Which Riddle Riddle?

#182: Which Pisswitch



This is a HeadGum podcast.


I'm back. Okay. Okay.


All right, so this is how the episode's starting. Adal, we were about to start recording and then Adal took a phone call and put us on mute. That's a little rude.


That's a power move.


Listen, it's 2022. It's a new Adal. A few new things you need to know. Number one, I'm sexy now. I'm hot. I'm beautiful. I'm sexy. Where? All over.



I'm into it. I'm into it.


From the top of the head to the tip of my toes, I'm hot as hell. Okay. Number two, I'm a businessman. I'm very busy. I make phone calls. I have to mute people. Sure. It's no offense to you two. I respect you two. I love you two. I'm very busy. I feel respected. Number three, I'm going to start using pisswitch as a term of endearment. You two are my pisswitches. Okay.


Can I say something, Adal?




I hate all of this.


Adal, can I ask you a question about... Even me being confident?


Yeah, that most of all, I think.


Can I ask you a question about being a pisswitch? Yes. Is it W-I-T-C-H like a witch? Like, I have a broom. Or is it W-I-C-H like a sandwich?


And I'm sorry, for the witch you gave an example, I have a broom. Can you give an example for the second one? I have a lettuce. I think it's whatever you want to identify with.


Oh, I don't like either. I want to go on record and say I don't want to buy... If you feel like you're being a little magical, maybe it's witch.


If you feel like you're being a little crusty today, maybe it's witch.



I just want fans to know how to spell it when they tag you to say, stop saying pisswitch, please.


I like to think of it as a sandwich. I haven't seen you guys in three weeks. What's up?


We recorded two weeks ago, Erin.


Not me. Not mentally or spiritually.


What's up? How is everyone's New Year's? I'll go first. I sat at home. I hate New Year's Eve. It's the worst day of my life every year. So I sat at home. I watched the ball drop. I turned on the TV at 11.45 and watched the little festivities that were awful. And that's about it. What did you two get up to?


Well, I got COVID. Um... Again?


Again, Erin?


Uh-huh. And this time it really kicked my ass. I know where... I love just going back again and again to toxic relationships.


Erin, you had original recipe and you had... Uh, Spicy Abacron? Is that correct?



Yeah! Don't recommend it. And I am such a stay-at-home person, but I did travel for the holidays, which was a mistake. I thought getting tested before I went would help. Turns out that's nothing. It doesn't help at all just to get tested.


So wait, do you thought getting tested was a sort of magical shield?


Yeah, because I was like, I'll have goodwill because everyone else will get tested. Turns out a lot of people don't do that stuff. So travel got COVID, it kicked my ass. I was at a commission for a week. I texted Adal in a panic on Thursday like, I can't keep my eyes open, help me post an episode.


Now, Erin, were you traveling to see your family or Sean's family?


Sean's family.


Second time you've got COVID from Sean's family.


Yeah, I think the coils, I think there's something wrong with the coils.


I'll tell you what's wrong with them.


They have some COVID. They were good. They were good. This time wasn't on them. But yeah, but I otherwise had a really lovely holiday. I love New Year's as much. I was just obviously inside for a million days in a row, but I put my Christmas decorations away. I've just been lighting candles and cuddling with my dog. It's been great. No complaints.



Erin, you saying you hung out with your dog reminded me. I took an edible New Year's Eve night to help get me through it.


I hope this story ends with you hanging out with a dog.


Well, kind of. I don't know how to say this except to come out and say it because this is one of Adal's high thoughts. Erin, do you think Clifford the Big Red Dog is just an analogy for someone getting their period?




You don't think this big red dog showing up is a coming of age story where it's like a girl's like, oh sorry I can't go play I'm on my big red dog. I got my big red dog this week.


I don't


You can't wear white around Clifford or else he goes crazy.


I don't think you know anything about Clifford or periods.



I think the only way Adal, and by the way this is Hey Riddle and Riddle on a podcast about Riddles and Impress, I think the only way that this analogy falls apart is that you don't understand either of the things that you're analogizing and that might, that's it. That's my only point of like critique I would say.


On the PBS show, John Ritter, that's what I was trying to think of, did the voice of Clifford and that's what I remember about it. And that's all I really remember about it. It's this little blonde girl and Clifford's her big dog.


They got John Ritter? That seems beneath him. Famously deceased. Famously dead.


Well, yes, but when he was alive, he was Clifford. And I think it's about being a big red dog in a little green and blue world.


But his wife is Kristen Ritter, who was the B in apartment 23.


That's not true.




Adal, you're a mess. You're making a mess, Adal. I just cleaned the podcast. What are you doing?


Wait, wait, Clifford talks?


Yeah, of course.


But it's super in the microwave. Okay, I have no idea. He's a big red dog. I was like, talking was not on my list of things that I thought he did.



It would be funnier if John Ritter voice Clifford the Red Dog and he didn't talk.


He just did like Jim Allen, like... It's like George Clooney in South Park.


JBC, I can't wait till you have kids so we have stuff to talk about. Then we'll have a frame of reference for TV shows.


JBC, I stepped on your story. What did you do for New Year's Eve?


No, I didn't give a story. I was amazed that you guys were doing New Year's stuff a week late. I think this has a great precedent. I think it's going to be great that we'll just do a week late of what happened a week ago in the world.


How was I supposed to talk about New Year's Eve when I hadn't experienced it yet is my big question for you, Mr. Grumpy Man.


Well, I guess that's true, Erin. And I guess one of those things is you could have just not talked about New Year's Eve. It is possible to not talk about New Year's Eve.


Erin, I'm hearing it as I heard JPC respond. I'm starting to hear it. He is a Mr. Grumpy man. I hate to say it, but for this year you are Mr. Grumpy man.


Well, Mr. Grumpy Man didn't have COVID and he didn't get scared by his inner thoughts, so that I came out of my New Year's pretty unscathed, so I'm pretty happy about that. But I will say that this Omicron variant, a lot of people, Vax and Booster, thought that they were pretty safe, and I know a lot of people who got COVID. And it's because it's just everywhere. It's everywhere, and being vaccinated kind of doesn't help spread it, or prevent you from getting it.



It's funny, just in today's day and age, I kept reading Omicron, but I never said it. So the first time I said it, I was like, you know, the Omnicron? Like I had such, I fumbled my words so poorly. Cause nowadays I just, I don't talk to anyone, I just read. And then when I go to talk, it all comes out gibberish. I just say Amorosa.


