Which Riddle Riddle?

#255: YoBituaries!



This is a HeadGum podcast. The doctor was the mother. He stood on a block of ice bag. Oh, but then we're gon' finish.


It was the cabin of an airplane. He stabbed him with the knife in the head. And the horse seemed rising.


Hi, you are JPC and Adal Rifai, right?


Oh, are you a fan? Yeah, that's who we are, yes. Did you want a picture?


Oh cool, you've been served. You are getting sued for doing a Riddle podcast for way, way too many years.


Hmm. Well, in that case, we're both willing to talk about Erin Keif, if that will alleviate some of our sentence. Knock some ears off, if that makes sense. Adal, that's me.



I'm doing this as side work. I hated to have to do this, but... Oh no, Erin.


Wait, wait, hold on, Erin. Did you serve yourself?


Well, I can't really find me. I've been trying to find myself for quite some time.


Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second. Erin, you have not been named in this lawsuit. This says that it's just Adal and I. Oh, weird.


Is it you tried to find yourself by doing ayahuasca in Peru?


Mm-hmm, but I spelled like every word wrong.


Peru even?


Even Peru?


Can I, Erin? Can I hear how you spelled it?


It didn't start with a P, so what are you looking for?


Here, look at it. It's in the court of summons. Take a look.


No, no, don't, don't!


Oh, Erin, no.


Okay, so, who knows who sued you?


It's got six letters. R-A-B-I-O-L-I. Erin.


I spelled it ravioli.


I spelled it ravioli.


You got sued. Don't know who sued you. That's your own business. It definitely wasn't me for attention, but Godspeed and good luck.



It says whoever is suing us, their name has been redacted for their own protection. Yeah, and I spelled all those words wrong. It was redacted wrong as well as it was just underlined instead of blacked out and it says Erin Keif with a big black underline underneath that.


And then there's also a weird little portion where it's, I guess it's referencing Billy Joel's You Oughta Know By Now, where underneath redact it says redact-act-act-act-act-act.


Yeah, I got that confused with the Alanis Morissette song. I wanted to make an Alanis Morissette and then I forgot and I started singing the Billy Joel.


And it looks like you included the chat GPT prompt that you used to build the rest of this because it says, chat GPT, build me a lawsuit against you assholes. You spelled both of our names correctly, which 90% of the people on the internet can't do.


Here's the craziest thing. I typed that into chat GBT and started making a lawsuit. GBT, JPC. I lost you against the two of you. It just knew that you were the two biggest assholes in the world. That's so crazy that computers know that now too.



And Erin, I'm looking at the second page here and it's one of those games where it's a bald man and you have a little magnetic pin and you put the hair on him.


Look, now he has a mustache. Now he has a beard. Now he has some hair.


Okay, in page three it looks like it's that game where you have to like pull the floor away so that like water falls into lava. Is this an ad? Are you writing ads at this court? It doesn't matter.


Just sign here and then we can be done with this entire interaction.


Page six is yo bituaries. Did you mean obituaries?


I did not.


These are like yo mama jokes.


We have this week calling out all the people who died recently. I'm roasting them to oblivion.


Okay, actually, actually, Erin, I don't know if it's the right project for you per se, but I do like the project. I do like yo bituaries. I think maybe this runs.


Guys, I think we have an idea for a book.


As always, I think we have nothing.



All right, Erin. You brought it up, so we got to talk about it. I'm on Beverage Watch. We've been on this call for 10 minutes, and I've seen you sip two different beverages. So tell me, what are you drinking?


Well, you can do the final count when I show you. I have some tea.


Okay, cup of tea. I thought that might be a cup of tea.


I have seltzer. A polar seltzer. We're a polar family. I've got a mango factor smoothie.


That's a third drink she's pulling up before.


And I have a coffee.


And just out of reach I have a water. Is there a water? Yeah, there is a water, but I don't want to reach that far, right?


So it's a bit of a five drink morning.


Yes. And I wish I had more. To be honest, I feel like I'm missing a couple categories. I kind of wish I had like a juice, but it's fine.


Erin, how do you... Isn't one of those a Mango smoothies? Wait, what?


Yeah, but I want like juice. Smoothies are not juice.


Erin, when you walk around the house, how do you not just slosh? How do your insides not just slosh around?



I do slosh. Who told you I didn't slosh?


I slosh. I just assumed. Okay. Good to know. Good to know. Big old sip of the smoothie.


Erin's YoBituary will definitely be how much she sloshes. YoBituary. She's sloshing in the coffin.


Yeah, I'm sloshing in the coffin.


And of course, if you want to write us our YoBituaries, please use the hashtag YoBituaries. I don't know how that's spelled. You figure it out.


Well now I'm self-conscious about my beverages and I feel like if I if I vary up my beverage drinking too much you guys are gonna make fun of me or judge me.


Look it's one of these things like peel behind the curtain, peel behind the curtain, the curtain's a banana. It's cheaper. It's cheaper and it smells the same. It smells exactly the same as a normal curtain. We record remotely so It's kind of like a little magic show because all I can see is Erin reaching down and pulling up a different thing. So I have no conception of like what is in front of her, but it's fun to just see like a bunch of different beverages into the frame.



I wish I could reach down and pull up like a rabbit from my side too and various other props.


With you pulling up five different mugs, it did look like in the Indiana Jones movie where he's searching for the cup of Christ, it did look like you were searching for the perfect vessel to drink your liquid out of. Yeah. A humble carpenter's cup.


I go over to Erin's house, I grab a smoothie out of the fridge, and my flesh starts melting off of my face. That's actually not juice. You are looking for juice, fool.


What's up guys? What's going on?


Not much. What do we think? Um, so that guy was probably a knight in the, uh, in the knight's Templar, right? That guy who said you chose Orly. Which guy? Oh. I'm sorry. I think is it a German guy who drinks from the wrong cup? Because he picks the most ornate cup, the Cup of Kings. And then he melts away in the, I assume it's a night of the night's Templar is like he chose poorly. And then Harrison Ford is like, well, let me, let me use what's basically like an art teacher's pencil holder. And he's like, he chose wisely. What do we think that night's up to? Cause he sat in that cave for like 10,000 years. And this is how I just want to start the show. It's just a real,



Okay, so I mean, you can kind of extrapolate this to be like, what would your life be if you're sitting in a cave for 10,000 years? And 10,000 seems maybe a little off for Jesus' cup.


We're dealing with fiction, so why not?


Sure. You know what? The earth we know is 8,000 years old.


So if Jesus is 10,000... Home Depot skeletons are 100 feet tall.


