Which Riddle Riddle?

#201: 1-877-Cars-Eat-Kids



This is a HeadGum podcast.


We're all very happy for you and excited to see what you do.


Thank you.


Yeah, we can't wait to see how this goes, right Adal?


Right. Let's just say we have some surprises along the way.


Yeah, let's see how this goes.


Oh, you two have played some surprises for this episode? Oh, don't worry about it. Okay, because a moment ago the two of you asked who had the riddles for this episode. I said I have it and now you're acting like this. No, no, no.



You take the riddles and we'll take the surprises.


Oh, okay. So just big picture so I know. Is it like new segments that you've planned or?


Let's just say they're stuff.


Yes. And why, while we're talking young man, why don't you come into our house made of candy?


Okay, so just so I'm clear, you said that there's stuff, uh, there, this is the stuff, right? The thing that you have planned is that this is my experience again currently. We'll see how it goes. Well, I can tell you from the way that it's going right now, um, it's going pretty well. I think I like it.


Oh, did you hear that Gretel? We're a hit.


Oh, yes we are, aren't we?


Cool, so this has got a more figure than some characters then, huh?


Well, we thought we'd try some out. No, it's not! But not now! Anyways, we're gonna try to cook and eat you in this episode. So you're Hansel and Gretel.


You're Hansel and Gretel, and you're trying to cook and eat me. We lure in young witches and we eat them.



Yes! Because that's what happened to us.


Oh, so it's like a hurt people, hurt people situation.




Caught kids catch witches.


Caught kids eat kids.


Alright, caught kids eat kids, well... 1-800-Cars-Free-Kids. That's the episode title. That's the episode title.




We're not restarting that.


It's 1-877-Cars-Eat-Kids. Oh no, my Alexa thought I was talking to her. No, it's 1-877-Cars-Eat-Kids, Alexa.


Is your Alexa calling that number? I don't know how to tell you this, Mr. Sullivan, but your Nissan ate your daughter.


Okay, well, this is Hey Riddle Riddle. It's a podcast about riddles with improv in it as well. There's Adal over there. I'm GPC right here. And Erin is... And I'm over here! A little bit over there. She's on the ceiling. And it's so good to have you all here with us today. And by that, I mean the listeners. And by today, I mean whatever you're listening to it. Hell, I hope it's on a Monday. Wednesday, wait, when does this come out?



Sips my coffee, stares at my co-host. What's going on, you guys?


Are we okay?


It feels like this is off to a bad day.


Sips my co-host, stares at my coffee. Really coming back from the eye opener that was our 200th episode when everyone told us that we were chaotic. Really taking that, doing the work on it, and coming back with just a stellar opening.


I have to say, I miss World News tonight so much. Speaking of eye openers, I miss World News.


Oh, it works. That works on a wordplay level.


Hey, you know what? Adal, there's a possibility, speaking of world news, there's a possibility that 2022, I mean, we could see world news coming back in 2022.


We could see world news coming back.


And let's sabotage it from jealousy.


Yeah, that's right. That's right. You could sabotage it. We have absolutely nothing to announce with that regard, but it could happen. It could. We're just saying it could. It could happen.


I won't be there though.


No. I mean, I wouldn't be there. What a treat to go from, and just speaking for myself firstly, what a treat to go from every day of the week I wear sweatpants and a t-shirt and now all of a sudden I have to wear a suit once a week. I just can't wait to wear a suit and tie once a week.



With some sweet feedback from our 200th episode.


What's that, Erin?


People felt really sorry. They were like, we didn't mean chaotic in a bad way. So many people were like, I know. And I was like, we know it's good chaos. We know that you weren't trying to be mean, but people felt bad. I'm saying that you don't need to feel bad. I'm personally, Erin, letting you off the hook.


Yeah. What's the Seinfeld quote? Does it for you. That's the one. Thank you so much.


I mean, look, if chaos was a bad thing, would Knuckles be trying to collect all the chaos emeralds? No.


I don't think so. Ooh, good call. I don't think he would. Also, I know chaos can be good because that's one of my favorite Paul F. Tompkins characters on Comedy Bang Bang.


That's true.


Wait, all of them? When he says gas or whatever he says. Oh, cake boss. Oh, he's saying cake boss? Never mind, I don't like it anymore.


While you guys were talking, I wasn't listening and I had a thought. I was like, oh my God, I just remembered something super- It's implied. Well, yeah. I just was like, oh my God, I just remembered something super important that I have to do. And then I just forgot it again.



Wow, I love that.


Yeah, so I'll let you guys know if I remember the important thing I just remembered and was like, thank God I remembered.


Your brain is a gelatin trap.


I'm sorry, I wasn't listening, is what?


There is something I did want to bring up, and this is another little piece of feedback after our 200th episode. After the 200th episode came out, we got a lot of good responses. One response that I got was from the novel coronavirus, and it said, I'm going to be inside your body right now. Oh, that's cool.


Oh, that's weird.


That's a weird message. I mean, it always says to be the fan, but I was coming off of that.


Oh my God, COVID would be a fan of yours, first of all. That's true. I want you to take that personally.


I'm coming off of a week of COVID and I, by the way, not fun, don't get it, is my recommendation, just to anyone out there. But after one of the weirdest things is, you know all about the symptoms of COVID and there's symptoms that people talk about. The worst symptom, and I think this is a symptom that only has ever applied to me because I tried to Google, did anyone else have this? And it was coming up pretty sparse. Night sweats. I had the worst next one.



Oh, I had horrible nights when I had COVID. You're not alone.


Good. Cause mine lasted for like a full week. Like there was a full week. I thought I was going in crazy cause I could not. I tried almost, I was like a little scientist with a pad and a paper and I'm like, I'm going to try every different way to sleep that I can to not absolutely soak every part of myself and my sheets. I tried sleeping on a towel. I tried sleeping above the covers in like full clothing. I was like a little vampire. I tried everything and I was just sweating so much and finally, and I wasn't sick anymore. My fever was not there. I felt like I was getting through it, but it was just like seven nights of night sweats. So I was greatly relieved to be over with that. And then the night after, I got a full night's sleep. I felt like the king of the fucking world. I wasn't waking up all sweaty. I lost my taste and my smell for maybe like six hours. But the way that I did it was Mariah and I ate full dinner. We ate our dinner. I had ice cream after dinner and then at the very end of the night I went to put a mint in my mouth and I was like oh I can't taste the mint and I was like oh wait I couldn't taste anything that I had at all today and I just hadn't even realized that I had lost all of my scent and smell.



