be out living my life and someone would say, hold on, this little baby can't be in a 21 and over all nude strip club. And I'd hand up the card and I'd say, no.


And that one is also laminated obviously for obvious reasons. Different but obvious reasons.



Erin, let it be known that David thinks the title is President of the United States.


I'm gonna give him a point for that.


He went into filibuster.


Okay, all right. Well no, press A. Okay, precedent, court case, Supreme Court. Senate, there's more than one connection here, so.


It's not the show. Whatever show you think you're on, you're not on right now.


Okay, okay. Appropriations Bill. Go, keep going, yep, yep, yep, yep. Parliamentarian.


Alright, I can see Jon opening up another tab. He's opening up Steve. He's going to the adult category.


What do government say? What do government say?


I thought we were going to run out so fast and I don't think we were going to make it halfway through. Okay.


What? Oh wait, we're keeping our own scores?



Yes. I don't know what happened with the points in the last 10 minutes, but... Did we get another one?


I don't know if Adal and I ever agreed who was going to be keeping the score for us. How do we have Mackey 3?


We have 3. I have 5.25. Unless you're taking a point away from everyone who's serious, then we have 5.25.


Was I serious?


Oh, and I got a half a point for the impressions.




Hey, so it's 3.5. 3.5 to 5.2?


We can come back.


We can come back. We're only 1.7 behind.




Great math, bud.


What do you think your partner's least favorite daily activity is?


Ooh. So... I'm texting you, Erin, my least favorite daily activity.


Yeah, and John as well.


And I'm texting Dave, or... Wait, no!


Cheater! Cheater!


Oh no!


No, Dave's texting... It's on the quarant part, I'm out!


I'm guessing Dave's least favorite daily activity.


No, because he just did the Beatles one, didn't he?


Yes. Yes, he did. So he's guessing my least favorite. John, you're just texting your least favorite activity to Erin.



John answered texting Erin.


I don't know if this is on purpose, but if the order was swapped, I think JBC and I would be cleaning up. Because clearly my least favorite activity is waking up.


And I think JBC knows that. Now I'm really struggling to find a part of my day that I don't enjoy.


Oh, that's nice. Wow.


Congratulations, man.


I'm happy for you.


My life is a prison that I can't do. We're so happy for you. Oh God. Okay. Least favorite. The least my least favorite.


I know this off, right? I know. I know before, you know, I know yours. Oh boy.


Least favorite daily activity. I guess... Erin, does this have to be something that you absolutely have to do every single day?


Something that you're probably doing at least a few times a week.



A few times a week is enough? Okay. Okay, I'm locked in. I'm locked in. Oh, this is tough.


This is tough.


My dog's having a nightmare.


It scares me. It scares me that you think you know off the top of your head, Dave, because I don't. Is instant.


Is instant?




Instant. Like the coffee. Oh, okay. I'm going through my head and I'm like, wake up next to my lovely wife. I go to bed next to my lovely wife. Cool. Oh, yeah. Oh, well, he is funny.


Him in the 90s much of you about nothing is like one of the dreamiest. Not to add insult to injury, but he is so dreamy. Okay. JPC or Adal, what is JPC's least favorite daily activity?



This is tough. This is tough for me. Just talking, just trying to talk through it. I'd say one, possibly recording Hey Riddle Riddle. I'd say two, not doing accounting or not doing your taxes. Like you hate it when you're not doing any sort of numbers crunching.


I wake up, I look at my calendar, I see it's not April 15th and I go, oh god damn it, god damn it, another day where it's not tax day.


You just love spreadsheets, you love spreadsheets. I'm going to say, it's got to be something to do with spaghetti. I'm going to say... What? His dog's name is spaghetti. Oh, sorry. I didn't say his dog's name was spaghetti. Okay. Got it. Got it. I'm just going to say it again in Wonderland. When you suck too hard and the noodle slaps you in the face, I'm going to say that. I'll never learn. I'll never learn. Is that the most specific answer of all time? I'm going to say trying to calm down or corral spaghetti when there's someone at the door. Ooh.



That's probably a very good answer. I would have guessed something like that, but his real answer was driving.


Oh, yeah, that's a good one. You told me you love driving.


I love giving people rides. I hate driving. This has all been a lie. I said you driving for your birthday.


You told me you love driving. That was so sad.


Honey, we have driving at home.


I despise driving, but I love giving people rides because then it means that I'm not driving in vain. I'm driving with a purpose.


Yes, I like that logic. That's that I think that's I yeah, I'm a myth. I misunderstood. I get it. I get that a lot.


And David, what do you think, Johns?


I think it's going to be his least favorite daily activity is the moment that he realizes that the DoorDash person can't find his house.



That has happened multiple times and it's a great answer but it was not my answer. Literally getting a notification.


I'll give you a half a point for that actually. His real answer is dealing with literally anyone.


That's such a good answer, Dave, because I'm looking at it from your perspective, the angriest or most frustrated I've ever been in your presence or with you in your shot was getting back on headset after going to try to get by Dornash and be like, they fucking didn't put it outside. There's a picture of it on somebody else's porch. That makes me seem like an entitled asshole. Everybody listening out there is true. It's true.