We remember Amorosa, right? From The Apprentice. You're fired.


That's from the five-year pop culture history that I will never forget a single moment of. I don't know why. Anyways, who's old grumpy puzzles?


That would be all JPC. Ho, ho, ho. I gotta be honest with you. We got some good ones. We got some good freaking grumpy puzzles today. We'll be the judge of that. And you'll be the judge of that. No one else. This is a court of only two. So the two of you can judge the riddles according to their worth and their merit.


Cavill, Cavill, Robble, Robble, which of course, Robble, Robble is a Portman two of Rob and Gobble.



I just cleaned, Adal. I just cleaned. Did you not see? This is a podcast equivalent of me vacuuming and then you walking through the house with dirty shoes.


You should have upholstered the podcast in all white velvet.


If you're just now listening to this and you listen to the best of episodes and then you skipped a week like Adal and Erin did and then you thought, why don't I give this podcast a try? This is Hey Riddle Riddle. It's a podcast about riddles and improv. Yes, yes, yes, and we cannot wait to get into it. And so we're going to dip our toes in with some... I don't want to say easier because I think that that puts such a burden on the... Shorter?




Okay. I like that. I like shorter and sleazier. So these are riddles that wish they were a little bit taller. Wish they were a baller.


My toes are cold. Keep talking.


Okay. Okay. It has literally gotten up from her chair. I have permission to keep going.


I have permission to keep going. So here we go. This one is an email that comes from Kevin. It says, love the podcast, have a few little riddies for you for your viewing pleasure. Thank you, Kevin. We've used a couple of them before, so I'm going to go to the one that we haven't used because I do like this. Also, we probably have used this, but I don't remember it and it's fun. Two penguins are paddling a canoe on the road. One turns to the other and says, where's your paddle? The other replies, sure does.



How is this possible? They're crazy. One's crazy. I mean, they're piling a canoe on the road, so that's your tip-off that they're not, you know.


Yeah, you know what? They all say that they're crazy until one of them is a trendsetter. One of these is the next Elon Musk, perhaps. Elon Tusk.


Can you say what did the first one say?


Two penguins are paddling a canoe down the road. One turns to the other and asks, by the way, I think my favorite type of joke set up is where one animal turns to another animal and says something. I love that.


I would love if there's, I feel like we're in a new millennia. As we move forward, we should start to say, you know, instead of saying one turned to the other, we should just say one stared straight ahead and muttered or something. No more turning of heads.


Yeah, that's not how you communicate when you drive. You just stare at the road and you say something awful about yourself and the way that you believe.


And let's look at the TV show and then you stare at the passenger seat for two minutes while talking and everyone's like, look at the road.


I'm trying to remember what Clifford was about.


So these two penguins that paddling can do down the road. One turns to the other and asks, where's your paddle? The other replies, sure does. Where's your paddle? Sure does. Where's your paddle? Sure does. Sure does. You guys have done this before where someone's like, have a good one. You're like, not bad.



Enjoy your meal. You as well. Fuck me, fucking fuck. LOL, you've had this one before. Casey, LOL, mind your business. Mind your business, Casey.


I forgot. That there is technically a person who's listened to a bunch of our episodes on this recorder.


You struggled last time too, Casey.


Fuck you Casey. Casey, if you remember, you get on the mic and say the answer.


Yeah, then you say the answer. Come here.


Casey, what's the fucking answer, tough guy? W-E-A-R-S. It wears your paddle using your canoe. Fuck. Cut it. Casey, edit yourself out. Cut it. Cut it from the show. Fuck.


No, hi Casey. That was Casey.


Every time he gets on mic for the show, it shows up in the fucking invoice, too. So this sucks.


So it's spelled that way.


Where's... Now we have to give him a sad card.


It's the extra, extra throw in a line in there. They're like, we didn't get that, right? Did the boom mic get that guy's line? Because we can't pay that guy. We can't pay that guy.



Where's your paddle? Where's it at? Where's out your paddle? Sure does.


I want to see a scene. JPC, you are a penguin. You live in, they live in Antarctica, right? Sure. So you're a penguin and Antarctica. You've been born and bred in the cold. You've known nothing but Antarctica, which you live on. Erin, you are a penguin in from, you're a cowboy penguin in from Texas and you just moved to Antarctica and you're trying to get settled and you do things a little bit differently. You're trying to get adjusted.


Yeehaw! Well I'm telling you when a penguin bumps into another penguin in Texas, one of the penguins apologizes sir.


Yeah, and I was apologizing. I'm sorry. Again, I was shouting pretty loudly. I was just, I was coming over to your house. I brought some carp and I wanted to just, you know, it's a carp casserole.


Do we need to take this outside? Well, we are outside.



We're penguins. This is where we live.


Well, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, it's cold.


Well, I just wanted to bring over this carp casserole, welcome you to the neighborhood. I'm Gary. If you need anything, I live in the Uh, well, it doesn't matter what I live in because I'm not going to Google it, but I do live just across the rise.


You live in the Rookery with all the other penguins?


That's the name of it. I live in a Rookery of one. I am divorced. But I am open to meeting other penguins. You know, I get out there a little bit. It's not been all too well for old games. You know what? This isn't my life story. Just know, here's a Carp Casserole. Welcome to the neighborhood. If you need anything, if you're having trouble finding your way around... You think I can't adjust on my own, Gary?


Let's take this outside.


One, two, three... Again, we are outside. I just mention it because... You're wearing a vest and a... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... The area where penguins mate, nest, and raise their chicks is called a rookery.



Ooh, rookery mistake on my part.


Wow, very good pun. Okay, so these next little warm-up Riddles, they trail off because we did about half of them on a previous episode. These come from Nova again, they them, and these are... I don't know. Well, you'll remember them as soon as we give them, okay? Thank you, Nova. What do you call a magician who works with reptiles?


Uh, fucking snake. What is a magician who works with reptiles?


So I'll give you a hint. I think everything is- A lizard.


A wizard lizard.


A wizard lizard. That's right, Erin. A lizard wizard or a wizard lizard. These are Hank Panks. These are classic Hank Panks where, as you know, the Hank Pank format is the, the answer will kind of rhyme with it.


Well, I would like to see it.


The two words will rhyme. I'm so sorry.