Did you cook it or did Mariah cook it?


I don't know. I guess neither one of us because it was Olive Garden.


Oh that's why you didn't notice.


I did say well you know I should have tasted the salt.


To be honest, I should have tasted the salt. That's such a knock against Olive Garden to be like, I ate a full dinner and didn't realize I lost my taste.


I was doing really well at not ordering out, but then as soon as I got COVID, I was like, no, I won't cook anything. Like if it's not oatmeal or something, I can just pour hot water into like, I'm sick, I don't give a shit.


You're just pouring hot water onto a frozen pizza.


Okay, there's an idea. I will say JPC, I really love this for you that there's a possibility that you could become a new superhero fighting crime in Chicago called Night Sweats. It's a man who can't sleep at night.


Seven nights of night sweats.


Yeah. Honestly, yeah, it's my Hanukkah.


I do think, well I guess it would have to be ten. Anyway, I'll get the number soon. I do think that that would be interesting because night sweats were awful, and it would be good to turn something that was awful into my superpower, right?



That's what Batman did. Exactly. He was covered in bats, and he thought it was terrible. He didn't sleep, and so he just took on the mantle of bats.


I cannot sleep in wake-up covered bats.


Although most superpowers are awful.


Yeah, right?


Most superpowers are awful. That's people making lemonade out of lemons.


I disagree on that.


I don't know.


Most superpowers are awful?


Yeah, because then also you have the added pressure of having to help people.


I actually think I'm going to do this one out.


You realize girls have powers too, and that's why they turn. Let's just go through some of the superpowers that we know. So Iron Man comes poison. Catwoman. Too much teeth.


Mr. Fantastic. Too charming.


Spiderman. Tummy ache.


I was bitten by a spider. Now I have the worst shits. I have live disease. I've got live because it has been the day of the ass. It could happen, it could happen. Superman doesn't know his mom.



Anyway, that was my experience with COVID. I gotta say, zero stars for me. Don't recommend it. Don't recommend anyone gets it. Recommend? You don't get it. But I am looking forward to, and I'm not a doctor, and I'm no scientist, but I am looking forward to my, I want to say like two months of immunity now because I have all of the, what do they call it, the anti-toxigens in my body.


And you're not a scientist?


I'm hopefully not going to get COVID when we go to L.A. next month for our live show. I'm very excited about that.


Good, good, good, good. Oh, speaking of you not being a doctor, what is, I'm truly curious, in this Queen song, another one bites the dust. Okay, good. I'm glad you asked about this. Is there a part where he says, not a doctor, or does he say not adopted? And I refuse to look it up. What part of the song is it? I know exactly the part of the song that you're... And he's like, ding. It's like after like a guitar, it's like, bing, and he's like,


Adal, you're gonna be so mad. Yes. He says cake, boss.


Oh, why can't I hear that properly?



I don't know. He was a big fan of, uh, Buddy Villelice. Buddy Bruce Villellanche? Maybe he had Bruce Villellanche the cake boss. Any cool news? Any cool news. Okay. Hey, you know what? What? We've had our fun. Does anyone else have anything else that they had to say? I had to talk about my COVID. I had to talk about it.


I have one more thing to say and it's more, it's more of a pointed question to the two of you. Has your last, I wanna say, 15 to 20 days been dominated by the song, My Money Don't Jiggle Jiggle, It Folds? I've been hearing that song everywhere.


I've heard it.


I'm so tired of it.


I've not been on the internet much these last 10 days. So I bet if I had been on the internet a lot, I would be... Is that what you mean Adal?


Are you hearing it on the internet a lot? I'm hearing it on the internet a lot. Because I'm trying to say, where else are you going to go to get a song? Because I think maybe you and I are not on the same websites.



I bet we all have a different internet.


I think so. Can I tell you this? I don't think that I could hear anything when I'm on the internet because I don't have any sounds playing when I'm on the internet. I can't imagine going to a website and hearing a sound. I know some people


I would do that on my MySpace, I'd add songs.


I think that that's what came to mind when you were like, like something auto-playing, but I just people watch like TikTok and YouTube and I don't really do that. Yeah, that's where I'm seeing it a lot.



If someone can unearth my MySpace, I bet someone's smart enough to dig my MySpace up from the internet.


I would love to see my own. I'm also kind of scared.


Every time we touch by Cascada played and it's like all pink and purple. And that's what we play. But every time we touch, I get this feeling.


Erin, I'll give you $10,000 if you can name your top eight friends on Myspace.


Oh, I wonder what my last top eight was. My God, I have no idea who would be on there.


Or did they make it bigger than eight at some point? I feel like it used to be like six and then they were like, well, we'll give you 10. And then they I'm sure anyone under like 30 is fitting in.


I would have literally no idea and that's if you're an eighth grader let that be a lesson and I have no idea who my best friends were in eighth grade.


I never had a Myspace because I remember I got like a Facebook late but I wasn't I was not like super online because I was like oh everyone I know is just like around me and there's no reason for me to be online so unless I was like fucking with someone in a chat room I was not like



And of course you were there.


8th graders, look to your left. Look to your right. None of these people fucking matter. They're ghosts. You're staring at ghosts. JBC, let's get into some ribbles. Do you guys remember when we used to do warm-up hurdles on the show? No.


Here's this one. This one comes from a person who did not say that we could use their names, so let's just call him Nick.


Yeah, let's just call him Nick. I bet their name is Nick.


I bet their name is Nick. Wait, hold on now. Or Rick or Dick. It could be Rick or it could be Dick. Let's not call him Dick. That seems mean. Let's not call him Rick. That's even worse. So let's just call this person Nick. So Nick writes, two kitties are having a swimming race. Oh. Their names. Do cats like to do that? They would get wet. Cats don't like to be wet. Most cats hate what? Not all. Not all. I think most kind of covers not all. I had a cat when I was in high school college, high school college I believe, and if you would leave like the sink on, like the water spout, the cat would run in, did it in the bathroom and the kitchen, and just stick its whole ass head under it. And normally the cat did not like getting wet, but it would not mind just its whole head getting covered in water so it could lick the running water.



