Which Riddle Riddle?

#196: Mmm! Linguine!



This is a HeadGum podcast.


Welcome back. My name is Kendall Crevice, and I'm here to help people talk to their dead cars. Is there someone here who had a car that started with an H? H or an N?


Brand of car? Brand of car? Yes. Brand of car or name of car? Like what I personally called the car.


Either one. Either one, sir. What was the name of your car? Jeff. Jeff. Okay, so there was a J. Was it a Jetta? Uh... Is it Volkswagen Jetta? Jeff was always funny. Not to me, but it would make sense to Jeff. Yes. Okay. And I'm guessing Jeff died from... Jeff died from a... I'm seeing like a battery or an engine. It's like a battery or an engine or like a... Yes. Was that how he died?



Yes. He was battered by an engine. Another car's engine popped out, took a baseball bat, and just battered the shit out of Jeff.


Okay, well Jeff, Jeff wants, yes Jeff, okay. Oh, he's speaking to you. Sorry, shut up for a second. Yes, Jeff. Okay. Don't say okay after, okay. Okay, Jeff wants you to know he loves you very much and he cannot wait to see you in heaven.


Okay. Does that make sense to you? No, I hated Jeff. We were enemies. He's gonna kill me when I get him.


Okay, who else?


Excuse me, Mr. Kravis?




Yeah, I have a Honda Accord.


Oh, that must be the H I was saying, a Honda Accord. And what was the name? What did you name your Honda Accord?


Mr. Carr.


Mr. Car... Oh yes, I'm seeing that now. I see MC. I thought that was like a rap thing, but now I'm seeing MC stands for Mr. Car. So, Mr. Car... Okay, what am I... I'm seeing like... I'm seeing like a green or a black or a red. Maybe like a bluish, greenish, blackish red.



You're amazing. He was yellow.


Yes, if you subtract green from blue, you do get... That's what it was. That's what it was. Was Mr. Car into math?


Um, I guess.


Sorry, was Mr. Car into math?




Is that how he died?


No, he fell off the side of a cliff.


Oh, who was that?


Forgot to put him in park.


Oh, no. Forgot to put him in park. Yes, I'm getting this now.


Also, can you talk to family members too? Because my family was in that car.


Was one of your family members a car?






Jeff was a car. Jeff was a car.


Jeff was a car. Oh, did Mr. Car and Jeff know each other? I don't know. You two were meant to fall in love. Is that your wife next to you, sir? Yeah. And is that your husband next to you, ma'am?




Leave them. You two were meant to be the edge. Your cars want you to marry.


There's at least a 30-year age difference. Shh, shh, shh. He's much younger than me.


Which way? Oh, I'm younger. Okay. Your cars... Just looking at you, I couldn't get it.



Jeff and Mr. Carr want the two of you to live together. I can't ex... I don't know how I'm feeling this. I just know it. And if you don't get married, they will start to exact revenge.


I'm honestly okay with it. If this is the end for us, I'm fine with it. Well, you're marrying on with it.


What's your favorite fast casual dining?




Me too.


Well, Applebee's.


Well, yeah, Chili's is what you tell people because you're embarrassed the answer is Applebee's. This is not my first rodeo.


Honk, honk. My name's Adal Rifai. Excuse me. I'm JBZ.


And we are hundreds of episodes in, which is why this is the opening.




Hi guys, do you like my new location?


Oh, yeah.


This is my first time recording outside of the closet.


Wow. You're in LA now, right? You're in LA now.


Oh, yeah.


You're clear. Okay, so let's try and use contact clues. Behind you I see a big metal fridge. I see a nice marble counter with a faucet. You are recording in your kitchen?


Get there? Yes, kitchen. I'm in my kitchen. Let's see if I'm funny in here.



I was gonna say guest bathroom because that looks like every guest bathroom I've ever been in.


Oh, well decorated and welcoming. Thanks.


Erin, I will say Funny in the Kitchen sounds like a Maurice Sendak book.


Yeah, that's true. Let's see Funny in the Kitchen. Let's see. What's up, guys? What's new with you?


Oh, what is new with me? I just got back from a cruise. We went on a cruise for Gemma's birthday, which is very fun. I think I sent you all... I think the first day of the cruise or second day of the cruise, because I hardly ever touch sand or go out in the sun, I sent the two of you a picture of me with little lobster limbs. I got burnt real bad and I peeled for a week.


It's rough going from a Chicago winter to any sort of location where the sun is just going to be out for a long time because we're just not prepared. I mean, I saw myself yesterday in the mirror and I was like, oh, I'm like a ghost. I need the sun to come back because I need to feel something on my... I feel like I'm going to blow away like I'm made of paper.



The picture I sent you was like from my elbow up I looked like an elephant tusk, like I looked made of ivory, and then from my elbow down it was like the back of like a 65 year old


Yeah, you say made from ivory, but I say sculpted from marble. I think this guy's fucking cut. He's fucking chiseled. He's fucking David and Goliath over here.


Get a room.


I'm David and Goliath? Yeah, of course.


David in the streets, Goliath in the sheets.


Erin, what's new with you?


That's you of David and Goliath.


The only thing that's new with me, if I'm being honest, is we all know, I got a dog named Spaghetti, but what we don't know is the two of us are at war.


What happened?


We are locked in an immortal battle of will for the ages. I think I may have talked about this before, but I made the fucking sucker-ass mistake of sometimes my dog wouldn't want to eat out of her food bowl. So I play this game, and Mariah, we both do this, where we'll throw her food across the floor, and she'll run across the floor and get her food kibble by kibble, and she loves it, and she has a good time. Well, this is a fun game to keep her distracted. Now it is the only way that she'll eat. Oh no. So we are now on day two of Spaghetti Hunger Strike, where we're like, we gotta stop. We can't play the game with her. She has to eat the food in her bowl. And she was like, I simply won't. And I'm like, okay, well, one of us is gonna die. Because we're both too stubborn and proud. So we're trying to coax her. We're being very tricky with her, but we're not caving it.



How many hours into not eating is she?


This is her second evening without having food. She only eats dinner. She only eats food in the evening. So this is evening number two. But I'm downstairs and Mariah's upstairs and she said she will text me when Spaghetti finally goes to her bowl. Because sometimes she'll fight it and she'll act like she's a tough guy and then she'll go to her bowl and just eat it. So we're at war.


It's a war. I am completely unsurprised that your pet would go on strike. I assume she's unionizing the other dogs.


I'm on her side. I'm on her side.


