Which Riddle Riddle?

#222: The Yawn



This is a HeadGum podcast.


Oh hey, Adal, it's me, Erin, from Hey Riddle Riddle.


I've never seen you in my life.


Wow, it's been a long time. How have you been, man?


Oh, you mean... Kids, kids get behind me. Kids get behind me.


No, sorry, kids. Hi, I'm not scary. My name's Erin, and I'm recording.


That's the scariest thing they've ever seen. Why are you making that face and putting your arms like that?


Ah, sorry. Just sort of a panic response.


What was your name again?


Erin, we did comedy in Chicago together. And then we did a podcast called Hey Riddle Riddle. That was Momo the Mouse on Magic Tower.



No, let's don't ring a bell.


Did somebody say comedy in Chicago? Take some guesses off, throws them away. Grab some real quick. I need these for later.


Oh, hi. Oh my gosh. How crazy is this? JPC, it's me, Erin, from the favorite of Riddle.


Erin? Yeah, let me just make it out to you, Erin. Is that two A's or an E?


Oh no, sorry. I don't want an autograph.


Sweetie, sweetie, don't give this woman your autograph. She scared the kids.


Okay. Okay, I'm sorry, I have to go with what Adal says. I mean, Adal. My driver. I guess I shouldn't be calling him first.


I thought you guys were married for a second. Do you guys share these kids? No, no.


Uh, well, I drive them around. These are JPC's kids and I drive them around.


Ah, JPC's kids. I sell these kids.


Okay, that's bad. Um, well... You're bad.


What do you do? You're bad. What do you do?


I don't know what you're... Oh, I was on a Riddle podcast with you. I thought you would maybe remember me. It's only been like eight months since you've seen each other.


Can you hear yourself? You just combined two words that have never been combined in human history. Riddle podcast?



Well, at this point, every word has been combined with podcast. Not true.


I can do one right now.


Do it.


Maleficent Octopus.


Well, it was good seeing you, okay? So, um, guys, you don't remember me.


It was really nice meeting you.


No, seeing me. Not meeting me, seeing me again. We recorded like 300 episodes of it. Show us a picture.


I'll go out on a date with any crazy fan, so I guess you pick the place, I'll pay for 25%.


My therapist told me to not keep any pictures of you guys, and now I understand why and how it's gonna be hard to prove it. You know what? Forget it. When I first saw your face, Adal, I thought maybe we'd do a reunion episode after not seeing each other. But you don't even remember what Hey Riddle Riddle is? I don't know how to help you. Good day, sir. And a good day to you, sir. Takes kids, walks away.


Hey, you gotta pay for those. If you're really who you say you are, tell us a riddle.


You think I have a riddle memorized after being on a riddle podcast for 200 episodes? That would be sensible! And I've never been that baby! Goodbye!



Wait, wait, no, not even one from the theme song? She said goodbye like she's driving off, but she just climbed up a ladder.


Where are you going to go from here? Oh, so you literally can't stop, start it like this. A doctor was in the operating room and then someone came in.


Did you just start this with a man?


No, I didn't.


The whole Riddle would be awful if he's a man. There's a song that has this in it. The doctor was the mother. He stood on a block of ice. It's coming back to you. Both of them were goldfish, I want to say. It was the cabin of an airplane Adal.


Do you guys not remember the next line?


No, that's all I remember. And I think I saw it on an episode of Friends.


We gotta go back. JPC. We gotta go back.


We have to go back.


We have to go back. Back in time to whatever moment made us forget. What? No, no, no, we're good. We have to beg you.



Beg. Come on. You guys, you remember me.


If a fan asks nicely, I'll beg him.


No, thank you.


Erin, if it makes you feel better, strange lady named Erin, I'm Adal Rifai. I'm JPC.


And I'm Erin, and you guys remember me.


Okay, and listen. If you put that microphone in our face while you're holding a gun on us, sure. This is Hey Riddle Riddle, a podcast about riddles.


Whatever you want, lady. We solve riddles. We do lateral thinking puzzles. We also improvise seeds in between. If that's what you want, if that's the reality you've constructed in your mind, we'll do it.


You're insane and we're your puppets, okay? Is that what you want?


Yeah, that's what I wanted.


It is what you want?




So you need to say thank you.


Thank you. There we go. All right. Thank you. All right, now we'll do an episode. You're welcome.


Now we'll do an episode.



Thank you. Okay. Hmm. What do I want to do today? I have all the power. I could do no riddles and I could make fun of one of your sweaters. We could just chat the whole time.


Good luck making fun of this classic blue American apparel hoodie.




Good luck.


I think it's time to get rid of that. American apparel hasn't been a company in many, many years. So that's an old question.


Yes, but here's what happens. When American apparel was going out of business, I really liked their hoodies. And so I bought like one of every color. So I would never have to be without.


A perfect hoodie, really though. They're all practically- They did, they did.


They did the- they- I- So much- I'll tell you this. I tried to buy clothes the other week online and I gave up maybe after like 30 minutes, which was way too much time. I didn't buy a single thing. Everything is like streetwear now or it's covered in logos. I do not want your fucking company's logo on the clothes that I wear. Like I- It's so fucking annoying.


If I can say when I was in high school, which was in the early 2000s. No, that can't be right. That was when I was in college. When I was in high school from 96 to 2000, here's what I'll say. Get your story straight.



Here's what I'll say.


Everybody would shop at American Eagle. And American Eagle, if you've never been there, is a store where every inch of clothing is covered in tattered, huge A's and E's. That's all it is. Every single inch of an item will have tattered, weathered, giant A's and E's everywhere. So I think logos have been around for a while. I think that that concept has been around for a long, long time.


Yeah. When I was a kid, my favorite hoodie, or I don't really think it was a hoodie, the thing was just a sweatshirt. My favorite sweatshirt that I had was it just had gap, like in huge letters across the front. And I loved it. It was so comfortable. But then for like Christmas and like Thanksgiving and stuff, my whole family thought I just loved the gap. So they would just buy me clothes from the gap. And I was like, no, I don't, I don't love that. That's what made me so mad. I'm like, fuck you gap. Like I just want a comfortable piece of clothing. I don't want to like, I don't want to be your little brand ambassador.


When I was in middle school, my absolute favorite shirt was a skin-tight long sleeve, so a nightmare to get on. White t-shirt that was like crewnecks would go all the way up on my neck. It wasn't even a V. And across the chest it said Abercrombie and pink sparkly letters. But the shirt was see-through. So how would you brainstorm how to fix that problem if it's 2004? How you fix that problem is you get a white camisole top. And I know if you grew up in that time, you know what the fuck I'm talking about.