I mean I'm thinking that cave's gotta smell pretty bad because unless you're not doing the things that like you need to be doing bodily function wise because maybe after you know ten thousand years The factory shit's down.


The seals goes back on the cap. What? Could nights, could real nights, and we're talking about real nights, not fake Templar nights, could real nights kind of one and two out the front and back? Did they have like, was there little holes in their outfits? Uh, what to do with this?


Good question. And I don't know the answer to it, so... Okay, well then let's get to some riddles.



Let's get to some riddles where you might know the answer. Um, sorry.


I went to the run fair this weekend and I saw a lot of people in full suits of armor and I didn't, I didn't see any holes.


Yeah, the hard part too is it's like, In order to wear the full metal armor, you have to wear like the leather Jurgen underneath it. So it's like you have another layer of clothes, like just taking off the metal, you're still gonna have to take off all the leathers.




Yeah, it was hot.


Honestly, I think it's a diaper situation. If you're mid-battle and you're all that armor and you gotta go behind a tree or something, just awful. And there's arrows flying. Erin, you went to a Ren fair, JPC and I went to a Stimpy fair. JPC, you want to tell her what we saw? We got slapped in the face several times. And called the idiots.


Do I know about Remus Stimpy that I could bring up here to help my friend Adal?


You said I didn't go to this. We're hearing his thoughts.



So let's get into our first riddle. This is going to be part of the warm-up section. So the warm-up section is typically easy or bad riddles. What does a man do only once in his lifetime, but a woman does once a year? What does a man do only once in his lifetime, but a woman does it once a year? Is this apologize?




That's a very good guess. It is not that. I'll give you I'll give you a hint. This is let me let me give it a longer longer. Once a year.




What does a man do only once in his lifetime, but women do it once a year after they are 29, is what I'll say. And remember, this is a warm up. You're technically right, but specifically, and remember these are very, very bad. Warm up riddles are very, very bad. What does a man do only once in his lifetime, but women do it once a year after they're 29? The answer is... Oh, turn 30. Turn 30.



Oh god, is this a riddle from the past?


Wait, I don't understand. What does this mean?


That only women lie about their ages.


That's horrible. I'm so glad I didn't get it. I'm so glad I didn't understand it.


The only people literally I've ever known that lie about their ages are men. So take that with a grain of salt. The only ones I know who lie about their age are men.


I think lying about your age is an insane thing to do, but the only two examples that I have that readily come to mind about lying about your age, are you guys familiar with that Republican congressman from New York, George Santos, who's been arrested? He's already been arrested. He's going down for some shit. He's done a ton of wild shit, but one of the wildest things is that Hey Riddle.



I think I know.


Oh, go ahead. And I won't dox this person, but it's a person in a friend's family who was divorced, an older person who was divorced and like remarried a person and remarried a person like way younger than them. This is a woman remarrying a man and the man and they're an older person, but it was like a 15 year age gap. And the family was like wondering like, wow, I wonder how they met like a 15 year old, 15 years younger person. And it turns out that person just lied. They just lied and said they were 20 years younger. And so that guy found out like years after they had already been married that he lied. Cause they're already old. It's like, wait, so you're like way old. Like, I think it's very funny to lie about your age, but when you're like 75, you're saying you're 75, but you're actually 90. Like that's like, that's wild.


That's insane. I had a boyfriend in my 20s that lied about his age, and when I found out he got frustrated, he said it hurt his feelings that I didn't figure it out sooner.



And Erin, do we want to say... That's a move. Do we want to say Henry Cavill's name?


Yes. Henry Cavill in the Mission Impossible movie.


Erin, I do want to see a scene. You are a, we'll say, a fifth grade teacher. JPC, you are a new student in the class, and you are maybe not the age that you are saying that you are.


Alright, everybody. Your name tags are on your desk, so just find your desk and we'll get settled on the first—whoa!


Hey, sorry I'm late. Sorry. I got so turned around, I'm in the halls, I'm discombobulated. I misspelling.


Are you looking for your kid?


No, are you Mrs. Johansson?


I am.


Yes, I am in your class. I'm Tommy. Tommy. I'm Tommy.


Your kid? Your kid is in my class?


Oh, you flatter me. No. No, I'm Tommy. I am fifth grade. I am 11. And I am in this class.



Hey, Deborah. Sorry to barge in. Yeah, what's up? Hey, Principal Sanders. Hey, kids. Someone parked a 96 Ford F-150 sideways in the parking lot. Do you know? Yeah, I have a hunch. Are any parents here or anything?


Those things are notoriously hard to park.


Crazy coincidence. You look a lot like my recent ex-husband, Thomas. You wouldn't be Thomas dressing like a fifth grader trying to see me.


I'm not sure. Honestly, I don't really know a lot of other... Does he have big glasses like mine?




Hey Riddle Riddle. It's a very specific type of glasses. How are these big glasses? What I thought maybe I could have, or he would have, or any combination of the two. You just don't see a lot of people wearing the glasses. Yeah.



Yeah, you are significantly taller than me. You're like 6'4", same height as my ex-husband.


No fifth grader. I've ever known. I'm going to be a basketball player as soon as I hit my growth spurt.


Great. You know what? You know what? Take a seat. You win. You're in this class now. I hope you like doing work. And fifth grader work is way harder than you remember it.


I'm sorry, what's going on here? It feels like I'm the only student in class that's being picked out because of the hostility. I said I was late, I apologized. I'm a transfer student. The hallways are confusing to me. And now I'm being kind of like, I don't know, I feel like I'm being very belittled.


Mrs. Sanders? Sorry, Mrs. Sanders? Johansson.


I'm sorry, did you say Sanders? Did you say Thomas Sanders? That's not me. That's not me. My name's Tommy. My last name is not Sanders, and if she wants to use her maiden name, that's fine.


Ms. Johansson, do you always teach us that kindness is key? It's even above the door. Why don't you show this kid kindness?



Yeah, hold on. I'm getting a phone call. Wait, it's from Thomas.


Yeah, maybe take it.




Hey, listen, I've been thinking things over, and I think you were right to leave, and I have a lot of work to do on myself, and I just hope that you can forgive me.


Wait, oh my god, if you're Thomas... Oh, kid, I am so sorry.


You take a seat. I know what I look like. I know what I look like. I am used to being treated this way. That's kind of why I had to leave my last school.


I will be better. I am so sorry. You know what?


All you can do is be you and go on your journey. Okay? And that's it. Is it cool if we smoke weed in class or do I have to excuse myself for the pats?


I love a transfer student be like, it's okay, I know what I look like.