Please. Adal, you are a wizard-lizard and you are coming across JPC who's camping in the woods and you're trying to convince him that you're a wizard who's just been turned into a lizard and that you need his help.



Excuse me. Sorry to startle you.


Sorry to be so close to the ground. Let me prop myself up on two legs. I'm a bit cold-blooded. Can I come by the fire?


How many mushrooms did I eat? Yeah, sure. This isn't happening. So come by the fire.


Let me grasp you by the shoulders and shake you. I need you to understand.


I'm a lizard. I'm a lizard, Harry. I'm a lizard. Is your name Harry?


You're a lizard? You're a talking lizard?


Well, no, I'm a wizard who got turned into a lizard by another wizard. We were having a wizard's duel, not unlike Sword in the Stone. I turned into an elephant. She turned into a mouse. I turned into a toucan. She turned into another toucan. Yes, we fucked. She turned me into a lizard. Can you? You fucked as toucan?


It's not important. I followed my nose, if you know what I mean. Well, wait, I just want to make sure you were the same animal when you fucked. Yes. Okay. Because I was like, I don't think they can fuck a lizard. Is that what you're hung up on? I don't want to say I'm hung up on it. I'm not one of these weird guys that knows like too much about cloacas or whatever, but I'm just saying it's just like a different, it doesn't matter.



Okay, let me prove to you I'm a wizard. What do you want done? Do you want me to change your hair color? Do you want me to take your hair shorter? Do you want me to smooth back your hair? Do you want me to make you have thicker hair? Do you want me to give you bangs? Do you want me to lengthen your hair?


Wait, who are you trying to make me look like? I love my style. Wait, hold on. Thicker, slicked back bangs, a different color. Oh god. Hey Riddle.


Charlie Hunnam.


Thank you. That's the witch I was fighting.



That's the witch I was fighting. Do you mind if we turn into two cans and use your camp?


Yeah, this isn't camping. This isn't real. I'll just let it happen. That guy's very accommodating.


I love a guy camping in a lizard wizard just trying to figure out the lead name of Sons of Anarchy.


We used to do improv, but I don't know how anymore.


To figure out someone's name without a phone is true wizardry.


It's true wizardry. What do you call a giant ape that breathes fire and attacks the city of Tokyo? Godzilla gorilla. It is a, well, technically Nova says gorilla Godzilla, but I think that we can, I think, yeah, that you're wrong. I think we can accept that. Okay, what about this one? What do you call a creature made of bones and gelatin?


Can I also just say the last one King Kong would have been acceptable? Because King Kong is basically an ape Godzilla. Does King Kong breathe fire though?


Yeah. Great. Jelly. Jelly.



Sorry, can you repeat the last one?


Yeah, here's my issue. Maybe I should have changed this, but one of the words is the same. So what do you call a creature made of bones and gelatin?


Jelly jelly. Gelatin skeleton. Gelatin skeleton, yeah.


Yeah, that is great. And I think this is the last of Nova's Hank Pinks. Here we go. What do you call a big dance in a cemetery?




Well, in some cultures... In some cultures... Dancing on your grave.


I wanna see a scene.


Hey, you kids get the hell out of here! Sorry.


So, Adal, you are presiding over a burial. I don't know if it's... Burial?




Weirdo. You're presiding over one... That's not a funeral, but what's the part of the funeral where they're just putting the body in the crowd?


The funeral.


That's the funeral? Yeah, the wake.



The wake is after. No, no, yeah, the wake is... It's not the wake, it's the funeral, right?


I don't know, because you can have a funeral that's not at the grave site, right? The internment. Internment, that's it. Or it's not, we don't know, but that's what you're presiding over, Adal, you're a priest. Erin, this is a family member of mine that has passed away. We weren't very close, but you and I were newly dating and I've brought you to the funeral, and you think that there is a time that you will start dancing during this.


If anyone believes that this person should not be lowered into the ground, speak now or forever, hold your peace. This is the thing our family does. We add this part.


Oh no, yeah, I get it.


Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to marry together this dead body and the ground.


This part I don't know about. This is new to me.


Thomas was a strong man. Some say he could bend a penny in half. No one ever saw it, but he said he could. We'd all get a chuckle. Thomas worked for Caterpillar for 42 years, receiving amongst his anniversary gifts a belt buckle, a golden lighter, I want to say. Hopefully a few races along the way, am I right? And he died. He was crushed by one of the machines here at Caterpillar.



Um, sorry, I, uh, hey everybody. I know that I am new here and you may not know who I am.


I'm Amy.


Um, I didn't know Thomas, uh, well or at all. Um, but I do know and love his nephew. Um, so I thought that I would, um,


Stop this.


Speak from my heart. And by speak I mean dance and do an interpretive dance to sort of show how I'm feeling and to show how much I respected Thomas's life. So I just need a word of anything at all. And I would love if you guys did some laps and claps for beats because there is no music.


No, no, no, no. Stop, stop, stop. I'll give a word. Time. Time. Great.


That was his widow. One-piece bikini.



I'm hovering herself in caramel.


We've never said we love each other. Did you think I said that? I didn't. Stop.


Doing the flash dance move on top of the casket. Flash dance.


Hey, everybody. This is Noah.


Hey Noah, don't be rude.


You're interrupting. Sorry, Thomas and Steph, you know I just wanted to give everybody a quick announcement. Don't be rude. I'm a priest, so get date women. So I've become a priest.


You can't just announce yourself to be a priest. There's a lot you have to do.


No, I can do it. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to marry. Someone's after my job.


I object.


Okay, then we have to take the body out of the casket and someone has to slow dance with it.


I object. What's the riddle?


This is what you call a big dance in a cemetery. We didn't technically get this yet. A graveyard promenade.



A graveyard promenade. Save big money promenade.


A death bath. A death bath. A dead stop. A dead stop. I actually, I'm too busy to be dead stopped. I actually can't go. That was my thing. No, I'm too busy to be dead stopped.


I'm sexy and busy.


No, I'm busy and businesswoman busy.


