Which Riddle Riddle?

#140: The Sweater



This is a HeadGum podcast. You guys, um... What's that? Sorry. You can't hear me over my sweatshirt.


We're making fun of your shirt again. Can't stop thinking about that shirt.


Let's get some room down and you're all good. Okay. Erin, your shirt's a little loud. Could you turn it down?


Okay, God damn it.


Casey's getting on it. Okay. Oh, okay.


Here's the thing. Here's the thing.


Is that a sweatshirt or a hippies parachute?


Okay. Okay. You each have six more, so they better begin.



I don't know but I've been told.


I don't know but I've been told.


As time passes on, you get old. As time passes on, you get old. I'm not lying, never learned about time.


I'm not lying, never learned about time.


Please help me. I'm not trying to rhyme.


Please help me.


I'm not trying to rhyme. They'll help me. Help me. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. Help me. Fuck you. Hey Riddle.


Riddle. Please stop. Help me. Fuck you.


Hey Riddle. I'm Adal Rifai. I'm J.B. Z.


And I'm wearing a sweatshirt that is a little too cute and noticeable, so the boys have been erosting me.


Wow. To start off our sound test, we absolutely burnt Erin to the ground. Your sweater has been called a Keith Haring original. It's been called a hippies parachute. JPC called it a carnival map.


Yeah. That one got me. What else did you say, JPC?



I don't remember, but I do have a question for you. And you said that we were allowed to burn your sweatshirt many more times over the course. One thing that you said that struck me as particularly odd is that you said you wear this sweatshirt almost every day. That's what you said. Yet we have never seen it before. Because I would remember such a sweatshirt because of all of the jokes blowing up inside of my room.


Do you, Casey even got in on it, where Casey said to, he said, the soundcheck sounds good, but Erin, can you turn down your sweatshirt?


Um, and it's very, these are all very funny jokes and I love them, but I do wear this almost every day. And I was just saying to Adal that I almost wore this to the live show and thank goodness I did not.


Do you wear under your hair? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Erin. But when you say the live show, are you referring to the Hey Riddle Riddle live show? Or are you referring to the high school rendition of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat? Because that is where that sweatshirt is supposed to be.


Can I tell you? My chiropractor already made that joke. You're just as funny as my chiropractor. How does that feel?



So Erin, you've seen four people today and all four of them have made fun of your sweatshirt. Take the note.


Even though this is even worse, I saw my chiropractor Friday and I was wearing this.


First of all, Joseph was like my fifth pole. So the chiropractor is as funny as me on my fifth pole.


Damn. Erin, have you been wearing it under other clothes?


No, it's very big. That would be very difficult, but I do wear it. I think every, I think I've worn it every day. For a while now. It's quarantine. No one sees me.


Yeah, who cares? I mean, you just do it like you wear that just throughout the course of your day doing normal activities or is that exclusively for entertaining the king? Okay guys, look it up.


I'm wearing a gray Ohio State. No, no, no. Yes.


We can get you one of those if you want to swap out of Gauguin's vomit.


Look, I get that it's a podcast, no one will ever see this, and I get that this is unlistenable, but I still can't stop. It's all I can see.



Honestly, it makes me feel good because this is what used to happen when I would see you guys at shows. That's true. Not that I would sometimes make fun of the way you look. I'd go wash your suits much and you'd go, never! So it's nice to be roasted for your clothes again, but not but 20 minutes ago did I think Wow, I'm so excited to see them. Man, it feels like I haven't seen them in a while and I'm really excited. And then I get on and JPC said, what the first thing you said. I forget. It was a very funny joke, but not as funny as my chiropractor's joke.


I guess I don't know.


Oh, the Fresh Prince thing.


Oh, that's right. I asked you if you were wearing that. Is it odd that no one's seen Will from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in a couple of days?


And then you said you made a golem that is 91.


Yeah, the year 91. That's totally true.


How are you guys?


Honestly, I was kind of down. I was kind of sleepy, very hungry. A little like, I don't know how much energy I can muster. And then the minute that I saw this out of print tarot card on your body, I was energized. I was hit by lightning of energy.



I was the same way. I was having kind of a weird off day. It's like snowing again in Chicago after we had really nice weather for a while. But just knowing that I get to do a podcast with Kamala Harris's stepdaughter makes it all worthwhile.


I did try to ask you about how your days were going. It's almost as if you were feeling gloomy and then my sweatshirt sort of cheered you up.


Cheered me up in the same way that a factory recall of fruit-straps bubblegum would cheer me up.


You guys, I'm about to open myself up for even more ridicule.




About the sweatshirt.


Oh, well I was going to ask Erin, how was your day?


