Which Riddle Riddle?

#251: Me Want Sympathy



This is a HeadGum podcast.


Welcome, welcome Guardians of the Galaxy. Thank you so much for responding to our planet's call. You are surely here to save us all.


Oh, sorry, sorry, I got some fleas. Let me just scratch behind my ear. I'm a literal animal here. Sorry, this is Adal.


This is Adal. And I'm Erin, and they had to send the Hey Riddle Riddle crew instead of the Guardians.



All she can say is this is Adal.


I am Erin.


Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Hold on now. I want to get this clear. You're the Guardians of the Galaxy, the ones that everyone's very familiar with.


No, we are Hey Riddle Riddle, a podcast, and they were unavailable, so they sent us instead. This is Adal.


He is... You got any snacks?


That's Adal.


I eat worms.


I'm a trainee.


Wait yeah so wait no yeah because it looks like because you keep saying this is Adal you look like you're a I don't want to say like one and a half foot tall raccoon? Yeah and you look like a big tree. Yeah. But you're not the guardians of the galaxy.




No. Don't forget our third companion. This one seems to be just on his phone. What's going on with this?


He's bored, and that's JPC.


I'm sorry?


JPC, we're saving a planet. Do you want to join us?


Are we here? We're at the job?


Yep, we're here.



Okay. Have these fucking douchebags shown up yet, or when do we talk to these assholes?


The guy right there. Excuse me? He's joking. It's endearing.


Really? He's three things. On his phone, joking, and politically aligned with Chris Pratt.


I mean, I don't know. You can't just tell people someone is charismatic. It doesn't read that way. I just want to say that much.


I like it. I mostly like it.


Yeah, well, you're a fucking tree. Shut up.


All right. Well, what do you need us to do? I'm sorry.


I'm talking to my agent.


Sorry, ignore JPC, ignore Adal.


No, no, no. That I actually get. The business. Oh boy. We have the industry here as well. Don't forget about me, Johnny Warlock. Magic. Magic. This is Johnny Warlock. He's our town crazy person. He works on the planet with me.



Okay, well, what can we do to help? We can solve riddles like 30% of the time. We can be the worst. What else? What else can we do?


No, no, we have a planetary crisis. What is it? I can't get a date because I don't think I'm good enough.


Okay, everyone back on the spaceship. Back on the spaceship.


No, please. Look at my profile trying to help.


Oh boy.


No. No. No.


Get back on. My agent says we don't get paid unless we help the guy get the data. You have an agent? I mean, he's aging.


That means nothing. That's nothing.


All right. Welcome. Welcome to Hey Riddle Riddle, a podcast where you decide. If that sounds like a good Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Now there's a writer strike on right now, so there are no bad ideas. We might scab. Adal. We might cross the pickup line. Pickup line. Do I have to be your raccoon the whole episode?


Uh, let's see.



Please say no, please say no. Thank you. Oh, thank you.


Phew. No, you don't have to. You're free. Phew.


But Erin is going to be a tree that talks just like normal Erin. Yeah, I mean that's sort of her MO.


This was an expensive costume and I will wear it the entire episode.


Alright, I got a big question. Yeah. What do we think about this writer strike? Are we all, I mean I'm against the writers, of course. I'm with the bosses. I'm with the studios. Here's the thing. That's their money. These grubby little writers want that studio money. No thanks.


I'd say a couple hundred more million a year for these fellas. These creative fellas with all that money.


Here's what I'll say. I think I have friends who are in the WGA. I feel for them. This is a tough time. I want to support them, but here's the thing. We all laughed in the fucking face of Quibi. We all thought, not for me. And so Quibi sunk. We cracked open the earth and we shoved it down deep into the core into the molten metal and it sealed it back up never to be seen again. So I feel like we as a collective Have brought this on ourselves because Covid killed Quibi.



Covid killed Quibi. That was not the consumer. We would have embraced Quibi if we hadn't needed Quibi.


Everyone was ready for short bites. Everyone was ready for 15 second TV shows. Look at what TikTok is. Quibi could have been huge. Wait, short bites? That would be Shobi.


Without risers, I feel like for the next year, we're going to get a shit ton of horrible reality TV shows. So if we want to pitch a reality TV show, the three of us, I feel like now's the time. What are we going to do?


The only reason that I'm mentioning it is just so all of our fans know. Look, we support the writers, we support the writers on strike, we are not affiliated with the WGA, but all of our writers for Hey Riddle Riddle are, and so the show is going to get way worse for a little bit. As for the opening.


It's been entirely scripted up until this point.


The openings are all scripted. That opening, I'll say right now, that's what you get when you hire scabs. These are festering postules that we have hired to write our openings. And they're not good at it.



We normally have a lot of the people from the Harvard Lampoon. We normally have a lot of those fun 23 year olds who are writing some comedy, but we don't have any of them anymore.


And we should clarify we're not with the WGA, but we are on WGN. And that's a fun little joke for anyone who lives in a 10 mile radius of me.


That's a fun little joke for a local Chicago. WGM is maybe national. It doesn't matter. It couldn't matter.


It could be national.


It could be national. It could be national.


I think now's our time where we pitch our, what is it called, state fair reality TV show. Where we get sent to every state fair.


Go to all 50 state fairs. We eat ourselves sick. And we meet the locals and I think that's, what, what, I don't know if we've asked this before, which state fair would you be most psyched for? Iowa. I'm gonna say Minnesota. I wanna say Iowa.


Did the same thing as me, stealing answers. He's looking off my paper, Adal, you can see him looking off my paper.



Can I pitch a name for the show? Yes. I think it's 100 or 101? 101 places to poopie before you die.


Interesting, interesting.


We'll have to look into that. If it's open, if it's available. If it's available. We take them if it's available.


I think we call it fair enough. But nobody gets to pun because it's spelled exactly the same.


Okay. What about the fairest of them all? Because are we looking for the best state fair?


Yeah, but then people are going to think it's Cinderella. If we all dress up as Disney princesses when we eat ourselves.


We can't afford that.


Interesting. Maybe knockoff. Let's come up with a list of knockoff Disney princesses.


This is what happens when there's no writers around. All of our ideas just end up being, we just go with every idea.


Yeah, this is not good. We need the writers back. I hope that they listen to them soon. They're asking for so little.