I deserve to be treated this way. To be bullied is my burden. Adal, I have a question for you. Did you say Sanders because I said my name was Thomas and you were thinking about Thomas Sanders?


I think I did. My brain filled in the gap and I was like, Thomas Sanders? And then I was like, of course that would make Erin Ms. Sanders, Mrs. Sanders, unless she did take his name. Adal Sanders, that has a nice ring to it. Thomas, if you're listening, what is always in front of you? Let me have your last name.


I like it. Adal Sanders.


And then I'd be Adal Shoki Sanders. My initials would be Ass. I'm not the speller here, Erin. That's your department.


I'm not normal.


You spelled Adal Ravioli. That's not my name. What is always in front of you but can't be seen?


Your ass.




Your future. Wait a minute. Your future. Your future's good.


Your future's good. Erin.


Am I wrong? Your future is dead right. Wow.



I'd like to see a scene. Adal, you are a man who's going to a psychic to try to get some answers about what he should do with his life. And JPC, you were trying to convince him that you can tell his future. You are the psychic.


Okay, got it.


Oh, this is a cool, a lot of velvet in this room. This is cool.


Yes, thank you. I'm sorry to startle you. I like to let people get acquainted with the room before I enter.


Yeah, I didn't think... I didn't realize you'd be coming from under the table. So that's... I just... I'm sorry I kicked you in the face.


I just felt something and I... It is okay. It happens. I should change it, yes. Yeah, you should have... I should change how I do it.


You should have a little trapdoor under the table to... It's your space. It's your space. So here is... What brings you to see the great Zamboni? I want to know, I've been working the same dead end job for 12 years. I feel like I'm going nowhere. I feel like I have no real romantic sort of prospects. So I just want to know what's in store for me and what can I do to sort of help expediate that future for myself. Okay. Here's the $800 in $1 bills you asked for.



Yeah, and I'll count it later. Okay. Because I trust you. Okay. And that's trust as part of it. I put your hands on the... What's that crystal? Um... It's a basketball? It's a basketball.




So put your hands on the basketball. Okay. It doesn't matter. It could be any orb, and so it's a basketball for me.


Oh yeah, I guess the basketball's an orb.


You said you're stuck in a dead-end job. Twelve years you've been in this dead-end job. Retail. Close. Retail. Close. Close. Close. Close. Service. Service industry. Close. Yes. Well, I kind of took an umbrella of industry. So you're in construction, manual labor, physical, office desk job. Yes. Oh my gosh.


How did you know?


The fucked up thing is I had a dream last night before you came in where all of this was just kind of unpacking and spilling over. And so it's going to scare you. It's going to freak you out, but I actually know a lot about your life.


Oh wow. What's the, I understand I guess now the orb, the basketball, what's this laptop on the table? It's open to a search history for Michael Talbot. That's me.



Is this your laptop? Were you doing some work in here?


No, no, no, no. But my name's definitely in the Google search bar there.


It's not my laptop. So whoever's laptop it is, I hope they come and get it. And if it's not yours, you can't take it.




You already said it wasn't yours.


No, you're right.


If I saw a laptop with my name typed into it, I would say that's my laptop. And then I would take it.




Maybe something to consider. Maybe a reason why you're in a dead-end job is because opportunities present themselves to you, but you don't see the opportunity.


Yep, absolutely.


You don't see the opportunity. You have a boss, I'm assuming. Close. Tall. Tall man? 5'4".


That's tall for a man.


That's all for a man. Historically. People used to be very small, you have to understand.


Jesus? There's no reason to.


Jesus was 4-1. I'm sorry. What was that noise?



I just, I don't believe in Christianity. I don't believe in Jesus.


Neither do I, but a fact of the matter is a man named Jesus lived 10,000 years ago. Can't be right. Okay, so you have a superior, a supervisor at your work.


Yes, a boss.


Yes, a boss. A boss. Perfect. A boss.


You used the term earlier, seconds ago.


What you need to do is you need to discredit your boss publicly, in a public way.


I don't feel comfortable doing that.


Oh, you don't feel comfortable? Do you feel comfortable living your loser life for 12 years? Going along and getting along and getting nowhere? Paying $800 to touch a basketball? Hey, come on. It's part of it. It's fair because it's part of it. If you hadn't come here, I wouldn't be able to use it.


But you're here, and I can. And it's fair. We got them. Lisa, Lisa bringing you to the team. We got them. All right, give me a second.



Give me a second. We'll never know what Lisa was up to. Give me a second.


I love to catch a predator. We got him. Bring him in. Give me a second. Hold on. Oh, no, no. This kid's going to beat me senseless.


I know she's behind, but she's finally watching Game of Thrones. She's on the last episode and she does not want to be interrupted.


When you stop to look, you can always see me. But if you try to touch me, you can never feel me. Although you walk towards me, I remain the same distance from you. What am I? Stop sign. The horizon. Erin, you are... A stop sign. No, you had to write the first time. It is the horizon. Erin, you are on fire. Those five... I'm doing pretty well. Those five liquids are really helping you today.


I'm doing pretty well. Thank you.


I gotta get more than... I only had two liquids so far today. I gotta get more liquids in me.


So you can slash.


Let's see if you can slosh around. Sloshing is the secret. I got a slosh. I got a slosh.



JBC, I dare ask, do you have a sloshboard?


I'm working on having sloshboard abs.




I was gonna say. You gotta have a sloshboard.


Make yourself a sloshboard. So what you do is it's a little cork board, a pin board. You put up all the liquids that you want to be inside of you. Every night before you go to sleep, you check in with it. You kind of, you know, make a vision for it. And then you'll find that as time goes on, those liquids will definitely make an appearance in your life.


All right, count them off. Liquids that you most want to be inside of you. Never go over the bullet. Gotta be blood. Gotta be blood. I'm gonna say water. I'm gonna say water. No, don't do anything with a bullet. You're doing water before blood? Oh, I've never been sicker.


Except after chud. I'm gonna say pee.


Wow. Good one. Good one inside. Good one inside. Usually one that people want to keep on the outside, but a good one for inside.


Okay, so next on the draft, I'm gonna take with my second pick, I'm gonna take liquid shit.


I can't believe that I'm ca- I'm gonna take lemonade. Whose turn is it?



What's going on? I wanna trade down. I wanna trade down.


I guess I'm snatching up bile for basically free. I get bile, baby. I ruined it.


I'm gonna go Dunkin Donuts iced coffee.


Well, hold on. I already took liquid shit.


What you say can hurt people. Words can hurt people, Adal.