Well, so the thing about this sweatshirt is I did like a couple mini voiceover gigs and yeah and I haven't obviously during quarantine you know not we're not really buying clothes cuz why you know yeah it's true And so like I bought the address for our like on Black Friday that I wore to one of our live shows and then I saw this online and I was like I love this sweatshirt so much and it's the most I think the most expensive item of clothing I've ever bought myself and I know yeah that little voiceover like check I was like you know what and I told I was like Sean don't let me buy the sweatshirt I will never spend more than like I can't buy a sweatshirt this expensive and then



In my head, this was like, you went to a Salvation Army and you found a secret door to like the back lot where they were like, there's an executioner squad surrounding the sweater with the rifles raised. And then you went, wait, wait, wait, wait, I'll take it. And they're like, oh, thank God we were about to put it out of this misery.


It looks like it had to be like wrapped in gray cloth because it made animals go crazy. They had to go like, this is too dangerous. This makes people do very violent things.


This sweater portrays all holidays at once and it's driving customers crazy. It's like the Ring VHS tape.


This sweater is a diversion. It looks like I'm trying. My buddy is robbing you right now.


And when you said that you saw that sweater online, was it on like a clothing retailer website or were you like looking up like the historical record of melted tapestries?


No, it came up on my Instagram and I was like, oh, I love this so much. Like if I wore a sweatshirt, I would be that sweatshirt. And then it sold out really quickly.



And then I was... Oh, for sure.


And then this artist I follow posted a video of her like talking about her art and she was wearing it. And I was like, ugh. And then when they restocked, it went on sale briefly. But even with it on sale, it's one of the most expensive things I've ever bought myself.


You said, I want to wear tie-dye Zuma pants on my top half. Erin, we have to... Okay, a few things. Number one, this episode is called The Sweater. And honestly, I don't mind if we just talk about The Sweater the whole episode. In fact, I'm gonna make it my fucking life's purpose to just talk about The Sweater today.


I don't think we should post a photo of it online. I think we just let people...


We let people draw it and whoever gets closest, they win the sweater.


Without going over. Without going over.


Whoever gets closest without going over. They win the sweater.


Right, well I'm gonna give everyone one hint besides all of the information prize. I can't believe I regret wearing this so much. Okay, so I'm so embarrassed and I was wearing like this shirt a minute ago and was like it's a little chilly so I almost dodged this. Okay, I'll give you one hint about the sweatshirt. It's separated into four quadrants.



Hey Riddle.


I guess now that it would be Dr. Strange kind of flick you in the head and transport you out of your body while you rock it into Dormammu's zone. That would give you the ability to experience this sweater. But that's pretty, that's the only thing that I could think of.


Okay. It looks like also if you went on a roller coaster that made you really nauseous and then you look directly into a kaleidoscope after you ride a roller coaster.


Like when a six-year-old was inventing stained glass and his parents came in and said, no, no, no, honey, not like that. Erin, I never got to my other point. One, this episode's called The Sweater, and it's going to be 60 minutes nonstop of talking about The Sweater.


Technically a sweatshirt, but continue.


Sweatshirt, OK. Well, I'm not in the wrong here, because look at this. Who knows what that thing is?



I can't tell. Also, we haven't even talked about the collar. It's part amphibian. The collar does not look... It doesn't look comfortable, I'll say. No.


Oh, look at this. It's full of lovely sleeves on the inside.


The only nice part of this sweater is inside where you can't see it. Erin has just shown us. The whole crew neck of this sweater looks like it was made for an ogre with two heads that would be arguing with itself.


Yes. But that's what I'm trying to convey to people. If you're going to draw it, a huge part of this is it's four different quadrants. So it's like top right is one pattern in color. Top left is one pattern color. Top bottom right, bottom left. And it's reversible. I love it.


It's reversible to where the inside is presentable.


Look at the sleeves.


The sleeves don't match. The sleeves are the worst part. Erin, I did say before we started recording that we're supposed to be solving the riddles not wearing them. That was another one of my birds.


The sleeves make it look like your entire sweatshirt was concocted by like the sewn together bandanas from the Grateful Dead.



And two other details. This came with matching shorts that I did not buy, but I wish I had now. Also, I spent about $100. I never, in a million years, I would maybe, for like a friend's wedding, spend $100 on a dress. But even then, I try to never buy anything new. I love shopping secondhand. If you need some hints on how to do that, I have lots of great resources.


If you need hints on how to do that, look at the sweater and then don't take tips from Erin.


No please! But you guys, buy secondhand. It's more sustainable and I just love it.


The only way that I'm coming to you for hints and tips wearing that sweater is if I need help getting out of Neverland, like immediately.