Yeah. Yeah. And of course, they'll fight them tooth and nail for every cent, but the writers deserve so much, so much more because without the writers, remember, we're watching reality TV. And as we've shown here today, that's not great. Blender yellow.



It's like a blender yellow. It's like a blender.


We really, I feel like Adal like rolled out of the car like a mile back and we're like, oh fuck, we got to turn back around and pick up Adal.


You ran over me. You ran over me. Since we don't have writers, since we don't have writers, and this sucks, I hate to be the bearer of bad news here. We're going to have to do our fall back plan, which is riddles. So I'm going to read some riddles and we're going to have to answer them.


Can you make them grape flavored or something so they go down a little easier? I don't want them to taste like riddles.


Deep fried riddles. Perfect. So just like a county fair food or state fair food. So this is like when my mom would put like a pill that I had to take in like yogurt or something. Like a dog. Like a dog. Wait a minute.


When you put peanut butter in the pill. Doesn't matter. You're great. You're doing great. Give us a riddle.



Here we go. Here's your first riddle. This riddle was one that someone mailed to us and there's a message attached to it as well, but I will reserve the message until after the riddle. Cool. So here's the riddle. I am unique, but familiar. I am not mean, but I make people cry. I am meant for few, but shared with many. I am breakable in the hands of the wrong people, but with the right people. I will last a lifetime.


Me in high school.


Is it like my heart?


Erin, you and your high school friends are going to last a lifetime together, right?


Yeah, I have like four friends from high school still.


Erin, you're in your 30s. That is a ton of friends from high school. You think so?


I feel like no.


Adal, how many friends from high school do you still have? Seven. Eight. Okay, never mind Erin. Whoa, never mind Erin. You are falling behind.


Yeah, I think, but like also I'd count my friends from high school as my friends from growing up, right? Only if they were both.



If you met them in high school then they were not your friends from growing up.


Well, no, I have three on top of, like there's three people. It was three additional. So seven, yeah, three additional.


Erin heard you say seven and said, actually, my number is seven as well. And then I'll go ahead and say my number is seven, even though my number is zero.


I'll say the one is my friend Steven from high school, who I had only met in high school and he lives in New York. And him and I just sort of have this deal that we'll call each other out of the blue once every two years when something funny happens. So he's someone I always love to get a call from, but he's elusive. And then I was like, well, then I'll be elusive too, motherfucker. And then we play this game round and round with each other.


So if it has to be, if it's every two years and it's something funny that happens, what level of funny are we talking that it's every two years? Like when was the last time?



It's got to be so good. It's got to be a 10.


Erin, you should be calling this guy like every fucking episode, basically. You're one of the funniest people on the goddamn planet and it's on record.


He ran into a person that was a senior when we were a freshman that him and I we had to say crush on the same person and we were obsessed with this guy and he ran into him at a party and then a funny thing happened and he called me for that and I was like this is perfect and we were laughing and laughing on the phone and I was like I'll talk to you in two years buddy. Happy 30th I guess.


And that's a high school acquaintance too, so it's like a mutual person that you both know. There's a reason for that call. Yeah.


But one time I saw, I had like a funny interaction with a celebrity and I called him because I was like, I think he would think that was funny. And he didn't.


Can we hear these stories? Can we hear these stories?


You've heard them. I talked to you guys way more than I talked to my high school friend.


You think Erin wouldn't have told us if she had a very funny encounter with a celebrity?


I think I know who it was. It was Steve Irwin. I'll say nothing more. I think the reason I'm close with a lot of my high school friends is because my high school was my graduating class was maybe like 70 some people or something. My whole high school was maybe like 350. My high school was basically word for word, face for face, event for event. It was Euphoria, the HBO show.



No, which one were you? Which character? I mean, he hasn't seen enough euphoria.


Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story, but I was a total Zendaya. I mean, that was just my vibe. That was my schtick, so.


Yep, that's me, Zendaya. I bet you're wondering how did Zendaya get into such a sticky situation?


Well, I got a question. JPC, how many friends from high school do you still have?


Hey, I got a fucking question. How about what's the answer to the riddle that I read? Is anyone even trying?


Is it a heart or is it Erin's heart in high school?


Is it silence?


It's not silence and it's not a heart or Erin's heart in high school. Heart is closer than silence, I'll say.


A promise? A promise? So it's unbreakable in some hands.


Erin, a promise is very close. I would even say that this is a very specific type of promise.


Oh, a promise to God. An oath. A vow.


An oath. A vow. A wedding vows.



It is wedding vows.


Can you read the riddle again now that I know that?


Yeah, let's read the riddle one more time. I am unique but familiar. I am not mean, but I make people cry. I am meant for few, but shared with many. I am breakable in the hands of the wrong people, but with the right people, I'll last a lifetime.


Oh, nice. Okay.




I do want a few seen. Please. Yes. Jeebsie and Erin, bum bum bum bum bum bum. I remember that song.


We are farmers?


Oh yeah. Wait a minute. When Gemma walked down the aisle, we actually only played the state farms or farmers and gurus.


That's not even the right one. State farm is a different company. That can't be right. Everyone at the wedding was fucking confused.


Hold on.


State farm is farmers and surers. That's what they play in it.


I thought state farm was short for state farmers. Am I crazy? Uh, yeah. Um, we gotta get to this scene. I'll figure this out later. I might, I honestly might be a dog this whole time. I want to see a scene. The two of you are getting married today's your lucky day. And, um, you both have very unique vows. Very, very unusual vows. Erin, did you just get electrocuted?



Yeah. Erin, do you know how to lick the microphone?


Erin's just trying to lick the microphone.


How did, how did- Hey, I understand that it looked like that, but it wasn't what it was.


Erin's parents call and they're like, what was her last moment? I was like, I was calling, I said I was a dog, and then I, we were talking about State Farm, and then I called for a scene and she died.


Casey, is there a way to confirm remotely if Erin licked the microphone?


No, no, Casey, don't, Casey, don't look into it. Except my guy, 100%. Casey, don't look into it, I'm serious.


She jumped back. Sound like you're plugging an amp in. Okay, so let's start the scene now.


I don't think it's too bad of luck. How about you read your vows to me first and then just get it off your chest so that by the time we're in front of people we can really soak it in and in the moment.



