Which Riddle Riddle?

#265: Winkie Winkie



This is a HeadGum podcast.


Okay, Adal, JPC, sit still. I am almost done painting your portrait. It looks really good.


And you're painting my portrait on JPC and his on my face?


I'm taking some artistic liberties. I don't want to spoil anything.


I so don't want to be rude about this, but how are you done so quickly? Like, I mean, we barely sat down. I just took my coat off.



I feel like, what?


You keep holding up your thumb and I thought it was for like scale but it seems like you're just trying to encourage us.


Yeah I'm trying to tell you you're doing a good job. Good job posing fellas.


The depth is the depth is gonna be way off JPC. Yeah and I'm a person who likes my depth very specifically.


You guys gave me $1,800 to paint a realistic portrait of you. You said that was a hold.


You said that was a standard hold on my credit card.


You said just in case we eat the paints you had to put a hold, like hotels do, where it's like we're holding $400 on your account just in case you turn into Led Zeppelin and trash the place.


And let me ask you a question. Did either of you have a little bit of paint when you came in here?


You put paint on our tongues. You said tongue is nature's palette. You put... Erin? You said it was complimentary.


I would never eat the paint. I am an artist. Let the artist work.


Okay, I will say this right now. If I'm getting charged $1,800, I'm going to trash this place like Led Zeppelin on their worst day.





Hey, Erin, can I talk to you to the side here for a minute?


Yeah, sure. What's up? Great job. You're doing so good.


No, no, no, no. Thank you so much. Big thumbs up. Can you make my genitals look normal? Didn't love that sound.


Why don't you go back over to the pose, okay?


Just put a fig leaf over me. Put a fig leaf over me. Whatever.


We'll see. Okay. Hi Riddle. You guys forget it. You know what? Let's just record an episode, throws paint to the ground. Let's just record an episode of Hey Riddle Riddle because I give up. You guys are way too hard to work with. It's not worth the $3,000.


Erin, can I tell you what's really going on? What? This is an episode of what would you do? Of course the TV show or something happens and we see how people react.



Who's the person it's happening to?


While you were painting us... I'm sorry, I cannot be here for another Adal Rifai podcast project. The guy's got too fucking many of them, okay?


I can't do what would you do? Check it out on Spotify only.


JPC's reaction is Adal has a new baby. JPC goes, I don't like the new podcast baby. I was here first, that's what he says.


New podcast can't even walk.


Aww, Erin during that painting a bee came and stung JPC in the neck and we were just filming to see what would you do and you did not stop painting at all and of course JPC famously allergic to bees severely. And who?


I gave that bee a big thumbs up.


Oh, my neck is swelling up. My neck is swelling up. Actually, not bad looking. My bum is on my lip. I think I'll keep.


Did everybody have a good weekend?


Yes. Erin, you know that I did. Good. Because I, again, had a big Adal Rifai weekend. It's maybe coming up on my second big Adal Rifai weekend in a row. I actually can't remember if I saw you the weekend before. I've definitely seen you in a couple weekends recently.



We went on a triple date.


We went on a triple date, but last weekend, Adal and I got together again and we played Blood on the Clock Tower, which was a very, very fun game. Very fucking confusing this time.


Who'd you play with? Just you two?


No, I said 15 of our closest friends. Fine.


Who was the triple date with? Our watch.


And? No, Erin, we're Mormon now.


Oh. Oh, I see.


Both of our wives are bisexual and have wives, so I guess it's not my wife, but it's my wife's wife, and I'm cool with that.


I think we'd say it's with a, I believe, a listener of the show, and runner of Blood on the Clock Tower, Rush.


Oh. Oh, cool.


Okay. Last name redacted. Last name redacted. Yeah.


and his partner and will only give hurt last night. There were several chutneys ordered on the table, and I am not a person who likes a spicy thing. And two of the chutneys looked identical. One was terribly spicy, and one was the peanut chutney that I wished that I had had. Not knowing that a spicy chutney was even an option, I took a big spoonful of that peanut chutney and put it in my mouth, and my mouth was instantly on fire. I got through it. I had some other stuff. The spice went away. But about two o'clock in the morning, that night, I woke up in the worst gut pain I feel like I've ever been in and had a terrible night. Not on the restaurant, completely on me and my My ignorance to not taste a little bit of the chutney before putting it in my mouth.



That was actually the first episode I was recording of Adal Rifai's What Would You Do? Oh man. I just kind of wanted to see what would happen to your tummy.


Another bee? The fuck? What is this show? It's like a bee sting show?


What's going on? Big Paulin is really being generous with their funds, so I have to really have to use bees every episode. Erin, how was your weekend?


Good. Last night I did an ice cream taste test because I'd never tried salt and straw before and we got three pints and I was the only one who knew the flavors and everyone tried a little bit of it and had to guess the flavor and then we ranked them. Oh. And they were two kind of fun flavors and one normal flavor. So I got... Okay, Erin.


Let's get you canceled. What's a normal flavor? Do you know what chocolate strawberry?


Like a salted caramel swirl. Like that's a normal flavor you expect to see in ice cream. So can I ask Erin something? Yes.



Did you have to, how do you taste a swirl? Did people have to say swirl or else they got it wrong?


No, they just had to guess caramel and then they would have won. I thought it was good, but it was very, very rich.


Ostensibly, they should have to guess the swirl, right? Am I insane?


I'm not a bully to my friends. Well, maybe, but not that way. I thought that was a little rich, and I could use some potato chips on it. It was just so sweet with no salt.


I want a fancy ice cream parlor where somebody comes with one of those big pepper mills full of potato chips at your table and it's like, potato chips? Could I crush some potato chips on top of anyone's ice cream?


JPC, that's actually brilliant.


You got me, famously you got me one of those cartoonishly large pepper mills, so... Adal, I beg you, do not ruin it with chips.


I don't know what will happen if you put chips in there.


I try and return it and they're like, did you put potato chips in here?



And I'm like, yeah, pepper. They turned the box around and there's a big thing on it like do not use with commercial potato chips.


And then Adal's face next to it. Like a red line through it.


My face says, what would you do?


There's a place in Cape Cod where they like crush up potato chips and they'll make you your cone and then they roll your cone in the potato chips. And once that happens to you, you're never looking back. You crave that every day for the rest of your life.