I can't tell you enough. I tried this on and like a little kid putting like a princess dress on. I was like, I've never felt happier in an article of clothing. I think I look awesome. This is exactly how I'm trying to look. So this is truly one of the funniest things.


You look like the Easter Bunny bled out on your chest.



Hey, Erin, taking one look at that, my first guess would never be on purpose.




You guys love it. Yeah, that's not sure and the words on purpose do not go together.


Okay, are you telling me I don't look cute as a goddamn button?


From the top of the head to the neck, you look outstanding.


Erin, you look outstanding in anything else.


So Erin, okay.


Oh, here's Erin. And then totally different vibe over here.


Okay, we need to... I'm going cross-eyed from all these colors. Erin, we need to dive deeper into this. So you said you spent almost $100.


I thought you were going to say we need to do riddles, but you said you went...


It's by the way, Erin, a hundred dollars. In my brain, it was way more than a hundred dollars. I've never spent this much of a thing. I'm like, yeah, I can see like an Instagram sweater being a hundred dollars. I felt like 375.


Do you remember the exact amount?


Yeah, so I think if people want to buy it right now, it's going to be like $130 or $40, but I bought it on a sale. It's appreciated in value? No, no, no. I bought it. I loved it. It immediately went out of stock at every retailer. I got it on sale for about $100. And then it's so popular that people keep wanting more, so I think it's probably like $100 and something.



Is it popular, how do I phrase this politely? Is it popular around Christmas for a certain type of Christmas party? Maybe a blank sweater party? How do I put this nicely?


Erin, is it maybe- I can't stress this enough. Some of the most stylish women in the world are also wearing the sweatshirt.


Maybe is it running out of stock because in order to truly enjoy the sweater you have to buy four and a pair of scissors and fix the way that the sweater is delivered to you?


Some of the most fashionable women are wearing this. Professor Trelawney was buried in this slitcher. Yeah, for sure.


Yeah, by her enemies. It's just so funny to me. I love really nice clothes, but I do like buying them secondhand. So I had some guilt, but I love it so much.


You guys, I love it. Was there any amount of pause or hesitation to be like, I don't know if this is a good sweater? Or was it just like, I can't get out my credit card fast enough?



Okay, well I'm actually going to walk you guys through this really quick. So I was like, I always regret that I have very distinctive clothes. Whenever I buy something, it's something like kind of loud or very colorful. And then when I'm just trying to get dressed for my every day, I always kind of regret it because I'm like, this is hard to match clothes together. And this is not a great like staple wardrobe. I have just these big loud pieces.


Like when I went out and ran Erin's and my Women Be Hummus t-shirt and I was like, what am I doing? This was an only wear in the house t-shirt purchase, GPC. This is not an outdoor. You can't wear the shirt outdoors. You knew that when you bought it.


I wear my women behind my sweatshirt everywhere on the outside.


You're a woman. That's better.


I never got mine. I was asked for my size and then it never came in the mail. Erin, I'm all for a lot in colorful, but that shouldn't even be worn at the Kentucky Derby. So I want to see a scene.




Hold on, hold on. Erin was mid anecdote.



So I just was very, I was, that's why I didn't originally buy it when it first came out is I was like, Oh, I'm trying not, first of all, I'm trying to buy everything on like Etsy secondhand or Hey Riddle. Adal, you're losing your momentum, you're losing your stamina. We need to, everyone needs to, I'm going to throw a Gatorade into your screen. I think that was worth it. So yes, that was my only hesitation. Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder when it's sold out everywhere. I went, you know what? It's so I just got this check and I really love it. And I think I'll wear it like every day around the house and I was correct. And it makes me feel like Chicago is very gloomy and gray right now to have something so colorful. And I feel like it matches my personality.



Erin, you're 100% right. Absinthe spinks the heart grow fonder, and I feel like I'm on absinthe when I look at your sweatshirt. It feels like I'm at the Moulin Rouge. I'm Toulousey Trek.


You need longer to refuel.


And the little green fairy is barfing all over some wool.


Anyways, I love it.


I think that's great. I love that story. I love that inspiration for you buying the sweatshirt. I love that it makes you happy. The only thing that I would have actually accepted was Wizard Tricked Me. So you had said, wizard tricked me. That's why you're wearing that. That, I'm like, okay. But your thing is fine too, I guess.


Maybe we should send everyone and all of our fans an outline of a sweatshirt with four different quadrants and everyone can guess. That'll be the wizard, please. Thank you.


Erin, it's me, Whizzy. I, sorry, I just remembered something funny. I got you a serious gift.


Wizzy, you keep showing up as Adal, and it just feels really... How can I be Adal when Pazbot's over here?