Uh, okay. I do want to do that and I love that idea. It's just that my vows, like the voice that I have to do to do the first part of my vows, it's like a one and done thing. I don't think I can, if I do it now, I'm going to blow out my voice for the wedding, if that makes sense. So can I just, well, maybe I'll just do it in like my normal voice, but just know that part of it is. Is that okay?


Yeah, I'm ready. I'm ready.


Okay. Marriage, marriage, me want marriage. I like to munch the marriage. Munch, munch, munch, munch, munch. But of course, that's the sweetest chef voice. I just, I don't want to do it right now. You don't want to blow your voice. Yeah, because of course, but I just want you to know that that's what it's in.


Excuse me, can I talk to you for a second? Oh, yep. Honey, sorry.


Just come over here. You look beautiful by the way. Oh, give me one second.


It's me, the creature from Honeycomb.


Oh, was this about the plus one?


Actually, yes. I see a lot of other people got plus ones and I did not, so I don't know if I did something.



Here's the thing. We just didn't know if you were with someone because the only interactions we've ever had with you were from the commercials, obviously, that brought us together. And you don't wear a ring, so we didn't know if you had a partner. And then it's, obviously, it's expensive for the plate, so we didn't know if you have a plus one.


My type of creature that I am, we don't wear rings. It's more of a verbal commitment. So rings aren't a thing in our community.


We had someone drop out of the wedding. We had a couple people get stuck because of the tornado in the Midwest.


My dad died this morning. He didn't drop out of the wedding.


Does he need to know that, honey? Do we need to- No, it's just- Honestly?


No, I'm an asshole. No, I'm an asshole.


His dad died in a tornado this morning and he's not going to be at the wedding. That's what's happened.


Me want sympathy. I'm so sorry. It's okay.


I'm just going to read him my vows. Yeah. Sorry, we're just- Okay, great. Okay, so I love your vows. They seem great. No, no.


Okay, it's just the first part of it, but sure, yeah.



You want to keep going?


No, no, no, no, please. That took so long, so just please.


Okay, so here are mine. I'm going to try not to cry. I personally believe that US Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in Africa and the Iraq everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the US should help the US or help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we can able to build up our future such as.


Now don't your fucking vows.




Alright Honeycomb guy, get out of here. We gave you your plus one.


Also, why are you wearing white, Honeycomb? I'm the pride, you lunatic.


I love that that's, he's so crazy. He wears white to a wedding.


He would.


He had to show up because JPC said, marriage, marriage, me want marriage. And that's clearly an IP infringement. Erin, that speech, I can't remember what year that, that seems like it could have been 50 years ago or two months ago, but I remember crying. I feel like I see so many funny videos now that I laugh, but I'm not like doubled over. That was early enough in the internet that I remember crying, laughing and being like, this is the funniest shit I've ever seen.



That must have been, no, it had to be in the last couple years because Kamala Harris wasn't vice president until 2020. Come on. Such as the Iraq.


That is how she sounds. It was 2007 and we weren't as numb as we are now and there was less internet. More honeycomb, less internet. It just was a nice moment.


That's the problem. Hey, speaking of nice moments, that Riddle that I just read was from Martha and Andrew. Martha and Andrew, another couple that has invited us to their wedding. We get so many wedding invites. Eventually we're going to have to go to one of these weddings.


We have to go to one. I'm serious.


Is this one in Andrew's Vineyard? They just mentioned that they spent countless road trips listening to Hey Riddle Riddle and laughing and crying, which is why laughing until they cry, lower laughing and crying depending on how you want to put that. They just wanted to let us know how important the show was to their love and them finding each other. I guess if you're not inviting us to the wedding but you and your spouse do enjoy the show, step it up.



Step up your game. Here's what I'm going to say. We're absolutely going. Martha, Andrew, we're absolutely going.


Where, when is it?


It's, I don't have no idea. It's like Russian Roulette because, uh, eventually we are gonna go to one of these. Everyone's just sending us these wedding invites, expecting us not to come, and eventually we're gonna come and someone's gonna be out $300. Yeah, it could be you.


So if you, from this point forward, it's not just a gesture anymore. Invite us if you are prepared for us to be at your wedding.


We're going to choose, eventually we're going to put all these wedding invites in one of those tumblers, like the metal tumblers, what they do for raffles, and whoever, whatever invite we pull out we're going to go to, and it's going to be... And if it's in Chicago. Exactly. What's the opposite of a lottery? What's the opposite of winning? Losing. Yeah, they lose. That person loses. Is that right? Winning.


Losing. Well, we would need a plus one, right? Like, we would just go the three of us and try to find something to talk about.



I don't think they give us all... What if it was three of us and we got one plus what? I guess that's Casey. I guess Casey's coming to the wedding.


Casey's coming, or Arnie. I feel like we bring... We get a plus two. We bring Casey and Arnie. And we have Arnie play a song. We insist Arnie gets one song.


Here's the one thing we guarantee, no gift. We're not bringing a gift. We're going to be so friends at the wedding. I also think that if you are a couple out there and only one of you listens to Hey Riddle Riddle, that doesn't mean don't invite us. That means just fight for a spot for us. So exclude a cousin, get like an uncle's second wife out of there. Just make sure that you get into a big fight when you're planning the wedding that Hey Riddle Riddle has to have a spot.


If we pick your wedding though, I think that you have to send us an email where you explain the vibes of your family. I want to be prepared for your conservative uncles. I want to be prepared for all the weird vibes. I want you to be like, dodge this aunt, this aunt is safe. This cousin is really funny. I want to know what's going on.



Here's what I'll do. I will send you the exact same questionnaire that I send to corporate clients where it's just like, Who are the big important people at the company? What are some buzzwords?


Who's your biggest competitor? Here's what I think. I think we need to... Did we ever say on this podcast, on the main feed, that we have an idea to do a podcast eventually where we go to a wedding every single week for a year and record ourselves on it?


I think we said that on the Patreon, Adal. I don't think JPC agreed to that idea. It was only me.


This sounds brand new to me. If we can just carve out 60 seconds, right now, can we make like a rider for us? You know how when bands go on tour, there's a rider for the green room. Can we just very quickly make a rider for any wedding we go to? I'm going to say immediately, number one, the three of us get the first dance.