What were your other two flavors, Erin?


Hey Riddle Riddle. I don't just maybe because blue cheese is such like a like bittery aftertaste and there's the chunks of pear were too big so the texture of the ice cream was pretty bad but the olive oil I thought was stunning.


Erin, can I? Wow. Pause at something that might have happened and you maybe just didn't see. I think someone might have brought a charcuterie board. Your ice cream fell in it and you were so blindfolded. How blindfolded was she? She ate the charcuterie board off the ice cream.



How did people do with the blind taste test? Did people did people rock it? Did they nail it or was it much harder?


It took a minute. A lot of people thought butterscotch was in the first one. They kept saying like butterscotch tasted like or like a Christmassy candy or eggnog. Got a lot of eggnogs with the olive oil one. And then people got pears like right away. But hard to guess blue cheese.


Yeah. Not many people know this, but eggnog is actually an olive oil substitute. So if you're trying to like slim down for the summer and you want to use a little salt, something a little lighter in your cooking. Got a nice Greek salad and let me just drizzle some eggnog on it.


Put some nutmeg on top. Avocado toast is a little drizzle of eggnog on top.


I used to make my eggs with butter, but now I use eggnog. It's just healthier, guys. I've tried to be healthy.


And I love eggnog. Damn.


I think canonically on the show, one of my favorite smells, and I think it's for you two as well, is garlic, onion, and eggnog in a pan. Just sort of simmering is just... Oh, yes. It brings out the flavors of the eggnog.



We just caused so many car accidents of people hearing that and being like,


They just slam on the brakes.




I know I'm saying it a lot lately, but it's something that has been so present in my mind that we do have a responsibility because people do listen to this show high. And when you are high, you will make bad culinary decisions like using eggnog as a replacement for olive oil. I encourage people listening. Please don't do that. Or do it and let us know how it goes.


But do put Fog Raw on Thin Mints because that's Adal tested and Adal approved.


That's the highest thing I've ever heard of my life. That's the highest thing you've ever done. I don't know if you were high. It seemed like it.


I absolutely was. You don't know if he was high. I'm old man puzzles.


What was the origin of old man puzzles?


Erin, I think it was you. I think one time you said, I'm old man puzzles and we started.


That doesn't sound right.


It's not a fascinating origin, but it's stuck with us nonetheless.



I know it doesn't sound right, Erin, but could it possibly be anything different?


I don't know. It's probably some bullshit. I'll mind my business.


Let's get into some puzzles and riddles here. This is what I like to call, we did these not too long ago, I like to call these odd man out. So I'm going to read four.




items. Well, yeah, you got it.


Sorry. OK, next one.


Oddman out and about on the town. Here comes Oddman. Don't spin this. Hands on the head. Oddman's day out. Just gyrating my hips.


I'd actually like to see a scene. J.P.C., I want you to do the opening credits and the first couple lines of the Oddman sitcom.


Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. Look who it is with his hands on his shoes and his shoes on his hands. He's walking down the street in a handstand. It's the odd man and he's going out. The odd man's going out. He stops by the store and he orders a roast beef sandwich at the cashier. The cashier looks at him and says, huh? And then he doesn't even pay or stay. He just leaves. He's odd man out. And that's the end of the credits and then we go to the first line. Okay, open my mail. Answer. Oh no. Jesus.



Same. A few things we have to unpack. A few things we have to unpack. Okay.


I insist on unpacking. First of all, there's a writer's strike going on right now. So I'm technically not even allowed to do what I did to you.


Okay. First thing I want to mention. Hands on his shoes. You said he was walking about hands on his shoes. Immediately, I'm wildly impressed. But then you said shoes on his head. So this guy's just walking around like someone who just did a 400 meter dash.


I think he hasn't handled his shoes on his hands. I think I, I think I, I think I incorporate it yet. Now, one of those must have been a mistake.


There was the longest pause before that. You could really tell that the guy who wrote that song was improvising it.


A lot of people write that way. I want to say it's a process.


A few more things I have to touch up on. Uh-huh. Yeah. Do you think ordering a roast beef sandwich is odd?


But not paying for it and leaving before you get it is odd.


I guess I could have been a little more specific about what type of store it was. In my mind, it was a retail establishment. Gotcha.



Would a better name for this sitcom be Dumb Man Out because he left before paying for his sandwich?


Could a dumb guy do a handstand? I don't think so.


Absolutely. The fact that you're pitching on this is troubling because of the writer's strike. I mean, we shouldn't even be... First of all, this was in production way before any of that went through, so it's still going through.


I think the funniest image just popped in my head which is a guy doing the splits and like with like tada arms but the speech bubble says could a dumb guy do a handstand? It's like well you're doing the splits. And then JBC the last thing I need to unpack is I and this is positive. I love the idea of a sitcom where it's a theme song and then after the theme song there's a voice and it's someone going And that's the end of the theme song, and that was the first one. I think more shows... That's really good. I think more shows should be like Mad Men, where it's like... And we see the guy falling, and then we hear John Ham go, and that's the end of the theme song, and now we go ahead and then we... And then we go all this, and then... So they say it on a lot of shows, but the way that they mix it is they just mix it down really low.



But I watch everything with subtitles on, so I do see, I do be seeing all that stuff, yeah. That's why, kind of insider information there. No one wants to talk about the theme of that episode or anything? Okay, cool. Because the show, I don't know if this is clear, the show's a drama.


Hey JBZ, I trust you. I trust you that you'll handle it with Grace.


It is an hour-long procedural drama. I do love someone getting just a letter in the mail and there's one word written on the page and that word is the one word you don't want to see. It's basically the pilot to Breaking Bad.


Yeah, I guess that's true. Yeah.


Casey, insert John Ham screaming or whoever. That's John Ham, right? What a handsome scream. So we're going to call these odd man outs. Not to be confused with the sitcom. And I'm going to read four items. You're going to have to tell me which one does not fit in and why it doesn't fit in. So it's not enough to just locate the odd duck. You have to let me know why it can't swim. So for example, and this is going to be a pretty easy one, and they're going to get progressively harder. For example, if I said Boston, Massachusetts, Springfield, Illinois, Sacramento, California, New York, New York, you might guess.



I think I'm going to go with New York, New York, because I don't believe that is the state capital.


New York, New York.