We at one point, she wasn't eating her food so we started buying this sweet potato puree to top her food to give her like another interesting taste. And Mariah was like, now we just have to think of something else to put on it. And I'm like, no, it has to stop. Because every four months we're going to have to think of a new creative way to get her to eat her fucking dinner, which we're not doing. So yeah, we'll see. We'll see how this all shakes up.


I'm always interested in this. Why is she a one meal a day dog and why is it at night?



We used to just keep food out for her. When she was a puppy, she ate food in the morning and in the evening, and then she just stopped eating the morning food. She always has food in her bowl, so she technically can eat whenever, but she just doesn't. She just only likes to eat kind of at night.


It's wild to me when I hear of dogs that are picky eaters, like Lou today. I put my sandwich down for one second and she like, like a surgeon, meticulously just took the worst part of the sandwich, a little piece of lettuce, and just was like, and pulled it out and then sprinted away. Like, you want to eat lettuce, you idiot? Are you kidding? Like she will literally eat anything. I've had to like get cigarettes out of her mouth, piece of paper. She's starving.


And if you don't get what Erin's talking about, Google surgeon takes lettuce.


If you didn't go to medical school, you're not going to get it. The precision in which she's picking on the sandwich.


Only surgeons could remove a piece of lettuce from a sandwich so smoothly.



If you saw what I saw, Adal, you would have described it exactly the same way, and that's comforting.


Dogs are surgical. Spaghetti is either well-trained or terrified, but she will not go for people food, but she will sniff it. She'll get real close, and you just go, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, and we'll say, what the fuck are you doing? Get away from that.


Keep your nose off my food.


She'll be like, I was sniffing! Subscribe again, sniffing!


What you pay me to do is I smell the smells, and all of a sudden you don't want me to smell? Not poison by the way.


Not poison? You're welcome. This thing is on my set list. I'm only playing the hits. I think I know, but we gave Brisket just randomly, we gave him a little bit of wet food. and now he like will shrug off his dry food and he'll every time we go to the kitchen he thinks it's feeding time for wet food so he always goes to the kitchen when we go to the kitchen and like looks up at us and muse and when he doesn't get his wet food he like throws a little fit but now he's yeah he's he's um he will not eat his dry food because he he's like i'm not going to fill up on empty calories because i am a wet food boy only now i'm a little wet boy



What Enya song do you think played in his head when he tasted wet food for the first time?


Sail away.


Wait. Yeah, I'm glad I asked. Yeah, I know.


He close his eyes and he's like... And Adal, we can cut this if this isn't something you're comfortable talking about, but you told me that Brisket Muse and Fry's Kevin Smith?


Yes. We could cut that.


We could cut that.


Because Fries was relentless in trash-talking Bruce Willis and now we're aggressive.


Lou growled at Sean today when she realized that he wasn't also coming on the walk with us. Wow. To her, the pinnacle of joy is when Shawna and I both take her for a walk. She starts trotting like a horse in these zoomies immediately, and he was by the door, and then he shut the door in her face, and she just growled.


That's real.


That's real. How dare you? And then she was grumpy her whole walk, and I was like, hello.


When you came back, was Lou sitting on the stairs holding like a half glass of port, and it's like, oh, well, well, well, look who came home. Dinner's in the freezer.



Whenever we come home after being gone for a while, she... It looks like she was like, I was gonna die here. She's at horrible separation anxiety.




Looks like she thought she was gonna die and now she knows she's gonna be safe. It's very sad.


So for... She's working on it. Idiots like me, Erin. Separation anxiety for a dog. That means they get anxious when you try and pull them apart.


Yeah, when I try to separate her limbs from her body, she's like, this is making me a little anxious.


No, she... I'm getting a little uncomfortable.


She's gotten a lot better, but we're working on it.


Well, if this is your first episode of Hey Riddle Riddle, I gotta be honest, this is kinda what the show is now.


Yeah, look, if you're looking for something else, you probably are, but this is what it is, and leave it or love it, okay?


Yeah, maybe just keep your coat on and head out if this is too much for you. We got it.


Don't get comfy here. If you want to sit by the fire and warm up with some little riddles, we can give you a little bit of that. We can give you a taste. Let's do some warm-up riddles. These are going to be... I mean, these are almost too freaking easy. These are almost riddles for kids, but we'll start with these just because it's been a little while.



When Adal says these are almost riddles for kids, these are riddles for kids. This is what he's got.


He's breath riddles.


Oh, yeah. Yeah.


Put us in our place. I get it. I get it.


Yeah. All right. Put down your chocolate milks. Here we go. First one, what are the coolest letters in the alphabet? 69, 69.


Oh, cool.


Is it easy?


Letters in the alphabet? Did you say letters in the alphabet?


I did, which is why I'm worried about JPC. That's the coolest letters in the alphabet.


I couldn't tell if it was plural or not. That's why I asked.


Oh, okay. Let's think about this. So like XOXO, I mean, obviously Gossip Girl. That's pretty cool to be referenced on a television show that big.


It could be something like the book C to B, where it's like two letters next to each other sound like cold or chilly or ice or something, something like that.


Erin, you're on a good track, a very good track. Since we're talking about the coolest letters in the alphabet, I do want to see a quick scene. The two of you are, we'll say, like, grade school, junior high students, and there's a spelling bee going on, and you're both trying to participate in the spelling bee, but you're both trying to be super cool about it. And I will be the, I want to say, conductor? Yeah, conductor. I was going to say proctor, but I don't think that's right either. No, we're not looking at anybody's asshole, obviously. Alright, the next word for our two finalists. The next word is going to be gravity.



Can you use it in a sentence please?


Defying gravity.


S-E-X comma D-R-U-G-S comma A-N-D R-O-C-K And R-O-L-L.






Okay, I'm being told that's wrong. I'm being told you spelled... What? Six-drugs-a-rucco? Six-drugs-a-co? No, I see what's going on. You're thinking of Susical the Musical.




And gravity is from Wicked. Thank you, Joan. That was very nice of you and you can stop winking at the class now.


Alright, let me just light a cigarette and get on my skateboard. Zoom!


Oh, she banged her knee real hard into the chalk tray.


Oh my God! Ow!



Joan, you can go to the nurse if you need to.


Roger. Can someone walk me? I can barely walk.


Can Kim come? Joan, sit on your skateboard and just kind of scoot your way along. Can Kim push me there?


Please let Kim...


Last time I let Kim come with you, what happened? The two of you got... Arrested. Arrested. That's right. Roger, John actually want you to stick around because we do need to figure out who's the class spelling be. Roger, go ahead and try and spell gravity.