I will say... That only seems fair. A mini horse and a loaded shotgun with one bullet. Perfect.


So wait, the horse is holding the shotgun?



Whoever's holding it, when I need it, I need it.


I'd like to take home any and all leftovers.


And that includes whatever bit of your wedding cake you don't need. Erin's just going down the line, yum, yum, yum.


That would have been the absolute funniest, coolest thing to say. I'll take the leftovers fellas, walk this way. Come on fellas. It's like four groomsmen.


Hi, my stipulation for mine, I gotta know what the wedding planner's wearing because I'm wearing the exact same thing. I'm gonna have so many conversations because no one knows me at this wedding. I'm gonna have so many conversations the whole night where I'm like, I'm not the fucking wedding planner, okay?


I'm not. I think at my wedding a lot of people thought Erin was the wedding planner. Is that true? Well, Erin has wedding planner.


I had Adal's wedding because I was a lady in a very cute suit, but also I didn't I don't think I looked formal enough. I kind of looked businessy and literally like 14 times throughout the day people came up with to me with problems. They'd be like, I don't know where to put the quiche down. Do you think we should clear another table? And I'd be like, I'm still not the wedding planner.



Uh, Erin, I'm so sorry, but I'm also so happy that happened. That was a gift to my wedding.


I think maybe what you've done is you've just internalized too many romantic comedies, and now people just assert that you give off wedding planner energy. You look like you have answers.


So crazy. Okay, so the wedding ceremony ran a little over. Do you think we should do apps now or in 20? And I was like, cool that you're sort of coming to me. I guess I could have an opinion about this. And there was a couple of times before I realized what was happening that I was just like, oh yeah, here's my opinion. I just decided to have an opinion about the questions they were asking me.


Why not? If I'm ever placed in a position where I'm granted undue authority, I'll just use it. Let's just say, oh yeah, sure. Is there any way that I can enrich myself in this situation or rubs my fingers together? We have to do another riddle. We have to do another riddle before we hit break. Okay, so here we go. Here's a riddle. It's another one that was mailed to us to our, to our, that's not a PO box, just to our mailbox, I guess. We can tear up the town, no need for a frown. If you keep me in hand, we'll make out red and grand. Or we can stay in, just put me to skin. Even to your hair, I really don't care. Genius, some will say. I can go either way, but take caution you see, for with death, I could be.



What am I? These are lyrics to a TLC song, but I forget which one.


I was like, is it a comb?


I'm trying to think of... Erin, it's a comb.


It's not, but it's so close. You're like right. Yeah, it's a brush. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.


Excuse me.


Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.


Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.


Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me So the fact that you can wear clothes, but you're not wearing, what is this? Why do we invite you?


What are you you little gremlin? Come here!


Come here!


What are you?


Kill it! Kill it! How? How? Release toxic needles! My husband! I'm turning into one of them. One of us. One of us. Me want honeycomb. We want honeycomb. Hey Riddle. We want honeycomb. Hey Riddle.





Do I have to be a honeycomb creature the rest of the episode?


Yeah. And then JBC smacks the frog. And then this is the bed that you two made.


Let's go to a break. Me want break.


I know what you're thinking. Do I have a new hat, Adal and JPC? New haircut? Why am I walking around with so much confidence?


I bet you're wondering. I wanted pretzels from the food court.


And I was just going to let you know that it looks like you leaned on paint.


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Erin, it looks like you may have leaned on like with someone painting a rocket money like billboard or sign or something because it's all it's all down your back it's like and it's I could ock it ock it


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Hey, what's going on? Somebody leaned over my rocket money paint thing. Run. Everybody run. Oh no.




Is that DaVinci?


Yeah. Yes.


And bye. Okay, we're back from break. We think that we have killed the honeycomb creatures. We just, we kept hitting them with the shovel. I'm not confident. We're not confident. We're not confident, but we think, look, if that were me, I'd be dead. That's all I can say for what we did to the honeycomb creature.


We put a trash, we emptied out a bathroom trash can, put it on top of it. It started moving around so we had to put a rock on top of the trash can. And then we smash it with a hammer. Then we scrape the hammer along concrete so we kind of spread it out like a nice jam or pate. And then we lit that all on fire. So we think it is gone.



I don't know.


We don't know that it said that. It just kind of sounded like that. Stop saying it. You're implanting the memory now that it doesn't matter. We have to move on. Do you guys remember, not too long ago, but we had Lord Tim of East Nashville send us some riddles?


Yes, because I think I was really caught off guard by East Nashville.


Yeah, thank you. So we don't remember Lord Tim, but we do remember East Nashville and Erin's. Didn't make a memorable impact on Erin at all.


Oh, please. You literally don't remember anything that's happened in any single episode that we've ever done ever.


Wow. I don't know if that's supposed to be a slam. I mean, that's like saying, oh, please, you're literally a genius. Okay. Okay, Mr. Millionaire. Here we go. But Lord Tim of East Nashville sent in some more riddles. Nice. I would say some of the, well we'll just do one. We'll do one and I think that you'll get the sense of them. And sorry, their name is Lord Asheville? This is, no. That's a really great question. Their name is Lord Tim of East Nashville.



Okay, I wasn't listening.


Yeah, you talked about Nashville for a while. Then you said Asheville, which is like a completely different city. Here we go. Who got a spray tan and then invented a new smoothie?


Who got a spray tan and then invented a new smoothie?


This is a person... Me, last month?


Don Johnson?


I think that this is like, I mean there's some, this is like a word play, Riddle, and what it does is it takes two existing things and kind of smashes them up, but the first, the last word of one thing and the first word of the other thing are the same word.


Bronzer Blizzard? Bronzard?


So they're both two word phrases, but the middle word is the beginning and the end. So it's, who got a spray tan? Very biblical. And then invented a new smoothie. Is it a person's name? One of them is a person's name, yes. A famous person from history.



Who got a spray tan? And then invented a new smoothie?


The situation?


Is spray tan a clue to the celebrity? I don't think people brought history head spray tans.


Spray tan is not a clue to the celebrity. Nothing in this is a clue to the celebrity. So that's tough.


That's a hard nut to crack. So we have to basically come up with the answer and work backwards.


But the new smoothie, the new smoothie is part of it. And if you get the new smoothie, you'll get the celebrity.