Hello, I am Pazbot.


Oh look, and it's, um, uh... Dr. Chameleon over here. Yes! And then your other famous character, Jellyfish McGee. Hi Jellyfish!


How's it going on the surface? Oh, it's plump.


My range. You guys have four voices. How embarrassing you discovered my range. And also, whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not here to talk about my lack of range. That's apparent.


We're here to talk about the next episode. We all get to roast one thing. You guys have chosen my sweatshirt. Should have chosen my personality, you idiots. I want to see a scene.


I want to see a scene. Erin, you are playing Erin, you're wearing this sweatshirt and you have found on the inside tag, you went to like go machine wash it and you looked on the inside tag and you found a special ticket and this ticket directed you to the creator, the inventor if you will, the designer even of this sweatshirt played by JPC. So you have just arrived at his factory.



Dum-da-dum, I have great style and I'm awesome just as I am. I am wonderful. Ooh, I'm here.






Welcome. What is it?


Is that one word?


What are you wearing? No, I've covered in a whale column. I was fishing.


Whoa, you have a real Willy Wonka vibe. What is this place?


This is my factory where The sweatshirt that you're wearing was created.




Would you like a tour of my factory, little boy?


Oh, I am a grown woman. I'm almost 30.


I'm almost 30 feet away from you. Let me get up a little closer.


Yeah, check, look at my laugh lines.


Ah, yes.


Yes, I'm 30.


I usually don't see crows' feet that big unless they've got a couple of wings attached to them with a beak.


I've earned those. I love my laugh lines.


All right. All right. I'm just saying. I'm just saying.



You look like the oldest, most grossest snake in a purple top hat I've ever seen. And I've seen several old, gross snakes in purple top hats.


And it's not the last old gross snake that you'll see if you want to take a tour of my factory. Are you familiar with the Willy Wonka Oompa Loompas?


Yeah, of course.


Ah, well in my factory, I've got snakes.


Oh God. Do they sing? Nope.


They might.


But they're a bit of us. I have to ask.


Hiss, piss, piss. Hissy, hiss, piss. I've got another hissy, piss, piss. What do you get when you pour Kool-Aid on a bunch of frogs and then they sing a song?


Then they spin around? What? I'm singing. I'm doing the hiss, piss back up. That was two minutes ago. Hiss, piss, hiss, piss.


I'm out of here.


I've never seen him sing that much. That's wild. You should have to pay a ticket, didn't you?



Would you like to see the room? Would you like to see the room? Yes, please. Where that sweatshirt was created?


Yes, please.


Okay, you have to be very quiet because we have the artist in the room and we're not to be seen at all from the artist. I'll creak open the door, see? Ah, there's the artist. So what the artist is doing down there, this is a white person who has only ever heard the words, yes, their entire life. From birth, they were taught that they were the most intelligent, special, smart, creative person in the world. And they've only heard the word yes. Now, it would fracture their gentle psyche to ever hear the word no. So we never say it. We only say yes. So if we're going to interact with the artist, remember, you always must say yes to this person.


Hello. Are you Erin Keif?


Uh, yeah.


I think I recognize you. Are you Erin Keif?


Yes, yes! You know me?


Good. Yes, I do know you. And you know me, yes? Yeah. Oh, good. Yes. I have a weird question. What's that type of theater that they do in Japan? Very stylized theater. Kabuki? That's it. It's not no theater, is it?





Oh, it is. So it's what type of theater?




I'm the devil.




All right, all right.


Only the devil. Let the boys be boys. I wrote that song and I liquefied Umphy's McGee to make your sweatshirt, Erin Keif.


Wow. Thanks.


Yes. All right. I said, only say yes. You said thanks. You said kabuki. You said a bunch of stuff.


I can't help to know what I know. I'm not going to insult my own intelligence. Making a man feel better.


Did she hear me say I liquefied Humphries McGee just to make this sweater?




Yes. Thank you.


Thank you. So I would just like to quickly read off of the website that I bought it from.


Okay. Do you want to give a shout out to the website so people can


Yeah, I think, yeah, I will.


In case you beat that up.


I would like to... Warning, this sweatshirt causes glancer. Which is a special disease that you get from taking a second glance at the craziest fucking sweatshirt that you've ever seen in your life.



There's anime creators overseas who look at Erin's sweater and they're like, I gotta use a warning.


So, I don't mean for this to put you guys in your place or make you feel bad.


Of course it won't.


This is from their About Me part of their website. We are a group of creatives from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For each purchase on our website, in our stores, and at our authorized Realtors, we donate one tree to be planted in the Amazon rainforest. We've donated over 50,000 trees to be planted in the Amazon.