Uh, okay. Uh, I guess. I mean, whatever, man.


Roger, it is 110 degrees in this classroom. I can't believe that leather jacket is comfortable. You can take it off.


I can't take it off, but I can also leave it on. I mean, what are we talking about here, Mr. S? Take off my jacket. I mean, come on. Come on. Up your elbow with the rubber smell bow Mr. S. What are the toe birds? What's a toe bird? Hey, okay. What's going on Mr. S? You got something you need me to solve or something? Get a load of this guy.



He's acting like my grandpa did.


He's dying in World War I?




Sorry, that was a teacher joke.


That's not very funny if it's real.


It went over my head.


Yay, yay, yay.


Joan, you're 12 years old. Your grandpa didn't even know what Vietnam was.


You guys are calling me a liar again? My mom is Reese Witherspoon. My grandpa died in World War I. I was on a famous TV show, but the episodes just aren't... They're missing from the internet. I hate you guys!


Hey, come on. Don't talk to me. I didn't, hey, I didn't say nothing to you.


Oh, ahh. We told you last week we all have Google search result pings set for whenever there's no place like Joan is revealed on the internet. Okay. And when it, when the search produces a result, we will watch all the episodes in class and you can give a little speech, Joan. Okay.



Ow, my knee.


Hey, I didn't do nothing.


My leg is broken. Can Kim take me outside to McDonald's?


If you're saying that I galooli'd you, you got another thing coming. I didn't touch this lady's knee.


You're passing out actively from heat.


Ooh, ah, hoo, ha. What?


Come on. I don't do nothing about it. Roger, did you just reference Jeff Galooli, the guy who hit Nancy Kerrigan on the knee with a pipe? Mr. S, you're blowin' up my spot, okay? Come on! What's his zipper at the top of your hairline? Let me just... Um...


Who are you? Seed. Seed? Seed. Does that, will that get you out of this?


You can't just say scene to get out of telling us who you are.


Actually, actually, Joan, he can.


S-C-E-N-E. Seed.



Is that Uncle Santa? I'm going home.


What are the coolest letters in the alphabet? Now, I'll give you a little hint. I think this might help expedite the process. There are two letters we're looking for and they do not come, they're not, I want to say sequential, but they're not back-to-back.


Wait, so they're the coolest or is it like cold or like?


It does have to do with cold, yes.


Okay, like temperature. They're talking about the coolest.


And when you say they do not come, I mean, it could be like a medication that they're taking or it could have been something that they ate. It's tantric. It's tantric. Oh, it's on purpose. It's like saying, yeah. Gotcha.


Oh, okay. Oh, I see. I and C. Erin, you have one of them correct. I- Here's what I'll say. Icy is technically correct. That is a good and great answer and that is legally correct.


But- Are you afraid of me? That's great, Erin. That's a great answer and you're so tall.


Erin, I text you that after every episode.




And you never reply.



Lose my number.


Is this the whole thing where you're trying to get me to say CD and then you'll say CD's nuts? Because I've been there, my friend, and if you think I'm gonna fall for that again-


He cut out of my little game. So, Erin, you have one of the letters right and it's the second one. C. It's the coolest letter and it's C. What are the coolest letters in the alphabet? And think about when you're at home and it's summertime.


Oh, A-C.


A-C. Air conditioning. Okay, cool. So this isn't a riddle. Oh no, I'm sorry. I didn't have the full answer up. The coolest letters in the alphabet are A-Slee. A-C space S-L-A-T-E-R. Got it, got it. A-Slee. Acelet for your hardware needs. Here we go. Let's do another one. This is gonna be a little kind of a fun little warm-up riddle. How is a dollar like the moon?


It's made of cheese. It has holes in it. There's only one.


Nope, it's too late.


You can't touch me anymore. I'm 30 now. I'm not 26 anymore, motherfucker. I'm scared of you. I'm scared of you. I'm scared of you. Yeah, I haven't blinked in a year. I'm a fucking scary kid. I'm in my kitchen now.



How is a dollar like the moon? How is a dollar like the moon? And it's spelled M-O-O-N. There's no trickery in the spelling. It controls the tides. They're both pretty fucking worthless in my opinion. You're both right. They're both worthless. And Erin, you are correct. A dollar is like the moon because it can help women sync up on their periods.


You don't know anything. No, it's true.


Kinda. Let's see. Because the Earth, like money, What makes the world go round, baby? Legit. Good answer. Okay. But not what we're looking for here. Fuck. Is it specific to a dollar bill or would this also apply to like a 10, 20, 30? A 30. It is a $30 bill.


Who would be in the $30 bill? Not like who we'd want to be. Who would actually be?


I want to say Houdini.


God. I'm so fucking stupid. Jennifer Garner. I'm so fucking stupid to casually talk about the $30 bill. I think truly, Erin, I think it would be the Allstate guy who was the president in 24.



I love that guy.


I love that guy.


He's also a major Toronto and major league.


Oh, you know who I'd put on the $30 bill? Is the, uh, can-you-hear-me-now guy that was working for Verizon and then switched over to Sprint.


You love the chaos of that guy.


I do, I truly do. I love how that guy's like, I love how that guy had one role, and it was like, I'm in this Verizon campaign that ran forever. He probably made a good deal of money on it, and when it ended he was like, well that was, it was a good run, like I did a good run on the can-you-hear-me-now thing, and then ten years later Sprint was like, you want to do it again? And he was like, What is my life?


What is my life? That guy probably has his own little island. I love it. Good for him. Him and Flo from Progressive are just probably private planes, little islands, all kinds of nasty shit they're getting up to. Hey, good for them. They did a commercial for an insurance company or a cell phone. So this is, to answer your question JBC, this is very specific to one dollar. Okay. And you should think about, the probably best way to approach this is to think about what goes into a dollar, what composes a dollar. Got it. And then you can kind of reverse engineer it from there.



Is it something about coins or like four quarters? Four quarters? That's it.


They both have four quarters. Wait, the moon? I'm sorry, help me out here. The moon is four quarters. No, I'm sorry. This is how's it all like an NBA game.


Oh shit. Wait, wait. Was it the moon? What's up? Was it the moon? How's it all like the moon?


Yeah, they both have four quarters. What does that mean? The quarters of a moon! What are the quarters of a moon? Okay, so there's the full moon, there's a half moon, there's a crescent moon, and there's no moon. I'm going to go out with her hands.


I showed it with my hands.