I love the videos of cats who are whole head or under running water and they're licking the air. It's like so close, but not quite.


He would do that. He never liked getting wet, but if it was running water from a sink, he did not mind getting it all over his head. I gotta say, I don't think I would like that if I was a cat.


I don't know. It sounds kind of nice. For a cat, that must be like a waterfall.


Yeah. And it's like maybe like running water is like cleaner because it's like moving all of the germs out. Don't quote me on this, I'm not a scientist. So maybe there's something like in their bones that is like running water.


They like the pressure on their head. They like being licked on the top of the head. Not by a human, obviously.


Well, you don't know. Erin, obviously maybe a stretch. I want to see.


Oh, I fucked up. Okay, yeah.


We made it halfway through this warm up run.


Erin, you're a cat owner. JPC, you are Erin's cat. And Erin, you're trying to get your cat to participate more in water activities and just be more comfortable around water in general.



Alright, your floaties are on. And now go down the slide. What?


God, we're not supposed to do this. Time out. Can we do time out?


Time out on giving a chat?


Yeah, sorry. There's a code that we have to keep where we're not allowed to directly communicate with our owners and... Oh my god, you're talking to me! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is tough. A lot of times it's really easy to keep this covenant because we're around our owners all the time and they have other friends, they might have like a... You know, significant other or co-workers. Um, well Gail, uh... I took you to the water park.


We're at the top of the slide. I'm not going back down. That's humiliating. That's the embarrassment march down the stairs. If we chicken out right now, you're not a chicken. Are you your cat?


I don't think most people would think would put we in that situation. Most people would see you and they would see a thing that you were forcing to do this thing with you. I think I'm good on that. I don't think I'm getting a lot of social stigma. Gail, you need friends. You can't take your cat to the water park. Not only do I not enjoy it, I don't enjoy it because I'm a cat. I just can't be your only support system anymore. But you're my best friend. Here's something brutal, Gale. You're one of my friends.



Oh my gosh.


Are you serious? No, not best. For sure not best.


I've taken you to so many theme parks. You've been to Six Flags. You've been to Disney World. You hated all of that? Are you telling me you hated all of that?


Yeah. Believe it or not, I was praying that I would get Stockholm Syndrome, that I would just like one day wake up and be like, this is my life.


But that's the saddest thing I've ever heard. A cat saying timeout is very funny.


Ah, time out. Hang in there, kitty. Okay, we gotta get to the second half of this riddle. It's a real doozy. It's a warm-up riddle, and let's say it's from Nick. Two kitties are having a swimming race. Their names are, and this is in quotes, this is the first name, 123, and the second name, Unde-toi. Which cat won the swimming race?


It was a third cat. This is Bono's cat, and its name is Uno-dos-tres-catorce.


That's a dog name, okay?



Okay, my apologies.


Can you read it again, GPC?


Two kitties are having a swimming race. Their names are 123 and undu trois. Which one won? Hmm. One won, huh? Which one won?


Which one won?


Now that, I will say, is not the key to the riddle. It's just a fun thing to say one and one back together.


Which one won? Which one won?


Which one won? You've got the sandwich hotline. I said, which one won, you've got the sandwich hotline and you didn't even look at me. Adal laughed, he liked that.


I was trying to transition back to the National Riddle scene.


Which one won, sandwich hotline?


Hi, my sandwich has a bad ratio from meat to cheese to vegetables.


Okay, have you tried adding more meat?


Um, I'm just panicking right now. Um, can you just stay on the phone with me? Baby, baby, crab and goon. No.



I'm calling Sandwich 911.


Hold on, hold on, hold on. We are not sandwich 911. 911 is people. Which one what? You know what I'm saying? We were here first. That's all I gotta say.


Okay, well, who do I call with a sandwich emergency?


Us. Hold on, I'm SWAT today, the only one here. Give me one second. Which one won? Uh, say which hotline?


Yes, I'm calling because I have no warts on my nose. Is that common? Baby, baby, grab Raccoon!


I'm sorry.


Oh, my wife just cast a spell on me!


You want to dial which one won? This is which one won?


Wait, which one?


Ma'am, we can do this all day. I have a big appetite.


I can still eat there as well.


Hold on. I'm sorry, we're swamped here today. I've got call waiting. Which one won? What's the sandwich?


Hi. Hold on.


Did I just say what's the sandwich? Oh, no.


Yeah, you did. Well, this is going really well. We're adding a lot of callbacks to episodes. People have hopefully heard.



I think a lot of these are Patreon episodes.


I'm having a witch witch witch emergency. I don't know the difference between which witch and which and which one is spelled which way.




Am I calling the right number?


Okay, so you are calling the right number. One is like a crone, one is like a crumb, and one is like a slang for... Speaking of two things, I gotta put you on a brief hold.


Which one's which?


Which one won?


Sandwich hotline. Hey, you didn't hear this from me, but Tommy DeMarcus is gonna rob Liberty Bank on Sunday. Okay, and who is this? This is, uh, don't worry about it. Just kidding.


Baby, baby, grab Rangoon.


This is snitch 1-1, right? We're getting further afield. Look, I am going on break. I gotta go, bye.


Beep, beep, beep, beep.




Beep, beep, beep, beep.


It's one, they hung up, they went on break. The Road Runner just went by. You can't, they went on break.



Oh, come on! I wanna keep going!


Okay, well just let's wait. Let's wait like five to ten minutes for the break to be over.


Hey JPC, you're on your lunch break. We're gonna put a new caller in for you. God, it's on my phone. Which one wins?


Sandwich hotline.


Hey, no one's watching my Twitch stream. Am I calling the right number? It's an emergency.


What number did you dial?


Twitch 1-1.


Okay, so if you're looking at your phone, if you're looking at your dial pad right now, what you should see is a button for Twitch, a button for a witch, a button for a witch, a button for a snitch, a button for a witch, and a button for a witch.


Which one's which though?


You dialed which 1-1. I can't help you with which 1-1. I have to go. I have another call on my cell phone at break. Which 1-1? What's your, uh, which, say which hotline?


Hi, you probably recognize my voice. This is Chevy Chase. What was that movie I was in where I wore a bunch of different disguises? Were you in Hitch?