Erin, real quick, I just want to say that that is very humbling. But if it's between losing the Amazon rainforest and never having to look at that sweater again, I think the Amazon served us so well for so long. And I think that all the animals that live there can find a new home somewhere.


One day the internet will come for me and I'll be ready. But that day is not going to be this day for me. That day is going to be this day for one or both of you.



If you stand in an open field, I think one day aliens will come for you.


Erin, how many trees have they planted? How many trees have they planted? 50,000. So 200,000 acres of the Amazon rainforest are burned every day. So my about me on my website says every day I take a little cup of water and I throw it into the ocean. I'm the biggest fucking idiot on the planet.


I guess what I'm saying is what are you doing to help JPC? And I guess that's what I'm saying to you.


This sweatshirt was made in Rio de Janeiro. We gave a thousand kids paint brushes, told them to close their eyes, and gave them the inspiration word carnival. And then we said go to town kids.


I'll say. It lost me that we are a group of creatives. Now if it had said we are a group of creatives who all get to do one fourth of a thing, I would be like yeah that makes sense.


Wow, I thought that would make you change your tune and it didn't. It really didn't. Holy shit, it didn't.


I'm trying to look up how- Sorry, but I'm a Bolsonaro guy and I think that Amazon workforce got to go.



So this has been fun. Should we do riddles? And then like riddles, if you think of a joke, throw it in. Riddles.


Well, I would say I was truly committed to making this whole episode.


No, let's literally dig in. I love it. I think we're overdue for an episode that maybe has one or two riddles at the end.


Well, here's the thing. I was up for that, but... I have noticed in the last 30 seconds there's been a palpable shift in Erin's tone. I think Erin's at the end of her sweater thread.


No, I've only just begun. And this is the thing that you're sensing, I think, is I'm googling. So I might sound a little bit more distracted because I'm trying to Google how ethical it is and sustainable. So I'm going to get some information on that.


I think honestly that sweatshirt is very sustainable. It feels like it's sustained 25 minutes of conversation at least about the sweatshirt.


Yeah, it's at least sustained. It looks like what happens when the wrong planeteers join forces.



Yeah, sustained. That means suspicious stain. That's what that sweatshirt stands for.


I want to see a scene. Erin, you're Erin. You're wearing that sweatshirt. I'm sensing a theme. And JPC, you are an old friend of Erin's and you are at a funeral and Erin showed up and this was all she could find in her closet to wear.


Hey, oh my god, I've seen you in so long.


Hey, you have to go. What? You have to go.


Oh my god, what happened? Is there an emergency? What happened?


Hey, okay, you're making the scene. You're dressed very inappropriately. You're dressed very inappropriately for the funeral. You have to go.


What? I'm sorry I came in so excited to see you at this funeral.


I'm excited to see you as well. We haven't seen each other since high school.


I came in really hot. I'm so sorry.


Yeah, it's okay. Honestly, it's a sad day, but Mrs. McGill was very old. She was her favorite English teacher. We're all here to pay our respects. I think what you're doing right now is ultimately very disrespectful, and I have been tasked.



I'll just sit in the back. I'll just sit in the back.


I would love for that to happen, but I feel like it would be so loud and so distracting.


I won't make any noise.


Oh no, did I take LSD from my wife's funeral?


Oh, hi Mr. McGill. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Hey Terry, I'm so sorry about this. No, you didn't take LSD.


Why don't you call him Terry?


Well, he's my dad, so I guess I could call him dad.


Oh God, yes! Okay, Josh, I was like, oh Josh, I'm so happy to see Josh! I forgot, yes. Can I just be like full disclosure here?


Sure, yeah.


I was driving by the church. I was drinking a root beer float and I was just like in my car jamming and then I was like, oh wait, oh fuck. And then I saw the photo of her outside and I was like, Oh, that's so sad. I'm going to go in and I'm going to pay my respects. I'm not like wearing a black dress with black lights and heels and stuff like driving around.


No, you're not.


No, you're definitely not. You're also sloshing root beer float all over this church when you're talking with your hands a lot.



Oh shit, okay. Yeah, I got to say.


Well, do you want to sip? I don't. I don't. Smells like dads.


All right, you guys, what if I just go up to the top altar and I sing Ave Maria? Um, so here's the thing. I know it. Do you? No. Well, I know some of it. We can see. I can start. We can see how much I know.


Let's see how much you know.


Do you mind if I film this? Yeah, of course. Should I go? I'm going to go up to tap. No, no, no.


Let's stay here and we'll see how much you know. Yeah.


We'll test how much you know before we can put it through. Okay, and stop.


So you got Ave Maria, and then you... Wait, wait, I know this part.