I'm sorry, but there's also a ton more. It's not like it goes from one to the other. There's four different types of moon that you can have. I want to see a scene.


I've never heard of the quarters of the moon.


Okay, Erin you go ahead since I already called one and I'm terrified of you.


That's canon now. Okay, so I want to see a scene. JPC you've lived on the moon for quite some time. Adal you're an astronaut going there and you're sort of coming upon JPC's living situation on the moon.



That's one small step for mankind. Yes, yes, yes.


Very big day for you. Very big day for you. One step for mankind. One step on my porch. How? You're on my porch. This is your house? Yes. The moon is my home. I must have died.


I died in the...


Hey, you know what? If you puke in your space, if you puke in your spacesuit, that is nothing to me. I do not care if you puke in that spacesuit. But if you take that helmet off, and you get puke on my moon, we will have words.


How are you up here without any sort of protective gear or helmet yourself? Oh, that's a very good question. It's a very Earthling-centric question. I am, of course, an alien. I breathe out of space. Houston, I have contact with Amunonite. That's the name I've... Made up on the spot.


Hey, I told you to only use this line if you had something important to say.


Okay? Sarah, Sarah Houston, my ex-girlfriend, please. I'm on the moon. Please be impressed.


You... No, you do not tell me that I'm a moon a knight. You do not choose my name for me. You do not do that. You are on my moon. You know what I think you are? I'm gonna make a name for you. Fuck. Earthling, I already said. It's Jerry? Ugh, okay.



Fine, Jerry. Get off my moon. Well, I can't do that. I'm here to push the boundaries of what mankind is capable of, and now that I know there's life on the moon, I can't simply walk away. I must sacrifice myself.


Let's see, what is mankind capable of? Rudeness?


I will say that. Is the human race capable? Well, let's see. Ah, boy, how do I... No, don't act like you're representing Earth.


You're representing humans. Deer did not tell you to come up here and step all over my moon. That's fair, yes. A beluga whale did not say, puking your helmet up there.


That's not a conversation that was had. That's not a conversation that was had.


So you've seen Star Trek, the movie.


Yes, I'm a big fan of some specific parts of Earth culture, but I'm not a fan of unannounced visitors, rudeness, stepping, and dirty sneakers on my moon. What is your name? My name is Penis.


I understand what that is in your language. Houston. Houston. Houston. Sorry, one second. I just, I had to, I have to jot something out. Sure.



Yeah, I'm on a date. Jerry, what do you need? What? I'm on a date.


Who? Is it Clark? Yes. Is it Clark? Yes. My twin brother?


Yes. He's so funny.


Sam, my twin brother?


What? Do you need something? I know I'm at work. And I am Houston. Sarah Houston works as...


Tell her it means bravery in our language. It doesn't but tell her because it doesn't.


It means butt hole in our language.


She said, you gotta come up here. This is the fu- You say I'm not funny. This is the funniest thing I've ever experienced. Hold on. This little guy named Penis. Did you just invite someone else up here? Are you not listening? What? What's wrong?


There's so much room here. There is now, but as soon as people start coming up... Oh wait.


There's not going to be as much room. Sorry my ex is eating her linguine on her picnic.



Mmm! Linguine! Cancel this show.


Cancel this. Cancel this. Cancel Hey Riddle Riddle.


These fun podcasts.


Oh god.


It's funny that Adal said his character's name was Jerry because I was just playing George Costanza in that scene. I think subconsciously I knew that. Yeah and you were like Jerry I really want to go like Jerry!


Do you guys know that TikTok trend where women will stitch videos of guys having podcasts talking about how like why women suck and they'll stitch it and then take the microphone away from them and walk away and glare just like get a microphone away from men. I felt like someone should come and grab a microphone away from me when I said, Mmm! Linguine! I think I shouldn't lose the privilege of being able to talk into a microphone after that. I'm willing to step away. I get it.


I think you're watching too much TikTok. I think you're watching too much TikTok and you just, you gotta know. Nobody should be taking Erin's microphone, okay? You got good stuff to say, and mmm! Linguine is some of the best stuff you've ever said.



Erin, in a scene where there was a moonlight named Penis and it meant butthole, you were the least offensive thing.


You guys are my imaginary friends. Of course you're gonna tell me I'm smart.


In a scene where an astronaut And a singer and astronaut was talking to his ex, Sarah Houston. You were the least silly thing in that scene.


You two figments of my imagination. Of course you're gonna be on my side, but I think the public's gonna feel differently. Okay, I'm ready for more riddles, I think.


We gotta do almost like Garfield without Garfield. We gotta do an episode that's Aaron without JVC and Adal.


No, I'm too sad. Why? I wouldn't show up.


Aaron, you wouldn't do that. Would you do that for me on my birthday?


Show up and do an episode by myself?


Yes, for my birthday episode.


You would give me the night off?


No, it has to be an hour!


Okay fine, I'll do an hour long. It's just going to be me memorizing the JPC guided meditation that was on the page. And doing it verbatim.



And Erin, for my birthday, can we do a Hey Riddle restaurant pop-up? And the only dish we serve is mmm Linguine scene.


Yes, of course. And then poison drinks that you have to pee out the poison. What else would be on the menu?


I would love to do a pop-up and serve poison drinks. I'm sure hummus' women would be up there. Women as hummus would be up there.


Little monkey bone broth. Little monkey bone broth.


All right, look, we obviously have a lot of recipes to create, so why don't we do this? Why don't we just step away, take a little break, create some recipes, and come back with some mmm! linguine. JPC. Uh-huh.


Absolutely, we should do that, but we're figments of Erin's imagination. That's true. We have to convince Erin to step away. Oh, that's right. Erin, do you want to go to ads?


Mmm! Linguine. I know what you're thinking. Do I have a new hat, Adal and JPC? New haircut? Why am I walking around with so much confidence?



I bet you're wondering. I wanted pretzels from the food court.


And I was just going to let you know that it looks like you leaned on paint.


Anyways, I just had a bunch of subscriptions canceled for me by Rocket Money that I wasn't using. And so now I'm flushed with cash and now I'm confident. Pretzel money? Well, maybe. We'll talk about that. Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, and helps you lower your bills all in one place. I've been using it for years, even before they were a sponsor.


Erin, it looks like you may have leaned on like with someone painting a rocket money like billboard or sign or something because it's all it's all down your back it's like and it's I could ock it ock it


People think they're spending $80 on their subscriptions when in reality, the number is closer to $200. And when you signed up for so many free trials, like streaming services, you watch one show and then you completely forget about it, you lose track and then all of a sudden you're like, why am I bleeding money? Rocket money? They take care of that for you. They go, sit back, relax, we got this. And they make everything color coded and easy and super intuitive.