Okay, well just so you're clear. Why would it be Fletch? So, hold on, I gotta give you one second.



Which one? What's a sandwich?


Hi, I'm stuck at the bottom of a ditch. Is this ditch 1-1? Look at your phone. And also, my friends left me.


Okay, so there's only one button left on the phone. No, there's none. There's a fletch button, a ditch button, a hitch button, a witch, a witch, and a witch button.


I got ditched ditched. I got ditched ditched. Send someone soon.


Hold on, that's all the buttons. So what could this be? Which one? What's your emergency?


Piss Fun Fun, what's your emergency?


Oh, thank God, Chris.


Did you call me? The day that I have had. The day that I have had. You won't believe the stories I heard with Piss Fun Fun. Why don't we hear about them? Bring me.


Hi, this is Switch 1-1. I'm going to switch your calls.


God damn it. God fucking damn it. Okay, so which of these cats? Two kitties are having a smithing race. Their names are 123 and Uchira.


What do you mean we're chaotic? Fuck you! Okay, okay. The first cat won.



Uh, Erin says 123 won.


Unless they're in France.


Um, Erin, do you know why 1-231?


Because it was, they went 1-2-3, go.


Oh, I think I know why. Uh, Erin, that is, um, well, I'm not gonna tell you if it's correct or not because I'd love to hear why Adal thinks.


Well, I was just thinking of that Sia song where she's like, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, and- 1-2-3, 1-2-3, and- And so, that probably bolstered that cat's ego.


It's like, I'm in a song.


Yeah, the CSO will probably help that cat's ego, huh?


Okay, so you're both... Push it down. Push it down.


So you're both right. What's your accent? I don't know. You're both right. It is one, two, three that won, but I would say you're right for the wrong reasons. I would say that you're based off your reasoning, you're right for no reason. But this is like, I guess the answer to this is kind of like a pun, and it's a pun based off of un du trois. Okay.


Cat. Un du trois cat.


Erin, keep going.







Unditua the Unditua cat sank, he died?


There we go. Well, we don't know that. They probably resuscitated him. We don't know that he died.


He's dead.


We have to have a funeral for this fictitious kitten.


Let's have a funeral for Unditua. Adal, would you like to say something?


Would you like to say something?


We are gathered here today to say adieu to one of our most perfect feline.




Please, no puns at the funeral because that is how Undentois died. Undentois was such a good kitty. She would always come to the door for fresh baguettes and chevron. Sorry, for chevron.


Merci beaucoup.


Merci beaucoup. Let's cry. Would anyone else like to say a few words?


No. I'm so French and upset.



I will say a few words. Okay. Incredible. In the trial, you are a great cat. You are one of the best cats that I have ever met. Oh, you have an oedispe. Merius, merius! Uhh... Iblit shells and empty tables.


Uhh... They have British accents and nets and they do not apply!


Aesheez to Aesheez, D'Artagnan to D'Artagnan... Hold on, they are British accent, they live with a wop?


Yes, of course, yes. Why? Because it's all written in Britain, of course. Erm... Perkay! His boys were so small, his nose small, his little teeth small, but his head was so big.


And into a small bean. What?


Adal Rifai, Small Beam. Small Beam? Small Beam.


Ooh, Jemma Parry is good now.



And now... She was about to tell us what her name was. Jemma Barret?


Jemma Parret, I cannot say.


Oh, her name is Jemma Parret. You're a parrot named Jemma? Jemma Parret. Ytayem Parry.


Well guys, I think we set that fake cat up really nice. I think that we gave them a really good send off. I think you really appreciate that.


I was about to say Ave Maria, so you cut me off at the exact right time.


And the French are doing now what they always do with their dead. Spread them on fresh baked bread. Ah, yeah.


Honestly, what a way to go. I would love to just, my dead body just melted on a piece of bread.


Oh, sounds so good. If my body can somehow be turned into raclette and just smeared on potatoes or just the dream.


A Girl Scout cookie if it's you.


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Erin, raclette on a thin mint? Nah, I gotta try it.


Alright, well, um, raccoon on a thin mitt. That's enough out of us, so we're gonna take a little bit of a break.



We got one Riddle!


We got one Riddle down. Yeah, so we're really, we're really flying today. And hey, we'll be back after these brief messages with, I don't know, maybe one more Riddle. What do you think we're gonna get to? Let's take some bets, actually. Adal, what do you think?


Well, I think we've just been shamed into doing at least three.


I think that we're gonna get a half one done and then do this past one we just already did again. We're gonna forget that we did it.


Yeah, I'm gonna put it under. I'm gonna go definitely under three and definitely under that half. And news to me that you can feel shame. I certainly can't. I can't feel anything anymore.


I know what you're thinking. Do I have a new hat, Adal and JPC? New haircut? Why am I walking around with so much confidence?


I bet you're wondering. I wanted pretzels from the food court.


And I was just gonna let you know that it looks like you leaned on paint.


Anyways, I just had a bunch of subscriptions canceled for me by Rocket Money that I wasn't using. And so now I'm flushed with cash and now I'm confident. Pretzel money? Well, maybe. We'll talk about that. Rocket Money is a personal finance app that binds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, and helps you lower your bills all in one place. I've been using it for years, even before they were a sponsor.



Erin, it looks like you may have leaned on like with someone painting a rocket money like billboard or sign or something because it's all it's all down your back it's like and it's I could ock it ock it


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Hey, what's going on? Somebody leaned over my rocket money paint thing. Run. Everybody run. Run. Oh no.




Is that DaVinci?


Yeah. Yes.


And bye. Hey.


We back. Twins.


Twins. Keep the chaos alive. Hey, welcome back everyone. I hope you enjoy the ads. Hey, go buy one of those products. Why not? Remember to tell them your old daddy here, Riddle Riddle sent you and hopefully they'll buy another ad. One day. One day. Hey, and if you're listening to this on the free feed, ad free feed I should say, the feed that you pay money for, but it's ad free, you missed out on some really great ads.



What? Free, free, free, free, free, free.


I gotta say, no joke, no bones about it. I'm proud of the way that we record ads. I think I have fun. You know what?


We're some of the best in the game. We do exactly what they say. We hardly ever have to do make good ads. We have to have a couple, I would say.