Adal, you did bring up Menards so that I will say that I was at Christmas this year with my dad and his mother and they made a sound. You don't call it grandma? Gross, no. It's my dad's mom. Be respectful. I could say grandma, but guess what? Dad's mom? More specific. I was at Christmas with my dad, my grandma, my mom's mom. My parents are divorced and she's dead, so it was weird. But we're at Christmas and my dad's getting salad dressing out and he goes, so your grandma loves ranch dressing, but I bought her some ranch dressing and she hated it. And I was like, oh, where'd you get it? And he was like, I got it at Menards. And I was like, well, well, you shouldn't be buying ranch dressing at a hardware store. That's your first clue. I was like, was it like Brandon? He was like, I've never seen this brand before. And he got out the ranch dressing and he was like, you want to try it? She won't, she won't eat it. And so we went around the table and everyone like dipped their finger in, tasted some of the ranch dressing and said, this is some of the worst ranch dressing I've ever had. And then the next person was like, I gotta know what the worst ranch dressing you've ever had tastes like. And they said, that's the worst ranch dressing I've ever had. And every single person did it until it got back to my dad and he goes, well I guess I'll just throw it away. That's four dollars, just throw it away. And I was like, I see where, I see why I'm like this.



I see, everything's coming together, yes.


I'd rather be miserable than throw away four dollars. By ranch dressing up in NARS. That is brutal. I mean, I've seen them, they sell, they have like a whole aisle dedicated to like beef jerky. Cause that's, if you were, if you're a carpenter, like a contractor, you're eating the hell out of some jerky, constantly. It's in your truck, in the, in the cup holder.


If you're some blue collar fucking moron, you married your sister and you're eating beef jerky every day of your life.


Wait, you're talking about Doug, my brother-in-law. He married my sister. He married my sister. He shopped at Menards.


I will say apparently Menards in my dad's neighborhood is like Walmart. It's like a grocery store as well. But we all give them a lot of shit for buying food at Menards. Big dance in a cemetery. A prom. No, let's say this has a DJ and everyone's doing ketamine.


Oh, a rave rave rave. That's even more disrespectful. Don't go to a rave in a cemetery.



I'm in a fucking K-hole. No, darling, you just fell in the grave. Either way, it feels even sexier.


We used to play flashlight tag. Um, behind Old Chip Church, all my hang'em heads out there, we used to play- You would hit each other with flashlights? Yeah, it hurt. Um, no, but we would like wear all black and then play flashlight tags in the cemetery. And there was one time that I thought everyone left me because I had such a good hiding spot that I thought they like gave up and left, but I was so scared. Yeah, that's why they left. Well, yeah, I know, but maybe they are getting pranked. But I got so scared. Actually, maybe I shouldn't tell this. This is too disrespectful. Please, Erin, please.


You got so scared you dug up a body, ate it for power, tried to absorb their power.


Honestly, if you had not told the story about when your dress got caught and you flashed that guy, I would have quit the podcast.


Okay, well good. Well this, I just, you know when you get the, I think I might have said this on the show before actually, the hide and seek peas when you get nervous playing hide and seek then you have to pee really bad all of a sudden.


No, that's not a universal thing.





No, I think it's the point where you'd have to like sit still and you're not supposed to pee that suddenly you just have to pee.


Exactly. And so I had been waiting so long. And so I didn't pee on anyone's grave, but I did pee, I peed in the cemetery.




And I will never do that again, I'm sorry.


Luckily, there was an American flag there, so I didn't pee on any grave, I put the American flag down, I peed on that, no peek on the grave.


And the only curse I have is I'm never happy and I'm sick all the time. That's okay, no problem. That's fine.


I bruise easily and I'm always tired. I gotta see a scene. Erin, for the listeners, for the two of you, for Casey, who's always lurking right on the mic, just know Erin will listen to existence. So, JPC, you're a young teenager. You are out hanging out with friends, drinking at a graveyard, and you piss on a grave. As soon as the piss hits the grave, Erin, you spring forward as the piss witch, and you are what presents itself to young children who piss on graves.



Wow, we accidentally circled right back around to Pisswitch. Kind of insane.




Yeah, Mookie, whatever. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I gotta take a piss. Here we go. Unzip, in case you don't need to put side effects to this. And piss. Oh no. Pardon me. I'm so sorry. Were you laying on the ground? What's going on?


Are you insane? You're peeing on my grave? You're insane.


Oh shit.


Are you peeing on my grave?


What are you some sort of ghost or something?


Um, yeah. Okay. Fucking rude. You know what? Let me pee on you. Eye for an eye. Pee for a pee. You want that? You want Ghost to pee on you?


Ghost to piss?


Yeah, Ghost piss.


What is this, a podcast crossover? Yep. Some people will get that reference.


Ghost piss.


Yeah, I mean, I guess I did you wrong.


Ew, no. If you're into it, no. Then no.



What? I'm not... You want me to get naked first?


No! Ew!


You want me to take off all my clothes and have a ghost piss on me and then I piss back on you?


Ew, gross. Sure.


Okay, I mean, let's look. No one wants to do this, by the way. I'm 18. I know I'm a kid, but like, I'm a kid. I'm an adult. I'm a consenting adult in this instance. And nobody wants to do this, but I'll just undress. You're already obviously a ghost.


I'm 300. Is that okay? Okay.


I mean, as long as the power imbalance is, as long as the power dynamic is the same, I don't necessarily think that there's a problem with the age dynamic having a, 318, that's a huge gap. But maybe it's like so big of a gap that it's like it doesn't even matter anymore.


Here comes your friend, here comes your friend. Hey.


What are you doing over here? Oh, who's this? Gagagagoy, she's old. Get lost, man. I'm about to get pissed off. Okay, tell me everything, okay?


Oh, brother, I'm gonna tell you every sticky icky drip of it. Oh yeah, get it, get it. All right, let's do our best friend high five. Normal high five.



I went back in the ground.


Hey, come on, come out. You want a little more? I got plenty of piss. I ate two coffees today.


At 18, that's not good for you.


Go ahead and pee again and I'll just stand here and watch. Wait, what? Can you do that? Can you beat while someone else is watching you?


Yeah. Wait, what are you kids doing out here?


I'm the one who's the keeper of the grave.


The grave robber. It's a grave robber. It's a grave robber. He's got a saber and a pistol. And a little bag full of feet.




Unseen. Unseen. What else about this guy? He's got a chance for it.


He's got a pay.


I just cleaned Mustache as big as his head.


When she's a cowboy boot, when she's a croc, what else?


Now the podcast is so dirty, it's going to break my vacuum.


JPC, I have to ask, what is Ghostpiss?