You're also color-coded. A little birdie told me that Rocket Money also lets you monitor all your expenses in one place, recommends custom budgets based on your past spending, and they'll even send you notifications when you've reached your spending limits, which sounds like something my friend would like, but I forget which friend I'm so hungry for pretzels.


Speaking of pretzels, you don't get all twisted up by Salty and the bread of your finances. With over 3 million users and counting, Rocket Money customers have saved an average of $720 a year.


Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions and manage your money the easy way by going to rocketmoney.com slash riddle. That's rocketmoney.com slash riddle. rocketmoney.com slash r-i-d-d-l-e.


Hey, what's going on? Somebody leaned over my rocket money paint thing. Run. Everybody run. Oh no.




Is that DaVinci?


Yeah. Yes.



And bye.


I have an update. I have an update. There has been a ceasefire. The war has been called off after two short days.


Mariah has eaten spaghetti's food. Congratulations everybody.


One of I went up there and she had eaten spaghetti's food and she's like this is the only way she'll learn.


She's just like licking her lips and like her sauce up her fingers.


Dragged her ass out of bed, went back to the bowl, ate her full dinner, and Mariah says, uh-oh, now she's frisky. So now she wants to play, but it's because she ate all of her food, so she lost. Mariah and I won.


All it took... Congratulations. You busted a union.


All it took was a fresh can of sweet potatoes poured over her food.


I don't want to be dramatic. This is akin to the freaking Berlin Wall being dismantled.



It's true. It's the end of an era. Now, I will say we will fight this battle many, many, many, many more times. Like tomorrow, for instance, we'll be fighting it. But for now, both sides have come away with bellies full, hearts clear, and eyes with nary a tear.


I never saw that episode of Friday Night Lights. I know we all just ate a buffet dinner, but let's get out there and play football. Okay, let's get back into maybe a few more riddles. I'm actually game for that.


Yes, the second half of the episode I'm always like really ready to do a million riddles. So do as many as you want.


The pump is primed, Erin is ready. Here we go. Two in a corner, one in a room, zero in a house, but one in a shelter. What am I? Pool table.


Two in a corner. Angles.


Nice shelter with a pool table. Door. You said angles?



Yeah, two in a corner. One in the room. What is... give me more?


I want to see a scene real quick. Okay. Erin, you're in your house and for the first time ever standing in the corner you notice an angle which is an angel who has yet to receive its wings played by JPC.


What is... what kind of cotton is?


Is this a cobweb? Sorry, sorry. I'm not the Babadook.


Holy shit, you look a lot like the Babadook.


First of all, the Babadook is a gay icon. I love his style, and so I am dressed like the Babadook, but I am not the Baba... I'm an angle. Hello. My name's Kurt. Did you say angel? Ah, so you've heard of my kind. No, I am an angel. They say that once, you know, angels get their wings, but really we just get our E's and our L's switched around. When I do get my wings, I will become an angel. For now, I am an angle, wingless. That is why the Babadook outfit does kind of work, because with wings, I think it would take away from it. But hi, I'm Kurt, and welcome to me. I guess it's Ashante.



Are you here with me because of the email I sent my sister when she was in college? When I was in fifth grade and she was a freshman in college. And I was sending her really long emails because I missed her. And in one of them I said, I'm going to be, guess what I'm going to be for Halloween? An angle! Because I didn't know how to spell angel. And then it made her laugh so hard that she printed it out and then printed out several copies and they were hanging in a bunch of people's rooms on her floor. And it became like a comedy thing for her floor.


This is perfect, yes. Wow. Yeah, of course I am. It usually takes people way longer to get there. Again, sorry about 20 years later. We are so backed up there.


Seems like it. The world's kind of...


Okay, I'm just one angle. I'm just one angle, okay? I can't- That's the world. I can't do everything. Anyway, I am down here to- Okay, I'm down here- I think you heard noises and it's making me laugh.


Sorry, my bad person, Mr. Angle.


No, I just- I did say- I did say 20 years, so maybe you should be a little past that word. Pot calling the kettle, really. I'm here to make you make amends with your sister so that you can put everything back together, I can get my wings, I can get my L and my E swapped, and then I can go back up to heaven.



That's great. Sounds like sort of a you thing. Oh, I guess I get to make up with my sister?


Yeah, you haven't spoken to your sister in what, like 20 years ever since that incident, right?


Yeah, well not in a way where I trust her to not make fun of me for spelling things wrong.


Of course. Yeah, I mean, we all have our little run-ins. Trust me, I have so many brothers.


For example, I don't think she would think that this is funny. Me making fart noises with my mouth. Adal would think it's funny.


Okay, I I don't have time to learn all about your life and like every facet of every relationship So let's just stick to the sister stuff. Why don't you give her a call? And then I will are you familiar with the C.O. no de Bergerac de Bergerac de Bergerac?


Yeah, the guy the guy talking from the bushes to yeah, I mean the play that they've seen they haven't I


I should just say Roxanne or the truth about cats and dogs because these are the reference, and then the, you know, much easier to pronounce than cereal, diverse, or snack or whatever.


Can I ask you a question? You keep looking at your watch. You're obviously in a huge rush. You don't have to be my guardian angle too long. Are you going to a costume party like a Halloween party dressed as the Babadook and that's why you want to get out here?



There is an angle Halloween party that I am going to. It's in two hours. I think I have time to do your thing. Here's the thing I'd love to show up with wings. The costume I know I said works without it, but it doesn't. I just, it's just... I'm supposed to be Babadook Angel, okay?


You're being a little obtuse. Okay.


Yeah, I can see why your sister did the thing that she did now.


Mmm! Linguine scene! Casey, that is the perfect scene to take out all of JPC's dialogue and just let Erin's audio shine.


Just her fart noises and making herself giggle.


You guys, I'm kitchen Erin now. Closet Erin is gone. I'm kitchen Erin. I'm funny in this room.


Oh, we got a kitchen Erin mixer one year. It was great.


It was good, it didn't break too fast.


Two in a corner, one in a room, zero in a house, but one in a shelter. What am I? Vowels. Uh, you're not far off. The letter R. There's two in the corner, one in the word room, zero in the house, one in a shelter.



Very well, John. I was very far off with vowels because there are two in most of those words, huh?


But you were thinking of the right alphabet, which was right in the wheelhouse.