The soul of a camel?


The camisole top and you put it under so you can see the tank top under that. But then I go, now people can see me wearing a tank top under my favorite shirt. So then I would put a black North Face fleece that I lived in because I didn't want anyone to know I was getting boobs. That was my business and mine alone. These are my boobs. But I just liked knowing that that Abercrombie t-shirt was on under it. No one saw it all day, but I wanted the Abercrombie t-shirt. That's how much of a label whore I was.


Label whore.


But why did you put the shirt, the tank top on underneath, why didn't you put the tank top on over?


It would cover the logo.


Oh, because you wanted the logo. I needed the logo. Okay, gotcha.


My logo was essential, otherwise it was an unwearable shirt, it was ugly.


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I will say I used to shop at like American Eagle, Abercrombie & Fitch, Old Navy, some other places. I feel like nowadays it's like REI, some Patagonia, like more All these places put their fucking logos all over their shit. And I get it, because why would they? Everybody wants you to know where you got the thing. But they all do it. They all just slap their logos everywhere. I think Gun to My Head, the best logo that I can think of right now off the top of my head because there's a fucking gun in my face. Thanks lady who says she's Erin Keif. I think, what's like the, is it Izod that has a little alligator or no that's Lacoste? Lacoste? Is that a thing? Which one's the polo?



Lacoste? That's polo. You guys, this is a podcast from 2010. Not a modern reference to be found in the last five minutes.


When they put the little alligator on the polo or the shirt, that to me is kind of fun. So it's like one, it's a little animal that's cute. Like if there's a little bat on my shirt or something and it was like Bacardi t-shirt, I'd be like that's okay. But when it's huge letters, or when it's like an obnoxious name or something, I just want to put a cute little symbol. Even like Supreme, I know like Supreme's a big deal nowadays, or maybe it's past its prime. But even Supreme, I'm like, I don't get the appeal. It's just that word plastered on something.


Well Adal, so we're not supporting any company, is there a little animal you want me to like do a little cross stitch on your shirts with? So you could have the little logo thing, but you're not supporting any company.


Maybe a little prairie dog or a leopard.


That's cute.


You wouldn't do a badger. You really wouldn't do a badger. You're honestly saying that you wouldn't do a badger.


It's too late.



So how was everyone's weekend? I almost got to fight. I almost got to fight with a person cleaning a bathroom because I was in a public bathroom I'm at a rental car place and I walked into the bathroom and I had to shit so bad and hurts. I had to shit so bad.


I had to shit so much it felt like an enterprise.


I'll tell you, I couldn't budge it. Hold on. I can probably, Alamo, hold on. I got something to take care of. Hey Riddle. I wash my hands and I dry my hands and the guy opens the gate and then I reach into my backpack and I get out my toothbrush and the guy looks at me and he goes, you gotta be fucking kidding me, motherfucker. And under his breath and I go, excuse me? And he goes, I'm sorry? And I go, do you have something to say to me? And he goes, no, I don't have anything to say to you. I go, good, because I'm going to be a couple of minutes. And I was like, full on ready... I was like, the audacity of like looking at a person and calling them a motherfucker. I was like, for brushing my fucking teeth. It was about to be odd. I was about to like knock out a grown ass man in a bathroom. How did it get diffused? He backed away. I don't think he expected me to say anything because I caught him off because he had like looked away and muttered motherfucker under his breath. And I said, I said, do you have something to say to me? And like, I kind of like stepped towards them and he was like, no, I don't have anything to say. And I was like, okay, cause I'm going to be a couple of minutes. But I was like, insane, insane for someone to, to like, I get it. You have to clean the bathroom, but also you started cleaning the bathroom that a person was in. Like a person was in here and you decided, I'm going to shut this place down and like, just start cleaning it. I was, I was fully like, I wasn't like sneaking around in there. Like I didn't catch this guy all aware that I was in this bathroom. Hey Riddle.



And I'm like, I don't know. Where do I go? Do I crawl up the ceiling? Like, I'm so sorry. It was wild. That was in New Mexico?


This was in New Mexico.


Erin, how was your weekend? At JPC, how was the rest of New Mexico? Anything else? Any other highlights? No, that was a highlight.


Oh, fun. Good. Okay.


Erin, what's going on with your weekend?


Good. I've been seeing a lot of movies lately. Ooh, what are their names? Don't! I saw Don't Worry Darling. I saw The Woman King, which was apse-fucking-lutely-amazing. Can't recommend that enough. And then I saw Avatar, the first one.


Oh, I was gonna say, is there a new one out? They put the re-release in theaters.


I saw that. I saw the re-release. And still a bad movie, but it's very beautiful looking and I had fun watching it. And then I think I want to see bros this week and I also want to see, see how they run. Really get those AMC.



Oh, when you do the re-release for Avatar, does that count towards its original box office? Because it was like the highest grossing movie of all time. Is it ticking up now?


No, I don't think it counts as its original box office. It's like a re-release because there's some changes in it, I think.


Oh, they took out the horse tail sex, right? Yeah, people are pissed. I saw people online being pissed that they took out the horse tail sex.


I peed right when they were like kissing under the tree. I missed that part and I was like, damn it.


Well, I mean, I got excited when I watched that too. I peed a little.


I got to admit. But it's been nice. I do want to recommend The Woman King because when I left the theater, I was like, I feel like we're seeing something that's going to be played again and again for the next 50 years is like clips of Viola Davis in that movie. It's like you're seeing cinema history unfold. It's the craziest performance. In all the supporting cast, it's phenomenal.


I don't want to give anything away, but... Based on True Story, right?



Yeah, yeah.


Inspired by True Story? Are you thinking of Bullet Train? That's crazy that that really happened.


And Adal, how was your weekend?


My weekend was good. I cannot recall what I did on Saturday, but that's not the point. Sunday, Gemma and I drove to Madison, Wisconsin. Badger capital of, I have to assume, the world.


Badger, badger, badger, badger.


Badger, badger everywhere. Not a drop to drink. And we went to go see one of her musicians that she enjoys, Opio, which afterwards she was insulted because I go, I was like, that was pretty fun for a techno concert. And she was like, ah. Hey Riddle Riddle.


Okay, Grandpa Adal doesn't know what glitch hop is. Tragically, Google's glitch hop gets confused, gets scared, tries to close my phone, breaks it.


But it was a very fun show, and I will say, as fun as the show was legit, I legit had a good time. But even more so, I was absolutely charmed senseless by Madison Wisconsin. I thought it was a very cool town.



Madison's a great town.