Because we get a little too silly.


You know we're good at recording ads when Casey has like at least six times gone. Are you guys okay after we record ads? So that's how you know we're good.


Yeah, we had one ad where Lenscrafter got back to us and they said, this is 14 minutes and you don't mention our product once.


Also, we're not a sponsor.


Yeah, we used to record a lot of ads on spec and we would all, about once a week we'd record a Linscrafter ad on spec.


Just in case.


Reach out to us. We would physically mail it to the location of a closed Linscrafter and eventually we did hear back from someone. Oh, well speaking of cease and deceasts, this is a few little submissions, and look, this person does not give us the right, nay the privilege, to use their names. Let's just call them Peter. This is from Peter, and believe me, I did change that name. I'm not just reading Peter from this email. This is from a different person. I can't even begin to tell you what this person's name is. It's definitely not Peter.



You're talking a lot for someone who isn't a liar.


I don't know. I talk a lot in general. Okay, let's not examine that too much. Peter writes or somebody's name is. It doesn't matter what their name is. It doesn't matter. Love your podcast. I love tricks and riddles. Here are a few that I haven't heard yet. Hope you can use them to word them however you like. Now, feel free to word them however you like. Peter gave me a lot of license and I will be taking that opportunity a little later in the riddles. But yeah, Peter says that they love tricks. Isn't that weird?


Is it with an X or a CK?


That makes me nervous. Are you Peter?


I'm not Peter. I'm not Peter. And this email's from 2018. So I gotta remember, in 2018, were we giving tricks? Were we doing tricks?


I think the podcast might have been mostly tricks back then. Yeah, me too. I feel like if I'm remembering right, 2018, this might be right. I feel like we started every episode and we'd say trick or treat, people would inevitably select trick, or they'd select treat, and then we'd say, haha, trick to you. The only option was trick. We gave you the illusion of choice.



Yeah, we were toilet papering a lot of other podcasts back in 2018.


This riddle is from October 14th of 2018, so it could be a Halloween tie-in.


On three, let's all say our favorite Peter. One, two, three.


Peter Paul and Mary.


Okay. I said Peter Satera, Erin said Peter Paul and Mary.


Oh, but Peter Gabriel. Peter Gabriel.


Peter Gabriel.


That's the best one.


Sledgehammer. Is it Stewie from Family Guy?


Isn't he a Peter?


Yeah, his full name is Stewie Peter.


Great. Uh, Stu Peters. Here's the first one from a person that I'm calling Peter.




Now I'm hungry. There's one word in English that has three consecutive sets of double letters. What is it?


Wow. We're really caught up on these one riddles, huh?


And I also got to tell you, I got to tell you a lot of, a lot of the riddles, quote unquote, that Peter submitted are kind of just like facts that you have to know. And I do like that. Well, I'm a bit of a word stuff.





Erin, you're very close.


Erin is very close. In fact, she's right. No, she's not.


Well, I know the bookkeeper is the one I know. Yes. But beekeeper also works. No, it doesn't. No, I'm sorry. Because it was 1K. There's 1K. Now, you know what would work is a beak keeper.


Spelled up, I think. Alright, Adal, I gotta see a scene. You're gonna be playing a super villain. Adal, you are going to be a super villain named The Beak Keeper. You are The Beak Keeper. I'm your henchman. Erin is the superhero and you have caught Erin and you're about to unveil your evil plot. You have finally won. You are The Beak Keeper.


You'll never get away with this beak keeper. What are you up to anyways?


Well, I'm glad you asked. I'm glad you've come home to nest. Me, the beak keeper. The one criminal in all of Memphis who keeps killing the birds and keeping their beaks. I'm going to build a city out of beaks.



And then- Wait, what is this? I'm so sorry. I thought I was with my nemesis, the beak keeper. You're the beak keeper?


Yes, I'm the beak keeper. Learn how to spell B-E-E-K-K-E-E-P-O-R, the beak keeper.


You're a real weirdo. Who's tying me up right now? I'm sorry, that's me.


I'm not even here. Hi, I'm... I haven't been given an official Hichman name yet. My name is Sean Reynolds.


Oh, Sean!


Stop using your real name. I just, I need a Hichman name. Actually, if, I'm sorry, Peakeeper, if we're doing this now, I'd love to break it up again to workshop the name. Like I do need a name.


Okay, Mr. Cloaca. Don't, I don't love it.


Peakeeper's Keeper. What if that was your name?


I kind of just work with Beak Keeper.


I guess I... Beak Helper.


I do have a cloaca, like, sonar. I was bitten by a cloaca.


Oh, well then that's enough.



I know, but like... It's like one of the worst days of my life and do I really want to make that my name?


So Beak Keeper, you're keeping the beaks from birds? That's really gross and weird.


Well, no, because it's a means to an end. I'm going to build a city out of beaks.


I can think of a million better materials to build a city of.


Name 20.


Okay. Wood. Steel.


Cement. Hold on. It was right there.


Birds living trees. Should I be writing this down? Should I be writing this down or should I still be tying her up? I don't want to do a bad job. What about the Reynolds Wrap? I know. It's my last name. It's a piece of personal, identifiable information. So I probably should keep that P.I.A.


Sean Reynolds, right?


Yeah, Sean Reynolds, that's my name.


It's interesting, Sean Reynolds, that you don't want to be doing a bad job because you've been doing a terrible job this whole time because you haven't been serving the beekeeper at all. You've been serving zip. Dr. Chameleons! Same voice.



Hi, Dr. I feel way better. I feel safe now. It's just Dr. Chameleon.


I can beat you. Wait, you feel safe? That sucks to hear.


No, I mean, I thought you were like a real supervillain. You're Dr. Chameleon, the guy who just sort of wants to be around.


I'm gonna push you. Oh, you're gonna push me?


I know you won't.


I would never.


Do you want to go get a beer?


Yes. Kombucha? Do they have hard kombucha?


You're ridiculous.


What did you say? So, the check, then this check from the Beekeeper, this is going to bounce.


This is not connected to an account? Yes. Yeah. Invalid. It was written, if you turn it around, it was written on a good humor wrapper. This is huge, yes.


John, you want a cup?




We're going to get a hard kombucha.


