Which Riddle Riddle?

#258: Some Like it Hoth!



This is a HeadGum podcast.


All right, Slobs, please welcome to the stage your first dancer, Adal Rifai.


Sorry, I have to sing my own song.


No, I will, I'll be providing, it's not really a song as much as it is the poem you requested me read, right?


Yes, please. Yeah. Whenever you're ready. And I'll interpret, interpretive dance.



Roses are red. Violets are blue. I've got a big ass, and I'll shake it for you. Daffodils are yellow. Violet's still blue. My ass is getting bigger, and I'm shaking it anew. Other flowers have colors. Violet's are still blue. I think you know where this is going. A-ooga. So how about you tip me a two? Ooh, lots of nickels.


Lots of nickels from the house.


Alright, remember, underhand. Underhand on those nickels. Underhand. Underhand. Underhand. Ma'am, you have been warned. Underhand on those nickels.


But what if I want to hit him with nickels?


Thanks for coming, Gemma.



Up next, to the stage. Hold on, I had Adal Rifai ready. Hold on, we've got Jay Splits C coming up to the stage. Obviously, not me, I'm the announcer, so it can't be me.


It's not me, I'm Adal Rifai.


Jay Splits C has me one of you. What a who.


I can't beat you because I can't do the splits.




Well, no.


Maybe if we start like a clap, like one of those like, yeah, like amp up the crowd, like, oh no, amp up the crowd, amp up the crowd, slobs, slobs in the crowd, please, please, a moment of silence.


I've just been handed a note. J-splits C has been recalled to active duty.


Oh, okay. I thought he was like an Android or something.


Is this a strip show?


No, this isn't part of the show. This is sad news that I, the announcer at the strip club, am delivering to you. Wait, we're at war? It looks like he's fighting some personal demons.



Oh, but he calls that a military?


I don't necessarily know.


He's an army in the fight for his mental health? He's a helicopter pilot, just so we're all clear.


We really want to throw nickels as hard as we can. Can you get back to the show?


He's wearing a beanie with a propeller, but I don't know if that makes him... He's not here.


The show must go on. All right, Jeff, it's time for you to step in. Slobs of the club, please welcome your next dancer to the stage. Okay, Jeff, come on.


Bearskin Keif. It's probably, it's probably, it's probably Bear, like B-A-R-E, Bear Skin, Keif.


How does that work for me? I'm Jeff.


I know, but you're also- This is the worst opening we've ever done.


Hey Dads and Grads. It's Hey Riddle Riddle.


I'm Adal Rifai. Hey Dads and Grads. Hey Dads and Grads.


I'm Dadal Rifai. We missed Father's Day. We were just talking about it. We were just talking about it. It slipped us by? It slipped us by us? It slipped us by?



I think it slipped by as the medical serum.


I gotta ask you guys, when was the last time you went to a strip club?


Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.


Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.


Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.


Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm


I never went to VIPs. I think it's probably been at least 10 years. I never went to a strip club in Chicago. The last time I went to a strip club was in Indianapolis, but this last weekend I went and saw a burlesque show. Oh, the Star Wars one? Yeah, I went and saw a Star Wars themed burlesque show.


May the Force breasts with you or something?


I got to say, it was called The Empire Strips Back, but made the forced breasts with you is also very, I think that they, a bunch of them were saying that was the alt title. I walked into a conversation a bunch of them were having when they were talking about how that might have been the alt title.



Return of the bed, guys.


I will say though, Burlesque Show is very different from a strip club, but maybe not clientele-wise all the time.


Titooine. Titooine, sorry.




Titooine works. Oh, you know who just passed away today? Burlesque-gony? Burlesque-scony? Might be my new character.


So that's the other thing is like I don't think burlesque dancers do like drag names because burlesque goni is like a good burlesque name but I don't think that's like a drag name for a burlesque performer. How was the show? I will say. I have two pieces of black is good too. But again, I don't think do burlesque performers. You wouldn't call yourself Jabba the Butt if you were doing burlesque, right?


We're not saying that what we're doing is useful. No one's claiming that we're helping anything and anyone.


Hooper? I think pooper, I don't love. I don't love pooper.



Princess Lay-us.


Uh-huh, uh-huh. My two pieces of... Two buttocks. Have all of those- R2D butt? No, stop. This is nothing. C-penis 3L. Boba butt? Boba butt. That's a normal butt with taffy.


I've had enough.


As it began, it's a parody. It's a burlesque parody of Star Wars. But as it began, they do the opening crawl and projected on the screen, it said, like, Empire Strips back a parody. And the guy next to me started laughing. And I looked at him, I go, that's not a joke. That's not even funny. That's just what this is. The word parody isn't inherently funny. How was it spelled? That's, it was P-E-A-R and there was a picture of a bear.


That's pretty good.


I was like, that's not great. And then the other thing was, uh, it was the Star Wars theme burlesque show. So there was lots of like nerds there, you know, enjoying their nerd culture, which I have nothing against, but fan culture can be kind of like a little too much for me, especially when I'm like a casual observer of this thing. Uh, but the, it's been a while since the pandemic, since I've interacted with like, I know like my nerdy friends, but like a different type of nerd that I'm like not used to interacting with. Well, yeah, there were these two horny-ish nerds like sitting a little bit in front of me and during the intermission, they were like, just, Guys, okay, this is JPC's rules for seeing a burlesque show. Guys, don't be gross. Don't be gross, don't be weird.



Those are the only two rules, but they were like... Just because Luke... Thighwalker comes out and kisses Princess Laid.


They may have made a Fluke Thighwalker joke, by the way. But there's a way that you can comment on someone's body at a burlesque show that is appropriate. Like you can say, I can't believe she's dancing like that in those high heels. My legs are breaking just watching her like kick and jump in high heels. That's fine. That's like a comment about their athleticism.


But you can't say I just millennia falcomed.


You can't say that. You can't say I just, you know, did 50 parsecs in my pants or whatever people are saying. You can't do any of that stuff. And these guys were doing a little too close to that. And I wanted to like just go, shh, shh, shh. I wanted to shish them.


Well it's just that when you do it actually when you do it just sounds like a lightsaber which is kind of analogous to a boner.