And we went to a place, we found a bar, a restaurant, because a lot of people in the newsletter had recommended a lot of places, but we went on a Sunday, and I cannot stress this enough, 90% of the city was shut down. Nothing was open.


Charmed senseless is the name of your autobiography.


Yes, please. So we found this place called Mint Mark, I believe it was. Because I looked up Tiki Bar, they didn't have any Tiki Bars, but the first thing that popped up with like Tiki-esque vibes was Mint Mark. Went there, cocktails out of this fucking world. Biscuits, absolutely incredible. I wanted to eat a dozen of them. Uh, food really, really good. So, uh, I would highly recommend that. And I'm, we have some friends there, Gemma and I do, that we went to the concert with. So we're looking to, that she knows from college. So we're looking to go back sometimes. Did you have any cheese curds while you were in medicine? We didn't. I thought typically when I go to Milwaukee, or sorry, when I go to Wisconsin, I'm going to Milwaukee and therefore we pass what I think is called the Mars Cheese Castle.


Oh, yeah.


Yeah. If that's the right name. And I almost always stop there and get like a case of spotted cow and cheese curds. But we did not see this because we were going to a new city in Wisconsin. So I failed to track getting down. But I feel like most gas stations have them.



Hey Riddle. I kid you not, there's a Japanese restaurant in Madison that has cheese curds. There has to be.


I want to tell you guys about a concert I went to this past weekend, but I need you to make a promise before I tell you.




I need you to reserve judgment.




And I need you to promise you're not going to tease me. And you're going to let me explain why I was there.


Well, hold on a minute. Did you go to Dave Matthews?


No, I ended up not being able to go to that concert, which was devastating, but I would say it's maybe a lateral.


Oh, it's a lateral.


I'd say so many people would maybe say it's worse.


Okay, so does OAR still do music?


No, it's a singer-songwriter.


Uh-oh, that's trouble.



Who's on the radio a lot over the last 20 years.


Here's my counter offer to you. If JPC and I can guess who this is within- We get three guesses. We each get three guesses. But we have to do them within like a minute.


And you have to say hot or cold.


And if we can get it, we do get to judge you and make fun of you and you still have to tell us.


Okay, fine. But you don't get it. You can't judge and you can't even make one joke. Not even a joke. Okay.


Okay. That's fine. Michelle Branch.




Hot or cold.


Hot or cold. Medium, like really tepid. Like tepid to a little bit warm.


Okay. Hootie.


Darius Rucker. Cold. Darius Rucker is cold. Okay. I'll say, this wouldn't make fun of you for this, but I'll say Taylor Swift.


Oh, I mean, that would be incredible. No. Cold. Hot or cold? A little bit warm. A little bit warm.



Jason Mraz. Oh, that's really good.


So warm. So warm. Okay, you have one more guest, GPC, and then Adal, you have two more guesses.


Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. Okay, so Jason Mraz is super warm.


Or did we say three total?


No, no, we said three each. Because why not? Why wouldn't I say that? Jason Mraz was warm. Oh God, what's the other guy? Jack Johnson.


Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! He has like a song about bubbles or something.


Isn't that him?


He has like a bubble song?


I don't know. He sings about blueberry pancakes, right?


That's the one. Okay, let me tell you why I saw him at the Hollywood mall.


Hold on, hold on, I gotta give props to Adal because I never would have got it without Jason Razz. Jason Razz was the perfect lead into Jack Johnson.


Of course. It was teamwork. We united to overcome a greater fight. God, I feel good. I feel alive.



I have two things to say that are honest. I went because the opening band is Lake Street Dive, which is one of my favorite bands of all time.


And I've never seen... Lake Shore Drive?


No, Lake Street Drive. Lake Street Dive. One of my favorite bands of all time. I had never seen them live and they were playing the Hollywood Bowl and I was like, I won't miss that. I don't care who they're opening for.




And then I was like, and then I'll get a little high and watch the Jack Johnson as dessert.


But Jack, Jack Johnson played the Hollywood Bowl.


And a lot of his friends from growing up were there and he was really sweet about it. Can I say something? Yes. I was dazzled. I went in with no expectations. Uh oh. I thought he was very charming and I thought he was a really good musician. I was pretty dazzled. Cares about the environment. I don't know, man. Maybe he's good. Yes. Did I leave 40 minutes after he started playing? And I missed two thirds of his concert? Of course. But I was pretty dazzled.



There is something about live music that I can see a live show and just be really entertained by it and then listen to that artist like later and be like, oh, nope, not for me. But the live show? I like the live.


My sister before I went was like, Erin, I can't even listen to one of his songs. I like fall asleep when I'm listening to his songs. He's so boring. When I sent her a video of painting the whole crowd and I was like, do they look bored to you? And it's like the most stoic, bored looking crowd.


It's just a haze of weed smoke. There's an era in my sister's life where she was going to Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois. Go Carborators. Go Salukis. So I think there's a lot of hippie-ish, crunchy people down there. So she fell in with that kind of music. So I remember visiting her, I think I was still in high school, and she was like, you gotta listen to these bands. And it was Phish, G-Love and the Special Sauce, Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals, and Jack Johnson. And I remember being like, oh, sweet. And then I drove home and I was like, I will never listen to any of these musicians again.



I'll tell you what, Erin, as funny as I think it is to go to a Jack Johnson concert, I don't think I would ever go to a Jack Johnson concert unless it was like free and the terrorists had my daughter or something like that.


But what if Lake Street Dive was opening and they are insanely good, like life-changingly good?


If there was a band that was opening, I would probably stay for a little while to watch Jack Johnson if there was a band I really liked that was opening, but I will say this, Erin. If Jason Mraz did a concert, the people were like, you want to go to this Jason Mraz concert? I'd be like, I'll move everything. I'll move heaven and earth. I won't go to my own wedding. I'd be there, man. I'm just a curbside prophet with my hand in my pocket and I'm waiting for my rocket to come.


JPC, you're about to get Jason Mraz concert tickets for Christmas. Do you really want to play this game? Adal, tell him how serious I am.


Look, I listen to one Jason Mraz up, I'm 20 years ago, and I'm a fan, so sign me up.


Yeah, I gotta say, Erin, I'd love to make fun of you, but as someone who was third row for Life House, Third Eye Blind, and Fuel, I feel like I can't do so. I was also front row for Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. That's cool. But I will say, those are both like spectacles, and I legit love Taylor Swift.



Do you have a most embarrassing band that you've seen live?


There might be Lighthouse.


I'm hanging by her mama here with you.


How warped was it? I know the name but I can't hear their songs.