Adal Rifai, you have to come up with a smoothie that doesn't exist yet.


It's a type of movie. I don't know that this really exists much anymore. No, it's a brand. Think of like a specific brand.


Oh, Orange Julius? Cesar? Orange Julius Caesar? Orange Julius Caesar.


Yes, you got it. Wait, hold on a minute. Uh-huh.



Orange Julius Caesar. So what's the spray tan part?


He's an Orange Julius Caesar.




Because you got the spray tan. That's the spray tan part. But nothing about that was like, it's like what Roman leader got a spray tan? No, that's not in there. It's just, it's just, you got it. You understood how to do it. Okay.


I'm ready for another one of these.


And can I just say Orange Julius absolutely still around? Yeah, but they're all watery now.


They got purchased by Dairy Queens and now they're like a part of Dairy Queen, which is a part of some other food conglomerate. There's only like four companies anymore, so.


Orange Julius is fucking delicious, or it used to be in the 90s.


I remember they also used to sell like the canned Orange Julius in the freezer section and my sister Kathleen would like put them in the blender and like make us little fruity drinks.


I don't think I've ever had one.


Is it just orange? What is it? Orange juice smoothie? It's like orange juice with sugar and ice and something else, but boy oh boy. My sister and I used to walk around the Carl Sandburg Mall in Galesburg and then we'd get ourselves a little orange Julius and just we'd be having the time of our lives. They are delicious. Is it like a lemon shakeup? But it's kind of thicker. Okay. It's got some viscosity to it.



Hey I'll never know. Just like we'll all never know what that like pre-cabin dish banana tastes like. It's just gone from this world now and now we'll never know. Here we go. Here's the next one. This is the next one from Lord Tim. What's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when it hits the windshield of a car? It's ass, it's butt. Yeah, that would be it's butt. That's a joke that I feel like is an old joke that I've heard. Yeah, my grandpa used to tell that joke. I feel like it's a grandpa joke. It feels like a grandpa joke.


I'd like to see a scene. Adal, you are driving your car and JPC, you are a bug that has just hit Adal's windshield.


Life is a highway. Oh, let me... Oh, that's a... Yikes.


Oh boy.


Turn on the windshield wipers here.


Yeah, I'm just up here in the corner above the windshield wiper. It's probably not gonna... Yeah, I'm wet now. Hey, driver, you can see me, right? I saw you just trying to wipe me off. You can see me, driver?



Yes. Yeah. What's up?


Hey, be honest. I can't really look. Is it bad? How am I?


How am I doing? It's not good. Not good, huh? It's not good. Yeah. It looks like seven of your legs are broken.


Do you have your phone on you? Do you have your phone on you?


Could you make a call for me? I don't. No, you don't. Probably couldn't call a bugs phone either. I don't have a TV. And our phones are different. Wait, they're too small or they're different? They're just different.


I would have assumed you would say it's too small for me to use, but it's just different.


Hey buddy, can you do me a favor? Yeah. I'm on my way Do I look like a flea? I don't know, it's like a Nokia... Krazenberry or something? Krazen... Krazenberry? It's Nokia! It's... no, it's not a Krazer. Oh, that's a human phone. I'm familiar with that. No, it's a phone for a fly. I'm a fly.



Oh, listen, I'm going to roll up my window here in a second, but I realize this is a pretty bad situation. If you have anything, if you have anyone, you want me to say something to?


Yeah, if you could just go to where my wife is. You're not going to make it. Get some berries. No, I know I'm dead. Yeah. I'm living on borrowed time. Yeah. Hey, there must be a fly god up there that loves me because I should be dead right now. You call your dad fly god?


Yeah, what do you call your god? Oh god, but I thought you'd have a different name. Okay. It's just for, it's just, it's just our word for god.


In my language there's a different name, but I'm speaking English right now. Okay. Hey, let me guess. You don't speak bug, do you? I don't. I thought not. Okay, sorry. Even though we've been in this country for, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. This is technically our, it doesn't matter.


It doesn't matter. So does your phone, does your, the bug phone, does it have like dual lingo? Like how are you learning English?


How am I learning English? I've lived in this country, okay? It's a courtesy. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't think. I didn't think. Period. What's with all the questions about the phone? What's with all the phone? What do I look like? Alexander Graham Bug? Oh, come on. That's the name. What said I need you? That's the name of... The bug who invented phones? Yeah, that's his name.



This sucks. So you're telling me for every great figure in our history, there was a bug that trained underneath it, much like a splinter under his master- Look, I know your language, I don't know your fucking history.


I mean, who are some of your historical figures?


Okay, well, the inventor of the light bulb, I believe was Thomas Edison? No, that can't be right. It was played by David Bowie.


Thomas Edison?


No. Nikolai Tesla.


Now that we have. Okay. Insectilai Tesla.


Nikolai Tesla. Who's that?


My wife! My wife! She flew back. She flew past. Oh man. Feel free to talk. You're driving too fast.


Feel free to talk bug.


You're driving too fast. You flew right past her. Turn around.


Oh, let me, okay.


Mate, you're a really bad driver.


Sorry, this is a Kia. It doesn't have a, it doesn't really turn, it turns on a half quarter.


Okay, do you have half quarters in the... Do you have half quarters in the... Do you have half quarters in the... Do you have half quarters in the... No reason to insult a Kia.


Here we go. All right. Do you have like- Honey, honey, honey.



Oh, okay. Oh my God. It's okay. You're okay. You're okay.


No, I'm dead. I'm gonna be with FlyGod soon. I don't have my phone on me. This guy wouldn't let me use his, even though I can see it. He's got a phone. I can see it's on the console right there.


If your phones are as big as our phones, how could she not see that you don't have your phone on you? Your phone would be- He's dying.


Dominating the landscape.


What have you done?


Donna, I've been back and forth with this guy all morning. He's a real asshole and he's dense, okay? And I'm speaking of it. I could be saying all this at Bug right now, but I want him to know.


Yeah, why aren't we talking Bug? Talk Bug!


Yeah. I bet you think that's bug, you racist.


Yeah. You fucked up. You weren't thinking again, were you? That's not bug, idiot. That's not bug.


I bet you thought, oh, it sounds like bug.