Oh, Ghost Piss is a reference to the campaign podcast. I had a spoiler alert for the campaign podcast. One of my characters died on the show, and then came back as a ghost and covered things with Ghost Piss. Millions of gallons of Ghost Piss. It was such a sexual thing.



But that was a few years ago? What is time? It's how we measure... What the fuck is time? Who knows man? Who knows? Well as we figure out and debate what time is, why don't we take a quick break. We don't know how long it's going to be because time has no meaning, but whenever it ends we'll be right back.


I know what you're thinking. Do I have a new hat, Adal and JPC? New haircut? Why am I walking around with so much confidence?


I bet you're wondering. I wanted pretzels from the food court.


And I was just going to let you know that it looks like you leaned on paint.


Anyways, I just had a bunch of subscriptions canceled for me by Rocket Money that I wasn't using until now I'm flushed with cash and now I'm confident. Pretzel money? Well, maybe. We'll talk about that. Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, and helps you lower your bills all in one place. I've been using it for years, even before they were a sponsor.



Erin, it looks like you may have leaned on like with someone painting a rocket money like billboard or sign or something because it's all it's all down your back it's like and it's I could ock it ock it


People think they're spending $80 on their subscriptions when in reality, the number is closer to $200. And when you signed up for so many free trials, like streaming services, you watch one show and then you completely forget about it. You lose track and then all of a sudden you're like, why am I bleeding money? Rocket money? They take care of that for you. They go, sit back, relax. We got this. And they make everything color coded and easy and super intuitive.


You're also color-coded. A little birdie told me that Rocket Money also lets you monitor all your expenses in one place, recommends custom budgets based on your past spending, and they'll even send you notifications when you've reached your spending limits, which sounds like something my friend would like, but I forget which friend I'm so hungry for pretzels.


Speaking of pretzels, you don't get all twisted up by salty and the bread of your finances. With over 3 million users and counting, Rocket Money customers have saved an average of $720 a year.



Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions and manage your money the easy way by going to rocketmoney.com slash riddle. That's rocketmoney.com slash riddle. rocketmoney.com slash r-i-d-d-l-e.


Hey, what's going on? Somebody leaned over my rocket money paint thing. Run. Everybody run. Run.


Is that DaVinci?


Yeah. Yes.


And bye. Well we figured it out time. Flat circle. Flat eight really because it's infinity and it's just kind of like on its side and we don't have the perspective to say well we figured it out.


Yeah if you could see the doodles that we made and the cork board with the red thread you'd be on board.


We just took the same edibles that Adal did on New Jersey.


We took a German Shepherd and crossed it with a poodle. So that, like, yeah, we've... a... poodle.



And we're all on the same page. Clifford the Big Red Dog is an analogy for a period. Nothing.


It's not. It's nothing.


So start using that. You can start saying like, I'd love to hang out, but I'm busy.


I think you're not allowed to talk about periods anymore.


My big red dog is here.


I think that you're... In 11 months, send me a text and I'll let you know if you're allowed to talk about periods again on the show.


I think, Adal, if you have a daughter, then you can start talking about periods. But until then, you just can't.


But what if my favorite Pearl Jam song is... If one of your kids has a uterus, you can talk about it.


That's a Pearl Jam song? Yup. Okay, this next one, this is a Riddle here, submission. It's actually a whole game submission coming from Blair, she her, from Virginia. And Blair says that a friend shared the podcast with me and I've listened to the entire archive of HHR. H.R.R. in about a third of the Patreon. You know, since they sent the email, but you know, I hope she listens to the rest of the Patreon. There's some pretty good stuff in there. So she sent an email to me specifically. So this riddle is best for a day when you're old man puzzles. If you're Erin or Adal, stop reading now. So I think that that means Blair's just giving you blanket permission to never read again, which is, that sounds wonderful.





Fuck you, Knowledge. Merry Christmas, Ignorance. Merry Christmas, you old savings and loan. I think, I can't tell, but just going off the shape of the building, I assume it's a savings and loan?


I don't read it anymore. A building type that doesn't exist anymore, but I'm like, yeah, savings and loan, that's something. She said that she was listening to the live show, the live show at Caviar in New York City, which was right before the pandemic, and we're still in the past.


It feels like 10 years ago, and that was 2020.


I was a totally different person then. She came up with this game called, I have nipples, Fokker. Can you milk me the musical? Perfect. She's taken some famous lines and replaced nipples and milk with keywords slash song titles, lyrics, assorted pieces of musics, and you have to guess the musical. And so there's an example. Would you like to hear the example? Yes, please. Okay, so I have nipples, Fokker. Can you milk me the musical? Here's your example. I have green skin, Fokker. Can you fly high defying gravity with me? That is the musical. Easy Shrek.



You're not wrong, wrong.


What if Shrek the Musical was just a straight-up copy of Wicked? I would fucking love that.


Something has changed within me. Something is not the same.


Swampular. I wanna be swamp-ular.


You know what guys, the old us would have gone down a rabbit hole and done this for 25 minutes, but we're older and wiser.


And we will. And in the morning I'm making waffles. Okay, here's your next one.


It worked out great, Adal.


That was actually really well. Thank you. I have my signature on the US Constitution, Fokker. Can you rat battle me?




Yeah, a total reskinning of that musical to Shrek would be also very cool.


I gotta say the context clues are not necessarily hidden terribly well.


I'm having fun anyway. That's who I am.


When this salesman dies, milk, Fokker, his children... I do think Blair specifically said that you two would have more fun guessing these since you know musicals. But so far, I feel like your knowledge of musicals makes this hardly a challenge at all. I have a master of the house, Fokker. Can you dream a dream of me? Les Mis.



That would be... I have to say, just a few weeks ago I was in New York and I saw the new production of Company that I wanted to take Erin to. It was unbelievable. If you get a chance to see that, it's one of the best Broadway shows I've ever seen in my life.


I love Sondheim, and I love Company.


And I love it at the lady. I didn't think I liked it at all, and then I saw that production and I was like, this is one of the greatest things I've ever seen. It's so good.


I have a matchmaker, Fokker. Can you make me a rich man? Fiddler on the Roof! Annie. Soddenheim Classic Fiddler on the Roof. Nope. I have a politician husband, Fokker. Can you cry for me?


What is Avita? He supports you, for he loves you, understand you, is one of you. If not, how could he love me? Anytime I'm on a balcony, anywhere, I sing that song.