I forgot about the podcast. I saw the used and they were like, they were like doing their set and there was like 15 minutes later another band was opening on another stage. And I just remember at one point they finished a song and the lead singer goes, we are the fucking used. And a guy in the audience, very loud goes, who cares? That's a hero. That's a hero. Do you have the most embarrassing? Do you have the most embarrassing?


Um, maybe direct content. But I was dazzled by him. I don't know. I think that maybe all of them are embarrassing or none of them. You know what I mean? Exactly.



I thought of my most embarrassing place, which was when I was in high school, maybe a sophomore in high school. I went to go see, cause I really enjoyed Busta Rhymes and he was opening for Puff Daddy and the family. And so I saw Puff Daddy and the family, which included little Kim and Mace and, uh, They're all fine. Puffdaddy is very bad. Very bad performer, very bad singer. Very lacking in terms of exciting stage presence. So that was very embarrassing. I was humiliated for him. But he seems to be doing well.


Yeah, rap shows are hard live. Like unless there's like a lot of really good production value. Yeah. Plus the rhymes is incredible. Yeah. Yeah. You have to be, I don't know, just the people that have like a DJ press a button and it's like, oh, it doesn't, it doesn't really work. All right, Erin, I'll do a riddle. I'll do a riddle.


So we're going to do all of these ones before the break. So we got to move quick.




Alright, so these are from my friend Charlie. He went to like a Jeopardy trivia night at Guthrie's, the bar in Chicago. Definitely one of my favorite bars ever. And he took a photo of a certain kind of trivia question that they had to do or like a Lateral thinking puzzle that they have to do and it's way up our alley We've done stuff like this before and I thought it's really sweet that he thought to send this to us because he listens He knows he knows we're living Okay, so what what did he listen to the first 25 minutes of this episode? Yeah, he somehow listened to the first 25 minutes of this I knew we needed a lot of help. Charlie, will you tell me, actually, Charlie, if you're listening, please, tell me if you think it's embarrassing that I'm seeing Jack Johnson. Because he'll be honest with me. He's a very earnest person, so maybe he'll say it's super embarrassing, maybe he'll say it's not.



And just Charlie. How do you know Charlie?


I don't want to hear from anyone else. How do I know him? College. He's from Cincinnati, though.


Okay. Well, yes, he'll be honest with you.


Yeah, he's nice. He's not a bad person. He's Cincinnati honest.


He'll be Cincinnati honest. That's honest with three pounds of fucking shredded cheese born on top.


It's a shitty response. Oh, brother. Okay. His wife, Erica, is going to like that one. Charlie, show this part to Erica.


I like chilly response. Is it the same joke?


Okay, these are called before and after and it's like the Jeopardy thing where it combines it's two questions and basically you get it.


You get it.


The three colors of the US flag that are a sure bet for market investors.


Red, white, and blue chip.


Contact sport that allows striking, kicking, grappling, pottery, and needlework.


I love this one. Wait, wait, wait. Contact, contact support that involves what?



That allows striking, kicking, grappling. And then this is sort of a second half pottery and needlework.


UFC, Crate and Barrel, UFC. Is UFC right? No. MMA.


Yeah. Okay. But then you need to say the whole thing out because then that's going to help you.


Mixed martial arts and crafts.




Pro free market movement that emerged in 2009 as a hit with the line, a Jay-Z song was on.


That's party in the USA. Yeah. So what's the party? Oh, oh, oh, that's no, no, no.


It's their nightmares.


Tea party in the USA. Yes, okay. Everyone's favorite. Sorry, I don't know if you guys know this, but JPC is a huge member of the Tea Party. It's a big part of his personality, as you can probably guess by the way he talks on the show. He loves the Tea Party.



He goes to Boston weekly. I am a libertarian. I believe that libraries should regulate themselves.


And I'm a libertarian. I wish I was born in... late September. Late September.


I'm a Joe Liebermanitarian.


Alaska fishing TV show that tries to create popular expressions like, it's not rocket science.


The world's deadliest catch me outside?


Wait, what's the last part? That tries to create popular expressions. Catchphrase? The world's deadliest catchphrase?


Hell yeah. Nice.


And I looked up how to say this word and Google gave me two answers. The Pissine term for someone not in his element who is beneath.


Thank you. He said it so I didn't have to.


Beneath the veranzo narrows. Pissine term for someone not in his element who is beneath the veranzo narrows.



Hey, this has two words in it that I wouldn't know how to pronounce.


Posein, it means like water animal. So what's a water animal?


Hmm. There's a lot of them, Erin.


Yeah, but the one, the most common, like fish. Yes. Yes. And so it's, it's like a, then it's like a saying at the end. So it's like, fish, blank blank.


Oh, fish me if you can.


If, uh, no. So, uh, what's, what's a structure that goes over water?


Uh, bridge.


Hey Riddle. You can't lead them to water? Fish, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, bridge. It's too crazy to say that.


I'm sorry to say you're shooting blanks. Fish, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, bridge.


What's the saying for someone not in their element?


Turn for someone not in their element. Fish out of water under the bridge.







Was that so hard? We're going on a break. We'll be back in a minute. Yes. Fish out of water under the bridge.


I know what you're thinking. Do I have a new hat, Adal and JPC? New haircut? Why am I walking around with so much confidence?


I bet you're wondering. I wanted pretzels from the food court.


And I was just gonna let you know that it looks like you leaned on paint.


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Erin, it looks like you may have leaned on like with someone painting a rocket money like billboard or sign or something because it's all it's all down your back it's like and it's I could ock it ock it



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Hey, what's going on? Somebody leaned over my rocket money paint thing. Run. Everybody run.




Is that DaVinci?


Yeah. Yes.


And bye. All right. Well, look, I didn't want to do this while we were on a break because I didn't want to do this before break because I know we had a hustle there, but I do want to see a scene. We are going to go back. This is a mixed martial arts fight. Erin, you're going to be playing an MMA artist. Adal, there's been some sort of mix up. You thought you were entering into an arts and crafts competition and now you two are in the Octagon. Let's just say that that's the thing with MMA. You are in the Octagon together.


Hello. All right. Let's have a clean fight out there. Okay. I am going to kick your ass though.


Well, I like to keep a clean space, but I don't want to fight anyone. My name is Greg.



Okay, just so we know, there's no rules because I'm breffit tonight and I'm going through some shit like a divorce and I'm just canceling all rules. Okay, so do both combatants agree that they are ready to fight?




Can I just say I love no rules? Because that way we can use woods. We can use paints.


Hold on. Hold on. No, no, no. No foreign objects. That's the way it's in. If it's in the octagon or you brought wooden paint into the octagon and I have tax and nails as well. Alright, I guess, are you okay with this?