That is absolutely correct, GPC. Okay. And you said that was the hardest one that we'll do?


That's the hardest one we'll do.


Thank God, because I barely got that one.


The next one is 1112.


I've tapped out, Erin.


I wish you luck.


No, I'm joking. Take shoes off head.


The second one.


The second one. Erin, you're absolutely right. But why? I don't know. I don't know. So let's get into some tougher ones. Bo Peep, Willy Winkie, Jack Horner, and hold on, Erin. What's you?


I don't know. You is a female sheep.


If somebody wants to name their child Willie Winkie, I think that's absolutely atrocious.


I'm sorry Erin, what do you do if Winkie is a family name, okay? You have to name your kid something. Alright Erin, smart guy, you have a boy, your last name is Winkie, what's the boy's name? Winkie?



Winkie Winkie. Actually, hold on. Erin just fucking trumped you. Erin just fucking ran laps around your little conundrum.


You guys, I have to be me all day. I have to be me all day every day for years and years. It's not fun.


It's so early too. We have to be you all day for the rest of today. I like Winkie Winkie. Okay. Episode title.


Probably. Bo Peep. Willie Winkie. Jack Horner. Boy Blue.


Willie Winkie. Erin Y. He's not in a little children's rhyme.


You said the right answer, but I don't know if you'd know the right answer.


Willie Winkie likes to thinkie.


Don't make me get another tattoo.


Willie Winkie put his pinky through his little fly. He came upon the girls at school and said, I cannot lie. I cannot lie.


I rhymed well once in the history of my life and Adal got so excited that he tattooed it on his body.



JJ made of hay, couldn't go to the bonfire. A masterful rhyme. Where's the rhyme there?


Jay and Jay.


Jay and Jay. That's a Winkie Winkie situation.


Jay and Jay made it hey, couldn't go to the bottom higher.


Wait a minute. Jay Jay. Erin, was the Jay Jay in this little story, was that, what's his name, Jack Johnson or whatever, from Mr. Joe?


I don't know what you're talking about.


January 6th.


Get me pictures of Willie Winkie. That's Jay Johnston. Jay Johnston. Okay. That wasn't Jay Jay, right?


What is going on with Willie Winkie and why is he the odd man out?


JPC, would you know why Willie Winkie is the odd man out? I'll read them again. Bo Peep, Willie Winkie, Jack Horner, Boy Blue. Now you might notice something's missing.


They all have sheep except Willy Winky. They all have animals.


You think Jack Horner has sheep, Erin? Oh, sweetie.


You don't know about him?



A literate of names until Boy Blue entered the picture and then it's... What do we know about Bo Peep?


Is that how we usually... She lost her sheep. Little. Little Jack Horner. Little Boy Blue. Willy Winky. I wish he was small, but he's gigantic.


Big Willy Winky. 26 feet tall. Two tons.


What the fuck is Willy Winky? We're talking like this is something in our culture.


I've never heard of Willy Winky. Erin's looking up Willy Winky.


I hate how much we're saying Willy Winky too.


Can I tell you how Willy Winky is described?


He is we. He is small.


Willy Winky is we. And I do want to see a scene.


Wait, wait, wait. Who the fuck is Willy Winky? Does everyone know or am I insane? Erin doesn't know. Do you know Adal?




If you have to ask, you can't afford it.


I'm going to read it. Are the children in their bed? It's past ten o'clock. What? Hey, Winkie, are you coming in? The cat is singing purring sounds to the sleeping hen. The dog is spread out on the floor and doesn't give it cheap. But here's a wakeful little boy who will not fall asleep. Anything but sleep, you rogue, glowing... Anything but Sleepy Road. I don't know. Rattling in an iron jug with an iron spoon. Rumbling tumbling round about. Crawling like a cock. Shrieking like I don't know what. Waking sleeping fog.



What? I'm glad whoever wrote this is dead.


Hey, Willy Winkie. The child's in a creel, wriggling from everyone's knee like an eel, tugging at the cat's ear and confusing all her thrums. Hey, Willy Winkie. See, there he comes. Weary is the mother who has a dusty child, a small short little child who can't run on his own, who always has him. You guys can keep talking. And I do want to say I just saw Erin's computer scream. And I do want to say I just saw Erin's computer scream.


I saw her computer screen and it's completely blank.


So everything you just heard was Erin having some sound. Willie Winkie is a demon. He checks to see if you're asleep.


Exactly. That did sound, Casey's right, that sounded very improvised. I've never heard of that shit in my entire life. I don't know what culture is Willie Winkie from.



This sounds like what the Salem Witch Trials were based on. Like it sounds like people were like a little, a wee little man went through my keyhole at night and he ran around, he tried to like fuck the cat and he drugged the dog and he kisses all the children at 10 p.m. That makes sense, nevermind.


In the olden times, people would just tell kids fucked up shit instead of just like, hey man, just talk to them. Like, maybe the kid had a nightmare. They just need to unpack that a little bit. They don't need to hear about Willie Winkie to go to sleep. Like, what the fuck are you talking about?


My mom said, my mom's a barber. She said she had someone the other day who was like a parent who brought in their kid and the kid was kind of being talkative or being annoying, I guess is the term.


And at some point, and my mom has- You seem loquacious now, just annoying as a bad term.


It was very well spoken, child. My mom's barbershop has curtains that go to a back room, and the parents said, like, Billy, if you don't be good, we're going to put you in that back room and there's dogs back there that will tear you apart or something. And my mom was like, what are you doing? There's no dogs back there.



Hey, if you thought another adult was going to co-sign this insane bullshit, not going to happen. No dogs back there. Come up with something else.


But that's how rumors get started.


That's where we do our adult haircuts, if you know what I'm saying. We have a large selection of 18 plus haircuts behind that curtain. We had a little mirror on the ceiling though, so don't do anything I wouldn't do back there.


I do want to see a scene. Erin and JPC, you have just given birth to a wee Willie Winkie, and I'm going to be the doctor who's meeting with you to sort of talk you through the next steps. I just want to start off by saying I'm so sorry. Thank you. That means the world to us, doctor, to hear that. It means the world to us.


Is he going to talk and rhyme forever, or is there something we could do?


As far as we know, it will be a lifelong situation.