It's true. It's true, folks. Oh, is that the president of the United States?


That's the president of the United States. It's true.


I'm so excited for that mugshot that's dropping later today.


Oh, did you see Giuliani's? Great. Giuliani is such a little toad.


Fucking love that guy.


He's the best. Is this episode coming out today?


This episode is coming up today. Now everybody knows the day we recorded it. I love that. I do that sometimes on our podcast. I just for no reason tell the audience that we are recording it early. Exactly. We're recording this one four days early for some reason. So the story is you're going to feel a little dated.


Okay. What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right?


You're really close. That's on it.



You can hold it in your left hand but not in your right. And it's not your left hand, huh? Because that does work. Shouldn't it be like a half point? Your right arm. Buzz, your right arm.


You know what? I'll give that to you because it's elbow. Okay.


Yeah, because you can do this, but you can't do this.


Hey, Erin. Everybody tried at home. Everybody tried at home. Try to grab your elbow. Try it.


Try it. You can tell they weren't trying it.


A bunch of people at home driving. Put your kid down.


Screech. Adal, you're upset.


Dr. Orr's last words. He's screaming, try it. I was just going to say, I was just going to say, Erin, you're great. And I love this.


Oh, that's true.


What the fuck are you doing? What are you up to? Great. And we love this.


I feel like to go back to Adal's answer though. You can't hold it in your left hand, but you can't hold it in your right. Say your left hand, it'd be your left, because you can put your right hand in your left hand, and is making a fist with your left hand technically holding your left hand?



Holding your left hand? I don't know, because you're not holding anything in it. Have you guys ever done the thing where your partner or whatever, your roommate, maybe is out of town for a weekend, and so you get some paint and you put some purple paint on your hand, and you can see how much of your body you could touch with one hand? I'm gonna stop you already now. The only part that wouldn't have paint on it, it's gotta be like your forearm.


I guess it's supposed to be your arm. You're not very flexible though. I don't think I can touch the middle.


There'd be a spot on your back and then you're the hand that you're doing it with.


Everyone do this. If you're a child, you're living at home with some paint, go get some paint, get totally naked, put a little on your hand, and see how much of your body you can touch.


This is a good experiment. I think we should really push this. I think everybody should go do this.


Especially the kids. Maybe you're a young adult, you don't have a lot of paint in your house. You have something you could use. I bet you have a big bottle of ketchup that's just as good as paint. She's ketchup. Peanut butter? She's ketchup.



Peanut butter, would that be as good?


Would it be as good? Alright, top ten everybody. Quick top ten things to cover your body with.


I wouldn't do anything super sticky. That's my honey. With peanut butter, I wouldn't do.


No. Body glitter. Eggs in my mouth. Eggs in my mouth is good.


If you have eggs, we'll let you around.


Jelly's too sticky, I think.


Blue and feathers.


The love of your honey. You know what I mean? Tell yourself in the love of your honey.


In the love of your honey. It'll touch it.


Sounds like a song. Chocolate syrup.


Yeah. Sounds like a song they rewrote.


Whipped cream.


Yeah, marinara.


Absolutely marinara. Definitely. Nickelodeon Skak.


Silly String.


Ooh, Silly String.


Branded. Has to be branded appropriately. Mayo would be pretty even. Mayo?



What are we doing?


Who won the game?


Erin, you know who won the game.


Dave, we got a point there. We did, we get a point. Put it down on a little bit. Oh, we got a point. We got a point.


Team Potato Toboggan had 5.25 points. Allegedly, check the tape. We had 4.5, and I think we got a couple bonuses in there that I forgot to put in. Yeah, so if the audience wants to go back and check the math, yeah, let's check the tape, everybody.


I'm calling it a tie.


My favorite episodes of Jeopardy were always when Trebek was like, okay, good night everyone. And then Kid Jennings had to be like, wait, wait, who wins Jeopardy for the day? And he goes, I don't know. How many points did you guys have?


And Kid has to like- He's so put out. He's already putting his coat on.


He has to go over his little podium to look at his thing. He goes, I think I have 51,000. He goes, then you win, Kin. And it's a whole big thing. You win.


Since it's a tie, you guys get to pick if you want two $5 Dunkin' Donuts gift cards or one $10.


Wow. Should we both text, should we all text you what we think the other team should get?



Oh, Erin, it should be that thing, you know that thing where it's like if everyone goes for, it's like if you can take five dollars or ten dollars, it's like if everybody goes for ten nobody gets anything, but if everybody goes for five you get five, you know what I'm talking about? What's that experiment called? Yeah, we should do that.


JBC texted me nothing. That's not helpful.


I vote Adal gets nothing.


Wait, what are we texting? I don't know.


I honestly, look, here's what I think. I think Adal's puzzle brain wins. I think Adal's puzzle brain wins.


For sure.


I want to make sure that he gets something.


That's all I'll say. Wow.


I'll say this. I think Adal is going to get what's coming to him.


I think... Jon, you said something so nice and David texted me, just say we won. Thank you so much for coming on the show.



This was truly so, so fun. Y'all are so fun. Such lovely people who are so kind and hilarious and I love spending time with you all.