You don't know what fucking bug sounds like. Well, you said let's speak bug and then you launched into it. I just assumed whatever follows let's speak bug is going to be bug. Man, you know what?


Fuck this. We're really going to speak bug.



Yeah, we're going to speak bug. So we had the Pilgrims, what did you have? Oh sorry, sorry.


That's not bug. We're just going vvvvvvvvvvv.


This guy's thick as a goddamn brick, he thinks that's bug.


Yeah, we had the Pil-bug Grims.


Yeah, Pil-bug Grims. Pil-bug. That's the type of bug Pil-bug Grims.


It actually worked out pretty well.


Any more brain, any more bug busters for us?


Yeah, I mean we had, let's see, I don't want to say Christopher Coleman. We had, do you have a Magellan? Who's this we?


You're going from Italy to Spain to like the Puritans? Oh, okay. All right, hold on. So you're one of these like all culture is white culture guys, huh? No, no, no, no, no, no. Unbugly. No, no, no, hold on.


He's dead. You killed him. You killed him. He's dead. He's dead. You killed my husband.


Oh, um. Should I get, I would offer you compensation but I don't want to insult you. Do you take money? Do you take human?



How much do you have on you?


Uh, let's see here. I have $47, I have Venmo, I have Zelle.


Hmm. I'll take whatever's in your wallet.


Are you smoking a cigar? Is that a slisher suite?


What is that?




I want to make it those bugs with con people.


Those were berries.


We just took that guy for $47.


If I may, we'll call that scene a bug's wife.


A bug's wife.


Erin just got electrocuted again.


Oh, brother.


That last one was a grandpa joke that was kind of a riddle, but this next one is kind of a dad joke. It's kind of a riddle that kind of is a dad joke. What are you if you tell dad jokes, but you're not a dad?


Is the answer just like Adal?


No, this one is an improviser. A grandpa? No, this is wordplay. There's like some wordplay in here, yeah.



What are you if you tell dad jokes but you don't have a kid? Is that what it was?


But you're not a dad. You tell dad jokes but you're not a dad.


Okay, if you tell dad jokes and you're not a dad, you're a pundit.


The answer to this one is also like a phrase that you would use. Yeah. Yeah. It's not even, it's not even really, it's not an English phrase. I would say it's maybe even a French phrase, I believe. Oh. Bonjour, French phrase. Semper Fi? So Semper Fi works in what way? Just so I know, because I don't, I feel like, hey, I'm done.


Six Semper Tyrannosaurus? You said it's a what phrase? French? I think it's a French phrase. You tell dad jokes, it's not a dad. No. A little pony-sécois? Okay.


This is like a pun. I think that you'll get this if you put that pun energy to work. Adal, this is all you.


I haven't been saying this like you have.



This also means kind of like a slip up.


Or like a fuck up. A mistake. Like a little one though.


Like a little one where you like, you say, you know... You'd be a fake parent. You would be a faux pas. You would be a faux pas. Wow.




Lord Tam of East Nashville also includes this as a little bonus. East Nashville is not Franklin, or wherever we said. Is that what we said? We said Franklin, right?


We said Franklin. That's the only place I know because that's where Scott Elam lives. And if you live anywhere near Nashville, you should go check out Scott Elam at the Third Coast Comedy Club.


He says that it's a bit of Nashville insulated from the twang by the river. It's the cool side. So, if you're ever in Nashville, check out East Nashville and stop by, I want to say, Lord Tim's Castle. And you know, have a... Loveless Biscuits. Lord Tim can't deny you bread and salt if you go to his castle begging for a shelter from the rain or something. Or whatever. Or whatever. Legally or whatever. Okay, we have some time, so I want to do some of these riddles. It's been a while since we've done them, but I found them recently and said, oh, we haven't finished these. Do you guys remember when we did these Farmer's Almanac riddles? Yes. They were very tough. It's been a while. It's been a while since we've done them, so I have a few more for us. So here we go. Here's your first Farmer's Almanac riddle. With letters 5, my name you spell, or Latin numerals, call them as well. My first 100 you may see, my fifth just half as much will be. My second and third will give us 4, my third and fourth will make two more. My hole is what we must all be to make us patterns of courtesy. This is from 1958.



Oh god, this is gonna be hard. Are they numbers?


It's from 1950. I just gotta say my character Chunt is way ahead of his time because I have said recently on a Magic Tavern episode, my hole is whatever the rest was. My hole is what we all must be.


I haven't seen him in a while.


He's okay. He's okay.


You asked if these are numbers, and to that I would say yes, technically.


So are these Roman numerals? Because you mentioned L. Yeah, that's a good guess.




These are Roman numerals, yes. Is it the word Roman? That's five letters.


With letters five, my name you spell.


With letters five. Okay, so let's go back through the order, because I'm going to start writing down Roman numerals.


Or Latin. Is it XOXOX? Also, I forgot that the second part of this Riddle is, or Latin numerals, call them as well. So the second part is, these are Latin numerals.


I don't get it though.


My first 100 you may see. So 100 is boy oh boy. There's, I will say that there is at least one of these Roman numerals that I'm like, oh, that one, that one, we're not up to Super Bowl that one yet. So that one, that one's pretty high. Is there an X involved in a V? Do you know what 100 is in Latin numeral or Roman numeral? If I saw it, I'd know it, but off the top of the dome. Really? You don't know 100? Well, okay, I can help you with this. Okay, so think about what do we know about Romans and the way that they kept their armies?



Of their slavies.


Erin, up their sleeves is exactly correct. You get a hundred points and now you can take a nap for the rest of the episode. Thanks! You said thanks like a news reporter in a field.


Thanks, Bob. I'm in a field sleeping because I got a hundred points in the hammer to Riddle episode.


Thanks, JBC. I'm officially mentally checked out. I'm wearing a raincoat. Is it C? Is it letters?


So they would have a Legion, right? A Legion. And how many troops is it a Legion? I don't know why I'm asking you this. There's also... Have you heard the word Centurion? Sure, Centuri. That's where we get Centuri from. Exactly. And Centuri would be... 21.




Real estate. Thank you, Erin. Wow, it's been 21 years. A whole century has passed. We're at the... Erin, yes, it is 100. So what would 100 be in Roman numerals?



C. We're back to the beginning. What was that whole fucking side road for?


C. Yeah. I said that like... 100 is C. I said that like four minutes ago.


I remember she did say that.