Unfortunately they would have they would have responded very differently to that.


That's how you shush.


Also I will say that the all of the people like the ushers like the people like taking you to your seats they all had like lightsabers like to guide people in the dark and I thought that was pretty fun.



Oh, that's cute.


I think that's a normal thing that ushers use. Ushers in the flight... I wish all ushers had Star Wars lightsabers.


Yeah, landing a plane with like a double-sided lightsaber.


That sounds like a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun. I think it was Jamie Bliss, friend of yours, JPC. Her birthday party maybe like six or seven years ago. We did a burlesque class. And it was such a good idea for a birthday party because it just, it's like, you got to be really vulnerable, but it's like you're dancing and there's like fun music. It was a blast. I got to remember that for a birthday.


That sounds very fun. What's the difference between burlesque and cabaret?


I think you sang in cabaret. Lighting?


Yeah, lighting.


Lighting. Oh, you said lighting.


Yeah, do you sing in cabaret? That's got to be the difference, right?


Yeah, I think so.


Well, in the musical Cabaret you do. So maybe Cabaret is more like a, it's like a type of show. It's gonna have many acts, it's almost a variety act or show. We're gonna have singing, we're gonna have dancing, we're gonna have tricks and goofs and gags.



I mean, the cabaret show was like variety act, it was a variety. I mean, it was all dancing, but there was like different scenes and like vignettes.


Well, speaking of different scenes and vignettes, why don't we go ahead and head on over to some riddles. I thought we'd do something, this isn't really too different, but it's different than just outright riddles. What I have here, I have two types of riddles, one for the first half of the show and another type for the back half of the show. Which do we want to do first? The first half or the back half of the show?


Back half.


You want to do back half first?


I'm almost tempted to just do vanilla First half, second half. And go let classic order.


Alright, okay. I agree. To your turn.


But Erin, I can be convinced. I can be convinced to do the back half first. It's like having breakfast for dinner.


No, I don't have it in me today.


Erin, breakfast for dinner. What's your go-to breakfast for dinner order? Ooh.


Eggs and bacon.


Erin, classic. Classic breakfast.



Mine's a bowl of cereal. Oh.


I won't cook eggs after 6pm.


We went out to dinner a couple weeks ago to Golden Nugget. Golden Nugget is like a diner in Chicago. It might be other places too, but I know they have many locations in Chicago. I was shown a picture of our friend Harrison who went out to that Golden Nugget. The last time that he went, he had ordered a bowl of oatmeal And I was like, yeah, you can't be ordering a bowl of oatmeal at dinner. Like, you can't go out, you can't go out to eat and get that.


What the fuck? Are you in a Charles Dickens novel? What are you doing, Harrison?


Have you ever heard of a person ordering a bowl of oatmeal at a restaurant?


What are you going on?


No, that's disturbing to me. Guys, low expectations. I can see if it's a fancy oatmeal, but it was plain.


I like it, Adal. I heard it.


Anyway, so that's my order breakfast or dinner oatmeal, plain oatmeal.


If you ever, uh, go back and listen, there's an episode of This American Life, um, where it's all set at the Golden Diner, Golden Nugget Diner. Golden Nugget. Cause it's open joy for hours. And I think it's either just like audio of like people's conversations around the table or like they talk to some of the people, but it's fascinating. It's one of the best podcast episodes. Hey Riddle.



Hey Harry got the frickin' jab. Yeah, I'm not gonna get the frickin' jab. That's all I ever heard cops talking about at diners. Get the frickin' jab.


Get the frickin' jab. So I'm gonna go, I think Erin spoke first and said she'd like to do the second half first.


Oh, sorry. I was just trying to be contrary and actually I don't think that's a great way to move through the world and I'm feeling a little guilty. No, this is good. So here we go.


Harry, Harry, quite contrary. Drink a whole bottle of cooking sherry.


I'm really sick. It hurts all the way down.


That is not meant to be drunk. That's why they say cooking. It's low quality. You're going to have kidney stones for the rest of your life.


I'm fucking rich. I cook with drinking sherry.


And I drink with cooking cheers. What am I trying to say?


I drink with cookies, yours, Erin, your tongue, your mouth. Okay, here we go. It's going to be the second half first. Welcome back from the break. This is Adal Riddle. Let's try our other type of riddles that I had prepared. What's going to happen here, Erin and JPC, since you're all warmed up from the first round, what's going to happen is I have a list of four items, and you have to decide which of the four items does not belong and why. That's what we have to suss out or figure out. We're going to put on our little detective hats.



Fine, but just this once.


My trunk even more. It's so small now.


So for example, let's find a good one here. So for example, if I said Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker, Lou Ferrigno, and Clark Kent, which one would be the odd duck out and why? Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker, Lou Ferrigno, and Clark Kent. Peter Parker.


And to point 23, do we really want to be singling people out for being a little bit different? Call me Jenny McCarthy because I love singling people out. Call me Jenna McCarthy because I'm anti-vax, right?


Is she the one? I think so actually, yeah. Unfortunately.


I want to say, Adal, final answer. See Lou Ferrigno. And why is that?


He's the only one of those who is Italian. I do need to see a seed. Oh no. It's gonna be Italian Spider-Man and Italian Batman. This is a Bat the Man. I don't know that we should do this, but we can. You're absolutely right. No, can you tell me the real reason why Lou Ferrigno is the answer?



Lou Ferrigno, I believe, is a human man's name, and the other ones are characters from a cartoon character.


It can't be that easy, though. That can't be the reasoning, because that's too obvious.


Okay, well, Erin, what do you think the reason is?


I don't know, but it can't be like he's the only one who's not a superhero. That would be insane.


I've never seen this before. I've never seen us do a riddle and have one person go, hold on, hold on, hold on. It can't be that easy. Erin, we need a win. So many riddles.


It's like, as if I was like, banana, apple, grapes, the color yellow. And then we're like, the color yellow is the off one. And you're like, yeah, but why? And we're like, because it's a color. And then I go, that seems too easy. And then you yell at me back. That's what happened.


Erin, if I may, I chose the opposite. Erin, I chose the absolute easiest grape in the bunch just as a demonstration. So know that these are going to get very hard and I can't wait to see your little face scrunch up, scrunch up while you're thinking of the answer and wishing, why did I speak up? I should have said something else.