I would love one. I can't pay. I've been working, I guess, on spec.


I can pay.


Thank you so much.


Thank you.


What was your name?


Sean Reynolds. Let's get the hell out of this episode you guys. Jump in the car, we're going in the fast lane. Alright we're going. Alright JPC you coming?



Yeah I guess who's driving? Oh. Me, I'll drive. Not going. I'm not going.


Oh, because I'm a woman?


No. I'd say it's almost everything else without you.


Yeah, I'm not great at driving anymore. I used to be very good, but now I'm a nervous driver. Adal, you want to drive? Okay.


Put the keys in the glove box and stomp on the ground.


Alright, we're going normal speed through this episode, I guess.


God damn it. The car isn't getting hot like it should. The car isn't getting hot like it should?


You gotta rub your finger across it. It's just the right way. Okay, so that was the first riddle from Peter. Like I said, it's more of a fact than a riddle. So are you ready for your next, um, I want to say fact. I guess it's the fact. It's also from Peter. Let's do it. What sentence in the English language can be spoken but not written down? So this is a sentence that can only be spoken but it can never be written down. Got it. Ooh, Adal, I love your confidence. What do we got? Gibbidi gibbidi gibbidi. Subject gibbidi, verb.



Is it, um, I don't have a pen.


No, that's a very good guess, Erin.


What sentence in the English language can only be spoken and not written down?


Yeah, there's a very specific reason why it cannot be written down. And it has to do with, you know, kind of the way that the English language is structured, I would say.


Got you. So these are like forbidden words.


Hey Riddle.


The content of their character.


Yes, exactly. Thank you.


More like the structure of how sentences can work.


I guess so. I think it's like, you know, we did this a little earlier in the episode. We were having some fun with words and it's along the same line of some of the fun that we were having back in the cat riddle.



I don't want to learn today. I don't want to learn today. Don't make me learn.


So it's like a continuation into plan words.


No, it's not a plan on words. That's not the fun with words. Hey, we've been having a lot of fun with words today, huh? You, Adal. You might be onto something there.


Homonyms, homophones. Homonyms, homophones. Let's see. So, read the Riddle one more time.


So this can be spoken. Yes. If you speak it, it makes sense. But as soon as you try to write it down, it's like, uh-oh, it actually doesn't make sense. It doesn't work when you write it down.


Where, where, where, where. This is the and, and, and, and, and, and, Riddle.


And, and, and, and, pie. This is our Everest. Which, which, which?


Is it just a string of homonyms, or is there other words inside? Okay.


There are other words in there, but there is one, and now I'm confused if it's a homonym or a homophone. Homonym.


Homonyms are the ones that are spelled different, right? They sound the same, but they're spelled differently, and then I think homophone is spelled the same, but pronounced different.



There is one homonym. There's one homonym in it.


One, okay. Okay, interesting.


Which one is it?


Well, it's not one, so keep going. Two. There we go.


That's a lot. Oh, you two. Two. Two. Two. Two. Two.


Two. Two. This is fun for me. To watch this is fun for me.


I love you two too. Two toes, or two twos. I love you both as well. I love you two too. I love you two too too.


Oh, oh no, she's falling.


Erin, you're driving away. You're on the right path. But there's only one instance of the word 2 in this, but you're on the right path with there being multiple 2s.


Erin, can I just say I loved your rendition of the theme from Mad Men.



Mad Men, Mad Men, Mad Men, Mad Men.


What percentage of people do you think say Mad Men, Mad Men in that way to that theme set? I definitely did. I definitely did. Solid 80%.


All the fun, cool people. So what's happening? I think it's RJD2. The word 2 was only in there once.


Yes, but you're not wrong with like the multiple, the concept of multiple usages of two is part of the answer to this Riddle, but the word two is only in there once. You guys are so close, you're on, I want to say Death's Door. I went too.


I went too. I went too. I went too. Okay.


All you have to tell me is that you are ready for me to tell you the answer and I will swoop in.


Shut up. We're never ready. We'll never give up.


Swoop in. Swoop in. Sounds like Sean has a new name.


Swoop in. We're drunk. We're just drunk. You can be as mean to me as you want. I'm still never going to stop giving you the answer to this, Riddle, if you ask for it.



I'd like to see a scene. I'm sorry. GPC, you're an English teacher. Adal and I are the students and you're trying to make English fun.


Okay. Farts. Very nice Kyle.


Oh my gosh.


Did you just do a line of Coke? Mr. Benetardi, did you just do a line of Coke? I did a bump of Coke. It's different from a line. A line, that would fuck me up all class. But a bump, that's just gonna give me enough energy to go through until second period. Mr. Benetardi, aren't you worried about fentanyl? Oh, I'm very worried about Fitnall. If you're not testing the cocaine that you do with Fitnall test strips before you do it, you are doing something that could be very dangerous. Now luckily, I got this cocaine from a trusted friend of mine, and we tested it for Fitnall.


You got it from me! What's up, teach?


That's, uh, that's, uh, uh, Jack, Jack, of course everyone, I'm sorry, you know him as Mr. Anderson, he's the principal, he's auditing my class today because I have had a lot of complaints.


Sorry Jack, sorry.



Can I be excused? What did you fart, Kyle? And everybody laughed at Kyle because he farted. That's why he needs to be excused.


Please don't. I don't want attention in this moment. I don't want attention in this moment.


No, everyone, look. Let's all just chill out. Everybody turn your desks around backwards. Why?


Sorry Mr. Benetarti, how does this sort of tie into Shakespeare? First of all, let's cut the formality. Everybody just call me Bennett, okay? Bennett? Yeah! Your full name is Bennett Benetarti? No. That sounds like an entree.


My full name is Bennett Tostinos Benetarti. And yes, I guess you got me. I am heir to the chip fortune. Which chip? Ruffles. My dad married Catherine Ruffles. And so I kind of, I married into the chip fortune.



Catherine Ruffles.


Oh, so it's like a John Kerry situation. I'm not familiar. What was that guy's name? Steve Kerry?


You're an English teacher and you don't remember John Kerry?


Hold on, why is that a part of English class?


I know, I'm just saying you should be smart. My parents pay your salary. What are we doing today?


I'm 15. I wouldn't know who John Kerry is.


You're 15.


Years old.




So are we.