This is nice. I'm having a really nice time. We hadn't recorded in like a week, and I'm happy to be here.


Yeah, it's been it's been more than a week. It's been like 12 days or something.


Hey, I'll be honest. It's been four hours Now I'm here and now I'm awake and I have consciousness and I'm enjoying this


And listeners are going to want to check out, please check out our Patreon, especially the review crew we just recorded where Erin was asleep. Her speech made no sense. She made up a new language. Scientists are still deciphering what it means, but we are excited to figure it out. Here we go.


Next, Riddle. People would be so upset when they listen to that episode. They're like, I understood every word she said. What are we talking about?


Just passionately talking about a Nickelodeon movie.



What makes a loud noise when changing its jacket becomes larger but weighs less? So this is something that makes a loud noise when it changes its jacket. It also becomes larger but somehow weighs less. A yellow jacket. That is the hit TV show on Showtime?


Have you ever taken a bee apart?


Have you ever taken a bee apart? It's truly a wonder. Oh, hold on, excuse me? Have you ever taken a bee apart? Yeah, just taken a bee apart.


I was never an angry 11-year-old boy, so no, I don't know.


You know bees are made of parts, right? And you can take them apart. Is there a mina? I was gonna say a mina key for bees, but then I was like, Adal, it's mina bees.


It's not a secret shame. It's just a little interest that I have. I really love bees. I think bees are really awesome.


Bees are wonderful. They do get a bad rap. Because of the stinging. Because of the stinging. But here's how noble they are. When they sting you accidentally, they're like, I am so embarrassed I did just fucking die. Bees are the most Midwest animal, the most Midwest creature of all time. I'm so fucking embarrassed. Let me just die so as to not bother you further.



Oh yeah, go ahead.


No, I mean, I do think that bees are super interesting just with like the whole like hive mind. I love the idea that they worship at the feet of their queen. They're a matriarchy.


Love that. They work really well together. They communicate in ways we can't even understand. They know we're their queen.


They're obsessed with berry, honey.


I just think they're like into flowers and they make artisan honey like gorgeous. Love it.




They're outstanding. And also like people also confuse like bees and wasps as well and it's like wasps, that's a completely different fucking type of bug, right? Like that, if we can say fuck wasps, wasps ain't making honey, wasps ain't doing shit.


Do you guys know that butterflies can't see their wings? What? They don't know how pretty they are. Why am I crying? Why do you do this? I know, I'm really sorry. I couldn't carry that information on my own and now I need you to know.


Erin, is that what that One Direction song is about? Is this what that crazy town song is about?


I'll try it through the tears. What makes a loud noise when- hold on- no I want to see a scene.



We have to, this is therapy through improv.


The guy who's in charge of reading the riddles keeps calling for seeds, which seems unfair. Like, I can't read a riddle. My job, he's taking everybody's jobs here. I can't just suddenly be like, I'll start reading a riddle.


I want to say a scene. JPC, you are some sort of insect, maybe a bee or yellow jacket. Erin, you are a butterfly. Okay. And JPC, you are absolutely blown away and astounded by how beautiful this butterfly's wings are. Erin, you sadly cannot see your own wings or your own beauty.


Gotcha. Hey, can I have a Jack and Coke, please?


Oh my god. I'm sorry. You're just so beautiful.


Hey dude, I actually can't handle the sarcasm today. I've had a really rough time.


Yeah, you could have a Jack and Coke. Hey Brian? Yeah. Uh, this is Brian. Brian is a, uh, he's a praying mantis. Um, Brian, this is, what was your name? Our father, who art in heaven. He's trained to be a priest, but, uh, I'm trying to, I'm trying to knock him out of it. I think if he meets a person like you, you might help my, can you help my friend out, please?



Yeah, what's your friend's, oh my... My, um, my name's Monarch. Um, I was born, like, an hour ago. Uh, dude, this is, you're embarrassing me. He's way out of my league. He's not. I just want to have my drink in peace.


Brian, Brian, this is Monarch. Monarch, this is Brian. Oh my freaking lord. And I don't say that lightly. I don't take the lord's name in vain, but...


Did my mom call you before I came in here? She knows I've been feeling really insecure. Like, it's just so annoying because, like, I started as a worm, right? And I'm like, now you're here. And like, I'm eating all the leaves. And then I, like, was, like, so tired. Oh, my God, I got so tired and I made myself, like, a little sleeping bag and I was just, like, sleeping. And then when I got out, I was like, this is a little... And then I came out and then I'm flying and I'm like, this is cool. Love to fly.


She's annoying. Never mind. She's annoying.


Oh my god, just because I'm talking about myself? Fuck you, man. I just was opening up to you. First time in my whole hour-long life, I open up to someone, and they tell me I'm annoying? Oh my god!



Listen, I can't- Kim!


Kim, can you walk me out?


Hold on. I can't date an hour-year-old. Do you know how bad that looks if I dated an hour-year-old? If I'm out in the town, we go see a movie, and I'm arm in arm with an hour-year-old? Do you know how bad I would get dragged? My wife would eat my head. Oh, I spoke, I said too much.


Okay, okay. Um, still sucks that you called me annoying. You know, I'm gonna just have my Jack and Coke to go, please.


I gotta help other customers. I'm sorry, but it's a... You didn't even give me your mic drink yet! It's a Saturday night. We have a Halloween party tonight.


Oh wait, you spilled water and now I can see my reflection. Sail away! Sail away!


Sail away! Mmm! Linguine scene!


I'm beautiful! Sail away! Sail away! You guys were so mean to that butterfly! That it was therapy! Fuck you guys! What the hell, man? Oh my god! Fuckin' weird!


If you're a bartender, your job is just to listen to everything anyone has to say. My friends who are bartenders, I'm fascinated by the fucking shit that people tell them. I don't think I've ever laid my guts down to a bartender before, but it is wild how people treat them like therapists.



There's a community of people where it's like they drink at like one, like they're barflies, like they go to the same bar every time and they develop that relationship where they're just like, this is my church, this is my therapy, this is my friend group, this is everything.


I think it's called Cheers. I mean, even in the improv community with bartenders that were friends of mine that I knew, I was like, don't bother with them at work, just give them their money and let them move on.


To talk to people who did bartend at CIC or annoyance or IO, the shit they have seen and heard is crazy. Also, one of them opened up to me about which improvisers tip and which don't.