Dunkin Donuts, if you're listening. That was a joke. Please sponsor us. Stop hurting us with your coffee. Please sponsor us.


Donuts, if you're listening, yeah.


Jamesy and I agreed, we both had the new breakfast tacos. They're delicious.


For what they are.


No, we said that they're fine. Well, for what they are. For what they are. If you were to judge them as a regular breakfast taco, they're horrendous. But as a Dunkin' Donuts breakfast taco?


For a fast food breakfast taco, they're pretty much as good as you can get.


Erin, you're crying.


Yeah, it just feels hard to hear. I don't know.



Your fists are bald. There's blood running out of your eyes.


Hold on. America runs on Dunkin' America.


She's summoning someone. Let's do another riddle here. Please. In a bus, There is a 26-year-old pregnant lady, a 30-year-old teacher, a 52-year-old random woman, and the bus driver who is 65 years old. Who is the youngest?


Can you read that again?


In a bus, there is a 26 year old pregnant lady, a 30 year old teacher, a 52 year old random woman, which is rude to not just give her a job. What other jobs? What other jobs can we be?


We've already covered pregnant and teacher.


Adal, we can't know because women don't, women lie about their ages, so we'll never know who the youngest is.


And Erin, that is the correct answer. They're all 30.


The baby, I guess? The baby?



The answer is the baby of the pregnant lady. Now, I don't know where I got these riddles. The past?


The potential, the potential, the potential looser from that one. Might get an email about that one.


I do want to see a scene. JPC, you are hopping on a city bus. You're the only person who hops on the bus. Erin, you are the bus driver. And Erin, for whatever reason, you think you're in some sort of speed situation, even though there's really nothing to back up that claim.


Great. Oh, wow. An empty bus. This never happens.


Awesome. Sit down, sir.


Oh, yep. Yes, I will. I'm sorry. Is this bus in service?


There's... Wow, where to start? Maybe call your family because we are going on a ride. Can't slow down.


You just stopped to pick me up. What do you mean, can't slow down?



No, I was still technically rolling. If you noticed, it wasn't totally stopped.


I crossed on a crosswalk and it seemed like maybe it was.


I'll just... Sir, sit down.


I'll just take my seat. You haven't started going yet. Just so you know.


Oh, okay, hold on.


Oh, okay, we're going. We're moving. Oh, boy. Oh my goodness.


Oh my goodness.


Hey, what's your name?


I'm Jack. I'm Chandra.


That felt like a lie.


No, no, no, not a lie. We can't slow down the pus. Okay. You're gonna have to jump off, roll off. Just leave me here to die.


I mean, we're still like 12 blocks from my stop. Can we get closer to where I'm going, maybe?


And then we'll- I saw the movie Speed this weekend, unrelated to that.



That's like the bus, there's like a bomb on the bus movie, right?


Yeah. And so then I saw that movie this weekend and then I started my shift today and I saw a ball, well, it's not a ball, it was a bomb, get out of a kid's hand and roll under my bus and then I didn't see it come out the other side. So it latched onto the bottom of my bus and it's going to explode if I slow down probably.


Okay, so this is, you saw a kid bomber. Shandra was your name?




Shandra, I'm so sorry. Shandra, I also am a person who does not like scary movies, like stressful movies, suspenseful movies, thrillers. They mess with me. I just, I can't do it. Maybe you're just a person who, is that, have you seen any other like thriller movies? Is that the first kind of like Thriller that you've seen?


First one. Oh no. We're coming up to a bridge that's unfinished. Hold on to your butt. No. We're going over.



There's no reason to. There's no reason to. This is not part of the road. You're turning left to go... Do you see all these cones? These cones mean something. Okay, you're hitting all the cones. Okay, well... Oh man, I should have... You should quit my dead end job with my 5'4' boss.


See? Wasted life. I love, there's a kid with a ball, not ball, a bomb. A bomb. You know, a bomb. A bomb. When it is alive, we sing. When it is dead, we clap our hands. What is it? Birds. Snake. Hold on. Dead stop.


You cannot dead stop birds and not snakes.


Dead stop on both of you. On both of you. Erin, what did you say?


I don't remember. Did you say birds? Did you say birds?


JBC, what did you say? I said snakes. Okay. You're at least similar answers. So what's going on with birds and snakes? I mean, I know my mom told me about the birds and snakes. She said the performance tells you the birds and the snakes. I got to say a very quick scene. This is the first date between a bird and a snake. JBC, you're the bird, Erin and a snake.



So, do you have any siblings? Shit.


They're both still trying to make it work even though they got there and they're like, uh-oh. No, not my type. A bird sitting down and being like, shit. With a snake. That's Chris Hansen.


Oh yeah.


Is that the guy's name? Because you're a predator guy?


It has to be.


Sure, why not?


When it is alive, we sing. When it is dead, we clap our hands. What is it? Erin, you also said some sort of play.


Yeah, like a performance church.


Is it a fire?


When do we sing?


JBC, there is fire involved to some degree. Fire is a part of this. So it's something... When it is alive, we sing. When it is dead, we clap our hands.


Is it a multiple clap, like a round of applause, or is it one clap? Why? Or does it matter?



Well, that depends. How many claps do you think are in the Friends opening theme song?


42 all together. Summer hidden. Summer silent.


Shit. It is a round, it's like a round of applause. Okay, okay. And it could be, you know, it's definitely more than one. Who knows how long it goes on for? But definitely a round of applause.


Is this an Italian television show?


Okay, explain.


When it is alive, we sing.


That does sound like the name of an Italian sitcom. Welcome back to another episode of When It's Alive, we sing. Uh, God. What did you say, Erin?


How, I'm just confused. It involving fire has really thrown me for a loop.


Did you two ever learn this song, Freire Jacques?


Yeah, Freire Jacques.


We all know the same song.





Is that part of the answer?


No. When it is alive we sing, when it is dead we clap our hands. What is it? So it does involve fire. I'll give you another hint. Okay. When the fire is still burning is when we sing and when the fire is no longer around is when we clap.


Is this like the fire engine singing to race to a fire and then everybody clapping when they put the fire out?


That's a good answer. So you think like when an airplane lands sometimes at Disney World or something, when firefighters put out a fire, everyone bursts into applause?


I think if I'm outside like my apartment building and it's burning down and the firefighters are putting it out, I think I give them a round of applause. I think it's nice.


I think I wait to see what the situation is in terms of like if lives are lost and then I'll clap.


Okay, well, yeah, I think if I'm standing out there and my wife is in the building, maybe I'm not clapping. In my situation, it was more just like the building's on fire and the fire goes up. Sure, sure, sure.