My face is not so little. My face actually comes big.


Is it because he's looking at us on like a small screen? This is the size. This little hoodied man is yelling at me. Okay, so... See, the last time I saw you, your face was three inches. Look how big you've gotten. So Lou Ferrigno was the correct answer because the other three are alter egos of comic book superheroes, where Lou Ferrigno did play the Incredible Hulk, but that's the name of the actor who played it and not the Bruce Banner-esque alter ego.


Is this Riddle, or is this meant to imply that people think that the Hulk's name is Lou Ferrigno? You'd be surprised. Because everyone knows the Hulk's name is Bruce Banner, right?


With the MCU saturation, of course we all feel like everyone has always known this information, but it used to be that this was very niche knowledge. Yeah, it could be.


You're right, you're right, you're right. Okay, now that you've established them, right? I saw a guy at this burlesque show. A lot of people were in Star Wars gear, fine Star Wars themed. There was a guy who was wearing a t-shirt with just the Marvel logo on it. What the fuck is your problem? What the fuck is your problem wearing a t-shirt with just the Marvel logo on it?



TPCs are bigger fish to fry right now. Let's leave the Marvel t-shirt guy alone.


I'm just saying there's some real pain in the world. I want to get a t-shirt that just says like Unilever or like I'm like yeah look me I also love a company. Johnson & Johnson.


Lower back tattooing. Okay, here's... Wow, that's pretty good.


That's from today. We were doing the Star Wars stuff today. No fucking way. That was weeks ago.


Erin, like the ice shelf moving across the United States of America, causing the Grand Canyon and other peaks and valleys and lakes, I've been moving us forward to do puzzles, but you two have been digging in your spiked heels at a glacial pace. Babu freak dance. Well, yeah, well duh. I mean, yeah, that's amazing. Of course we need to hear that.


Oh wait, hold on, Erin's googling Star Wars characters. Now this, I need to see what she comes up with.



Alright, yeah. Just give me like four minutes.


Four minutes! Erin, what do you have for bib fortuda?


BB-8, but the Bs stand for boobs, and then the 8 is boobs.


Double bebs, 8, double bebs, the Bs are confused. Erin left so hard at her saying BBA would be boobs boobs. Well here's the thing guys, here's what I'll say. We can absolutely continue to just do this because the first half of the show was jam-packed with riddles. I'm comfortable dicking around the rest of the time.


No, give me the next one. No, no, no, no, no. I need another one. I'm not on my phone googling Star Wars characters. I'm not doing that. I'm ready for it.


We all are. No, we're not. We're not. We're focused.


We're not stupid. What is Darth Master Vader? It's a great time. I want to say a great time. Okay, hold on. Let's get it out of our system. JPC, read off some characters. Let's do a little run.



Hand stuff solo.


Sorry. Nothing's gonna top that. Shake a tail-o. I don't know. That could be something.


I'm not really eating right now because you two are just saying the pun version.


Uh, uh, Hando Calerysian.


Uh, um, uh, Lando Calstripian. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh


Count Dookie.


Endor, Endorfins. Endorfins. Have a little fun in the back, Endor. What else, what else, what else?


Did we say Salacious Come yet? As Salacious Come been said?


Yeah, that was the first one we said.





I'm sorry, that was the first one we all thought of, but we didn't say because we didn't know if this was going to be a long run or complete silence after the first one.


Erin, you said you needed four minutes. It's been four minutes.


Have you done anything? I hope you all are having wonderful carbonite. What else?


It doesn't matter. Well, if we think about it, here's the thing. We only think of them if we're also having to think of something else. So we have to be doing two things at once for... I did it all for the Wookie.


Cebuba. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Yes. Anna skin. Anna skin Skywalker. Annie. Fanny. Sorry. Fanny skin. Fanny skin Skywalker. Give me the next riddle. Squado. Squado. Okay. Here's the next one. Rotator. Reverser. Redivider. Repaper. Which of these four does not belong? Can you read them again? Did you say rip paper? Rotator, reverser, re-divider, re-paper, damn near killed it.





Yeah, what the fuck is re-paper? Erin, why is re-paper the odd duck out?


Not a superhero.


I do want to see a scene.


It's the only one of those things to not be Italian.


I do want to see a scene. Erin, you are the famed superhero of Skylight City. You are a rotator. JPC, you are the sidekick of rotator Reverser, and this is going to be rotator and Reverser out on their first night patrolling the city.


Reverser, I'm going to be honest with you, I'm a little dizzy. I keep spinning and I'm getting some pretty bad motion sickness. How do we move on from that? That's the best.


That's his language. That's how he speak. Yeah, of course. Okay. Rotator, reverser, re-divider, re-paper. Which is the other one out? I want to say re-paper. And that's also what Erin said. Why do you think re-paper?



Because I don't know what the fuck it is. What is re-paper? The rest of them might have a vague idea of what they could be. I don't know what re-paper means.


Back in the olden days, if you've ever seen the movie Bicycle Thief, someone would steal a bike. And then the old poor man with his son and overalls would put up some sort of little paper that said like, missing bike, please, please send a pigeon a found. And they would put that up, but then someone would put glue and then put a new paper over top of it. So they had to re-paper the walls. That's how posters used to work, because you used to have a bucket with a, with a little paintbrush that would go in this glue and you'd paint on brick glue and then you'd smack a piece of paper on there. So you'd have to re-do that, re-paper. I don't know, dude. It's not that one, so guess something else.


What's the answer? I don't know.


All right, give me the option. Well, well, well. Is this whittle too hard?


I've no memory of the last 20 minutes, so this will not work on me.


Say it one more time.


Say it one more time. Admiral Snackbar. Admiral Admiring Gackbar.



Well is empty, Adal. There's nothing left.


You show up to a burlesque show. You show up to a burlesque show. They say, next to the stage, Admiral Snack Bar. What do you think you're getting there? Hold on, hold on.