You're sick, man. You're sick, motherfucker.


Are you okay with this? I gotta get both people to agree.


Yeah, I guess we're fighting dirty then.


Well, I don't know if we're fighting. Alright, both agree. Alright, and fight!


So, what I thought to do first is... And... Big punch in the face! Kick to the head! Punch, kick, punch!


Why are you screaming? All right, all right, break it up, break it up, break it up, break it up. Okay, all right. Do you still want to continue? Do you still want to continue? Yes, that's who I'm talking to.


All right, let's go. Five seconds.



Okay, takes my craft rope and wraps it around fists and knuckles, dips it in glue, grabs some glass that I was going to use for a collage, breaks glass, dips the glue with the rope, fists in the glass. I'm ready. And time! Nope, I still don't know how to fight. I still don't know how to fight. Ow, ow.


Wait, I like your little rope thing you made. It's kinda cool. Yeah, I like it. With the glass. Love it.


Thank you. You know, I usually will take like a terrarium and I'll just put in some different forms.


Punch, punch, punch, punch, punch. Dude, are you trying to call your ex-wife? Stop.


No, no, no, no. I'm not trying to. Anyway, if this is Domino's, I got the wrong number, so don't send me the pizzas. Lisa, I'm so sorry. If you're listening, I've made a big mistake and I just wanted to... Great.



Great. Okay. These are from Keegan. Long time listener, first time caller. Keegan. Uh, a fresh new riddle. Are we ready? Just one. I appear once a week, yet twice a day. In virtue and sin is where I stay. And it's through a meal a cat could slay. What am I?


Once a week, but twice a day.


I think that's going to be the most helpful hint. Maybe.


I don't know.


What letter appears twice in the word day?


Well, obviously, hey. Yeah, I spelled day. Day time. Once a week, but twice a day.


And a cat will slay? It's a meal a cat would slay?


A mouse is like... A mouse is... And it's through a meal a cat I could slay. And it's through a meal a cat I could slay.


So you're killing a cat?


You're poisoning cat food. Okay, so what occurs once a week, once a week I eat poison cat food? Is it a crazy person? The teens in this neighborhood, they're going to trick me.



Absolutely. I will say that the, and through a meal, a cat, I could say is the most confusing hint that I just, I would say disregard it for now and then appreciate later how it fits.


Can we hear the first part again?


I appear once a week yet twice a day and virtue and sin is where I stay. So I'd say the sin part and then the I appear once a week and yet twice a day are the two most helpful hints.


Virtue and sin. Is it like my Amazon packages?


Wait, so virtue and sin. What is the virtue and sin line, Erin?


Virtue and sin is where I stay.


So virtue and sin, they both have eyes in them.


Yeah, it's not a letter. Fuck.


Well, cause I was, I was already onto like eyes is like eyeballs and like, maybe there's something there.


Okay. So virtue and sin both exist in the church. Church happens once a week on Sunday, but think more about sin. Oh, okay. There's seven deadly sins.



There is Adal.


I think one of them is... One's in a week of seven.


Two in a day is seven. There's seven sins. Seven. It's got to be seven.


It is. The answer is the number seven because there's only seven days in a week and it's seven o'clock twice a day. There's seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues. And this is the hard part because why are the other numbers afraid of seven? Because seven, eight, nine joke and the joke... Cats have nine lives. Yeah. And then the cat with nine lives would be slain.


Alright, I do want to see a scene. This is going to be a sequel to the horror film, horror thriller film Seven. But this is the sequel Seven, except this one stands for The Seven Virtues, and it's a killer, it's a killer just not killing seven people.


Alright, hands up. It's me, anyone but Kevin Spacey.


I forgot, I forgot he was.


I'm anyone but him. Listen. You're going to jail. No, I'm sorry. You're not going to jail because we didn't find anything.



Am I Brad Pitt in this?




I'm just asking.


You could be Brad Pitt. You could be Morgan Freeman. You cannot be Gwyneth Paltrow. Cut, cut.


Let's have nobody be Morgan Freeman. And action. Oh, perfect. Okay.


We finally caught you after you did The chastity virtue, the faith virtue, the good works, sobriety, patience, and humility. There's one more that you have to do.


Why are you on your phone?


I'm sorry. I'm getting a text from my son. He said his baseball game went well. That's good.


Google search results for the seven virtues. Well, two could play at that game. Let me pull up this.


I'm Morgan Freeman. Cut, cut, cut, cut.


Look, I'm an easy director, okay? I don't make you learn the script. I don't make you show up to set in costume. I let you refer to yourself as your actor's name.



Are you on your phone right now?


No, I'm just, my son just finished his soccer game.


Let me see that.


Oh man.


How to be a good director. Are you serious?


I was just doing what it told everything it said not to do I was doing.


You misspelled it said how to be a good dictator is what you put in.


Okay. Wait a second. Hold on. Let me see your phone. Oh, I just looked up the cast.


I'm trying to correct people's spelling.


Yep. Honestly, so much of adult life is just googling the next thing.


I'm trying to figure out what is going on here. It's funny, as Erin was listing everything, I was like, holy shit, Erin knows the seven virtues. And I saw her eyes going up and I was like, wait a minute.


You saw nothing. See? I didn't see a thing.


Wait, are the seven virtues? Those suck. Is like chastity and sobriety?


Sobriety being boring. These are virtue.


These suck. So wait, these are dictated by the Bible or what?


Yeah, one of them I don't know what it means. Hold on. Let me read them to you. Chastity, faith, good works, concord, sobriety, patience, humility.



I think that's grape juice.


Yeah, those also just sound like popular baby names from 2015. Chastity, faith, humility. Hilaria.


This is my daughter, Concord.


What's Concord? What is that?


It's a type of grape. It's a type of plane, too, I believe. It's the size of a plane? A Concord jet? That's something, right?


What does that mean?


Let's break it down. A chord. What is that? Musical. A con. That's like a confidence man. So this is like the lie behind a musical instrument.


I guess it's harmony.


Oh, it goes close.


It embodies agreement into society.


And Erin, I don't know if you know this. This is kind of a well-kept secret, but... What's up? David played a secret chord, a concord, and it did please the Lord, the conlord.


Don't stop. Keep singing.


But you don't really care for music, do ya?


Oh god, this sounds like one of the Patreon episodes. Can you say some of the lyrics to that in the way that you would read them on a Patreon episode?



Can I do it off the dome? Let's see. I do know that the... Okay, let me just cut this part out and let me grab it real quick. Now I've heard there was a secret chord that David played, and it pleased the Lord, but you don't really care for music, do ya? It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth, the minor falls, the major lifts, the baffled king, composing hallelujah.


Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Your faith was strong, but you needed proof.


These are our bathing on the roof.


Ah, buzz. Beauty and the buzz.


Oh, Adal? Hallelujah. Oh, thank you so much. I appreciate it. All grace to God.


And Arnie, can you accompany that please for us? Thank you Arnie. Okay, so these are from Daniel.


The tiger?


Okay. Thought of this while I was bored at work, thought it would make a good warm up riddle. Ready?




More contagious than the common cold. Just the sound of my name is enough to make me appear. If you think I'm coming for you, it's already too late.



Beetlejuice. COVID.






No. No to both. Great guesses though. I love this one.


It's a Beetlejuice and it's not COVID. Is it more contagious than the common cold? Oh. Yes. Is it a yawn?


It is a yawn. Yes. And I would like to see a scene.


Wait, Erin. Did you just read his Jack Johnson lyrics?


It's as simple as something that nobody knows. Their eyes are as big as their bubbly toeses.


What's up? That shit sounds like Dr. Seuss lyrics.


Oh, it might be.


Sorry. Yeah, he's truly on mushrooms reading Dr. Seuss and he's like, I'm a musician.


I would like to see you soon. You are in the new big horror movie together and it's like the what is it called like the mist or something one of those ones where you like pass a curse from one person to another basically. Got it. But in this movie it's the yawn.







Jeremy! Lock the door! Lock the door! Lock the door!


The door's locked! The door's locked, okay? Sorry I had to- Nobody's getting in here. No one's getting in here.


I had to bust in here. I know we haven't talked in a while. I know that we broke up a while ago, but listen. You have to help me. You have to let me fall asleep. What? Don't let me not fall asleep. I know the wording is strange on that. Don't let me not. Because if I get tired, you know what starts to happen?


I'm the wrestler. You gotta, you can't, don't let me not fall asleep.


Wrestle with the syntax, Jeremy. Do you have a concussion? No.


Okay, because then I should keep you awake.


Yeah, I know that, but I'm saying, what happens when you, oh no, oh no Jeremy, kill me, Jeremy, kill me.


What the, wait, I'm not gonna kill you. Beth, Beth! She fell asleep. Oh my god. There's no pulse. She's... She's dead. Oh my god.


Oh, what was I hitting? I was already sleeping.



Honey, it's me, Mom. I'm at the door. Do not yawn. Don't yawn.


I didn't yawn, Mom. I felt one coming on and I sucked it back. Like I kept keeping it a sneeze.


Hey, but now that we're talking about it, it's starting to get me. It's killed everyone. Everyone's dead. Just don't.


Sorry, this was Adal. Sorry.


I'm sorry, Bob. Boo-Bite Guy just yawned. This is so unprofessional. Is anyone gonna say something? Sorry, cut. Sorry, cut. Sorry, Boo-Bite Guy? Adal, you said your name was? You can't call cut. I'm reading this on my phone and it says that only the director can call cut. How to be a good dictator? Come on. I gotta get spell check for this. How do you get spell check for a phone?


Okay. Craft service cut. We call a cut right now. You just say the name of your job before you say cut. Okay, great. Thank you, Daniel.


We're doing a craft service cut. Every actor looks hungry.


Truly, this has fucked me up now.



Dude, that's the next one after smile. It's going to be yawn.


All right. Oh, I love that. Did you both see their promotion? Their, what do you call it? Viral marketing? No. Erin, have you seen this? So what smile did the new horror movie where everyone smiles if they're, I don't know, cursed or whatever. Sure. They went to like sporting events and they sat, like one woman I think sat behind like home plate or like front row or something. But the cameraman would cut to her and she's just staring straight ahead, non blinking, smiling real huge. And nobody knew what was going on. And then eventually it got leaked that these were all people who were in on hired for viral marketing. But I thought it was really effective because everyone's like, All these people at different sporting events across the US are like being really weird and then it turned out it was that. I think it was kind of fun.


Yeah, the one place that I would love to be really weird is at a sporting event because there's nobody who's drunk and angry there. And drunk and angry and doesn't really love outsiders being weird.


That's the perfect place for that. That's fair. Alright, you convinced me I hate it.


The viral marketing team for Smile is like, hell yeah, really great reactions. People are really loving it. It's like, one guy is in a coma and it's like, okay cool, let's all shut down shop, everybody burn all the records, start shredding documents people.



Last riddle I think for the day, maybe, I don't know yet, but this riddle comes with a very sweet story. And I'm going to read it. I don't care what you guys say.


Oh, please read it.


This is from Zia. I'm like, I don't care what you guys say. You're like, that sounds nice. And I'm like, don't try to stop me, please.


I love the story. I'm cozy as fuck right now.


You don't have to be defiant.


Okay. All right. Well, guess what? I'm doing it anyway, Adal. Okay. So this comes from Zia with her boyfriend, Nick. Okay. This Hello Clue Crew. That's us. I was just listening to a recent episode of your podcast where a fan invited you to their wedding and you all debated actually showing up. I was inspired to write you and let you know that Hey Riddle Riddle is indirectly responsible for my wonderful relationship. Uh, we all think we're a god, so this is very good for the three of our egos.


One god.


Yeah. My name is Zia, feel free to use my name, and your podcast brought me and my boyfriend together. We met on a dating app called Hinge, where my profile included the prompt, the dorkiest thing about me is, with my answer being, I created my own original riddles to submit to a riddle podcast that I love.



Yeah. I'm a TPC on Unhinged.


An app for chaos.


I will say the two people watch that.


That's not true. We both met on Unhung. You too? Yeah, me too. Yeah, me too.


I don't think that's very dorky. I think a riddle podcast is cool. The very first message he ever sent was asking me if he could hear one of those riddles. And to my surprise and delight, he immediately set to work on figuring out the answer.


My man is down bad. If he's asking for a riddle, he is fucked. He's like, fuck, this is what I gotta play along with? All right. You got this dude. If he's asking for a riddle, he is done. He's a god guy.


With only minimal hints from me. In fairness, it's kind of a hard riddle. It's been 18 months since those first messages and we're over the moon for each other. Not only is he smart, kind, and funny, and supportive, I get to tell people that when we met, he had to solve a riddle for my hand in dating. Cute. Aww.



That's nice.


We're currently long distance while I finish my social work master's program, but when we do get to see each other on the weekends, we frequently find time to listen to an episode of Hey Riddle Riddle or watch a live stream on your Patreon. We love JPC's wit, Erin's warmth, and Adal's unbridled dad energy. Thanks for creating a podcast chaotic enough that loving it became a noteworthy quirk that piqued my partner's interest. And then here's the riddle below.