Is it C? You're joking.


You're joking. You're joking. Okay. So you've got my first 100 you may see. My fifth just half as much will be.


So 50. So 50 would be what's half a C. What's half a C?


Half a C note is 50 bucks.


50 is F. Okay.


This one will help you. My second and third will give us four. What's four in Roman numerals? Uh, 1-V.


Uh, yeah. I-V.


Yeah, but it's not 1. I-V. It's an I. Okay, so you have? Poison Ivy. You have the first three are? Uh, C-I-V-I-V. C-I-V-I. C-I-V-I.


This is C-I-V-I.


C-I-V-I. You're looking for a five-letter word. L, civil. Civil. You got it. Nailed it.



Fuck this riddle. Absolutely not. No.


I do want to say the same.


No. Erin, I think things were pretty good in 1958.


No. I want to say thank you to the year 1958 for those riddles.


I didn't want to say the same. The two of you are Romans back in Roman days and you are being tasked by the Julius Orange Caesar of the time. You're being tasked with creating the Roman numeral system.


I'm bored.


Can we order food? Yeah, I guess I would have to see what time the... Just any Roman building, just one Roman building. We'd have to see what time the, and then you could help me out if you just did a one, let's say, Parthenon.


I'm just throwing a ball against the wall.


Hey, that's a tall guy. Sorry, that's a very tall guy. I just calls him like I see him. I calls him like I see him.


Call a see him.


Yeah, what?


Well, you know. I'm sorry sir, sir, you obviously overheard, you obviously overheard what we were talking about. You think you can order food from the Colosseum? I just said Vomitorium.



You can't order food from there. Of course you can order from the Colosseum. What do you think they do with the dead soldiers?


Ugh, wait, so you know you're eating- How long do you think this is gonna take?


This guy's a freak!


Get out of here, freak! Jesus. Sorry. That's like a guy who looks like eating a hotdog and you're like, you know what they put in these? It's like, ugh. Get out of here. You're supposed to not think about it when you eat it.


Hey man, you're better with all this stuff. What if I just like went out and got drunk and you finished this whole like number thing?


Where are you gonna go to get drunk? Name one Roman building where you could go to get drunk. Don't say Colosseum.


Can I please go?




Can I be excused please?




Make the numbers letters or whatever.


I don't know. Wait, what was that?


Oh, I was joking. You said make the numbers letters or whatever? No, that's actually a joke. That would be so serious.


No, that's actually a great idea. Because why invent a whole bunch of new things when we already have all these letters?



Won't that be confusing?


I feel like people are going to be using that... Numericalis, Arithmeticalis, you two have been tasked for two weeks now. Well, two for now, but of course we'll replace that two with something new once this session is done. But you've had two weeks to come up with numeral systems, so let's go ahead and hear them, starting with one and ending in a hundred.


Before we begin our pitch, and we do want to get to the numerals thing, we think it's super important, Arithmeticalis and I, we also... Cued into a different part of her name, and I think you're gonna really like the thing that we came up with.


Interesting. Okay.


Go ahead and put your arms above your head. Me? Yeah, you are with the meticulous list. Can you get on the left side? Okay. I'm gonna get on the right side, okay?


Step, step, step, step, step, step, step. E2? Sorry, I'm reading off your list here. E2? Yeah, we don't know what the E stands for yet. So E equals 2?


Ah, God. Take a look at Bugs Time to Die.



A Bugs Time to Die. That's the sequel to Bugs Life.


A Bugs Time to Die with Steven Seagal. Look, we spent too much time on the first of these and everybody had a really bad time, so we'll get to the other ones later. But right now, Casey, can you hit us with that new voicemail theme?


It's been one week since you messaged me. Called a battle, Erin and JPC. Five days since you laughed at me. It took a while till you thought that joke was funny. Three days since the afternoon. We cussed and your grandma heard us. What could we do yesterday? Heard what you sent me. But it'll still be two days till I send it to Casey. It'll still be two days till I send it to Casey. It'll still be two days till I send it to Casey. Join our Patreon and send us money.


Wow. Incredible. That voicemail theme comes from Mark. Mark, thank you so much for that. And I love that plug at the end to join our Patreon. Hey, if you want to get a voicemail theme featured on the show, just send us a WAV file to hrrpodcast.gmail.com. We might choose yours. And hey, we might even choose a voicemail message that you sent us. Casey, can you play us a message?



Hey, this is Megan. It is the middle of the night and I can't think of anything better to do other than listen to Hey Riddle Riddle. I have a question. So my friend, completely platonic relationship, he likes to mess with all of me and my friends. He really wants to fake propose to us. What do I do? How do I stop this? Or how do I react to make him look like the bad guy rather than me saying no? Love the podcast. Love you guys. Thank you so much.


I think, I think they were right with love the, cause that's, that's the vibe of our show.


I think they were right in stopping themselves from saying love the advice because you will not love the advice.


You're going to hate the way we sound.


Okay. So you have a friend that keeps fake proposing to you and all of your friends. Um, I know exactly what to do. He does that in public again, looks super confused and offended and go, you're dating my sister. You're dating my sister.





And then he gets super embarrassed.


That's very good. Mine was going to be after he proposes in public. You go, oh, you're proposing after you cheated on me one week ago, Brian?


What is wrong with you? That's really good. Yeah.


That's really good. My advice is the minute he proposes and you've done some legwork and you've hired some actors and stuff. Obviously. Obviously. Obviously. That goes without saying. The minute he gets down on his knee and proposes, you have like an Adidas tear-away tracksuit. It can be whatever brand. Obviously. Not Filica. You rip off the tracksuit. You have a wedding dress underneath. Somebody tosses you a bouquet. You catch it mid-air. It looks amazing. Suddenly a priest turns around. He opens the Bible to the correct page and says, we are gathered here today.


The one that is in the Bible.


That page. He's on that page. We are gathered here today. Which I think is like weddings 214. Yeah. Suddenly your family is there. His family is there because you've reached out to them ahead of time obviously. Because you said I think he's going to propose. Suddenly and there's tables and chairs and a catered meal and fondue and there's one of your little cousins who's like three years old comes down with a pillow and with whatever. You call his bluff and he will be forced to marry you now. That is legally binding. Now you have him where you want him because you didn't sign a prenup and neither did he. So you now, if you want, or depending on the situation, you now can take half of whatever is his.