I said, Sarlacc Tits. Is my mic on? Casey, replay, make the rest of the episode me screaming Sarlacc Tits. No, you should live in Admiral Snack Bar. You should live in that for as long as you can. I mean, I'm pleased with that one. Rotator, Reverser, Redivider, Repaper. I'll give you a hint. It's not Repaper.


Well, rotators are the only one that's not in the park. Okay, is it rotator?


Here, I'll give it to you because I think there's a little pride before the fall where we thought these were going to be a real breeze, but they weren't. So the odd duck out for this is Reverser because the other three are palindromes. Rotator, Redivider, and Repaper are all palindromes. Reverser is not. We having fun?


Yes. Paper.


Okay, here's a good one. You said the liar.



He was telling the truth for once. Wow. King Emperor Idiot Jackass. King Emperor Idiot Jackass.


It sounds like the beginning of a really mean eulogy.


King Emperor Idiot Jackass. We later as John Patrick Coan who died at a Star Wars burlesque show straining his brain to come up with more puns.




Erin, what do you think it sounds like?


No, no, no, no.


King Emperor Idiot Jackass. That also sounds like someone being like, whatever you say, King Emperor Idiot Jackass, like someone struggling to come up with it. Erin, tell you what, you're right.


Not a kind of penguin.


The other three are types of penguins, except for idiot is not. Erin, until today, I had no idea that there was a type of penguin called jackass.


Do you want to see a scene? I got it first. I got it first. I got it first.


All three of us wanted to see a scene at the same time. Before this is the first time we've all been inspired to see the same scene.



We all wanted to see penguins on giant echos.


Not me.


So here's what we're going to see. We're going to see, well, the tough cookies. We're going to see, this is just going to be an episode of Penguin Jackass. It's just penguins doing the show Jackass for other penguins.


And sorry, you said this is just Erin?


Yeah. Yeah, like how Jackass is just one person.


No, I'm not. Hey, everybody. My name's Little Eggs, and this is called Shit on Ice.


Who shit on this ice? Who shit on this ice? Little legs!


See, this isn't sustainable. No, I want mine. I realize Jackass is all visual. Wait, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I was going to make my name Johnny Snackswell. Do it, do it, okay, we'll do it now.


No, do it now, do it now, do it now. Do it now.


Hello everybody, I'm Johnny Snackswell, and this is All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name.



All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name.


All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name. All you had was the name.


Um, I actually didn't know that, but I did deductive reasoning where I go, Emperor and King are both penguins. I doubt there's a penguin type called idiot because I definitely would have heard about that before.


But not jackass.


So that's how you use deductive reasoning.


This, I gotta say guys, this is kind of, we solved it. That's great. Good job, Erin. But it also kind of puts us in a weird spot where we just bought and started marketing penguin baseball. And now we're fucked because we can't sell shirts that say jackass on it. Well, here's the thing. No site will hold that.


Jackass penguin, it's a colloquial name for that penguin. It's not like the official name, obviously, for that penguin. But they call them that due to the species' loud donkey-like noises that they make.



Okay, fine. I want to see a scene. But they're the size of a penguin!


They're the size of a penguin and they make the noise of a donkey!


You two are penguins and you are sitting on eggs and you're talking shit about this new penguin in your group who's a bit of an idiot. Jackass.


Dude, dude, dude, Lance, Lance. Pssst. Yep, yep, what's up? Do you see the, do you see the noobs? Oh my god. Dude, I walked up to that motherfucker and I balled up my, I balled up my wing and I act like I was gonna flap it in his face, but I pulled back and I was like, sucker, because he flinched. I was like, you know who I, do you know how my dad is? You did that? This motherfucker had, yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Holy shit. This guy, this guy fucking, this guy's- Hey, do you know if he made it yet? I mean, we would know, right?


I mean, I would know. Everyone would be talking about it.


Yeah. And we'd see them together because, you know, we both, you know, we mate, you know, we mate all the fucking time.


Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we mate for life. Play on, play on. Well, I mean, I fuck for life. I fuck for life. Dude, I fuck like it's my job. But no, seriously, my job is sitting on these eggs. My job is sitting on these eggs. Yeah, we do have to predict that. Yeah, exactly. While my wife hunts, because I have a sports injury that I can't go out there.



Dude, I remember the exact play. We were playing penguin baseball. You hit what we thought was going to be an out of the rink, out of the rink, home run. You slid into first, you slid into second, you slid into third. Then you got cocky, you started to turn to the crowd because you're like, it's out of the park, I don't have to. But then the ball came in, catcher got the ball, which of course, the day I get the ball. Stood in front of home plate and just absolutely crushed you as you tried to slide in. Just absolutely crushed you. We heard the snap. I mean, we heard the snap.


Hiyah! Sup fellas? We talking baseball or what's going on?


We're talking penguin baseball. We don't play that stupid baseball bullshit. We talk about penguin baseball.


Lance, this is Toby. Toby, this is Lance.




Toby, you're the new penguin, huh?


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Penguin.


What's this, what's this metal tab at the top of your neck? Is this a skin tag?



No, no, no, don't touch me. Here, let me, I do the skin tags.


Let me just rip it off. Oh, sorry. Oh my god, I opened up a whole bunch of other little metal skin tags that look like teeth that split all the way down your back. Are you okay? Toby, are you okay?


Are you okay?


Your skin looks real loose.


Yeah, this looks, your skin looks real loose and it has a little alligator in the upper left hand pocket.


I'm undercover.


You're what?


I'm undercover.


Zip. Dude, we're all undercover. What?


You're undercover too?


Yeah, come on Lance. Come on. You had to have known. We're all trying to catch the same guy.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're all undercover. Why don't we all split up?


Why are you saying it like that? Unzip your zipper. Don't worry.


Unzip your zipper. Let's all split up and go off in three different directions. Let's all gather these, uh, eggs, which is eggs.


Mine aren't eggs, they're sono speakers.


We're not saying I'm still in sono speakers. Oh, man.



Alright, are we ready for another one? I'm ready.




Well, Erin, then I'll hold tight until we're ready. You know what, Erin, I'll do you one better. Let's go to a break.




No, sorry. This is the second half of the show. So let's do plugs. I want to plug. I'll go first. I want to plug a break. Hmm.


I want to plug a break.


Can you kick that plug in? I guess it's up to me.