Okay. Nope, nope. So you can't say, I know this part. You can't say, I know this part, and then lose it towards lady. No, I know it, ready.



Can you do the Sister Act version?


I would love to say that this is not how I envisioned my mom's funeral, but that would be a lie.


Oh, fuck. I keep forgetting that it's your mom.


Yeah. I think I'm the one who died. Satan?


She made the crucible fun to read.




I don't think I know Ave Maria. I'm starting to think I might not know that song.


You certainly are familiar with the concept of the song.


As far as I can tell, this brand is pretty sustainable. It doesn't have that much information on how ethical it is, but it's not like anthropology, which I don't think is a very ethical company, carries them. So that's not a great sign, but they're also carried by Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus.



If you can't find much information about its origins, I don't know how well you know mythology, Greek or Roman, But a lot of the times objects would just appear. Someone would be napping under a tree and an object would appear and it was a trick of the gods. Now they would take this object and they say, cool. A golden bow, or a bipedal sheep. And they would be the talk of the town, but inevitably they would find out which god was behind it, and they would be punished for engaging with the item. Now, Erin, not to put Do Find a Point on it, but do you feel that there might be a small chance that that sweatshirt is a trick from the gods?


I think most things are. Most things that we love and enjoy are tricks from the gods.


Am I wrong?


I'd like to see a scene. You two are gods and you are planting the sweatshirt somewhere, just like placing it somewhere to try to destroy the world.



So really I think just throw it anywhere and it'll get the job done.


Yes, Zeus. I, Mercury, can run it anywhere in the world. Wherever you see fit, I will place it and then I will not tell anyone what we are up to.


I'm sorry, what did you say your name was? Mercury? And I'm Zeus?


Well, we're having fun. Okay. My brother's name is Hermes. There we go. But he sells, he's, he kind of dropped out of the God thing and he just sells knockoff handbags. Oh well that's perfect.


Get some of Hermes handbags as well. Especially something that will clash with this. I'm trying to envision what would clash with this sweatshirt. Oh the Titans! Oh yeah, we should have used this to kill things. We had that long ass war for nothing. We could have just popped this sweatshirt on and Chronos could be done so.


Oh damn, you bitches clashed. Why don't we hang out more, Mercury? I'm trying to- I'm trying to wrap my brain around this. I know.



Well, we come from different parts, but, you know, we're all kind of similar. Greek, Roman, you know, we have our differences. Yes. Yes. Uh, yes. Uh, Stinker Pinker, of course. What's that? I forget about that one. Can you remind me what a stinker finger is? It doesn't matter. The private detectives. But the important part is we're going to put this what shirt? Somewhere on the Earth and it's going to work its magic and destroy the world. Okay, so let's zoom in, look down on Earth and try to find the right maybe person who we want to pick this up. Okay, let's see here.


Oh, here's a child playing in the field. It could be fun, but I guess nobody takes a child seriously. Let's keep zooming, keep zooming.


Oh, here's a very popular politician. That could be interesting. We give the shirt to them. They wear it without making one of their proclamations. I don't know. The political thing seems a little overplayed. Maybe we move on from that.



And as many people follow, just as many don't follow, so we have to be careful there. Oh, what have we here? What is this? It's a podcaster. Oh, yes.


She's very down to herself. Making a chicken Caesar salad wrap for myself on a Tuesday.


Wait, let's wait. Hold on, she says she's making a chicken Caesar salad wrap, but I'll be honest, that looks like raw chicken and lettuce. Where's the Caesar part coming?


Hmm, I'm cold.


Oh, she's cold. Hold on, let's look over here. It's an electric bill that's three months late. No wonder she's cold.


You got to pay these on time.


This human is fascinating. Oh, let's wait and see if she knows the words to the song she's singing.



I'm still so cold. I hope something happens.


Oh look, that human, it looks like their mate has approached them. Hey Erin, I won the push-up contest again.


Very cool. I heard that you can't fit into most of your shirts anymore because your muscles got too big.


And that's true. Yeah. I guess it would be great if I had some billowy piece of fabric that I could wear.


Me too. I was just thinking that.


Yeah. And Zeus, I can't fit into my clothes anymore from high school because I got some muscular wink.


What are you winking at me for, Mercury?


Wow, a sweatshirt fell from the sky. They dropped. Wait, I'm going to put it on. I love it. I'm too sexy for my sweatshirt.


She just put on a sweatshirt that fell from inside her house with no questions. I think we found it.


Too sexy for my sweatshirt. Too sexy for my sweatshirt.


We picked the right one.



All right, everybody. I have sent you the link to the sweatshirt. There's only one left in stock and is a small.