So sweet. Thank you, Jon. Yeah, I can keep going longer.


The worst part of Jon's day is literally dealing with anyone, so that's a huge compliment.


I should have clarified that I mean like external, like people I don't know who are like, like, uh, outside of your, outside of your Myspace top five. People I have no context for, you know what I mean? Like people who are like asking of me things that they have no business asking me. Like intruding into my life in a way that I don't have control over. That's what I really meant.


Do you have a podcast where you can recommend to people where they can hear more of your thoughts about what you consider to be an external person that doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as you?


Yeah, no, that's not what our podcast is about. Don't listen to me and Dave's podcast actually. No, no, don't do this.



It just says this during episodes sometimes too. Sometimes we go, hey, if you don't like that, this might not be the pod for you. And I gotta be like, let's not make that happen. It's a great podcast, ladies and gentlemen. Oh my goodness, the podcast with Brett DeMon, it's not ours, it's Brett's.


Yeah, that's the thing. The only thing we have to plug is these other two guys' podcasts called Podcasts with Brett DeMauch.


They look a lot like you.


They look a lot like us. Interestingly, both have the exact same hair without coordinating. Both of those men got the same haircut wig from the internet and they both have the exact same hair. A little known detail. Wow, a little known detail.


Aaron, that's why they didn't know what a barber was.


But no, we do a podcast called The Podcast with Brett DeMott, and Dave is Brett's sidekick buddy, and it's just a news and sort of pop culture kind of round-up show where these two extremely stupid men talk about articles that people who listen to the show send them into us, the funniest and weirdest articles that people find. They send them to us, we talk about them on the show, and then we have guests, which News Flash Everyone on this Zoom, you're going to be asked to be on the show at some point soon, so guess sighted.



Erin was on a crew, or somebody looked a lot like Erin was on as a NASA specialist.


Go check out that episode. I love my life on that episode.


I might have laughed the hardest of all of our 20-something episodes in one of our big moments during yours where everything on me hurt. And I think it was just mostly laughing for a while.


It's super fun, but it comes out every Wednesday. On the dot, midnight Wednesday. At midnight, it'll be in your podcast app. But no, we love doing it and we love being on this show because I think people who listen to your show would probably listen to our show and be like, you know what? That's not so bad.




I'd say it's a similar brand of chaos.


Yeah. So if you enjoyed hearing our voices here, go give our show a shot. And it's totally fine.


Just listen to the latest episodes.


Yeah, don't go back to the first floor.



We didn't know what we were doing, and they're really bad. Just skip those. We'll probably take them down soon. But the latest ones, the latest ones from Erin on, whoo, bangers. Really started to cook. Nothing but bangers. Just like Pitbull. Nothing but bangers. But thank you all so much for having us. This was so much fun. Thanks for doing it. Thanks for all that, Erin. Thanks for running the show. Thanks for coming up with all the questions.


Well, Adal came up with a lot of them. I was panicking last night. It was 11 p.m. Sorry. You came up with the questions you were answering?


You think I came up with the questions and answers? You lost 1.8 points for that. We officially win 4.5 to 4.4. Not the riddles, not the riddles.


What a bombshell for the end of the episode. Erin, you should have specified which question.


Uh, Jupiter, bye. Bye.


I can't believe I missed two of them.


Greeting after Adal Rifai. Starring Erin Keif and John Patrick Coan. Casey Toney to the editing. M.R.T. Parrot is in the music. Logo created by Emily Cardenas and Emma E. Nemours.



Casey's power went out at his place. I think, can we keep going or should we wait?


I think we could probably still go in. Still keep going. Still going. Still going. I think we could probably still go in. This is getting cut out of the episode. Oh boy.


We'll see.


We'll see. I think you should follow the podcast rule of don't edit anything out.


We'll give it a shot.


And it's not because I'm lazy. It's because.


It's because. And then he fell off for 30 minutes.


Yeah. All right, Dave. What you sipping on? You're stirring it a lot. That's soup. It's a little vitamin water. Oh, wait. Not the drink vitamin water. No, no, no. It's just like some. You dissolved vitamins. You took some stuff. Centered silver and dissolved it.


I did.


Flintstone gummies and then dissolved them into water.


Taking money out of 50 Cent's pocket.


I did go to get vitamins the other day and I like grabbed a ball and I came back home and I was like, oh man, this is over 55. And then I was like, eh, close enough.



Fuck. Yeah, I mean, over 55 probably just has like extra like prostate health stuff in there. Probably some like extra colon health.


Piss less at night vitamins, whatever that is.


Yeah, I take like a 20 or 30 one a days and just make like a 30 a month and I just do one of these every month.


Yeah, just slurp them down on the first of the month with my rent check. I take 30 days.


Hey there rotary dials and crazers. If you like that, you are going to love this week's Patreon. We're doing some phone calls. You can listen to that plus our entire back catalog at patreon.com slash Hey Riddle Riddle by joining the Clue crew for $5 a month or start your 7-day free trial or the Review crew for $8 a month and get those ad-free episodes. See you there.


That was a hate gun podcast.