He's looking at Google or looking at Star Wars.


Star Wars sexy pun. Admiral Holdo, my dong. I think... Darth Balls?


Darth Balls. Oh, God. I know what you're thinking. Do I have a new hat, Adal and JPC? New haircut? Why am I walking around with so much confidence?


I bet you're wondering. I wanted pretzels from the food court.


And I was just gonna let you know that it looks like you leaned on paint.



Anyways, I just had a bunch of subscriptions canceled for me by Rocket Money that I wasn't using. And so now I'm flushed with cash and now I'm confident. Pretzel money? Well, maybe. We'll talk about that. Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, and helps you lower your bills all in one place. I've been using it for years, even before they were a sponsor.


Erin, it looks like you may have leaned on like with someone painting a rocket money like billboard or sign or something because it's all it's all down your back it's like and it's I could ock it ock it


People think they're spending $80 on their subscriptions when in reality, the number is closer to $200. And when you signed up for so many free trials, like streaming services, you watch one show and then you completely forget about it. You lose track and then all of a sudden you're like, why am I bleeding money? Rocket money? They take care of that for you. They go, sit back, relax, we got this. And they make everything color coded and easy and super intuitive.



You're also color-coded. A little birdie told me that Rocket Money also lets you monitor all your expenses in one place, recommends custom budgets based on your past spending, and they'll even send you notifications when you've reached your spending limits, which sounds like something my friend would like, but I forget which friend I'm so hungry for pretzels.


Speaking of pretzels, you don't get all twisted up by salty and the bread of your finances. With over 3 million users and counting, Rocket Money customers have saved an average of $720 a year.


Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions and manage your money the easy way by going to rocketmoney.com slash riddle. That's rocketmoney.com slash riddle. rocketmoney.com slash r-i-d-d-l-e.


Hey, what's going on? Somebody leaned over my rocket money painting. Run.


Everybody run. Oh no. Maroon.


Is that DaVinci?


Yeah. Yes.



And bye.


And I liked all those Star Wars puns. So let's continue with the first half of the show. And here's a little sneak preview. We're going to do one sneak preview of what's going to happen in the second round, and then we'll do what we're doing in the first round. It's going to be jam-packed. A little preview is I'm going to say four words. You tell me which one. It might not be just words. It could be a whole phrase or sentence. You're going to tell me which one does not fit and why. So here's the one and only we're going to do this round. The speed of light, the speed of sound, mass and energy. Which of those does not belong?


Okay, we got the speed of light. The speed of sound, mass, and energy?


That's right.


I want to say energy.


Okay, why?


Well, I think the rest of them, with the exception of probably one or two, are measures of distance.



Interesting. Interesting. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Erin, do you have a guess? The speed of light, the speed of sound, mass, and energy.


Speed of sound.


Because it's the only Coldplay song. You can't tell me Coldplay doesn't have a song called Mass. I wrote a song for you, and it was called Mass. Erin, you're right. You said speed of sound? Erin, you are dead right. Do you know why you're right?


I'm dead? No, hold on. It's because when you write it out, it's the only one that doesn't use.


Erin, can I give you a little hint?


And then you went over there.


Can I give Erin a hint? Erin, here's your hint.


Only one that's not Italian.


That's right. The speed of the sound, the speed of a light, no. The speed of sound is the only one that is not part of Einstein's famous equation E equals MC.



Yeah, that's what I said because it wasn't in the equation.


Well, E equals MC hammered. And then if you do that whole thing. You know what? I lied. We're going to do one more because I think this will be very fun for Erin. Okay. Okay. We'll see. Cornhusker. Nutmegger. High heel. Tar heel. Cornhusker. Nutmegger. High heel, Tar Heel.


High heel.


I think it's Erin you're dead right? JBC you're dead right? Why do we think it's high heel?


Because when you come over and then... I think there aren't the rest of them college sports mascots or whatever. Very close.


If you scramble those words they make a word but I don't want to do it because that sounds hard and I'm really kind of tired and I don't want to do it.


Am I right? Tar Heel is Tar Heeler is like that's something from like Alabama or something.


Erin I feel like you have the energy of a substitute teacher who assigned a project because she knew she was teaching the next day and then as the kids present their project you're going boring.



Yeah. That's my vibe all the time. I'm right though. Tell me why I'm right.


JBC pretty much got it. High Heel is the only one out of the four that is not a nickname for state residents. And the reason I wanted to read this one and I thought it would be very fun is because I thought Erin might know this. I had no idea you call someone from Connecticut a nutmegger?


Dude, I prepared this sort of a spoiler, but I knew that as of yesterday because Connecticut is the next state up in our state series.


Wow. Check out patreon.com slash a riddle riddle. Cornhusker is Nebraska, Nutmaker, Connecticut, Tar Heel as we mentioned, North Carolina.


Erin, I want to ask you why they're called a Nutmaker, but I think you did such a good tease for the Patreon that I'll just reserve my question for that episode, so I will take my question off air. It's not what you think.


I'll take my question behind it.


Is it because they eat a lot of nutmeg?


No, shut up.


Is Connecticut the eggnog state?


Yep, shut up.



If it was, I admit there, I fucking... The smell of nutmeg? What is one of my favorite things in the world? Cloves and nutmeg. Just do it for me.


Absolutely do it for me. What about onions and garlic and butter?


That's the number one smell.


You promised.


That's the number one smell. But number two, nutmeg, clove. Someday, man, I'm going to get that top 10 smells from you.


I'm going to get that top 10 smells from you. I've given you nine. I just won't tell you the 10. Bit by bit. Bit by bit. Wet dog. I want to know your favorite smells.


Well, we'll save the rest of those for the second half of the show. But for the rest of this first half, I have another type of riddle. These are called Spoonerism Pairs. Do we know what a Spoonerism is?


It's a religion based on a spoon that became sentient.


Yeah, that's right. Joseph Smith found the spoon in his backyard in Upstate New York.


He buried it himself.


I'll tell you, I do need a little break. I'm going to go shake a tower. Actually, I'm going to shake a tit. And I will be right back after I'm finished doing that.



Shake a tower, shake a tit. I don't think that's a spoonerism. I think tickle biddies is a spoonerism.