Oh wait, we have to buy that and then give it to whoever wins the art contest.


Yeah, sure. Or you can take a look, scroll down to complete the look. I think that you two should split the cost of the shorts and buy them for me, the magic shorts. Ask me how much the shorts cost. As penance for our... Ask me how much the shorts cost, Adal.


How much did the shorts cost? $145? $100.


For shorts that match this sweatshirt. Hey!


How can anything on earth match that?


It somehow does. Okay. Okay. And I'm a medium. So if you want to order me a medium in these shorts, you know where to find me. Do you want to read up or tell the people at home some information about the sweatshirt, JPC, and the link that I just sent you?


I guess so. There's not a lot of information. I guess it's 61% polyester, 36% cotton, 3% elastane, and then 1% something called the devil. I don't know why that's in there. It works out to 101%.



Now that you're seeing it on the website in its full glory, how do you feel about it? Worse than you thought? Better than you thought?


I will say that I want to read the care instructions real quick. So it says, in all caps, hand wash separately, do not bleach, do not tumble dry, dry flat, do not iron, do not dry clean. It's getting a lot of do-nots like there's a way to ruin this sweater. And from what I can see, it comes pretty ruined. So I don't really know.


Prune please. My favorite thing from the website is in the description there's a line that says a great option if you need a break from clingy things.


Okay, that is very funny and I was hoping you wouldn't see that. And Adal, I'll be honest, I was hoping no one would see that.


My boyfriend is being so clingy. Let me wear this. Babe, I think we need to go on a break.


It worked! Adal and JBC, it doesn't have to be your significant others. If you can do me a favor, And can you send a photo from this website or the link to a lady in your life and ask, say, without context, just go, honestly, what do you think about this sweatshirt? And I don't care what people think about it. I love it. It's one of my favorite things. I now officially want to be buried in this.



Well, here's what we'll make that happen for sure. And here's what we'll say is we're going to go ahead and take a quick break. It's a little late, but here are some things you should actually buy. And we'll be right back with more The Sweater.


Oh my god, Adal, Erin, I feel like such a fool. What happened? What did we do? You know how we all thought that these ads were kind of a safe space to talk about, you know, what's going on in our lives and our problems and our issues and kind of talk through them? Well, it turns out these are being broadcast to thousands of people in the middle of our episodes.


Yeah, you're talking into a microphone.


Wait, is that why we're getting paid for these? I know I'm just as surprised as you guys, but I have landed on something revolutionary that is going to help us out of this pickle that we all find ourselves in and we're all in the same situation.


You know what?


See, I was about to recommend better help, but if you found something... I was about to launch into how I love pickles because this is an opportunity for me to just rant and rave about what I like. Well, okay. Wait, Erin, what's better help? Oh, do you want to hear about Bradley Better Help Pickers?



No, I don't want to hear about your pickle theory. Why did I say pickles like that? From the South? I don't know.


Well, thank God I'm here because let me tell you about what my thing is and that is Better Help. It's not a crisis line. It's not self-help. It's professional counseling done securely online. This is my favorite kind of way to get therapy because you can send a message to your counselor anytime and they're professionals and it's awesome and you don't have to do that performative one hour of therapy every week. That stressed me the heck out. It's more affordable than traditional offline counseling and financial aid is available.


And BetterHelp will help you with things like, you know, is there something interfering with your happiness, JPC? Is there something preventing you from achieving your goals, JPC? Sorry, I'm mentioning just what's affecting my happiness and affecting me from achieving my goals.


Yeah, and so with better help, not like our ads that go out to thousands of people, everything that you share is confidential, it's convenient, it's professional, and it's affordable, right?


Yeah, and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. That's less than an Eddie Murphy movie.



And it's available worldwide.


Okay, so you're saying that we want people to start living a happier life. And as a listener of our show, you can get 10% off your first month by visiting our sponsor at betterhelp.com slash riddle. JPC, no 10%. That's too much. I don't make the rules. I think that they should join over 1 million people who have taken charge of their mental health. Again, that's betterhelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash riddle. This is way better than the idea I was going to pitch.


What were you going to say?


I was going to say whisper ads. We just whisper all the ads and so then we can hear the ads if we whisper all the ads.


Okay, I say this every day, but thank God I'm here. What would happen if I wasn't here, everybody?


Oh wait, GBC. Stop whispering. All these birds started landing on you. The birds are my friends.


What happened? What if I wasn't here?



And I do think we have to be careful. He is our friend, but I think Casey is egging on this episode because there's so little editing that he'll need to do.


Yeah, wait a minute.


So let's make sure we do like 10 more scenes just to make sure this motherfucker earns his paycheck.