And this is the riddle that piqued the partner?




Ooh, okay. Well, so now we all get to see if we could have done it better.


Exactly. This is why I read the whole thing. Now, let's see if any of us can win you away from Nick, right? Yeah, that's sort of what we're going to decide to do.


Hey, Nick. I don't even want it, but dead man walking. You're done, my motherfucker. I'm coming for you. I'm coming for your neck, Nick.


Uh, Nick, I'm gonna kick your ass. Even though I already can see the answer to the riddle, I'm still gonna kick your ass. All right. First a flower, then an egg. Pink to green to brown. I start out looking nothing like the way I'm mostly found. Eat me, drink me, but beware of poison I foretell. Not by sight or touch or taste, but the gifted few can smell.



Erin, if you keep reading Jack Johnson lyrics, I am walking away from the show.


You dropped your crown, Nick, now. Do the honorable thing and put a ring on that figure. You're the Riddle Master. A dating ring?


Please, a dating ring. They said they got their hand in dating, which I've never heard that term.


It's stinkier than an egg or something. Erin, can you read it again?


Mm-hmm. I can't. Oh. First a flower, then an egg. Pink to green to brown. I start out looking nothing like me.


I'm mostly fine. First a flower, then an egg. Pink to green to brown. Pink to green to brown.


It's not a literal egg.


Oh, it's an Easter egg. Oh, so it's like, um, you know, uh, what's... Pastels, like, um, pink to... Brown's not a pastel.



Oh, I was thinking it's like, uh, uh, Florence Pugh in an episode of, um, the background of the soccer show with Jason Sudeikis. What the fuck? Ted Lasso? Yeah, Florence Pugh was an Easter egg of Ted Lasso episode.


I thought that got cut.


Well, it did, but she was dating Zach Braff at the time and they got a person who looked like Thor.


Make a banana of pancakes.


So hold on, flour to egg, pink to green to brown.


What does that mean? Yeah, so let me just let you know what's going to be helpful here. The second thing. So this part, I don't think it's going to be very helpful. I start looking at something like the way I'm mostly found. This is not going to help you. I just know it's not.


But pink to green to brown is like a watermelon, right? That's pink, green, brown. It's something like that.


No, yeah, that that's in. It's not pink, green and brown all at once. It starts pink and then it's green and then it's brown. The whole thing. OK. Eat meat, drink meat, but beware. Of poison, I foretell.


Eat meat, drink meat.



It's something that you can turn. Yeah, it's interesting. It's not it's not a juice that you're drinking when you drink it.


Wait, what?


Name different types of beverages.


Soda. Uh, beer, wine, water, energy drinks, martinis, beers, wines, rosé, not alcoholic, mocktails, smoothies, malt shakes, it can be in smoothie. It can be in a smoothie? Ice cream.


Fruit. No, it's a drink. It's not juice.


But it can be in a smoothie? Boba tea. Bitters. Coffee.


People don't usually, unless you're a kid, drink this on its own.




Or a Shawn.


Sugar. Milk. Capri Sun.


Milk? It's a certain type of milk that's made from something. Oh, strawberry milk? No, it's made from something that isn't.


Gold tea. Milk.


When you're at a fancy coffee shop.



Yeah, soy milk, oat milk, egg milk.


Keep going. Almond milk, chicken and soy milk. Almond milk, it's an almond. Nick, you have one fair and square.


You deserve Zia's luck.


Okay, Casey, can we have the new voicemail theme, please?


1-805-Riddle-1. Hey Riddle Riddle voicemail. Hey Riddle Riddle is not held responsible for any physical injury, mental disturbance, or emotional turmoil that may occur during the recording or replaying of these messages. Thanks for calling.


That ruled.




Wow. Thank you. Thank you, Beck Lynn, for that voicemail submission. I also love Casey. How do you feel about this? Beck, she also put the little beeps on it. So you don't even got to do the fucking beep. We don't need your dumbass anymore.


No, no, Casey, don't go.


Casey, it was a joke.


That was amazing. All right. Very cool. Can we hear a voicemail, Casey?



Hey guys, my name is Aiden. I'm a big fan of the show. I've been listening since 2019. I'm here at work right now alone on the job site. I work construction. I renovate homes for a living. You guys wanted advice, so the best advice I have, you can plunge out your sink. You don't have to just use a plunger on a toilet. You can use the plunger on a drain. Any drain, it'll clear it out. Don't stick stuff down your drain to try and clear it. It's not the best way to do it. If you're going to do that, just call a plumber instead. Alright guys, have a good one.


Okay, Aiden, this is exactly what I'm talking about. This is what I wanted.


So hold on. Wait, this guy just happened to know that I shit my sink?


Yeah, but first of all, I don't even do it much anymore. Second of all, it probably all the stuff I did from before is probably all bio degraded by now.


Don't listen to them, Aiden. Thank you. I love that. Also, Aiden, do you want to start an HGTV show where we fix up houses together?



Okay, sounds like Aiden fixes up the house.


Oh well, I'm there too for more awesome time.


Can we start a show where, Erin, we go in and we make fun of houses?


I love that idea. Do you think a lot of people will offer up their house?


Here's a very quick story. Most times we go to New York, Gemma and I, we stay with her brother, Max, and his partner, Jen, who live in somewhere, like, not Chelsea, but somewhere in lower Manhattan. Anyway, I'm staying at their place one time, and I feel like I have food poisoning or something, so I have to go to the bathroom pretty bad. Go to the bathroom, go to flush the toilet, doesn't flush. Look around the bathroom, no plunger. I'm horrified. I finish doing what I need to do, I head out down to the Thanks for watching! Uh, take it to the front and they're like, plunger, price check on a plunger. I'm like, please keep your voice down. They're like, what are you embarrassed? Anyway, I bring it back, unclog the toilet. Next morning, I was like, do you guys not have a plunger? And he goes, why? No, we don't have a plunger. Why? What happened? I go, I had to go buy one because I clogged your toilet. I go, how do you not have a plunger? And he goes, well, we've never clogged our toilet. And I was like, well, fuck me, I guess.



That's insane. It's still insane not to have one in the house. Because a plunger is one of the things where if you need it, you absolutely have to have it.


Yes. But I thought that it's almost like being like, do you have an EpiPen? And it's like, no, I've never been stung by a bee. And it's like, but you're allergic to bees?


Hey, I'm on your side. That's truly wild.


No, I'm still on your side there.


Quit plunger check. Do you guys have a plunger in your house? Multiple. Multiple.