Shake a tower is take a shower. That's a spoonerism.


Oh, I see. Shake a tower. I see. Yes, you're exactly right.


Can you do that? Take a shower, shine your shoes in spoonerisms.


Shake a tit is to take a shit. Just, just to work. I see. That one's a little more vulgar. I don't actually love using it.


And I don't know, I don't know if this is real or not, but I grew up my entire life believing, again, this could not be true, that Shel Silverstein created Spoonerisms. Shel Silverstein, author of... I don't know anything. I can't argue with you. Also wrote, I believe, pretty filthy articles for Playboy?


I was prepared to have my world shook, but then you said something and I was like, well, that doesn't matter to me. Like if someone came up to me, they were like, I'm with the Spoonerism. I'd be like, great, man. Just pump the gas. I got places to go. I don't actually... What am I already laying?



I think you also wrote the song, A Boy Named Sue. So, Erin, you understand Spoonerism?


Yeah, I'm in.


I'm in. Cool. Just want to make sure. So these are going to be two clues that when you solve the two clues will give you a pair of spoonerisms.


Two clues. Clue twos. Did I get it?


Oh, we haven't started.


Uh oh.


So here's an example.


Now I'm up here all alone.


Here's an example and Erin just a heads up. I'll probably choose the easiest one for the example. An overweight builder of dams and the symptom of a sick flying mammal. An overweight builder of dams and the symptom of a sick flying mammal.


The symptom of a sick flying mammal?


That's what it says, but it could also be like the condition a sick flying mammal has, I guess.


Are we doing, I don't know, is this like, is this beaver? But we have to get, what's the part of beaver that we have to get? We have to get like... Overweight.



An overweight builder of dams.


Like, heavy, heavy beaver? Wait, is this a spoonerism in itself? Wait, which part of this is a spoonerism?


So the two answers will be spoonerisms of each other, if that makes sense. Or I guess spoonerisms of each other doesn't make sense. It'll be one complete spooneriz? Here's what I'll say. An overweight builder of dams and the symptom of a sick flying animal is fat beaver and bat fever.


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, okay. I understand. Does that make sense? Yes, now I get it. Bat fever. Got it.


Okay, here's the next one. A utensil used in cooking plus an overly inquisitive admirer.


Your hand?




Catch you. Spatula ketchup.


Wait, the first one is just a utensil used in cooking?


Fork. I'll change this a little bit. I'll change this because it might be confusing. An item used on the stovetop in cooking. A two-word item used on a stovetop.



Oh, so it is a two-word item?




Cooking pan, frying pan.


Yep, there you go. And an overly- And a frying pan! A prying pan. A prying fan. I'm sorry.


A prying fan. Okay. I want to see a scene. She was going to solve it. No.


She said a frying and then she said, I want to see a scene.


Adal, you are a celebrity and JPC, you are his biggest fan and you're running into him on the street.


Oh, the street?


No, this is me.


Oh my God. Hi. Uh, hi. Oh, I'm so sorry to bother you. You look like you're on your way to something... Razor Scooter? How'd you know my name?


You have a name tag that says, hi, my name is Razor Scooter.


Oh my God. Oh, I forgot I just got off work. Um, I'm a huge fan of you. I love Hello from the Magic Tavern. Wow, you're so much taller than I thought you'd be. Oh. I know you're tall, but you're very tall.


I'm sorry, I'm a huge fan. Oh, thank you. Um, thank you so much. Um, well, Sorry, I'm trying to get around you, but you keep sliding like you're playing defense.



So, sorry, would you mind if I got like a picture? Would you mind if I had a picture with you? Is that... I'm sorry, I'm a huge fan. Mr. Knee Camp.


No, my name is Adal. Do you want a picture? Do you want a picture with me?


Your name is Arnie Adal?


No, my name... Oh, no. It's happened again.


I'm so sorry. This is not... I'm so sorry.


Adal, it's okay. Just... Hey, I'm Arnie Knee Camp. From Hello from the Magic Tavern. About six and a half years ago I fell into a fucking subway. Hey, do you want a picture?


Are you doing an impression of someone else on the show? No, it's me, Arnie Meekamp.


This is how I've always talked. Which one's the wizard? The character or the actor?


I'm sorry, what would be the difference?


Her name's Felicia Day. She plays a wizard named Jenlevia the Red. And that's you, right? You're Felicia Day? You just thought I was Arnie Kneecamp. Who?



I thought you said your name was Arnie Adal.


Okay. I'm gonna ask this once and I'm gonna ask this once only. To be fair, I've turned around three times during this conversation. Are you a set of triplets that every time I turn around, one of you swaps each other out for the other? We're not a set of triplets. That is hurtful.


That is scary.


That is... Erin lead with scary. Dude, yeah, do you call triplets a set of triplets?


When you're trying to collect them, you do.


I got the whole set. We should figure out what three is called.


Oh, I meant to tell you guys, and I forgot, I was like, wait, why do I feel so conscious about my laugh today? You finally got the laugh surgery? Yeah, I wish. You got laugh-rescopic surgery? And told me that my laugh makes them want to K themselves.



Wait, wait, wait, wait. What'd you just say?


Who said that? Someone on Instagram messaged me and wanted to let me know that my laugh makes them want to end their life.


Can you do audio messages on Instagram, Erin?


Yeah, I think so.


You should just do an audio message of your laugh and be like, bye.


And I was like, wow, you should be really careful and not listen to anything that I'm not.


OK, here's what we're doing. Here's what we're doing. We're going to stop this episode in case you figure out what to do with the last 13 minutes. J.P.C., I'm gonna drive and pick you up. We're driving to LA. Erin, we're gonna swing by and pick you up. And we're gonna go find this- Why would you lift me this way? Why would you lift me this way?


Turn with me.


Turn with me.


Protect his neck. Support the neck, Adal. What are you doing?


My neck is flopping around. We're gonna go find this person and I'm gonna get my ass kicked. And you two are gonna watch it. Adal tried to pick me up like a bowling ball.


He slipped two fingers down the crack of my butt. And where'd my thumb go?



Tell them where my thumb went.


I wish I knew! I feel like somebody just got your nose to me.