How did you get to teach the class?


What's that? How did you get to teach the class? I was appointed. Oh, so it's like crossing guard or pole monitor. Yeah, Betsy DeVos. Wow. So you know her. Because she gave me the job.


Yeah. I mean, I actually had never met her before she gave me the job. She sprints with my mom, Katherine Ruffles, because all old rich women know each other.


That makes sense. What are we doing today?


Can we just continue to read what we read last semester, which is teaching Mr. Tingle about those kids who kidnap a teacher and then the teacher has angina and dies?


I don't know, didn't we already read that? You want to reread that book? Is it that good that you want to reread it? What's your favorite part? The part where the teacher dies. Okay. I mean, that's a little synopsis.



That's a little part of the synopsis. And also learning the word angina because it rhymes with- With vagina.


Mr. Anderson, how are we doing on time?


Hey, as long as you want pals.




Okay, yeah. I can take a line. That's the line, kid. Not a bump.


Oh, okay. He's going hard. You know that the drug dealer saved what the drug dealer does in front of you.


Eh, not the ones I gave you.


Write that down. What's that?


What's that? What's that?


And hey, everyone. Listen, quiet on set. The TV show has been cancelled.




NBC said it's unrealistic. What do you mean? What do you mean NBC said? NBC told us CBS.


That's super hurtful. Yeah, we're on CBS. That's so mean.


Are we canceling shows just because other networks are mean to us now? Yes.


We're going to cancel law and order because it's stupid.


I'll relay that to NBC and see if they take action.





I'm sorry everyone. Please, please take as much craft services as you want today. There will be no final paycheck.


We cut over to the Fox slot. Jeff, has anyone called?


No. No calls. No calls at all. I think they forgot about this.


Just keep making whatever we make. See?


Just keep making whatever we make. You couldn't even name one.


I couldn't. What are we doing? What's a current show? What's a current television show? Is it something like a television?


Family Guy?


Thank you.


Family Guy.


So, current television show Adal can pull animation from 20 years ago. Yeah, they're still on Fox, right? I think they still probably are making new episodes of those things.


Definitely Simpsons. I'm trying to think of what is on Fox.


I don't know. I don't watch... Oh! I was going to say what we do in shadows, but that's FX.


That's FX, which is a great station. Great station. Fox Fox.


Two. Something two.



Except for Simpsons.


Just ask, just tell me, say, JPC, I'm ready for the answer to this, Riddle. JPC, I'm ready for the answer. Okay, okay. This is a tough one. The sentence that can be spoken but not written down is, this is according to Peter, a name that I'm making up. There are three twos in the English language. Now you can say that, but as soon as you try to spell it, you spell two, but there's only one T-W-O in the English language. There's not three T-W-O, so you can't spell it.


We're not a few clever Peter.


What a clever boy. Now throw the fruit at him. Look at that little clever Peter.


Yeah, throw the fruit at him. Banana.


I'm gonna throw a cantaloupe.


Oh, they let him good.


There are three twos in the English language. That's a good one. That's a good one. I like that one. But that is, yeah, that is like a fact. But I guess you could, I don't know, we've somewhat, Erin's somewhat sus today.


Yeah, Erin's somewhat sus today. I didn't do anything. There's a couple more facts here, so let's get into a couple more Peter's facts that you're cleverly disguising as a Riddle. I guess this is maybe the trick that you talked about earlier in your introduction. Here we go. This is the Riddle. Using correct grammar, so correct grammar, we're back to grammar.



Wait, I'm sorry, did you say using country grammar? Because I'll have to go grab my Nelly CD?


Uh, Kelsey Grammer.


Using Kelsey Grammer. It's getting hot in here! So humid to be! I am getting so hot, I want to take my dog out.


That's not bad. Using correct grammar, is it more proper to say five I'm sorry, is it more proper to say five and seven is eleven or five and seven are eleven? So correct grammar, more proper to say five and seven is eleven or five and seven are eleven.


They're both incorrect. Adal. Yeah. Why? Because, well, you said this is a trick, so I'm just giving it what I assume is the trick response.


Yeah, neither of those sound right to me.


You'd say equals. No, no, no. Now, grammatically, you could say equals, but... Oh, because that's not, but it's not even equals. Erin?


4 plus 7 is 11. Ah.


5 plus 7 is 12.


It's a trick.


You are correct. It is a trick.



Actually, the trick still is afoot because neither of those things are 11. 11 is played by, what's her name? Little Samantha? What's that girl's name? Little Samantha.


That's the guess?


Who plays 11?


That is the funniest, oh my god, I wish there was an actress named Little Samantha. Millie Bobby Brown, I think.


Millie Bobby Brown. I would love it if every one of the kids from Stranger Things in the credits was like, in this guy by Little Joey, in this one, Little Samantha.


Little Samantha.


The role's just called Little versions of who they are. Tiny Jeffy. But also, I think Peter writes... Hi, my name is Little Samantha. It's actually still debated.


And I'm auditioning for the role... Of scary kid.


Between is, is or are, either one sounds like they could be correct. Grammar experts have not really, have not really settled that one, but you're right, Erin. Five and seven is, as we all know, 12, not 11.


I was so focused on the wording, I didn't even think to examine the numbers. That's the trick. That's the trick aspect. Are you guys ready to be tricked again? And now, speaking of country, and now speaking of galaxy grammar, I feel like a Philistine.



You're doing great. It's not you, Adal. It's us. I've not been so slow. I can't keep you.


Niles isn't just my younger brother in Egypt.


Okay, this is another trick for you guys aka Adal Riddle. What was the name of the president in 1996? Now Erin, you weren't alive back then, but Adal and I, us old dogs will know. What was the name of the president in 1986? So this is gonna be a trick. This is a trick. I will tell you right now, this is a trick.


You said 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996.


Well we can, I think we all know that, well, this happens in January. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


So, George. So like, 97, in 97 there were two presidents at the time, because there's an incoming and an outgoing, but in 96.



Well, no, not 97, because Bill Clinton had two terms. George.


Oh, I mean, you're absolutely right.


The handoff from George Bush Sr. to Bill Clinton would have been two in one year, technically.


Yeah, the Obama to Trump one would have been as well. No, George is not correct. The name of the president in 1996. President of what? Oh, there we go. Erin, I want to tell you, United States of America. Oh, okay. Yeah, I will say United States of America.