How soon as a doctor, because I'm not a doctor, I'm not medically trained at all, how soon would it be your recommendation for how soon we could sell him to the circus?



Neither am I. One, neither am I. Two, I think that's at your discretion. You're not a doctor?


I'm sorry I lied to you.


I think a lot of people who have We Willy Winkies will sort of sell them off or have a family member look after them just because they don't want one in the house kind of running around.


We should be careful to not say that name three times in a row. Let's keep track of how many times. I'd say that's two, so don't say it a third time.


That wasn't in a row though, was it?


I don't actually... I can't read any of the words in this book that the baby gave us when it was born, so I don't know the exact rules about how it works.


But let's just avoid saying... The book flowed red though, so... Yeah, that's common.


That is common. I have a fishbowl right there full of little bells. You might want to grab some of those just to put on, we will, Winkie.


Uh-oh. Thunder and Lightning. He said it three times. He's gonna kill ya.



We gotta make a quick decision. Now you did say that we could maybe give him to a family member. What if we dressed a wolf up in human clothes and just kind of left it with the wolf in the woods? Do you think that's something that's gonna fix the problem or do you think that's gonna be something that's gonna end up coming back to us in a few years?


Uh, I encourage that, but dressing up a wolf in human clothes, I think it has its own drawbacks.


I think that's a very... Well, I don't go to your... I don't go to where you work until you have to do your job. You just did.


You're in my office. Alright, let's do more of these actually.


Erin, I just want to say that that guy at one point in the scene told his wife that he lied to her about being a doctor, and you took that pretty well.


Well, Adal said he wasn't a doctor. He said, neither am I. And I went, wait, if you're not a doctor.


Yeah, but I told you that I was and I lied to you about it.


All right, let's go back in the scene. Let's go back.


I lied to me.


Let's go back. You're what? A doctor and you didn't tell me.



I am sorry, ma'am. Ma'am, we're recording. The intro song to Oddman Out. I don't know what scene you think you're in, but this is the recording of Oddman Out.


Hands in the shoes, in the shoes on the hands. Okay.


It's always nice to meet a fan.


You're obviously familiar with the show. We've done one. We want to keep going. We want to do more.


Are you kidding? People are going to scream at us. We're only doing two before the break.


I think that we should do at least one more. Yes. Okay. Here we go. Tarzan, John Clayton, Lord Greystroke, Edgar Rice Burroughs. Which of those four does not belong?


John Clayton was a George Clooney movie. Tarzan, what's happening? Okay, Tarzan was Brandon Frazier.


That's actually George of the Jungle.


Tarzan, John Clayton, Lord Greystroke, Edgar Rice Burroughs. And I'll say if you don't know a certain story very well, this could be tough.



Are these all euphemisms for masturbating except Lord Greystroke?


JPZ? You're absolutely wrong.




Can you give us a hint? Um, Erin, have you ever seen Tarzan?






The Disney one? Sure.


I actually have never seen it, but I know Billy Joel sings a popular song in it.


You don't even want to joke about that. And you absolutely know that. What does Billy Joel sing?


Piano Man and Tarzan.


I love that that song's in Tarzan.


What is Mama Leonie's? Jane tries to present Tarzan to polite society and calls him perhaps Lord Greystroke or something. I don't know. Sure. Or maybe he was a Lord and the baby got stolen by wolves or wolves dressed up like humans.



I don't know the full story. I don't know such a bad idea now, is it Adal?


You are Tarzan. I am Jane. And I brought you to a high society party where I'm introducing you to JPC and you're trying to sort of come off as more sophisticated than you are. Hey, Lord Pumpernickel. So nice to see you again. How do you do?


So nice to see you, my dear. Absolutely enchanted by your presence and who is your friend?


I'd like to introduce you to my new boyfriend.


Nice meat.


You. You meet me very soon. You meet me very soon. You meet me very soon. You meet me very soon. You meet me very soon. You meet me very soon. You meet me very soon. You meet me very soon. You meet me very soon. You meet me very soon. You meet me very soon.



Yes, I'm gonna help you.


You must make an introduction. Lord Puzzle Bad is whiskey drunk.


Do you have vines, red vines, Candy?


You're so handsome. I like your long hair. I'm whiskey drunk.


You're so funny, red vines. Of course we don't read our vines. We watch them in six second format.


And we eat Twizzlers.


Too, uh, probably too short to be funny. No, perfectly cut. Quibi? Quibi. Do you have, uh, do you have, do you have Quibbies? Yeah, yes, small bites. Garcon, please, bring the Quibbies around.




I got a million of these in me assholes. Fancy British dudes all day.


My tie is a snake. Tuxedo is made out of tree bark. My shoes are well-trained squirrels. Am I just J.P. Riddles? Can I say something as an act? Yes. It is so hard to distinguish between Tarzan and Frankenstein. When you start talking, bless you.



It's like Cher and Jimmy Stewart. You start doing one and accidentally you're doing the other.


It's a poker. A poker, babe. Snap out of it.


Uh-oh. A little Adam Sandler, too.


They're all mixed in their homes. A shower da moon. I believe in a life I have to love, Shabamoo. Mary, I give you da moon, Mary. A da moon, a shower da moon.


All right, all right. We'll be back after this brief break, Shabamoo.


Every time, every time a bell rings, it's a nugget's wings.


We're gonna spray cold water on Adal to sort of reset him. I know what you're thinking. Do I have a new hat, Adal and JPC? New haircut? Why am I walking around with so much confidence?


I bet you're wondering. I wanted pretzels from the food court.


And I was just going to let you know that it looks like you leaned on paint.


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Erin, it looks like you may have leaned on like with someone painting a rocket money like billboard or sign or something because it's all it's all down your back it's like and it's I could ock it ock it


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Hey, what's going on? Somebody leaned over my rocket money paint thing. Run. Everybody run. Oh no. Maroon.


Is that DaVinci?


Yeah. Yes. And bye.


Time flies when you're having fun everybody. Let's keep going. Let's keep going.


Okay, we're back and I've been sufficiently hosed down and I do want to apologize for my Adam Sandler Jimmy Stewart mash up. I believe it's what the kids are calling it.


May I just say, my man, you're looking wet as hell.


Thank you so much. Thank you. You're so welcome, man. And I do want to apologize for the Jimmy Stewart impression I did with a lot of Adam Sandler movies. I thought that was in poor taste.