I've got multiple. Present and accounted for.


I've got multiple plungers. And now, I might have one that's just for syncs, baby. I might just be plugged in syncs.


A sunjur. A plink. A plink?


No, that's uh... See more stuff like that.




So thank you, thank you Aiden, and Aiden's advice again was to shit in your sink.


No, nope, that wasn't it. Let's hear another one.


Hi, hey Riddle Riddle. I love your podcast, and your Ren Faire Patreon episode brought me back to when I went to see the Duke antithesis improv relationship advice show at the New Jersey Ren Fair. It was super fun and when they got to the portion of the show where they take audience questions and I asked how do you know if someone is the one, the Duke stopped all jokes and started giving me sincere advice which was perfectly good but I was not expecting it. I was hoping you three improvisers could share an insight as to why that happened. Um, my vibes, bad questions. I don't know. Okay. Thanks. Love you. Bye. Bye.



Love you too. Bye. Bye.




Here's my fresh up new Jersey Renfaire. Hey, welcome to the Renfaire. I'm a fucking duke and shit.


Duke, yeah, Duke, Dookie in the toilet, this guy don't clean it up.


Yeah, I gotta go to the cannery. So the question was, how do you know if someone's the one?


No, the question is not how do you know if someone's the one. The question is, why did this person give me such a sincere answer? What is it about me that made me get that answer?


I see, I see.


Let's be honest, he was talking to himself. He needed actual sincere For sure. Okay.



Here's what I think. The first thing that pops into my head is that there's sometimes questions that catch someone so off guard that they can't help but be like, Oh, I want to be, cause it's like a big, it's, that's a pretty big question. Like who are you going to spend the rest of your life with? How do I find the one? How do I know someone's the one? And I know that a few weeks ago when we did our New York live show during Hey Relationship Relationship, Erin, I feel like you gave someone legit advice amongst the chaos of whatever else was going on.


How do you know, or why do you think I said what I just said? I lived it recently and I was the Duke.


But I don't think it has anything, it's not a knock against you. I think sometimes it can just hit someone of like, oh, this seems like a pretty sincere, big question. So I don't want to like, treat it lightly just in case, just in case.


Yeah, we talked about that backstage is it's hard to get those questions in person because some of them are so genuine and so earnest that it feels bad and shitty for all three of us to make a joke about it. The right pattern is joke, joke, sincere. Joke, joke, sincere. Because otherwise it would just feel like us bullying the sweet people who showed up to our show.



And here's what I will say, caller. I thank you so much for your question. I don't know you. I don't know you from Eve, but what I will say is the most common culprit. And again, I don't know you, but what I will say is eyes, bangs, shoes, and then vibe. Those are probably the culprits for you. So just investigate what those are about you and maybe try to change one or two of them.


Also, is that Duke's signal?


Yeah, he's now.


Is he single? Yeah, you said you could take him. You can't keep him. Well, as always, please call in and leave a voicemail. These are a blast to listen to. If you have any good advice for us, we'd love to hear it. Any questions for us, we'd love to answer them, sometimes sincerely. Adal, anything to plug?


And if you want to submit a theme, you can always send that to hrrpodcast.gmail.com.


Adal, anything to plug? Yeah, I want to plug. I was recently on a podcast that I've guessed it on before that I really enjoy. I was on this show. That's what I'm talking about. It is a JRR Tolkien chat show. And currently they are discussing the Rings of Power, the Amazon Prime series. So I went on there to discuss, I believe episode six it was. So please check that out. That's what I'm talking about. Also, if you're looking for something new to listen to, Today, I was cleaning up around the house and listening to the yayayaz new album, Cool It Down. It's fantastic. So if you're looking for a new album for those fall times, check it out.



And I'm probably not going to listen to that episode, I don't know offense, but I've heard you rant for like 45 minutes about how all the elves used to be white and I just can't listen to them anymore.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


I like to plug seeing Jack Johnson in concert. I would also like to plug Chillax, which is an awesome group of Chicago people who do a show every Wednesday at the Art Theatre. You can message me on Instagram if you want to learn a little bit about that. I'll be there performing at least once a month, sometimes twice a month, sometimes three times a month, but I'll be there every Wednesday if you want to come and hang out with me. GPC, can you read us a review, please?


Before I do that, I have to actually, something I do have to plug today. I think it's out today. My buddy Alex has a podcast called Destination Passport. I'm on the most recent episode and I play a little character named Brian's Turtles. So if that is familiar to any listeners of our show, there could be, there's a fun crossover there. Also, it is Weeztoberfest on the Billbuds Pod, so if you want to listen to us talk about Weezer all month long, check out Billbuds Pod. And finally, this review, and if you want to submit a five-star review, go to Apple iTunes and you could get it featured on the show. It's from Nothing Funny to Offer. Just want to show you my love for this show. We're no strangers to love. You know the rules, and so do I. A full commitment's what I'm thinking of. You wouldn't get this from any other guy. I just want to tell you how I'm feeling. Gotta make you understand. Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry. Never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. We've known each other for so long. Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it. Inside we both know what's been going on. You know the game, and we're gonna play it. And if you ask me how I'm feeling, don't tell me how you're too blind to see. Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry. Never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. A.K.I.E. Jet Black Arsenal. Hey, fuck you for that, but you got us? I don't think I've ever been full-on Rickrolled like that before, but uh... job well done.



And of course I do want to read a Converse 5 star shopping list. These are the different types of 5 star sneakers you can find at Converse. There's the Chuck Taylor All Star Lift platform, the Chuck Taylor All Star Low, the Chuck Taylor Canvas Low, and the Chuck Taylor All Star Unisex Canvas. All good, all good options. All very good options. Erin, did you know that Nike has come up with a brand new shoe that is part of their Space Jam throwback era? Do you know what's featured on that?


I'm looking it up now and it says, it's as simple as something that nobody knows. Stupid or goodbye. Starting Erin Keif and John Patrick Coan


Casey's help. He could be editing.



Now I've heard there was a secret chord that David played, and it pleased the Lord, but you don't really care for music, do ya?


It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth, the minor falls, the major lifts, the baffled king, composing hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.


Your faith was strong, but you needed proof. These are our bathing on the roof. Your beauty in the most- Oh, Adal? Hallelujah. Oh, thank you so much. I appreciate it. Hey there, parties and games. If you like that, you are going to love this week's Patreon. It's another edition of Ethel's Party Games. You can listen to that plus our entire back catalog at patreon.com slash Hey Riddle Riddle by joining the Clue Crew for $5 a month or the Review Crew for $8 a month. And get those ad-free episodes. See you there!



That was a hate gun podcast.