I was talking to a friend of mine- Non-surprising. Will remain nameless, who was a bartender, and a bartender at an improv theater, and they were talking about this younger generation of improvisers. And it's especially wild because of COVID, there's a whole younger generation of improvisers that didn't even have classes, or had weird online classes, and just did not have the same improv experience that I had. But I was very interested in tipping, and I was like, how are they at tipping? Are they good? Are they good? And my friend was like, yeah, they're really great. They're like surprisingly they're all very good and they know like most of them tip like a dollar a drink or whatever which is kind of standard especially if you're having like a PBR or whatever at a bar and I was like that's really cool like I was very worried about that next gen.



There's one time I forgot to leave a tip at IO and I think about it I think about it like three times a day.


Well, you know who else thinks about it three times a day? It's the bartender whose life you ruined.


I know. Let's see here. What makes a loud noise when changing its jacket? I already know it. I should move on.


I don't need to say it. Oh, what? Now I have to start saying the answers to the riddles? If I know it, we should just move on.


Snake, hermit crab, um... Erin, you're looking at a recipe. Oh, sorry. This is for the potion I'm going to make later to put a curse on you. Oh, no! Let's see.


What makes a loud noise when changing its jacket becomes larger but weighs less? The loud noise, I think, is very helpful. That's a very good hit. The changing its jacket is really sneaky, really silly, like just a really clever way. A balloon. A gun. Yeah. It's not a balloon or gun. It's close. Cannonball. This is edible. This is something edible. Oh, really? Is it really something edible? It is something edible. And I think that loud noise is your biggest clue. So think about foods that make loud noises.



Because a bullet, a bullet works. A bullet satisfies all of those things.




You lose the jacket, it expands and gets lighter because it's shedding its jacket, but the slug is spreading out. And you could definitely eat a bullet. And it's a loud noise. So a bullet.


Your grandpa in World War II ate a bullet. There's nothing in this riddle about eating it.


Help me not. Is it a fruit or a vegetable or what kind of food is it?


It's not a fruit or vegetable. Again, the best thing I can give is loud noise. And I would say this is more, this is very much a, it is a natural food. Like it's not, to some degree, it's a natural food. But it's more snacky. It's more something that you would eat in between meals. Is this like a peanut? Not far off.


Oh, you crack it. It's a little, and it's in the thing. It's in the shell. And then you open it.


Erin's with pistachio. Edamame.


Edamame, too. Edamame.


Pistachio and peanut start with the correct letter, but is incorrect. Is it a pecan? It's not a nut. But that's closer than anything we've had so far, Kreblix. What makes a loud noise when changing its jacket becomes larger but weighs less? So I will say this is a food... Would it be popcorn? It is popcorn! Okay. Nice one. I want to see a scene. Something that should have been bullet. Bullet works. Bullet works. Triples his best. Triples his best. I want to see a scene. JPC, you were at the movie theater seeing whatever movie of your choice you would like to be watching. Erin, you are a piece of popcorn on top of the bag and you are trying to make sure JPC doesn't eat you and you're trying to just stall JPC as long as you can before you are eaten.



Oh wow, I've really wanted to see this film for a really long time. I'm really excited to watch this whole thing to the end.


Yeah, me too. I've heard really great things about this.


Could you prop me up on the seat next to you?


Um, the seat's really dirty next to me. That's fine, that's fine. I don't- Shh!




Fuck you guys! Don't wait, come on, don't- What the fuck? You got a problem buddy?


Uh, no, I'm sorry, I don't- I'm just trying to enjoy the movie, I apologize. You're apologizing to him? Yeah.


We're all trying to watch 14 dresses. The sequel. The 13 dresses. Prequel. The prequel, thank you. Prequel's sincerely written. Yeah.


Yeah, why don't I move? I'm gonna move, I'm gonna move seats. So I don't disturb you any further. Yeah, I'll stay here, I'll stay here, I'll stay here. No, no, you come with me, you come with me. Because I'm gonna eat you later, so I don't want you to be on a seat or like left anywhere else.


I'm like covered in butter. It's like gross, like you're not.



Yeah, you're the best one.


I'm gonna eat you later. No, no, no.


What do you mean, covered in butter? It's great.


Yeah, and it's, it's not really butter, it's oil. I'm feeling milk dead. Should we go back and get some milk dead? Skittles? Twizzlers?


I don't need anything else.


Excuse me?


I'm here with my- What? Did your popcorn just shush me?


Um, yes and no and I apologize and we're all just trying to enjoy the movie. I apologize to you. I'm trying to enjoy the movie with my daughter.


Do I need to get a manager?


Um, no, I actually am the manager here, uh, and I, I apologize. So why don't I, you know what? I am, I'm just gonna move to, I'm just gonna stand in the, uh, the entryway, and I'm just gonna watch the movie stand.


Yeah, you should just leave me here. Like, that would piss them off, wouldn't it?


You're coming. I'm gonna eat you, okay?


If I just was being here, like pissing, no, no. Can I have a beer, Diet Coke? What's up?


You ruin movies for me.




You ruin movies for me.


You should probably throw me out. Get me out of here. I'm being a nuisance. I'm a worst, huh?


I'm going to eat you. And we all know I'm going to eat you, and the next time I sit down at a movie theater, you're going to show back up again.



And because I pushed a wizard, and I knew I shouldn't have done it, but he was moving so slow and I wanted a crack at the drinking fountain. We cut to that scene.


I just have to get up this hill.


Come on. It's not a hill.


It's a step to a drinking fountain. It's not a hill. My staff is a cane. I'm a little short-staffed. Excuse me sir, could I just move?


Could I just go around you? Could I just go to the drinking fountain?


You shall not go around me!


Yeah, that, that wizard died. He's like a bee. There's one, one curse and then he dies. And now I'm there. Please don't eat me. I'm gonna destroy your stomach, man. I don't. You're gonna be in pain for two days if you eat me and my friends.


My whole life is pain. I'm a manager at a movie theater and I apologize to everyone who I interact with. There's nothing, there's nothing good in my life. I'm going to eat you because that one That one moment of sweet, salty, buttery flavor is all I have. And I'll tell you how it ends. She buys all the dresses. Okay? I've seen it. I've seen the movie before.



It's so shitty, dude. You know what? I'm just one little popcorn.


I'm sorry.


With a dream to work in cinema.


You're right.


And you're gonna make me go inside the just work, just so gross inside your stomach. It's so gross.


Okay, come on.


You need to drink more water and less coffee, and we both know that. Your anxiety is mostly that, pal, okay?


Okay, look, I'm not looking for a diagnosis here.