Oh, yeah, I see, I see.


Yeah. I think in any situation, I wait to see if lives are lost. Maybe that's maybe my first thing that I do in a situation.


When it is alive, we sing. When it is dead, we clap our hands. What is it? And I gotta say, um, let me see if I can discern the exact number, but by the time that this episode comes out, uh, by the time this episode comes out, this will have been one week since I possibly experienced this exact situation. Oh, these are birthday candles. The items are birthday candles. When they're alive or lit, we sing happy birthday. When they're dead or blown out, we clap our hands. Wow.


I'd like to see a scene. This is going to come out after your birthday, so I guess happy birthday or whatever to you from a while ago or whatever.


Happy birthday.


Interesting. Well, to be fair, last week's episode I think came out on my birthday and no one said anything.


Oh. No, sorry.


It came out the day before.


Never mind. Day before. We're good. We're good. We're good. We're good to say, uh... Happy... Day before.



I'd like to see a scene. Um, it's my birthday, and you two are singing Happy Birthday to me, but when you start the song, you realize that both of you don't know the song.


Oh, here she comes! And a one, and a two, and a three, and a four, and a five, and a six, and a good little heaven's angel, who's the tallest lady in the land, and she's growing turns of the moon.


1. First day down. 2. To go. That's ten birthdays if I ever seen one.


Fingers crossed. Fingers crossed. She's not leaving the room. She's a witch. She's a witch. She's just standing here watching us do this. We have to keep singing till she bows, I think.


Burn the witch down.


It's her witchly birthday. Drown the witch down. Drown the witch down.



And stack a stone atop her head until on birthday she is dead. Bow?


Why is she bowing? My cat died. You're what?


My cat died this morning. On my birthday.


Did we forget that lyric?


Oh, did we forget that lyric? Okay. Yeah, we can work that in.


Yeah, we'll work that in. Remind us your cat's name.


What's my name?




Oh, good. You knew it. Seen.


We'll be right back with more singing Happy Birthday to Erin for some reason after this break.


Prongles. That woman's name was Prongles. Prongles. I know what you're thinking. Do I have a new hat, Adal and JPC? New haircut? Why am I walking around with so much confidence?



I bet you're wondering. I wanted pretzels from the food court.


And I was just gonna let you know that it looks like you leaned on paint.


Anyways, I just had a bunch of subscriptions canceled for me by Rocket Money that I wasn't using until now I'm flushed with cash and now I'm confident. Pretzel money? Well, maybe. We'll talk about that. Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, and helps you lower your bills all in one place. I've been using it for years, even before they were a sponsor.


Erin, it looks like you may have leaned on like with someone painting a rocket money like billboard or sign or something because it's all it's all down your back it's like and it's I could ock it ock it


People think they're spending $80 on their subscriptions when in reality, the number is closer to $200. And when you signed up for so many free trials, like streaming services, you watch one show and then you completely forget about it, you lose track and then all of a sudden you're like, why am I bleeding money? Rocket money? They take care of that for you. They go, sit back, relax, we got this. And they make everything color coded and easy and super intuitive.



You're also color-coded. A little birdie told me that Rocket Money also lets you monitor all your expenses in one place, recommends custom budgets based on your past spending, and they'll even send you notifications when you've reached your spending limits, which sounds like something my friend would like, but I forget which friend I'm so hungry for pretzels.


Speaking of pretzels, you don't get all twisted up by salty and the bread of your finances. With over 3 million users and counting, Rocket Money customers have saved an average of $720 a year.


Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions and manage your money the easy way by going to rocketmoney.com slash riddle. That's rocketmoney.com slash riddle. rocketmoney.com slash r-i-d-d-l-e.


Hey, what's going on? Somebody leaned over my rocket money painting. Run. Everybody run. Run. Oh no. Maroon.


Is that DaVinci?


Yeah. Yes.



And bye.


Happy birthday, dear Prongles. Happy birthday, dead cat. And many more dead cats.


We did it. We worked at a birthday song to Prongles about her dead cat.


And please feel free to record yourself singing that entire birthday song to one of your friends or beloved ones and send that to us at hrrpodcast.gmail.com. I'm not going to say. Uh, let's do a couple more riddles here. Does that sound fun? Yeah. Okay. You're not lying to me. Buddy, I've cleared my schedule for this. It seems like you're multitasking. Here's a bad little stinker. How can kids drink beer and not get drunk? It's root beer. By sticking to root beer.



I do want to see a scene. I want to see a scene. I wasn't even listening to the edge of the riddle of root beer or something. It doesn't matter. Adal, you are going to be... Okay, so you know like at fancy balls, they would be like the guy announcing like the lord and lady as they enter the room. Absolutely. That's your job, except you're doing it at a middle school dance and you have utter disdain for these children as they're entering the room, okay? Okay, perfect.


Coming up now to the dance floor, here we have it, that little fucking troglodyte Tommy, and his date today, the insufferable, incorrigible loudmouth, Rebecca Flance.


Oh my god, what?


Don't pay, don't draw attention to us, we're just trying to sneak in.


Oh, and right behind them, bringing up the rear as it were, because this guy's a little fucking butt sniffer. Which is why I said bringing up the rear, as it were. And she's got chapped lips for days, and everyone knows it.



People can see it!


It's Beatrice Tomtricks and Tomtricks Popsoap.


Oh man, we should never have come together with similar names like this.


Oh, look who finally decided to arrive. It's the coolest kid in school. There's nothing he can do to stop this.


Yeah right, they're the coolest.


It's Clark, so handsome it hurts. And he's like 6'7 somehow.


Can you say that about a kid?


6'7 it hurts? What did I say? Even if it's a tall kid, you shouldn't say handsome. Well, listen, as we all know, Miss Johansson confused the fifth grader for her ex-husband recently, so we're all on thin ice.


Yeah, she got fired, rightfully.


Yeah, you're right, you're right. Um, what can I say?


Let's kill this guy! No, no, no, hold on, hold on. Yeah, if we all bear together, we can kill him. Yeah, if we all bear together, we can kill him. Yeah, how do we climb and pull?



Yeah, of course. What's Tommy Weakarm's gonna do, huh Tommy? Um, I don't know. I've never killed anyone before. My arms are so weak. Or Danny dysentery. Danny dysentery, what are you gonna do to me, huh?


Who told? Who told about it?


Trail Franny, one punch from you and your hands broken.


Hey, uh. Fellow students, is this guy bothering you?


I'm like 6'7".