Yeah. I do think so as well.


Can't make myself sneeze again, what to do, what to do.


So let's get to some more odd man outs. Stooges, tops, little pigs, French hens my true love gave to me.


Well, three, these are all groups of three, the ones that are it. So can you read it again?




Three Stooges, that's fine.


Little pigs.


Three little pigs. They had a little sister, but she was smart, and she lived in the city. Wait, what? Excuse me? Is sex in the city based on... There was four pigs, and three guys stayed, stuck around, stayed in their hometown, and built those houses and got eaten by wolves. And their little sister moved to the city, put her high heels in a brownstone, and she talked about love.


Right, so the pig... Mr. Big Bad Wolf. It all makes so much sense. Ah, tops. And French hens my true love gave to me.



Tops is like the five tops? Three tops?


It's tops.


I think it's the four tops, I believe.


Is it the four tops? Yeah. It's a band, right? A musical act?


It's like a, I think it's like a 50s, 60s doo-wop or something.




I'd like to see a scene.


I'm thinking of the three stair steps. What am I thinking of? Four, five stair steps? Ooh, child, things are gonna get easier.


I'd like to see a scene. The three of us are the three French hens and we're sort of gearing up for Christmas, which is obviously our busiest time of the year.


Other hands, other hands, it is almost Christmas time! Kaka!


I admire your energy, but I'm too tired to do Christmas this year. Marcel!


Kaka, I am so put off for my firm months of paid leave every year for just the summertime that I cannot be bothered to do Christmas.


Gerard, can I just say I have never heard a cuck-a-doodle-doo with so much ennui. So, such is life.



He has nothing to complain about, though, because I almost got eaten this Thanksgiving. I was on holiday in America, never missed a good stuff to the gills, and murdered for food, but I... These pigs, they do not know the difference between a chicken and a turkey.


So ignorant.


Shall we make some coca-von? That's of course when we drink wine.


And I heard a flash gossip for you. I heard the two turtle nubs have broken up and they're now single.


Oh no, that's a stereotype.


One of them is staying with their petri in their petri and it's going okay.


This sucks to hear. I told the poutridge I had dibs on the turtle dove, eventually broke up, which we all knew that they would.


You cannot call dibs on a bird. A bird is free to fly.



Look, I'm a ground bird. I have ground mortals, low mortals. And do what I please.


Yes, you have always followed your base instincts, and I think you know what type of hen you are.


Oh, the phone. It must be the calling birds. I haven't been listening. I've driven so I do remember what day four one is. It's calling birds.


Calling belts?


A-boo-shoo! Uh-huh.


I am not here. If they ask about me, I am not here. Oh, brother. I fucked a calling bird. No.


See me, I done it. I was trying to think of like Lords of Leaping maids.


I think one time on the show you had me name all of them and I panicked and started at six and I didn't know which way to go. And I remember panicking in the old recording space.


Five Olympic rings.


Before calling word, three French hens, two turtle doves. Ah, bird stuff. A lot of Christmas bird stuff. How about this one?



That's my favorite one. It's ten yen yen yen fits. That's my favorite one. Oh, that's from Missy Elliott, right? Yeah!


Ten's if it's different from France, Tim. It's ten's if it's different from France.


If you got a pear tree, let me partridge. Find out how long I have to cartridge. Um, tempura. Chop suey. Chili Con Carne and hamburger, which is the odd manna. Erin, why hamburger?


That's for JPC to know and for me to find out.


Okay, so hamburger is the only one that was actually named after a guy. Doug Hamburger from Germany.


And that's where we get hamburger chins from?


I like to see a scene. JPC, you are Doug Hamburger and you're telling your friend Adal about your new food invention.


Hey man, I don't have a long time... Oh, yeah?


I think I finally fucking cra... I'm sorry, you're waiting on the bus?


Yeah, I don't have long to talk about what were you... It's good to see you, but I... Yeah, I think I... Dude, me too! Yeah.



I think I finally cracked it.




I think I finally cracked it.


Okay, yeah, yeah. What's your... An egg.


I cracked an egg.


Oh, good.


Good, good. So I was fucking high and drunk and fucking shitfaced last night, and I'm making dinner for my kids. Oh.


And... Is Michelle out of the picture? What's that? Is Michelle, is she still around?


No man, she's still my daughter for four more years. Yeah, she's 14 man, she's growing up faster every day. Anyway, I gotta make, I'm making them all dinner. Michelle, all the kids. Uncle Jesse, Tanner, DJ Tanner. All my kids. And so I make them dinner and I'm like, fuck man, I think these kids love sandwiches, man. Like I'm trying to like make like a culinary invention and finally I was like, what if I crack an egg and put it on the sandwich, man? Like put an egg on the sandwich. Like it's like a fried egg on the sandwich.


Um, Uncle Joey, I hate to... Burst your bubble. That's already a thing. That's a very popular way to serve. Congratulations. The 22 is here. I gotta I gotta hop on. This has been so great. And can I just say you've seen I know that we can kind of talking man. I'm driving. Well, I gotta go. Don't drive alongside the bus. Don't drive. No, no.



I'm driving the bus. I believe this guy.


Can I just say this man? I can't wait to have a little rig from work.


No problem. John Stamos big wink to the camera.


Why? What?


Big Cameo. That's John Stamos. Anyway, where are you going? I'll drop you off anywhere. I don't follow routes on this bus.




So anyway, here's my idea though. I call the thing an egg... Road. Watch the road. Sandwich. Watch the road. Watch the road.


Watch the road. What do you mean? Crash. Boom.


Oh, that could have been us. We got a seat.


I could have sworn he was going to invent the hamburger.


Oh, that could have been us.


You guys, John Stamos has been so top of mind for me for like a month. Why? First of all, accidentally saw him in that Beach Boys concert. Mind-blowing. Accidentally. Hilarious. So funny. He was definitely on something and was scurrying around the stage, playing bongos in one song, playing guitar in another song. Singing. Guitar. Back to bongos. Drums. He just was... It looked like they hated him too. It was so funny.



Wait, wait, wait. John Stamos plays with the Beach Boys?


He tours with the Beach Boys. He has since like 1994.


No clue. No clue.