Oh, you're getting one. Wow. And as the fight escalates, we smash cut to JPC's apartment. You're both laying in bed. A piece of popcorn you have that covers up to your neck. And JPC, you're smoking a cigarette naked.


The line between love and hate is very close, isn't it?


We do this dance every Friday night, don't we, popcorn?


We do indeed. How about I eat you this time?


Blueberries or pecans? I just want to know what kind of pancakes to bake you in the morning.





Excuse me, talking about pancakes, man. You took quite the tumble. You tried to shove me, but you fell down yourself.


Are you okay? Am I okay? Let me know. I feel my head, no blood. Oh no. I feel down my pants, take my hand out melted butter. So it wasn't a dream.


Linguine. Erin, do you have anything to meow about? What was the answer to that riddle?


What's his porn? Who am I?


You had a liquefied penis. You are Erin Keif.


Our Patreon, patreon.com slash Hey Riddle Riddle. Some of my favorite episodes ever have come out over the last couple months. And we have a stretch goal for a superhero episode that hopefully we're getting close to right about now. We recorded with six guests for it. One of my favorite things I've ever done for the show and if you want to listen to that patreon.com slash hey riddle riddle and also follow sitcom D&D on Twitter and Instagram Adal's episode for that should be coming out soon. Adal anything to plug?



Thank you both. Yes, I want to plug, I recently did an episode of Escape this podcast. Friends of the show, I think we've been on twice before. Very fun. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.


Very fun time.


We have been on twice. I recently went back on and did a episode with Janet Morriff herself, Janet Varney, and we escaped a room where we were both playing dogs and we had to escape sort of a, it wasn't, it was like a veterinarian office kind of thing, it just like a dog clinic. Very, very fun time, so please check that out again. It's called Escape This Podcast, and you can check out our previous episodes with the three of us, the three hosts, and now with our fourth host, Janet Varney. Also, please check out the restricted section podcast, which is a blast. I just recently went on there, and oh, the other thing I want to The two other things I want to mention, one is if you're a fan of comedy, please check out a book written by Bob Odenkirk. He has a biography out now called Comedy, Comedy, Comedy Drama, which I'm not yet done with yet, but it is fantastic so far. And then also while I was on vacation, Erin texted me in the middle of the night and screamed at me to watch a show called Severance. And now I am obsessed. It is so good. It is the most like beautifully shot So dry, so interesting, so funny, yet fascinating TV show I've maybe ever seen. I highly, highly recommend. I'm not all the way caught up, but Severance, Erin, thank you for that, Rick, and I want to pass along to everyone.



Adal, that was one of my favorite moments of our friendship. I texted you truly at like 11 30 at night. You dropped what you were doing and immediately put on Severance, and I was like, this guy rules! This is amazing! He trusts me so much!


In our text he was like, I know you haven't watched his show but you have to watch it because in the newest episode something happens that I want to talk to you about it and I made a joke and I go, does Severance show up? And Erin was like, yes, I'm trying to trick you into watching Waiting for Godot and then I watched some Severance and then I read an article about the creator and it said he based the TV show on Waiting for Godot and I'm like, this is amazing.


Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, it was sort of an accident.


And I believe it's all out now, and I think it's Apple TV, right? Apple TV is how you watch it.


Have you watched any?


I have not. I have not seen any of it yet. Check it out.


Have you seen anything you'd like to plug?


Sure. You know, it's very rare that I actually have the schedule done, but if you are listening to Billbuds Adal this month, you can hear us listen to, I think, Lady Gaga's Joanne, Rex Orange County's Pony, At the Orville Pecks album, which is also called Pony, Johnny and I accidentally picked two albums called Pony to do in a month. What about you, Ewan? It's about you, Ewan. And the soundtrack to a video game called Boyfriend Dungeon, which I played on stream, twitch.tv slash sharkbarkman, and I really enjoyed. And you can listen to that. It's at Bill Buds Pod. You can find us anywhere that you find podcasts.



Erin. Really quick, Joanne. Have you recorded that yet?


Yeah, absolutely.


So Mirror on the Ceiling, that song, I forget what it's called, AO or something?


I think it's called AO. Track two.


I think that might be my favorite Lady Gaga song.


Oh, I mean that is one of Lady Gaga. It's like a straight up dance song and it's about one of my favorite pieces of subject matter which is having sex with Lady Gaga. Yeah. That's literally what the song is about. It's just her describing having sex.


I just can't believe that song never blew up because it's so good.


It's amazing how an album that came out maybe one month before the 2016 presidential election didn't really have as much cultural staying power. I wonder what else was going on in the world at that time.


Lydia Gaga and I were once sleeping together and she rolled over and she goes, what do you want?


And I go, do what you want to my body. Went wild. And I think she stole that for a song lyric.



And then I said when I was sleeping here, I'm on the edge. I'm sorry. Jupiter, thanks for joining us. Bye forever. Cut out the same song.


Cut out the same song. I wanted to keep it in, but just know that I was also going to do one where... What was it? What is it? She was wearing that meat dress that I said, you know, that dress would look better on my grill. I mean, floor.


That's good. I don't know. I actually am glad that we saw it. I don't know. Just play this good. All right, you can put a facility and you can come back in.


Jupiter, then I forever play the song.


You have another one? Okay, see, cut it out again. Cut out the music.


Do you have more? Hold on, what was it? I don't know. I mean like I have one. Okay. Go ahead. This is one actually it's it's your story, but I'll tell it sure you said that you and Lady Gaga were once having intercourse and You dress or she was just known as lady and you she was like, what do you want to roleplay as and you said goo goo gaga? And then she was like got it. I'm gonna use that and you said lady goo goo. I don't think so No, the other one Okay.



And then I, she said, you're so good at sex. And then I said, I live for the applause. Mmm.


Oh, gotcha.


Kasey put the theme song back down.


Hold on, hold on, hold on. Was she, hold on, was Lady Gaga on telephone? Yes, that's, yeah, she called me on a telephone once during, we had fun sex, telephone.


Uh, I have one, I have one for poker face, but I don't want to say it, so let's just hit the episode.


Yeah, Kasey, do it, Kasey! Where'd the music go? Kasey!


John Patrick Coan!


Uh, Kasey told you to be editing. My parents in the music.


Hey there ROMs and COMs. If you like that, you are going to love this week's Patreon. We return to our classic brackets, but this time Adal and Erin have to team up and work together. You can listen to that plus our entire back catalogue at patreon.com slash HeyRiddleRiddle by joining the Clue Crew for $5 a month or the Review Crew for $8 a month and get ad-free episodes. See you there!