Did you know that the very first president of the United States, his name was John Henson? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Look it up.


Fucking. Look it up motherfuckers. Fucking made up all those little muppets. Yeah. This guy had all house.


Just trick me. Just tell me what it is. Just trick me. Trick me, trick me. Tell me the riddle.


Roman Juliet soundtrack. Thank you.


You guys don't want to... No other guesses here?


Yeah, I want to crack away at this not a little bit longer. I think you can get this one. Read it again. What was the name of the president in 1996? The name of the president, he went from William to Bill.



Both of those are incorrect. That's incorrect. You're not even in the right ballpark with that. It wasn't Bill Clinton. It wasn't George Clinton. It wasn't George Bush.


It wasn't George Bush. George W. What was the name? Oh wait. Oh, that's right. Clinton got assassinated and then his five presidents.


Is it like a movie?


Al Gore. No, it's not like a movie. My life's like a movie. Uh, but this is not like a movie and it's not, let's do it with an assassination. Oh, Bill Pullman. Bill Pullman. Dude, that's really, that's a really good guess. It depends if it came out in 96.




Maybe. Give us a guess.


Give us a guess. Give us a guess. Give us a guess.


I know, I'm gonna give you guys a guess. I'm gonna give you guys a guess. Steve. No. Give us a hint. Um.


What was the name of the president in 1996?


What was the name of the president in 1996? You just said 1996? 1996. Oh 1996, okay. Yes. The hint is they never changed their name.



Okay, so we know it's not Prince.


They've had this name their entire life as far as we know. Okay. In 1996. Name of the president in 1996. I love this riddle, by the way. Now I really love this riddle.


So let me ask you this. Is this an actual president's name? Yes. And it's none of the presidents we mentioned? No. You've only mentioned two presidents. George Washington. George Bush.


Is it like Ronald Reagan? No. Al Gore.


No, but Al Gore, not president. Not president. Very close, Dan Quill. I know. Very close.


But there's some sort of trick to it.


I think if you list enough president's names, you will get this.


Richard Ronald George John John. This person is not a president.


They're in the history books as being a president of the United States. Oh, oh. I got it. What was the name of the president in 1996?


Well, the quote unquote president at the time was Bill Clinton, but we all know behind every good man, Hillary Clinton.



What is this?


I told you that you would get it if you gave some presidents.


Stop saying O-M-G, Casey.


Abraham Lincoln. Is Casey really saying O-M-G? Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams.


Barack Obama.


No, Pierce. You're getting closer, Erin.


Uh, Erin, Donald Trump is even closer. What? Joe Biden? There we go. Joe Biden was his name in 1996. He did not change his name, so the president... Fuck you.


Fuck this. Fuck you. Casey, fuck you too. Wow.


Fuck you. I'm leaving to another planet now. Goodbye. It's a UFO ascends into the heavens.


And you especially.


Disappears forever.


Don't clap. Casey, don't clap.


Comes back in a thousand years to check on Earth.


Uh, what is Earth like a thousand years from now? Well, hey, you know what? You guys did a really, really great job. So we've come to the end of the show and I got to ask Adal, do you have anything that you would like to plug?


I have something that I would like to plug. It's just one thing, but it's something very special and important to me. And that is I encourage all of you to go watch on Apple TV, a new show called The Shining Girls. Now, Shining Girls is a great TV show. It's based on a wonderful book that I read some years ago. But here's the thing, it's not only the great acting, it's not only the great story, it's not only the atmospheric thriller of the nature of the beast, but it also stars my sister, Sadia Rifai. Wow. So go see Sadia Rifai in the Shining Girls on Apple TV. Tell her Adal sent you and enjoy her work on screen.



That's really great. Erin, what about you? Anything that you would like to plug?


Hey Riddle Riddle on Instagram and Twitter. We have live show announcements rolling in, so that's where you'll find that. And also if you want to check out sitcom D&D, we're nearing the end of season one. So lots of fun, special guests. You can follow that on Twitter and Instagram as well. JPC anything to plug.


I got to give up my plugs for a couple of reviews. The first one comes from CrazySquirrel53 writes, be advised this is a five-star review. It says, JBZ will find your cousins and date them. Adal will apologize for you bumping into him. And Erin will laugh hysterically. Please listen to this podcast for more information. And then finally we have the second Riddle review that I would like to highlight here. This is a five-star review from K-Bay 16, K-Bay rates trauma bonded. JPC said he would read whatever is written, so JPC Eats Farts.


Yay! Oh buddy, you could have come to us with that. We wouldn't have told anyone.


I don't know if I like that. They also said in all seriousness, Hey Riddle Riddle is the first podcast to truly make me laugh out loud in public. These three are an absolute delight, Erin is a bright light in my dark, gluten intolerant world, JPC's hilarity can pull me out of my worst days in Adal. I'm part of the 20% of the population that enjoys your every pun. And don't approve their inner- Adal, that's the only type of compliment you could recognize.



Adal, 20% is incredibly generous.


Yeah, 20% for your jokes. An anecdote to prove their entertainment value in 2021, I had plans to run a half marathon a month before I broke my arm and ended up walking the race instead. What, are we gonna fucking walk it on your fucking hands? What the fuck is going on? You broke your arm, you can't run on a race? I listen to Hey Riddle Riddle every step of the three hour trek to say I am trauma bonded to these folks. It's an understatement. Thanks for doing what you do. Would you listen to our podcast if you were running a marathon? I think I would go with something more like inspirational.


So, do you freeze the farts and then you put them into like ice cubes and then eat them? Or do you just swallow the gas? Well Jupiter, I guess, and goodbye. Hey Riddle.


Created by Adal Rifai. Starting your achievement. And John Patrick Coan.


There's a fletch button, a ditch button, a hitch button, a witch, a witch, and a witch button, a twitch button.



Hey there, rats and swallows. If you like that, you are going to love this week's Patreon. It's part two of our Hey Riddle City inspired superhero series. You can listen to that plus our entire back catalog at patreon.com slash Hey Riddle Riddle by joining the Clue Crew for $5 a month or the Review Crew for $8 a month. And you get some ad-free episodes. See you there.


That was a hate gun podcast.