I could easily dispatch this guy. Clark, the coolest kid in school. I'm training Krav Maga because Well, I served at the IDF for a little bit.


Wait, your shirt says Krav Magga? Krave Magga?


My friend Erin spelled it, so that's why. Oh, all the kids understand. Oh, yes, of course, of course, of course.


I know I've told this story a bajillion times but quick reminder that when I was an au pair I saw those little girls drunk and it turns out they had been drunk a lot and we didn't know, we didn't realize. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen.



Have you told this story?


I think I have.


Have I heard this?


This sounds pretty new. Hey look, if you have told this story and it's not been in a hundred episodes.


Okay, well if you're new to the show, I was an au pair in Australia and I loved the family that I worked with. They're the sweetest. Now they're like in high school. Everyone's fine. But they were 4 and 8 when I started watching them. And it was the weekend so I wasn't on duty. And the mom came rushing into my room. She was like in a flop sweat. And they were having a play date with their two friends from down the road. And their mom was crazy. Like a bad person, crazy lady. Everyone was scared of her.


Yes, yes, yes.


Yes, so they're over for a play date, which everyone's already on edge, and I'm hiding in my room because I'm so scared of this family. She comes, she swings open the door and she goes, Aaron, they're drunk. They're drunk, Aaron. They're drunk. And I was like, who's drunk? And she was like, grabbed my wrist and pulled me and they... Yeah, everyone has like a back refrigerator in Australia where mostly they keep booze and the girls had gone in and opened a couple of beers and were drinking the beers and then they made the little one show them and he took them behind the shed and there was a pile of booze that these little girls had been drinking. They had been drinking beer.



How young we talking?


Four and eight. We had to go over to the friend's house and go, hey, your kids are drunk. Um, your kids are drunk. Um, and it wasn't so, it's serious, but they weren't, they were never drinking more than like one beer at a time collectively across all of them. So it wasn't like totally scary or harmful, but it was serious, but it was also the funniest thing I've ever seen. Now that I know that they're okay to see a drunk for an eight-year-old, it was the wildest day of my life. It was so sad and sweet and funny, and everyone was fine. But yeah, those little girls were. A little Australian girl with an accent. Drunk. Insane. Insane.


You never really want to see something like that, but if you do get to see something like that, you gotta take at least a second to be like, this is pretty weird, right?



Yeah, that would have been, Erin, you had a, this is before the invention of it, but you had a smash TikTok on your hand and you fumbled the bag. But of course TikTok wasn't around back then. I do want to introduce a new segment and this is just going to go for, I guess however long you two want it to go. This is called, what do we want to call this? Give me a second here. This is called Float My Quote. And what it is is the two of you are going to take turns and you're just going to say out loud quotes that a drunk four to eight year old might say. And we'll just go till we run out. Okay? Okay.


What am I doing with my life?


Erin, whenever you're ready.


Oh, sorry. Let's see.


I can start? Yeah. Is this a new Batman doll? Is this a new Batman doll? Okay, thank you.


Is Olaf here? I want to fight him. I want to fight him. I want to fight him.



Okay, I'll do one. Are you napping at me? Are you napping at me?


Let's end on that. We're not going to get any better than that.


Oh, that is horrifying. Something I want to mention, this is, I guess this is a bit of an opposite, where it's a older person trying to look cool in front of young kids. Yeah. Myself and Matt Young are- Why'd you get a skateboard out? What's going on? I think turds have backwards, puts on C. Buscemi makeup.


Oh, he's hurt. He fell. He fell. He's hurt.


Myself, Matt Young, and Arne Neekamp were all recently on the road just for a couple days, and we went to a McDonald's, famously, and there was a, I want to say, a gaggle of teens, just like probably 13 to 15-year-olds. There's, I don't know, quite a lot of them, and they were all It's kind of intimidating to walk through them because you're just like, what are these guys going to do? They're all kind of laughing. They could make fun of you at any moment. And Arnie proposed the question of what is the one thing you could do to go up to a group of high school age kids who seem like they're going to be bullies? What's the one thing you can go up and say to get them to laugh or respect you? And we couldn't really come up with anything until Arne came up with... Laugh or respect you? Those seem like two different things. What are you trying to do here?



Laugh at you? Laugh with you?


To keep from making fun of you, to be like, this guy's cool kind of thing. Oh, okay. So you want to make these kids think you're cool? Yeah, yeah. Okay, gotcha. So Arne came up with the perfect answer, which is you walk into the center of them or whatever, you single out one kid and gesture towards him, and you just say, this guy sucks, am I right?


Yeah, but then you're also actively bullying a kid.


Well, Erin, that's fine to do in this hypothetical, but already specified, you have to kind of luck into pointing at the right kid.




Because if you nail it, if you nail the right kid, everyone's going to explode and be like, holy shit, even this 45-year-old guy gets it.


You're right. That's a high risk, though.


Yeah. Yeah. It's a low risk for Ernie because he's like 6'7". So if a 6'7 guy came over to me with my friends, he was like, hey, looks like Josh is a little dipshit. We'd all be like, we don't even like Josh. Fuck Josh. If you're going to kill anyone, let's kill Josh.



Ernie's a very tall man. Very tall man. Let's do one more riddle here.


Hey Riddle Riddle.


Five to ten years of my life to worship of the Lord, I would train eight hours a day to tone and strengthen my body, and then one day I would book myself in their high school auditorium as part of a power team to rip phone books in half. And the look in their eyes, when I rip a phone book in half, And say, Christ is risen. If I scan the auditorium, I'm sure I'll see nothing but respect and tears in everyone's eyes.


If you rip the phone book in half in front of a teen, a modern-day teen, they would all look at you and say, What was that? What did he just rip in half? What was that? What was that thing that he just did?



I don't want teens to respect me.


We didn't have that. We did not.


You didn't have power teams come to your school?


We never did. That sounds cool, though. I understand the concept, but we never did.


So Erin, you don't want teens to respect you. Do you want them to fear you? Do you want them to not even acknowledge you?


I want them to not even register me as a person. I want to look like a pile of clothes or like a curtain to them. I don't want them to see you.


I don't want a pile of clothes to a teen because who knows what they'll do with a pile of clothes. They're going through some stuff. There's hormones involved. I don't want to mess with them.


Yeah, take that back. Let's do another riddle here. I'm white, I'm round, but not always around. Sometimes you see me, sometimes you don't. Santa Claus, my man.


Erin. Oh.


Wait a minute. Santa Claus, Erin? Erin, do you have anything you want to tell us? Hold on. Takes my hand, covers up the top of Erin's head, the eyes!