Did I tell you guys that story? I don't know. Sean and I went to San Diego for our five year anniversary. Happy five year anniversary. Thank you. I was wearing a Beach Boys t-shirt because we got there too late in the day for us to like change out of our traveling clothes. And so I was just wearing like sweats and a Beach Boys t-shirt. Out to dinner and a couple next to us was like, hey, you're going to the show? And we were like, what show? And they're like, the Beach Boys. It's like a block away at this like outdoor theater and like an hour you must be going. And we looked online and the cheapest ticket was like $250. And we're like, that's insane. We're not going to that. Yeah. But we were like, let's just walk close to see if we can hear it. And we walked and we like saw it on the water and we're like, let's just try to get even closer. Maybe they have some last minute tickets because the concert already started. And this security guard was like, just right this way. And we're like, what? And we got to walk around and basically be like in the front row, but on the side, on the other side of the barricades for completely free. And we saw the Beach Boys.



What? You're telling us. If you wear sweatpants, combo'd with a t-shirt of whatever band is playing that night, you will get front row free tickets.


No, that's not what happened. That's not what happened. Erin and Sean, they went and the security guard goes, you know who that is? And the other security guard was like, no, who? And he goes, that's young Santa Claus.


That's young Mr. and Mrs. Claus.


Young Mr. and Mrs. Claus are here to see the Beach Boys.


Okay, and then but this is what's crazy is that our like song together is God Only Knows. So we get to our spot and we also we love to do bits about John Stamos. We get to our spot. The first song that they sing when we finally get to the front is God Only Knows. We lose our minds. We're sobbing. We're like we can't we don't even mean to. What the fuck? And then John Stamos we are deeply entertained the rest of the night because we're like why is John Stamos here? He kept telling stories and doing bits and the rest of the Beach Boys would just not acknowledge that he had spoken. It was so funny. Oh man, it was so funny. And he sang a song when a montage of Bob Saget photos played behind him. And it was absolutely wild. But then recently, I was like, I've never seen a full episode of Full House, so we watched that. And then I didn't realize how horny all three of those guys are on that show. They have the pervious vibes. Anyways.



Then we watched- Well Bob Saget famously couldn't turn it off.


Then we watched John Stamos on Hot Ones and it is the cringiest, craziest thing I have ever seen in my life. It is unhinged and I had to leave the room. I had to abandon Sean because I couldn't watch another second of it.


Because of Hot Ones or because of the way that John Stamos was acting?


Because of the way that John Stamos was acting.


Interesting. You abandoned, you left Sean for that after five years?


Yeah, I couldn't do it anymore. Wow.


God only knows what must be going on in your head, Erin.


Is that a song about a stalker?


Anyways, please walk through John Stamos Hot Ones and let me know if you can get all the way through it.


Erin, I have a question for you. That's your own Hot Ones challenge. Just to see if you can get through watching his episode. Are the Beach Boys, are the original Beach Boys all still alive?


No, like half of them. Hey Riddle. Yeah, it's also so nice because they like were would tell stories between songs and I'd say that was like the most valuable part. Like there's one that he wrote a song about George Harrison right when he died. And he talked about like being friends with George Harrison and being an Indian together. And it was that was really cool. And I love the Beach Boys. It's like my dad's favorite band. So it was really I don't know. It was just nice.



I think it would be so funny for the Beach Boys to like tell their little stories and then in between songs that John Stamos is like. I was on set for a Pepsi Max commercial in 2016. Let me tell you this director fucking hated me. Just like.


I was fucking Alyssa Milano. I was like, what are you doing?


Ever since he did that, I knew I should have played Prince Albert. I mean, Eric at the Little Mermaid Live thing. Sean and I have not stopped talking about him. It's crazy. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen.


Hey Riddle. Well, we're playing volleyball and we kick up the sand, got a margarita sip and it did it. And it's like every single song was that, but with different lyrics. And then I heard maybe in college, I heard pet sounds and I was like, this band's way cooler than what I thought it was. It's like one of the best albums of all time. Yeah, it's incredible. And I was like, what, why, why did I only just hear these beach pops?



I feel like that's the same way that people experience Jimmy Buffett. They're like, Jimmy Buffett has three songs, right? And they're like, Jimmy Buffett has 180 albums. So you're like, oh, what?


Adal, fair enough though, because Sean and I did a bit that we thought it would be so funny in between every song to yell, play Kokomo.


Just two and a half hours of Kokomo. Kokomo, not even a real song. Interesting.


What fact?


I heard a fact about it once and I can't remember any more details. Adal, do we have any more of these nasty little pieces of fruit, taffy, candy, chuck, beef, ground, chocolate, riddles, baby.


I can open my hands.


Too much paint, Erin. I have a lot more, but why don't we go ahead and solve the one we were working on already, and that is tempura, chop suey, chili con carne, oh forgot to say chop suey, wake up, chili con carne hamburger.


I think I already solved this one with that brilliant hamburger scene. But I guess if you must insist on us going back... What's the answer to this one?



It should work. Interesting.


Are these all national dishes? Three of them are, JPC. You're very warm.


Is hamburger not... Hamburger's not a national dish, right?


Well, I guess national, maybe I gave you misleading information. Three of the dishes are connected with a nationality or country in some way, and one of them is not. Telkura, chop suey, chili con carne hamburger.


Chop suey?


So yeah, hamburgers connected to Hamburg, right, Germany.


So chop, it is, but it's, so chop suey is not correct either. This is, I guess... I think I want to avoid the answer.


I think I want to avoid the answer. I think I want to avoid the answer. I think I want to avoid the answer. I think I want to avoid the answer.



America. Say America. And Chop Suey, I want to say was invented in San Francisco. Chili con carne, I'm not sure where that originates, but tempura, I'd say it in such a weird way, tempura is the odd man out because the other three originated in the USA despite their ethnic or foreign sounding names where tempura was not. So.






I don't like that one.


The guy who made tempura must be a freaking millionaire right now because it's so dang good.


Let's do, we're going to do one more very quickly. The Marriage of Figaro, The Magic Flute, Happy Birthday to You, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. And this is a fun little tidbit I had no idea about.


Can you read it again?


The Marriage of Figaro, The Magic Flute, wake up. Happy Birthday to You, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.


So three of these are in the public domain. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Happy Birthday, and the Magic Flute. And the marriage of Figaro is a wedding that I did not get invited to. Big Figaro. Big Figaro.