Any balcony, I will do that.


Wow. Pretty good. How can I use this against her? Balcony Bartolomew.


Every once in a while, Erin will let slip a piece of personal identifiable information like I will sing the song on a balcony and my brain goes, you can exploit this. Save us. Save us. Keep this in a pouch. Use this against her. Do it.



I'm already mentally loading up in case there's one that it's a clue to get us to guess rent. I already have loaded up, uh, I should milk you, I should milk you, Focker milk you, I should milk you.


Gross. Another time. Another place.


I have a dancing Queen Focker. Can you sing an ABBA song for me?


Mama, see ya. Here we chandelier.


I have Whiskers Focker, can you rum-tum-tug me? That one works. Yowser. Cats, KATZ. Yeah, Cats with a Z, that is my favorite one so far. I have a scrappy little dog Focker, can you love me tomorrow? Annie. JPC.


Nice to meet you. What is Annie's dog's name, I forget.


Sandy. Is it?




I thought you were setting her up for that.




Yeah, Sandy.


I truly forgot. I think I'm a dead king father. Can you love me tonight? The king and dead. I think that she forgot to put Fokker into that. That's okay. No, it's not the King and Death. That's a very good guess, Adal. It is not Camelot, Erin. And go ahead, whenever you're giving answers, don't shout them into the cup of coffee that you're drinking.



We have Erin Keif on the line from old-timey radio. Erin, are you here?


I don't care anymore just put me in a little rowboat then kick me off. Send me out to sea. Did they have iced coffee at sea? At King Father.


I have a dead king father, Fokker. Can you feel my love tonight? Oh, a Lion King. Thank you. I have a paper job, Fokker. Can you dance on newspaper sheets for me?


Newsies. I just watched Newsies yesterday.


Is that Dave?


Erin, can you get a clip of you saying I just watched Newsies yesterday and just plug it into any episode and I feel like it would be true.


Yeah, whatever. Whatever. It's so good.


I have an unplanned pregnancy, Fokker. Can you bake a pie for me? Oh this is Waitress. That is Waitress, correct.



Nipples, milk, fucker. My hands pluck the things I know that I'll need. I have all that jazz, Fokker.


You convict me of murder? Oh, Chicago. That is Chicago. Adal, you ready? Yes. You're on deck here. Oh. I have a preposterously high housing bill, Fokker. Can you measure a year in love for me?


I should milk you. I should milk you. Oh, you Fokker.


I should milk you. No! Another time. That's my favorite part.


Okay, there you go. I have a human blood-drinking plant, Fokker. Can you feed me some more? Adal favorite.


Little shopper nipples, milkshapop.


Okay, and this is the last one that she included. I have self-offered fake letters, Fokker. Can you wave through a window to me? That's Dear Evan Hansen. Wow, that is Dear Evan Hansen. Erin, you were strangely silent on that one.



When I'm falling in the forest, and there's no one else around. Did you ever win that, or even make a sound?


No, Erin, we have to sing the best song.


All you see is sky forever.


Erin, we have to sing the best song. Which one? I have this baseball glove. I punch it once or twice. I put it in the microwave. Baseball glove. The baseball glove.


Is that from that?


Yeah, I can't remember the lyrics, but it's from the song. I blocked it from my memory.


Alright, well thank you so much. I have a game now for you. This is a JPC original. And I think this game is going to be very difficult. So I'm going to tell you the way that this game is played. This game is called Berry, Berry, or Berry. So the way that we're going to play this game is I'm going to give you a prompt. And you have to tell me if it's Berry, Berry, or Berry. So it can either be a berry, you know, like a fruit that you would eat, someone, an actor from the HBO show, Barry, or a deceased celebrity who has been buried. So Barry, Barry, or Barry. Now the way that you chime in for this game is you say Barry, and then you give me your answer. Okay?


Got it.


You guys ready to play? Yes. Okay. Here you go. Bill Hader. Barry. Adal? Barry. All right. Sorry. No, I can't. Okay. John Candy. Barry. Aaron.





I don't understand what you're saying. Strawberry. Barry. Barry. Uh, Adal? Barry. Barry, correct. Uh, Darryl Britt Gibson.




I'm sorry, I heard Adal first. Buried? Oh, that's actually Barry. Huckleberry.








That's a Barry. Alejandro Firth.




Barry, I heard Adal first.


Doesn't matter, Adal, you're gonna be right.


Hold on, I gotta get this right. Uh, Barry? Because it might be Barry. I think it's Barry.


Yes, he was on Barry. Paul Newsom.




Uh, Adal, I heard you just a little bit sooner.


What is going on?


Uh, no, an actor from Barry. Uh, Goose Barry.




Barry. Aaron.




That is a Barry. You are two for two for Barry's. Aubrey Hepburn.


Barry. Barry.


Uh, yes? Aaron?




No, I misspoke. Audrey Hepburn is buried. Aubrey Hepburn is no one. Henry Winkler. Barry. Adal. I want to say he's married? Yes. I'll have to double check that. So, he's on Barry. Linganberry.









That isn't Barry. You are three for three. Linganberries died though.


You don't know what I was saying.


Sarah Goldberg.




Barry. Erin.




Yes, she is one of the female leads on Barry. Boys in Barry. Barry. That is a Barry. Steven Root.


Excuse me, I wasn't saying Barry, I was buzzing in to say Barry.


Okay, you have to buzz in before you give your answer.


Steven Root.


Steven Root. Steven Root in office space scary. Okay, I'm sorry, that is a root vegetable, not a Barry. Dennis Hopper.


Barry? Barry.


He's Barry, correct. Goji Barry.


Barry. Erin?


That is a berry. You're five for five with berries. How are we doing this?


She's on a roll.


Erin, is this your dream Jeopardy round?


Uh, no.


That's incorrect. Bernie Mac. Erin?


Yes, correct. Hack berry. Erin? I'm sorry, that's a totally big thing to say about Bertie Back. He was a fairy fight comedian, I think, calling him a hackberry.



Come on, I'm seven for seven.


John Redder?








Yes, correct.




No, Clifford. Yes, I'm sorry, John Redder is Clifford. The Big Red Berry. Period. And finally, Darcy Cardin.


Berry. Berry. Erin? Berry.


Yes, she is on Berry. Season 3 of HBO's Barry coming soon. We don't know. The release date has not been announced. Barry, Barry, Barry. It will be. It's just right around the corner.