Here's what you do, here's what you do, and I love that, but as a little, like, you know, you're putting all this pre-effort into it, all that work that you did, all that work that you did, all those actors, put it all on a credit card. Absolutely ruin your credit, destroy your credit doing this, because as soon as you're married, that's his debt as well. Now he's got to pay for all this? Oh my god.


Because of your question I have a great idea for a rom-com now. Two friends, platonic friends that love to prank each other and one does a prank proposal and they both stubbornly keep it going and keep calling each other's bluff and then they make it to the wedding and after all that planning they spent time together and now they're actually in love and they go through with the wedding.


I love this. And they both think they're like all this. It's called Prank Posel and it's, of course, it's Ryan or Chris. It's a Ryan or a Chris?


One of the Ryans or one of the Chrises.


Called it joke? Question mark?


You can't be serious. Here's what I would really do in this situation. This is actual advice. This is real advice. Cut that person out of your life. We don't need it. You don't need that person. That's extra. That's too extra. We don't need it.



This guy sounds exhausting. Unless you like him and then I love that for you. But if you don't like him, then he sounds exhausting.


It sounds like what he's doing no one finds funny and everyone doesn't like it. And I got to think about a person like that. You just don't have to hang out with that person anymore. If you got a friend who thinks they're really funny but nobody likes the shit that they do, that's not a friend anymore. That's a good luck with the rest of your life. I'm sure you'll figure it out down the road. Here's what I'm saying.


You just sent me an email that said that JPCA. That's an auto send.


That's an auto send. So what's happening here is that if I don't check in with someone every 24 hours, that email sends to my contact list.


Auto Cinderella. That's our fake Disney present. Here's what I'll really, here's something.


So the answer to our question is auto Cinderella. Here's something.


Here's something that I'm being 100% honest about. Please. Was this Rachel? What was the name? It's too late now. We have no idea. Whatever the name was, they sounded fantastic. They sounded delightful. They sounded, I don't know, early 20s or something. I don't know. But the way they're describing this guy, I was like, is this guy like 13? Because that's the kind of shit that people would do at my grade school, would be like fake propose or like run up. Like if they like someone, they'd like, You know how when kids like each other they like pick on them or whatever that is? It truly, in my head I was like, is this kid like 13 or 14? Because the person who left the voicemail sounded much older. So I would say this kid, this guy is being very immature. And this is coming from someone who's wildly immature for a 40 year old. So that's saying something.



When I was that age, I had a friend who would do this. It was a very embarrassing thing to do, but he would do this in public places. He would just all of a sudden look at you and go, hey man, that's not a cool word to use. I can't fuck with people who talk like that and then walk away from you. And it was like, good. Thank you. Hi, everyone. No, I didn't.


That's brutal. Also, I'll say, Mark, that theme song was incredible. I challenged someone, staying on Bare Naked Ladies, I challenged someone to make a, if I had a million, Riddles theme song.


Uh, yeah, Riddlebox or Riddlebox, you can do that as well. And if you want to send us a voicemail, that is 1-805-Riddle-1. I'm sorry, well yeah, the one is in there as well, but it's the 805 Riddle one. There's a one on either end, so you can't get confused. And speaking of things that won't confuse us, Adal, do you have anything that you would like to plug?


Um, I want to plug, uh, oh, did you guys see that? Something just ran by super fast. It's kind of like a yellow blur, kind of like a puffy, hairy yellow blur.



No, he's dead. He's dead, so that couldn't be him.


Yeah, sorry. Sorry, I was a little thrown. Um, I want to plug, um, just, uh, there it is again. I just saw it at the corner of my eye. Somebody else, Erin, why don't you have anything to plug?


Don't look at it, just stare straight ahead. Quickly, quickly now. Check it out. The whole season three is recorded. It's really good. I'm really proud of it. Check it out. Wherever you find podcasts. GPCR, Adal, everything to plug.


Nothing for me, JPC, anything about Curry?


I do have something to plug. So this week I want to plug two things. The first thing is that all of us were on an episode of Review Review. It's another head gum show. They're also an improviser show. We love doing that show. We did that show actually a little while ago, but that episode was stockpiled. But I think it's out now or will be out soon. So please do check us out on that episode of Review Review. I also just did an episode of improv is dead, my ex-roommate Tim Lyons' podcast. It's another, again, it's another very fun improv podcast. I think if you like our podcast, you would have really enjoyed improv is dead. And then lastly, I want to give a shout out to everyone. It's been a couple months or at least a month now since I did I did a 12 hour charity stream, not really charity stream, a fundraiser stream for my brother's campaign. My brother was running for city council and District 13 of Indianapolis. The primary was last week. My brother won by 12 points. He beat the 12-year incumbent. He is now a city councilor-elect, although it's wild because the primary is in May and the term does not start until January. But he's running unopposed in the general in November and I'm really proud of my brother. But I want to give a shout out to all of the fans because I know a ton of Hey Riddle Riddle fans came to that stream. A lot of you donated money. That money, even though my brother got outspent by 4 times as much as he raised. He still won the primary and a lot of that money went to helping make sure that he connected with voters in his area. So big shout out to everyone who helped out with that. I really do appreciate it. That's incredible. That's very cool.



That's amazing. I think I paid you $100, or I don't it to his fund for $100 to have you write something in permanent marker on your knuckles.


Yeah, I can't remember what it was, but it wasn't good to do.


It was a nice day to have. Yeah, Mariah didn't like it, and I did have to wash my hands a bunch to get that permanent marker off of. And I will say, I wasn't planning on having so much marker fumes just for, you know, 10 hours on my person. I said honeycomb.


I said honeycomb.


He said bunnycomb. I said honeycomb. Casey clip it. Casey clip it.



Hey there, Cocos and Colas. If you like that, you're going to love this week's Patreon. It's another one of our state series, and this time, we're going down to Georgia, but we're not looking for a soul to steal. You can listen to that plus our entire back catalog at patreon.com slash HeyRiddleRiddle by joining the Clue Crew for $5 a month, or the Review Crew, and you get those ad-free episodes, for $8 a month. See you there!


That was a hate gun podcast.