Her eyes are gone. It's her! Her eyes are gone. I put my hand too high. I covered up her eyes completely. Hold on. Sorry, I have no object permanence. I thought I just killed Erin by removing her eyes. Whoo! Glad she's still around to deliver presents once a year.


I do want to see a scene. I will get to this riddle, I guess, at some point, but I do want to see a scene. Erin and JPC, the two of you are on. You two have been dating for maybe six months or something, and Erin is probably End of November, so you've been dating for six months, it's end of November, and Erin, you have to finally break it to this person you're dating that's come December, you might have another job requirement that he didn't know about.


Cool. Hey! Hey. How was work?


Um, it was fine. I mean, just kind of like, you know, I'm TGIF, right? So just glad it's the weekend. I don't have to think about, you know, to kind of unplug and don't think about that shit for another couple of days. How about you? I was, oh, sorry. Sorry. Go ahead. No, please.



Sorry. There's just, um, there's no good time to do this. Can you take a seat? We have to talk.


Uh, yeah. What's going on?


Babe, I know I promised that I would never lie to you or whatever, but I have, it's right around the corner so I feel like I can't hide it anymore, but December's sort of gonna be crazy, a crazy month for me work-wise and I wanted to give you a heads up.


Oh my god. Fuck, I thought this was going to be something else. No, that's totally cool. I mean, are you worried about like family stuff? Because I know it's only been like six months. So it's like, I think we could do our own holidays.


We don't have to like be a part of each other's thing if that's... No, I mean, I definitely have to do my own holiday. I can't really avoid it. I will never be able to spend the holidays with your family. Well, maybe for a second, but yeah.



Hey Riddle.


Right. I just will have to travel for work. It's technically a day, but it turns sort of into like two and a half days with time zone stuff.


I guess I just don't get like what I was so sorry. I just guess I don't get what your job is.


It's sort of like a toy delivery service that is also sort of a judge of like the ethics of the Hey Riddle. Hey Riddle. It's a different Sandra Bullock. It's a different Sandra Bullock.



Sandra Bullock. Sandra Bullock. Every time I see Sandra Bullock pop up in something, I'm like, oh, yeah, she's fantastic. Yeah, she's great. I've never seen her be bad in a movie. I've seen her in bad movies. I've never seen her be bad in a movie.


Oh, really? What about that one with Bradley Cooper? Yeah, what's it called? Better Off? No. What's it called?


Better Off Ted is a TV show.


All About Steve. All About Steve.


Instead of All About Eve, the old Hollywood movie. I see, I see, I see.


Hey, I'll tell you this much. All About Steve, not only is it a bad movie, but everyone who's in it is doing a bad job.


I watched it recently and it's worse than anyone could have possibly guessed or remembered. It's horrible.



I remember watching that movie and being like, do I not like the genre of romantic comedy? It almost ruined a genre that I like a lot. It almost made me think I don't like the genre.


That's bad. Okay, what started as a celebration of Sandra Bullock became a weird rabbit hole of talking about all about Steve. Better off, Steve. Everyone watch all about Steve. Maybe that's what we'll do for our June review crew.




I guess we're already in June. We've already settled on it, so it might be too late. What it's not too late for and what it's never too late for is... Oh, to answer this fucking riddle? To answer this riddle. I'm white, I'm round, but not always around. Sometimes you see me, sometimes you don't.


I don't like a snowflake or a snow globe. Why not? A golf ball? A golf ball? Oh, you're closer with snowflake. A golf ball's a pretty good answer to this riddle, though.


The moon?


Erin, what was that? It's the moon and I do want to see a quick scene. Erin you are out in the forest all alone and looking up at the night sky and you see the moon come out played by JPC and Erin you're gonna make a little wish to the moon.



Hey moon, it's good to see you.


Huh? Can you, what? I can't, who's, who's talking? Who's talking?


Someone whispering to the moon? Sorry, I was. I'm lost in the forest and it's fine. I'm fine.


I can't see you. I can't see you. I got my back to you. You're looking at my butt. You're turned around? You're looking at my butt. My face on the other side.


Hey lady. Yep. Pardon me, it's just I, Ursula Major. You may not want to start a conversation with him.


What? Who's talking?


Who's talking? You're on your own.


Is there a conversation happening back there? Hey lady, who was that, huh?


I really thought that you were facing the earth. You're telling us that your butt has been to us this whole time?


Sometimes. I rotate too just like anybody else, I think.


That's why they call it mooning someone.



Your back is- Whose voice is that? I'm out. That's so familiar. I know I've heard that in this guy.


Well, I'm going to bed. It was nice meeting you.


There is nothing going on on this side of the earth tonight. Oh my God. It's Norzville. You say you're in the woods?


Oh, no, I'm sleeping. Sorry.


No, it's okay. I'll keep you up.


I don't mean to talk. Never start a conversation with the moon. Uh, Erin, you were right, it is the moon. I'm wide, I'm round, I'm not always around. Sometimes you see me, sometimes you don't, part two. Mm-hmm. Now you see me, now you don't, part two. Hey! Ah, the moon. We gotta listen to a voicemail, right? We gotta listen to a voicemail. Yeah. Casey, can we hear that bangin' new theme?


So, you think you got something to say So you called up the clue crew And now you think You should ask for advice and hope that it gets through. Adal, Erin, and JPC, where it pops just a phone call away. You dial 805 Riddle 1, so leave your message today.



Beautiful. Wow. Perfect. That was coming, and I need to give you permission to use your name, so I'll just say it's coming from Taylor. And Taylor says that's a little Ben Folds. And I can hear a little Ben Folds vibe in that voicemail theme. Absolutely. Hey, if you want to submit a theme, you can always send that over as a WAV file to hrrpodcast.gmail.com. And guys, should I try to keep it to 30 seconds about? We got some long ones, and guess what? I'll play them, but I think I gotta stop The thing with the long ways. If a theme appears on this show and it is over two minutes, that's one that I did. I could make these guys listen to things that I do for two minutes. Come on, man. Yeah, and it's because that's punishment. I do that because I get sexual gratification out of it. But no nutting for all of you fans out there.


That can't be right. Casey, can you go ahead and play our voicemail?


Hey, this is Mark in Eastport, Maine. I'm standing outside the Polar Treat right now, formerly the Dairy Barn. I'm about to get myself a little lunch and an ice cream treat. I was just wondering what your go-to's are for a year fixed during the summer, wherever you may be, if you're in Chicago or Boston or LA, wherever. And also look up Eastport on a map, give you a little bit of a kick.