Hey, TPC.


I have to ask. Yes. Did Barry pay you for this promotional plug?


I'm willing to be paid by Barry for this promotional plug.


Hey, TPC. And I have to tell you, that was very fun.


Okay. Very fun. You'll love next week when we play NoHo or Hank Williams. What? Where I give you in a... I give you a neighborhood and you have to tell me... Is it a place that egg Williams is?


Saves us with a Patreon. Normally we do games this stupid on the Patreon.


Yeah, save this for December and we'll play Merry Christmas.


Okay, save the judgment for... Gavel, gavel, gavel. All right, here we go, here we go. This is another Riddle from Jonathan. Jonathan writes, hey guys, I really do love the podcast and every segment is my favorite segment.



That's not sarcastic. Can you read it sarcastically? I really do love the podcast and every segment is my favorite. Thank you.


Okay. I wanted to write a radio puzzle for you guys, so I came up with this one. It's kind of shitty, but I hope you enjoy it.


Barry... So he thinks we enjoy shit.


Yeah, that's probably true. And... He's not wrong. Barry has a GED, which is an okay life choice. This is editorializing by Jonathan and works at a gas station.


Sorry, no judgment. Is seriously the name Barry? Yeah. Are you joking? No. This is another thing where he's going to read a whole riddle and it's going to be revealed at the end. It was JPC the whole time. The clues are related.


I didn't like that. I don't like being tricked.


I told you last time, the last riddle that we did, I told you who wrote it. It was me. I did the Barry game. No one else did the Barry game. No one else would have done the Barry game but me. Because it's not a game. It's nothing. It's nothing. It's just a thing to do. It's just words to say. It's nothing. Barry has a GED, which is an okay life choice, and works at a gas station, no choice from it. He got off late and quickly went home to let his dog out. When he got home, he realized it was too late, and that his pet beetle Shitbird had also gotten loose. He knew exactly where Shitbird had escaped to, but he put Shitbird in his terrarium, and then he let his dog outside before cleaning up. Shitbird's terrarium was not visible when he got home, and Barry has no special insect knowledge. How did he know Shipbird had gotten out and where to find him? I'm sorry. It's not that Shipbird's terrarium was not visible when he got home. Shipbird was not visibly in the terrarium, I think, when he got home. And Shipbird's the dog? Shipbird is his pet beetle. Beetle? Mm-hmm. Okay. How did he know that Shipbird had gotten out and where to find him?



He's flying around, the light bulb.


Beatles do love the light. The limelight, huh? We're all watching that documentary of the little Beatles documentary.


Get back? It was excellent.


I didn't watch it.


I loved it.


I'll be honest, I don't give a shit about the Beatles. You should. There's only one good British rock band and it is Oasis, maybe.




Did you know that Liam Gallagher believes he's the reincarnation of John Lennon? I believe he's the reincarnation of John Lennon.


This is confusing. So he couldn't see his terrarium when he came in.


He couldn't see the beetle in the terrarium.


That's how we know he's out of it though.


What Jonathan has written was he put Shitbird in his terrarium and then let his dog outside before cleaning up. Oh, I'm sorry. I was reading this a little bit wrong. So, but I'll put it in the extra context. So when he got home, he realized it was too late and that his pet beetle Shitbird had also gotten loose. He knew exactly where Shitbird had escaped to. He knew exactly where Shitbird had escaped. That's important. So he put Shitbird in his terrarium and then let his dog outside before cleaning up. Shitbird's terrarium was not visible when he got home. So let's assume it was like in another room or something. And Barry has no special insect knowledge. So then how did he know when he got home that Shitbird had gotten out and where to find him?



The dog had a big beetle bite right on his fucking butt hole.


The dog had a big beetle bite right on his fucking butt hole.


The dog was barking.


No. No, no, no. If the dog was barking, that is not Jermaine to the situation.


Oh, the Jackson Five. Thank you. Jermaine. Clearly this, so this riddle has to be written by this person who sent it because I assume he named the beetle Shipbird after JPC's expression in episode, I want to say like four or five, when you call us all Shipbirds.


You can say that Shipbird is my Pisswitch.


Um, TPC. I don't know. Can you give me a hand?


Yeah, so really what we're talking about here is that Shipbird has escaped from the terrarium. The terrarium's not visible, except Barry knows exactly where Shipbird is and how to find him as soon as he gets home.



Is it a dung beetle? Adal? And it's just lounging on the dog's shit.


Bingo bingo hot-a-tot. Shipbird is a dung beetle, and there was a trail of dung leading straight to Shipbird. Hell yeah.




That dog shit in the house and the shit bird said, ooh baby. Give me something good.




The two of you are dung beetles. You're on a first date. Erin you have taken the two of you, you've taken JPC on the first date to a huge pile of dog shit.


So I'm just showing you where we're not eating.


And let's keep walking. What's wrong with this place? Have you been here? Is it not good?


I just thought for a first date, there's a French restaurant that's supposed to be really, really good. It's on the corner. I thought maybe we could do wine and cheese and a thing.


Yeah. No, it's on the corner because this is right here. Because I know the chef, the dog who made it, and I do, I like some of his other work, I must say.



Oh yeah, I just thought maybe because it's our first date and there's been like a lot building up to this since we've been friends for so long that I thought we could do something special and sort of out of the ordinary. But if you're so starving right now.


4.8 stars on Yelp. I just looked it up. Well, I was listening, but I just looked at a 4.8 stars on Yelp. I mean, that's a high Yelp score.


So your heart seems like it's pretty set on this. I'm gonna go and run and like just make sure they know that I wasn't being rude to ignore the reservation and like maybe if I want to eat there. Maybe we can meet up after dinner. That's probably for the best.


I gotta be honest with you. I'm gonna be pretty full after dinner.




So... We cut to the French restaurant. Bonjour. You have a reservation?


Yes, for two, but I'll be eating alone tonight.


Oh, oh no. Merde, merde. Well, as you know, we cannot actually seat just one. We are a French restaurant, meaning all of our shit is sourced ass to table from a French bulldog.



Oh, I don't want that.


Oh. What did you speak?


I thought, I just thought that this could be different and we could eat human food. Forget it.


It's whatever. Apologies. Maybe I need my glasses. You are a dumb biter.