Big Figaro.


Figaro Newton's. They're not just fruit and cake.


Did we get the right answer, but the wrong reason?


What was your, you said the marriage of Figaro is the right answer?


I said the marriage of Figaro. That is incorrect. Okay, so we don't have the reason. That's probably what's wrong because we got the answer wrong.


I would focus on, so the marriage of Figaro and the magic flute are both belong in the trio. Do you have to know anything about those two? Maybe. Okay. Do we know anything about those two? Marriage of Figaro and Magic Flute?


Are they operas? Are they?


They're both composed by the same person. Okay.


So tell me Happy Birthday. And so is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.


Correct. Which is insane. I had no idea this was a thing.


I knew this and I'm telling you. Happy Birthday was like some sisters, right? The something sisters?


The pointer sisters. Twisted sister? Twisted sister. Scissor sisters. Scissor sisters. The band, not the practice.



Right? Because the happy birthday people that had that pattern for like forever until it entered the public domain, I think it was like the something sisters. So who's this other fucking math genius putting together these other great songs?


So happy birthday to you is the odd man out. The other three, Marriage of Figaro Magic Flute, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, were composed by Mozart.


By Billy Joel.


You oughta know by now. I had no idea Twinkle Twinkle Little Star was composed by Mozart, which is also, I think, the ABC song? Twinkle Twinkle Little Star ABC the EFG.


Here's my question about the version that Mozart composed. Do we think that one kind of goes hard? Or do we think it's kind of like simple ass Twinkle Twinkle Little Star? Like did Mozart do like a 20 minute version? Oh sure, for sure.


There's an extended cut and then radio, big radio was like... Big radio. And it was also edited because it used to have some pretty filthy lyrics. Swears. If you want to see a scene.



Yeah. Swears that aren't even around anymore. That's how fucked up this guy's mind is.


What are some of the swears that aren't even around anymore? Hey Riddle.


What did you know about that?


When you're acting like a slunt? I say I'm in my slunt era, so your words can't hurt me.


It might be slunt. I know which two words make up slunt, so I, JBC, I think sometimes you do act like a slunt.


Okay, and I embraced it because I'm in my slunt era right now, so that's fine.


I want to see the quickest of scenes. As we all know Mozart's, I don't know if it was his nemesis, but we all know Mozart and Salieri had a big row, and Salieri could never live up to the brilliance that was Mozart. Erin Keif, I want to see you. So Mozart composed Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I want to hear your version, your Salieri. After you hear Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, you're like, oh shit, I also have to write something similar. So this is going to be Salieri's version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. And JPC, you are the one person in attendance who's here to listen to this.



Hey Mozart, thanks for coming over. I just want to show you my cool, new, very original, very cool, very awesome song.


Sally, I'm great. I'm very pleased that you're finally writing again. It's wonderful to me. Did you sit anywhere? Should I try to clear off some of these papers and what appears to be human feces off of ground?


Yeah, some of the pizza boxes stuff you could sit


Just anyway, just a minute. I'll make a little nest. Yes, please. And what are you going to be playing on?


Um, my...


Because I walked by your piano. I walked by your piano on the way here.


That was a visual joke. Yes. Oh brother.


I walked by your piano on the way here and it seems to be smashed into thousands of little pieces. I don't know what is that part of the process.


You get it. You're also a musician or something magician. I'm not sure what you do. A bit of both. Yes. Okay. I'm just going to start playing. Great. Sparkle, sparkle, ball of fire in the air. You're my desire. I'm just as good as him. Mozart, I mean, redact that name, pick a new name, is ball of fire. Scene.



The saddest song ever sung. Outstanding. Wonderful job, Erin. Wonderful job, JPC.


I think you can do better. Let's rewrite... I want your version of Tranquil, Tranquil, Little Star.


My version? And you want me to play on my... Looks around the room. I got it. Here we go. Okay.


Nipple, nipple, horny dog. Okay. And seed.


Uh, so why don't we do this? We're done with these odd man outs. Why don't we do a very quick voicemail and I think we have a new theme, Casey.


Hello. I love you. Luba, Luba, Jiffy Luba, Tuba, Gata Tuba, Tuba Tuna, Charlie Tuna, Charlie, Charlie Parker, Birdman, Birdman Michael Keaton, Keaton, Keaton ain't cheatin', Keaton ain't cheatin', cheatin', a man made of tires? No. Splash of cold water? No. Wake up now. No going back to a man made of tires. Splash, there'll Hannah, Hannah Babera.



Don't say that, JPC. It's my favorite. The man made a tire. You're telling me that the man made a tire? I'm tired.


I'm tired. Why don't we play? Oh, JPC. Hold on. That voicemail theme was courtesy of Bryce from Orlando, Florida. I don't know if you caught this, but that was a to the tune of M&Ms Without Me. Thank you so much, Bryce. We appreciate it.


M&Ms from Orlando? I guess so. Bryce Mathers. Thank you Bryce. That was incredible. I promise I'll do more Eminem another time when it's more appreciated. Can we please get to our- When will that be? When I'm dead. Can we please get to our voicemail, Casey?


Hey Clue Crew. I'm on break for my job. I just have a question. I have a friend. Hi Riddle Riddle.



That's bullshit because you've typed hahaha in the chat twice today, Casey. Twice. I mean, I don't know who that's from. They didn't leave a name.


I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you have my phone number. You could've just texted me.


Unbelievable. I'd say this is almost the exact situation that we're in with Erin Keif, where JPC, KC, and myself are part of the Rev Friends, a play on Revrons, and we go see every movie we can for DX. You're part of it too, but you've never been. Now, JPC, we went and saw Mission Impossible 8.7? 8? And it could only be what I could only describe it as glorious in that it was a two and a half hour. It felt like I was in a two and a half hour car wreck.


Two hours and 45 minutes, but who was counting? Me. I was counting.


The only way I could convince you to tell them to go is to say 40X is the most extreme version. It is the Mountain Dew of movie-going experiences. Now, if your friend enjoys Mountain Dew, immediately she's in. If she's not, then it wasn't meant to be. But I would try and compare it to something else.