It's in your re-throw butt. I think I jammed it in so quick and hard that it numbed the area. I couldn't have numbed the area. Erin, before we move on I just gotta say Fuck that person. I'm so sorry that happened. Here we go. Next one. The bottom of the ocean and a dog that has been bitten by an insect has this. That's a long one. Sea floor. Yes.


Nail this. Sea floor and a flea sword? That's it. I'd like to see a scene.


Uh oh.


I got a really nice flea sore from Old Navy.


Adal and JPC are both fleas and you're like biting a dog or a cat or something and one of you gets injured on the job.


Sometimes I feel like I need a vacation from biting this dog or biting this cat. Yeah. Hey, it's nice to meet another flea.



Yeah, man, I love your shorts and no sh- nope, that's Anthony Keetis. Never mind. I love your underwear with a sock in it.


Noah, I sock over my dick. We both messed up. Yeah, do you- colored contacts? Colored contacts, yeah. Is that something from- yes? And I loved you in Back to the Future 2. You're too kind, you're too kind. Hey, it's so weird to meet another Five foot five, gap-toothed blonde weirdo bassist who likes biting cats and dogs, man!


Widges too, cool guys, singin' songs, suckin' back a couple cold cats and dogs.


That's right. Hey, you know- Hey, want a high five? Yeah! 3, 2, 1. Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!


Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!


Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!



We hurt our wrists. Sorry, don't want to get too far away from that.


Also, we don't want to get too far from the base that we're sitting on because it might hatch.


Cool, cool, cool.


We call this home base.


Yeah, well I gotta get back to work. Nice meeting you fellas.


Nice meeting you? What is this, some sort of skin tag?


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Anthony Keetus? Yeah, it's me. Say one thing about yourself. Shut up.


See, you have the hair of a 13 year old on school picture day. That's Anthony Keetus. He always has the hair of a 13 year old on picture day.


Is that right? I'm gonna Google Anthony Keetus hair.


All right, we'll see. Let's do just maybe one or two more of these. Cool. Are we ready? Yeah. Thumper's cell phone and a misnamed nerve. Thumper's cell phone and a misnamed nerve. In terms of what we call this as a species is actually incorrect. It's a nerve, not a blank.



Thumper. Thumper. Is that a character? Is Thumper a character? From Bambi. From Bambi.


It's a bunny something. And actually they say Little bunny blackberry working on the Wall Street. Picking up the socks and bopping them on the head. It says thumper cell phone, but you can still use the word that's in there. They should have used a different word, but it does say cell phone. So it's bunny, bunny phone. I don't want to misdirect you.


Bunny phone.


And a misnamed nerd.


Funny bone.


Bunny phone and funny bone.


Interesting. Interesting. Okay. It had the word in there. They could have just had like Thumper's cellular or something.


I'd like to see a scene. JPC, you're the funny bone and Adal, you're like the fibula or something. You're like a different bone in the body.




Meeting him.


Oh, whoa, are you the funny bone? Hey man, uh, my name is, uh, Jack. Yeah, and I'm, uh, 24 years old. Yeah, and I make, uh, $20,000 a year as a, um... You're the fibular, right? Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm lying.



Yeah, nice to meet you, uh, put it there. Oh, you squeezed the wrong thing, my man.


Oh god, I'm so sorry. I am so sorry. I thought that was your... I thought that was what we bones call hands. I'm so sorry.


That's okay, man. You're just a little bit of a bonehead. Not your fault. That's just how things go. That's just how things go.


How are you playing the drums? Oh no.


That one didn't really land. That one didn't really land.


Crickets inside the body? That's bad. That's bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.


Oh yeah, crickets inside the body. I think I've got Don Cricket. Just kind of a... It's Don Crickets. Doesn't matter.


The mafioso boss? You know Don Crickets? The mafioso of the body?


Oh, I gotta get out of here. Why don't... Hey, you know what? It's been really nice meeting you. Put her there.




Oh, sorry, bad luck. I should just wave this time. Yeah, you wave and I... And that's just the way the funny bone crumbles, so I will see you later, my man. Bye. That's you leaving the body, if you know what I mean.



Hey, hey, honey, I shit out of bone. I shit out of bone. I'm not kidding. I shit out of bone. Honey, call the cops or call scene. Scene. Call the cops or call scene. Ah, boy.


Would you call the cops because you're reporting a crime? I shit out of the bone. Okay, let's do... I shit out of the bone. This must be a crime.


Let's do another one here. All right. Where to buy a mallard and a jammed portal?


Duck store, stuck door.


Yeah, baby. Say it three times real fast.


I don't want to.


Okay, I do want to see a scene. I want to see a scene. Erin, you are walking into a duck store. Right. GBC are the owner and proprietor of the duck store. And we'll see what happens there.


Oh, hell yeah. Don't leave, don't leave. Oh, what? What did you say? Hell yeah.



Uh, yeah, just, uh, I thought this was like sort of a joke storefront and I am pleased to see that it is real. Um, have a great day.


No, no, no, no. Please, please, please don't leave. Don't leave. Don't leave. We're actually having a sale.


On the ducks?


Yeah, yeah, on ducks or duck merch, or if you already have a duck, we have a, you know, or if you already have a duck, sorry, that's my sales alarm. It's only supposed to go off when I get a sale, but uh, but I feel good about this. Do you need a duck terrarium? We sell duck tanks.


Are you not getting a lot of business, sir? It just seems kind of empty in here. A lot of these ducks seem dead.


Can I be honest with you? I will get it fixed. This is a mafia front or a monitoring, laundering organization, but I really love selling ducks. So it's like the store We'll never go out of business because we're literally just laundering like drug and murder money but I have a passion for being here and doing this so it's like I just love connecting people with ducks and yeah some of these ducks are dead and some of our equipment is guns and some of the tanks are made out of drugs but everything that I do day in day out is to help people find ducks



You know what? I'm really inspired by your passion. I'm gonna take two of these dead ducks to go.


Okay. No.


Okay. To stay.


Duck sales. Whoo. See. Now it works. Now it works. We're gonna do, did I say that was the last one? We're gonna do one more. And then we're done. Well, we're done with the first half. But we always say done after the first half.