Fuck you, man. Fuck you. I don't need this. Wait, please leave me alone.


Members, you left the restaurant in such a hurry, you forgot your scarf.


Oh, thank you.


You're very welcome. I would hate to see a beautiful long beetle like yourself catch a cold in this winter temperature.


You're so sweet. Sorry, I'm having such a bad day.


I was supposed to go on a date and he didn't like the restaurant I picked and then I just... He didn't, but this is one of the best restaurants in all of the neighborhood. He didn't like this restaurant?


When we see their antennae start to entwine.


No, he didn't.


Then he was a... a dull-altered, boring, dumb beach-hole, and he did not deserve to deign to walk the same grounds that you walk.



Wait a second. Todd?


Look, I loved that place, and if you just try it, it's just like a fight. Oh man, that dung beetle, honestly? To circle back and go back on your date after you just ate a big pile of dog shit? And courageable. That is the move. All right, you guys ready for one more frickin' riddle?


Yes, Ms.


Daddy. Okay, so here we go. This one is from Tino. Tino says, love the podcast. Thanks. Thanks, Tino. Yeah. The day after Halloween, Kevin is pushed off the top of a 10-story building. Three facts are known. The impact should have been enough to kill him. He died during the fall and no one in nothing interrupted his descent. How is this possible?


He fell off the top of a three-story tin building.


It's a ten-story building.


Ten-story building.


Yeah. And three facts are known. The three facts are the impact should have been enough to kill him. He died during the fall and no one in nothing interrupted his descent.



So he fell off the top of the building because he got like shot on the top of the building or poisoned.


Um, no. No. No. Yeah. Cause I don't know if that would say like interrupted his descent, but no, he wasn't, he was, he was very much alive when he was pushed. He died from a descent into madness. Oh, interesting. No, that can't kill you. It can only make you stranger.


Oh God. Yeah.


That's your Dr. Strange impression? Yeah.


That's my Dr. Strange love impression. Nuclear bombs. You like a hint?


Yeah. Is that okay?


Um, yeah, let's see. Maybe I'll just reread the riddle. The riddle? Read the riddle. Okay, so the day after Halloween, Kevin is pushed off the top of a 10-story building. Three facts are known. The impact should have been enough to kill him. He died during the fall, and no one in nothing interrupted him.


Oh, I think I know it. What's the guy's name? Kevin. I think Kevin is a scarecrow. I think Kevin died during the fall, the season, because he's made from dried corn husk. And I think the day after Halloween, they're taking down decorations and somebody just tossed them off the roof to say,



I love that answer. Sure. Is that right? I mean, no, but I love that answer. That's not right. Well, the real answer is skeleton. The impact should have been enough to kill him because it was enough to kill him. That's how he died. He died as a person who died being shoved off a 10 story building.


Is that true?


Yeah, because he died during the fall and the day was after Halloween. So when it says that he died during the fall, it means he died during the seasonal fall. But yes, getting shoved off the building. That was more than enough. That was more than enough. Tino says, Tino says, yeah, I know it's nub. Thank you so much. Thank you so much, Tino. Wow. We still love your handcrafted vodka, Tino. Thank you so much for your handcrafted vodka. Okay.


You're okay?




What's going on? You seem upset.


I'm just annoyed. I just came all the way over here to the podcast. I just came all the way over here and just to be like this disrespected like this.



All right, Erin. That's fair. We've disrespected you a lot this episode, so you should get to be first. Do you have anything that you would like to plug?


I would like to plug calling your period Clifford, getting your Clifford, your big dog. No, I'm lying. I have nothing to plug. Oh, I do. Just follow me, Erin Keif 10, on Instagram. I have a podcast that's coming out in February. So if you want to hear more about that, go follow me over there.


Hell yeah. Okay, Adal, anything to plug? Yes, I want to plug. I don't know if we've plugged this yet, so I'll go ahead and say it again. Sorry if it's the second time. The three of us guested recently on a podcast called Sound Deals with the hilarious British comedians Max and Yvonne. They've been on our show. We just guested on their show recently, so check that episode out. It should be out now.


Oh, I think that's for the second season of their show, and it is not out yet, and I don't know when it's coming out.


And then I also want to plug in another podcast I guested on. This is by our dear friend Alex Nichols. This is a new podcast he has called Destination Passport. I had a very good time on that, so please check out Destination Passport and Sound Deals.



JPC, anything to plug? Speaking of shows that we all were on together, we were all also on the last episode of the year for Mandog Pod. That's right! I believe it is a Patreon-only episode of their show, but if you don't listen to their Patreon, you absolutely should. They do have a free show as well.


The episode is absolutely worth it just to hear Erin do her Nicole Kidman impression.


That is very, very, very good. That is Mandog Pod. You can find it pretty much wherever you find podcasts. It is from, I guess, half of the Teachers Lounge crew, Dan Lippert and Ryan Rosenberg.


I'm a big fan.


We're doing more pop music reviews because that's what the whole show is, so enjoy that. And check out their Patreon. JPC, what are you playing on Twitch these days? Dude, you know what? At the very end of last year, I got back into playing Hades. I'll go on the record as saying Hades was my game of the year for 2020. Game of the year for 2021? Gotta give it up to Hades.



How's that possible?


Very, very narrowly slipped in there at the end of the year, Game of the Year 2021. Strong contender for Game of the Year 2022. A lot of replayability. Hey, I gotta say, companies, game companies out there, you keep putting up really bad games, but playing Halo? Very shitty game. Very full of bugs. Playlists are all fucked up.


Erin, there is a new game. I don't know if you've heard about this. It's from the creators of Hades and it's versus sort of following mythology. It's actually following interstellar travel. And there's a Roman god. So I guess it still involves mythology.


Oh, he's falling asleep while he's talking.


He's falling asleep.


But Erin, Supergiant Games, very cool company. So I'd go for it.


I'd say Jupiter.


Bye forever.


Oh, you can't sleep.


Good night sweet Adal.


I should milk you. I should not sleep.



Hey there, scenes and schemes. If you like that, you're going to love this week's Patreon. We use your suggestions from the Scene Ideas channel and the Discord to do your scenes. You can listen to that plus our entire back catalog by joining the Clue crew for $5 a month or the Review crew for $8 a month. And at the Review crew level, you get ad-free episodes. Just go to patreon.com slash Hey Riddle Riddle. See you there!


That was a hate gun podcast.