Variations on a theme. I think you can talk about it all you want. Seeing is believing you got to trick them. So you got to get the ticket. You got to text your friend. This is not the example, but let's say I was doing it to Erin Keif. I would say, Erin, huge estate sale going on right now. Wait, where? Yeah, exactly. Big celebrity died. Lots of stuff. Meet me at the movie theater. John Stamos. All Drive. You get them to the location and then it's just like, now you're already there. You're like, the estate sale was canceled. We have to go watch this movie now. And then boop, bada-boom, bada-bing, bada-bom, you got a 40x movie.


And I would say no. But that's backwards. Damn it. I wrote no on a piece of paper.


So Erin, it's on.


I would say leave her alone. Or she's going to throw up down her sweatshirt if you make her go to a movie like that.


Throw up down?


Throw up down?


I will say it would be hard to trick someone into going because there are no what I would say are normal seats. It's 4DX all the way down.



Yeah. Okay, what's... Casey, pop onto the mic. What do you think is the best part of 4DX?


Wow, this is gonna get really philosophical. Uh, simply that even the bad parts of movies are good. Yes. Just because even when the 40X doesn't feel good, except in Spider-Verse, which was, it is funny. People are laughing just at the audacity of the experience they're having.




The last movie we saw, which was maybe a week and a half ago, there was a moment where I was literally thrown from my seat and the whole audience was laughing not because I got thrown from my seat, I don't think, but just because the moment wasn't so intense. And at one point our friend Joey stood up out of his seat and said, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And then the whole audience was laughing and definitely at him.


It needs to be noted that Joey came in late and he had the biggest fucking book in popcorn I've ever seen in my life. He didn't know what 40X was. He had no idea. So he came in late. He came in right for the car chase sequence, which is like 20 minutes. It's like a 20 minute car chase sequence. And that's when 40X goes psycho and he sits down and his popcorn is like immediately just flying everywhere. Incredible.



Okay. I will try it once and I will let you pick the movie.


Have you seen the Mission Impossible yet, Erin?


I have. I hated it. And I love Mission Impossible.


But here's the thing. It would have been better at 40X, because even bad movies are good at 40X. But we'll pick the next one. There's nothing I think right now that you need to see, but we'll pick the next one.


Erin, if you're in town for the holidays, I suggest the four of us, or the Rev Friends as we would call ourselves, go see Betty Boop, a Boop Boop-a-doozicle in 40X.


No, I thought you were going to say the Charlie of the Chocolate Factory prequel at 40X. That would be a hot bag.


You don't have to give me all new blood after if you make me see that movie.


The funniest thing I saw on Twitter is they're playing the trailer for that, and somebody in the comments said, the way Timothy Chalamet, is that his name, is acting as if he's at the first table read for the movie.


And I'm like, nailed it. Alright, well thank you for that voicemail submission. Check the show notes if you want to send us a voicemail. Under 30 seconds if at all possible. If you want to send us a theme, hrrapodcastatgmail.com. Erin, do you have anything that you would like to plug?



I'd like to plug the Word Association podcast. I'm a big fan of it. I'd like to plug sitcom D&D. I'd like to plug Bill Buds. And I'd like to plug our own Patreon. Every once in a while I feel like we are really on one over there. Patreon.com slash Hey Riddle Riddle. I have been crying laughing the last several episodes we've recorded, so if you haven't tried it before, you can try it for free for a week, right? Yeah, free for a week and... So just hop on, enjoy it.


We're losing money. We're hemorrhaging money.


When we hit 7,200 patrons, which we're very close to, we release our column bonus episode with Anthony Burch. And so that is coming soon.


And we might have some Burchin Dice. Is there time for me to put something?


Yes, Adal. I would like for you to plug something.


Just because it wasn't mentioned earlier, I guess I'd like to plug hello from the Magic Tavern. Who?


I'm going on tomorrow. I'm really excited. Everybody gets one.


Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for the Meg 2.


I will see that in 40X. Hey Riddle.



We have to tell everybody about our big Patreon stretch goal, 7200 Patrons. We are so close to it. If you're on the fence about joining the Patreon, we have lots of great stuff over there. Every week we do another bonus episode. But speak of bonus episodes. If you join, if you join in the next whatever mini Patrons we're at to get to 7200, we are releasing our column bonus episode with Anthony Birch.


Birch Birch Birch.


Be Anthony Birch and with a new theme by Arnie Parrott.


Whoa, I almost slept on that.


And with absolute amazing editing by Sleepo himself, Casey Tony.




And I'm super jazzed about it. I'm the one who listens to that episode to cut out like coughs and stuff. And it is so awesome. Anthony Birch did such a good job and you were so funny.


He did such a good job coughing.


He coughed like the whole time.


And when we get to 7,201 patrons, we will be releasing the cough track, unedited, all your coughs.



All coughs.


Oops, all coughs. Maybe if you do like 7,300, we get Anthony some lozenges.


Yes, but I do love it so much. And if you listen to this one, then maybe we can do another one, and that's my absolute dream of dreams. So please listen, I wouldn't steer you wrong if I wasn't so proud of it.


Piffany, what's that girl's name?


Okay, enough of this shameless promotion we have a review to read.


If you want to get a five-star review featured on the show, all you got to do is go right when I'll read it. Hey, this one I'm reading comes from JNNHHJJ. It says, please read good show. And that's it.


Oh, amazing. Janet here. Janet just came onto our Zoom. Janet, anything to plug?


Anything to plug, Janet.


Well, Janet, you're going to be on the next episode, so we'll see you on the next Patreon, which we're about to record. Janet's a little early to the Zencast room, but also she's on time because we were running behind.



Yeah, we're actually late, so. We do, we do.


And we actually, who? Janet is going to be playing in our Patreon episode. Erin, do you know who Janet's going to be playing?


Oh, she's gone. Jupiter. Okay. I gotta go.


Bye, everybody. Created by Adal Rifai.


Starving Erin Keif, and John Patrick Coan. Casey Toby could be editing. MRE parents in the theater.


Logo created by Emily Cardamas and Emma Ina Woods. Hey there 4Ds and Xs. If you like that, you are going to love this week's Patreon. The Clue Crew brings you the cinema. You can listen to that plus our entire back catalog at patreon.com slash hey riddle riddle by joining the Clue Crew for $5 a month or the Review Crew, and you get those ad-free episodes, for $8 a month. See you there.



That was a Headcount podcast.