Thanks. Bye. So why would, thank you so much for the message, why would looking up Eastport on a map give us a kick? Because Eastport in Maine is a little island in Maine.


It's one of the little Maine islands. Wow. Yeah.


I love Maine.


And I do love a place called a dairy barn. Yeah, clearly ripping off Dairy Queen. He said before that it was called like the polar shack or something. What was it?


It's either one or the other or maybe the dairy barn was what it was before. It doesn't matter. Because it's a great question. A little summertime ice cream treat. Oh, man. That is... I do love a little summertime ice cream treat.


Yes. I will... JBC, I think you recently discovered this place. It's called the chocolate choppy or shop depending on how you want to say it. I wouldn't say choppy. But it is fantastic. I will go there and get some sort of like waffle cone, maybe a dipped waffle cone with fudge or something. And then I like to get some mint chocolate chip. I think mint chocolate chip is my favorite to eat out of a cone. Interesting. Or also I might find myself getting some Italian ice, which I think is a delightful little treat in the summertime. Also, a watermelon with feta cheese is a very good summer treat.



Yeah, my buddy Lawrence, we had a little get together and he brought over like a salad that was watermelon and feta cheese and it was fucking watermelon, cucumber, and feta cheese. Delicious. So good. So, so good. You know what? I just went there like last week. We had some friends in town and we sat outside and it was really nice outside. And I don't necessarily know that this is like a refreshing like summertime little treat, but Mariah and I split a brownie sundae with strawberry and chocolate ice cream and Man, I ate the whole thing and I felt sick to my stomach, but I loved every bit of it. Erin, what about you?


Well, if I'm going out to get something, I like to get froyo, but I just do the tiniest little dollop of froyo and then just as many toppings as I can. So basically I go out for candy and fruit in a little bowl. But if I'm at home, I like to have creamsicles on hand. Just sit on outside, eat a creamsicle. So good. That's my favorite little summer treat.


A creamsicle for the summertime.


Or Sunday at Friendly's if I'm back in Massachusetts that it's sometimes the only thing I ever want to eat. It's Sunday at Friendly's.



I still really enjoy Otter Pops. They whisk me back to my youth if you ever see those.


I'm not like a Popsicle or like a really handheld ice cream guy with the exception of an ice cream sandwich.


I do really love an ice cream sandwich. That's anything stick-based thing I'm not really into. I'm not really into the fruit, fruit side of things like the flavor, ice, stuff like that.


Not really into that. Do you like, uh, cause I don't think, I don't know if this is technically an ice cream sandwich. Do you like Klondike bars? No, because are they like, what is a Klondike bar?


With a Klondike bar or for a Klondike bar? Are they like minty?


Do they have like a minty numbness to them?


They just have a terrible ice cream to chocolate ratio. There's too much ice cream for how much chocolate it is. It's hard to eat too cold.


It's basically a chocolate shell and then a huge block of ice cream. Okay, yeah, yeah, no. No thank you for a claw-deck bar for me.


Eastport, Maine has a really cool mermaid statue that definitely comes to life.



Interesting. Interesting. Hey, speaking of things that make us come to life, Adal, is there anything that's giving you life recently that you would like to plug?


Thank you for reading my intro I wrote. What's giving me life lately? And something I recommend you all rush out and do if there's still time. I hope there's time. Is go see Fast 10 in 40X. I've seen maybe four movies in 40X now. It is the only way I want to experience certain movies. The second Avatar movie was fantastic in 4DX, and now this, maybe the best movie I've ever seen in 4DX is Fast 10. So go see that. JPC, myself, and Casey all went. We were violently jostled. The whole movie, I heard phones hitting the floor left and right. Every 20 seconds you just heard the smack of someone's screen case breaking.


The best part about a 40x movie, do this. When you go to the theater to see a 40x movie, do not watch the screen. When the 40x effects start, watch the audience. Because you will see people who regret buying the snacks that they bought because they are on them or on the floor. And it is so funny to see live reactions of people being like, why would they sell me this drink if it's just going to go everywhere?



I chorked down. I mistakenly got a giant soft pretzel with hot, hot nacho cheese and I chorked it down within like 10 seconds getting into the theater because they didn't give me like a case. I just had a cup of hot cheese and JBC was like, you better eat that now.


There is a reason you don't see people get onto roller coasters with big gulps. Because that shit don't work.


I would love to see a guy confidently getting on a roller coaster with nachos.


My hot chocolate with no top. I also I can't fathom how I don't understand how there hasn't been like 2,500 lawsuits against 4DX. But until there is and still around, please go see a movie in an ideally fast 10. Erin, is there anything you want to plug or anything that's been giving you life?


I'd say check out sitcom D&D. We have lots of really good guests coming down the pipeline, and I think it's a good time to give it a shot if you haven't yet.


Lots of good guests coming down the pipeline. Mario?


So you heard. JPC, can you read a review of the show?



Yeah, and I'm really regretting that I didn't do a little bit of research on this before, but let's go into it. This is a review from Mystical Target. Mystical Target says, great podcast. I said a hip hop the hippie the hippie to the hip hip hoppa you don't stop the rocka to the bang bang boogie say up jump the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie the beat pretty confident with that part Now, what you hear is not a test, I'm rapping to the beat, and me, the Groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet. See, I am JPC, and I'd like to say hello to the black, to the white, to the red, and the brown, the purple, and yellow. That part doesn't necessarily age well. But first I gotta bang bang the boogie to the boogie. Say up jump the boogie to the bang bang boogie. Let's rock. You don't stop. Rock the riddle that will make your body rock. Well, so far you've heard my voice, but I brought two friends along. And next on the mic is my friend, Adal. Come on, Adal.


Sing that song. I said, hotel, motel, holiday in. I said, if your girl starts acting up, then you take her friend, again, doesn't hold up. That part actually does hold up. Her friends are interesting and you should get to know them.



Did they put the whole song in there? No, that was just it. It stopped at the part to cue you up to sing a song, which I thought was very funny. Thank you so much, Mr. Click Target. If you want to leave a five-star review on Apple iTunes, I might read it on the show, and isn't that fun for you and for all of us?


You know, it's also fun for you and for all of us, um, is a friend of, and I don't want to say its name, but a friend of the M-O-O-N in the nice guy.


Oh no, he's gonna, you're waking him up.


It's a, I guess it's like a family member of, I guess like a family member.


Jupiter. Yes, yes. Bye forever. Right. Bye forever. He's waiting.


Who's talking back there? No, no one. We're sleeping. You won't believe this.


I'm turning around. And John Patrick Coan. Casey told you to be editing.


Every parent in the music.



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