Yeah, we say done at the end of the first half.


This is a grizzly relative and a two-pin lover.


Bear cousin.


I'm sorry, not a two-pin lover. Two-pin lovers. Two-pin lovers. Grizzly relative and two-pin lovers. Pins spelled P-I-N. Interesting.


Bear brother. No, that's nothing.


Careful. Careful. We don't want to get sued by Brother Bear.


The Jimbo Lucy vehicle? Bear Cousin and Care Buzzin. Wait, what did you say? Pin Lovers?



I don't know what that means. Two Pin Lovers. P-I-N. Well, this relates to something that JPC mentioned earlier in terms of a method in which I picked him up.


Yeah, just a bowling ball of the pin?


So think of a grizzly relative that would be... I mean they might they might go watch a game of penguin baseball? Maybe?


Polar Bear and Bowler Pear.


Yes, it's Polar Bear and Bowler Pear.


Wow. I'd like to see a scene. You are two friends who are in a bowling league together and you're just realizing now that you're in love with each other.


All right, cannot wait for tonight's matchup. What do we think for Team Name? Do we still want to go with Freeze Tease? Is that still fun?


Yeah, I think, you know, why mess with a classic? Freeze tees all the way. I mean, we have to reprint the shirts in there, right?


Yeah, our t-shirts say freeze on them, and they are t-shirts, so this would be 32 bucks down the drain.



Do you think that we should have put, like, freeze teas on them? Because the teas should just say freeze, and then everybody assumes that we're just, that our, you know, our bowling group is called freeze, but then we have to say, no, it's a pun, it's freeze teas.


Well, look what the word is on, yeah, I had a lot of people came up and asked if I was a big Batman and Robin fan.


Really? Yeah. Um, a lot of people, to me, they came up and like congratulated me on like freezing my eggs.


Uh... Oh. Oh, ar- so... which I was... You- uh, sorry, you did- you froze your eggs? Does that mean you met someone or?


No, I was just telling people that I was doing that because it was letting me get out of a lot of work meetings in the middle of the day. Um, but yeah, no, I never actually went through with it. I actually don't even know if that's something that I can do.


Gotcha. And also, I'm an idiot. Why would you freeze your eggs if you met someone? Freezing your eggs is for when? You haven't met someone, probably. I mean, no judgment either way, but just, um, you know, I, I've never noticed. Why don't you ask if I've met someone? No, I just, you know, I've never, the way that the, you know, the, um, disco light that comes down with all the different lights and spins around the room while the black light comes on for the 10 p.m. league, the way that the black light and disco ball are bouncing off your face, I've just never realized how beautiful you are. How bowling, how bowling, it's time to bowl.



Ed, what are you doing? That's completely inappropriate. We're on a bowling league together.


No, yeah, yes.


Freeze tease. Is what I would say if I was being a freeze tease.




Ed, I've never told anyone else on the bowling team this because it's just you and I, but... I am attracted to you.


I'm a- I'm attracted to you.


And I would like to- Fuck! Oh, fuck!


A 310. What do you think? Curved to the left? What do you think? Curved to the left?


Come on, help. Help. I think that whatever I was feeling is gone now.


Fuck. Oh, brother.


I decided that they were having that conversation during bowling. Mm-hmm. Yeah before after. Well that is an episode of Hey Riddle Riddle. I mean it's what I'm just practicing We're on break right now, but now for when we're done. Yeah, second half. That's an episode of Hey Riddle Riddle for now How my character had gutter balls


Oh, I like that. I was very close to it, but I couldn't quite get to like how... Erin, do you have anything you want to promote?



Oh yeah, checkouts that come D&D. We're coming to the end of season three and it's a lot of fun. Adal, back to you so we can end with JPC. Anything to plug?


Thank you so much. I would just like to say Obi-Wan Kabubis. Did you have anything to plug?


I'll read a five-star review if you want to see the five-star.


Adal was on a bunch of podcasts recently. He had a lot to actually blog. That's definitely what just happened.


They're like, please, if you just say the name, we'll get some- Just the name of the podcast? Please.


Obi-Wan Kabubis. Obi-Wan Kabubis.


If you want to submit a five-star review of Hey Riddle Riddle, maybe from a different episode, just go to Apple iTunes, anywhere you leave reviews, give us a five-star. I might read it on the show. Hey, this one's coming from Hey Che. Hey Che. Thanks for the Christmas gift of Patreon of Hey Riddle Riddle. I asked for a year and you finally did it. Love you and our little goobers. I gotta be honest, you can't give Patreon subscriptions to people.


So it sounds like people have asked. I wish the technology existed.



Sounds like Che just maybe got like 50 bucks or something and fucking pocketed that money and put it towards the Patreon. That's fine as well too.


Maybe they were sent, maybe their partner subscribed to the main feed and was like, yeah, this is the Patreon. Wow. Wow.


The ultimate prank. The partner just skips, wow, that's like a gift to the major, they just skip the ads for them. They just hit the little button when the ads come up.


My partner bought me the subscription to Hey Riddle Riddle, and I don't listen to Hey Riddle Riddle, a true gift to the Magi story.


My partner got me the ad-free version of Hey Riddle Riddle. It's to the same amount of time, it's just a very loud screaming noise with the ads.


That could be any episode.


That's true.


Thank you all so much for listening. Please check out our Patreon, our aforementioned Patreon at patreon.com slash HeyRiddleRiddle so that you can hear why people from Connecticut are called nutmeggers. Probably because they consume the most nutmeg per capita, but we won't know until Erin tells us. Erin, speaking of names for different types of citizens based on where you live. Jupetonians, little in fact, Jupetonians are residents of this state.





Oh no.


Bye forever.


Created by Adal Rifai.


Starving Erin Keif and John Patrick Coan. Casey Toney could be editing. How are you parents?


Hey there Discord users and Schmishkord musers, that's nothing. If you like that, you're gonna love this week's Patreon. It's another ch-ch-ch-ch chatterbox. You can listen to that plus our entire back catalog by starting your 7 day free trial at patreon.com slash HeyRiddleRiddle or by joining the review crew and you get those ad-free episodes for $8 a month. See you there!



That was a Headgum podcast.