So Erin, during the break, I did text Mariah.


All right.


And I texted Mariah a link to the sweatshirt and I said, what do you think about this sweatshirt?


What did she say?


Now, before I talk about what Mariah thinks about this sweatshirt, I would also like to point out That the model who is wearing the sweatshirt does not appear to be white. And then there are some other people wearing the sweatshirt.


I thought you were going to say, does not appear to be happy.


No, well, they're a model, so I don't think they're supposed to be necessarily happy. Very neutral look. So then I asked Mariah what she thought of this sweatshirt. And she said, that's not a sweatshirt. Those are scarves. Now it is called the mixed scarves sweatshirt. Mariah says, lovely colors, but it looks silky, not a sweatshirt. So Mariah who saw the sweatshirt says, not a sweatshirt. Those are scarves.



But she needs to answer the question, does she like it?


Well that wasn't the question. I just said, what do you think about this sweatshirt? And she said, not a sweatshirt. So that's the question.


Well then the next question needs to be, do you like it? Or do you think a woman who has red hair might look pretty cute in this?


Very subtle.


Very subtle.


Mariah's going to think that I'm getting her this sweatshirt.


And maybe, honestly, maybe you should. She would look, okay, Mariah, I look cute in this. Mariah would look amazing in this.


Yeah, I think so as well. I think a person of color would look great in this sweatshirt.


Those look like scarves because now I'm now I can only picture like a magician who's basically Ben and Jerry doing a trick with never pulling these out of their sleeve or something.


So I didn't get this sweatshirt off of their website. So I ordered it from another retailer because it was already fully sold out in their first round of it. And this other retailer was having a sale on it. So the model and the retailer I bought it from and part of the inspiration is she had red hair and I had just dyed my hair red. And I went, wow, she has red hair. She looks excellent in that sweatshirt. I'm doing pretty good.



Erin, when you said the initial run sold out, is that like the same thing where the E.T. Nintendo game sold out? And they actually went to a landfill and buried 500 million copies?


That's a deep cut. People need to know that that's the least popular video game of all time to know, understand that joke. Okay. I'm going to send you some other sweatshirts from their website. They do a lot of these mixed media sweatshirts. A lot of them are broken into thirds. And then you're going to see that I bought the cutest of all of them.


Wait, these are mixed media? So each one of those quadrants is a form of media. So it was like newspaper, the news.


So Erin, Mariah says she likes the colors. It's not my vibe. It's a nice visual.




And then she asked does she have the set to which I said you do not have the set.


I would love to have the set. Oh no. See?


Oh no.



Okay, but this is from the same retailer where I got my dress for the January live show that we did that you both gave me really nice compliments on. It's a really dark dress with big red hearts on it. Do you guys remember that?


I do remember that. I think a lot of risks.


It's the least distracting thing that's ever happened on the show.


I think a lot of risks with my wardrobe. I like to think I'm on the cutting edge of men's fashion. I did enjoy that outfit that you wore, but this is something, this is a lateral move into a terrible world.


Well, no, I mean, I will just say that, Erin, I just think that like everything that they have looks like, yeah, if you're in Rio de Janeiro, if this is card of all, This is great clothes to wear. Why not wear these clothes?



I gotta say, it's very in in LA to be wearing this like mixed print, very colorful clothing. I am ahead of the curve.


Say that shit for three months from now when you're out there, Erin, because you're in Chicago. Here's what you should be wearing. Italian beef stains, no ketchup, the cubs.


Okay, I really just really looked at the visuals of this. These two motherfuckers are wearing dark gray, everybody. They're in gloomy Chicago. It was snowing all day today. They thought, you know what will bring more joy to the world? Dark gray. Dark gray.


It's Chicago in the wintertime and it's lockdown. I mean, I'm also wearing gray sweats. Like it's gray on gray here.


Same. I'm wearing dark green sweats.


I guess you see the world as dark gray and dark green and I see the world as a beautiful place.


Erin, I think in LA you wear that outfit and somebody on the street stops you and says, get it girl. I think in Chicago you wear that outfit and somebody stops you on the street and they say, do you think you're better than me?



Yeah, they go, we're not supposed to be this happy in Chicago. It's not sustainable.


I think someone from Chicago sees Erin wearing that and they say, hey, that lady's stuck in that picture. Somebody help that lady out of that painting.


We're going to get you out. So beyond my very funny and sweet chiropractor who said this reminder to Joseph in the amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, I have had Men mostly ignore the sweatshirt over Zoom and stuff when I've worn it. But I've had... That was nice of them. Yeah. Or like go, I think Harrison Lott might have said something like, wow, I love your sweatshirt. So that's nice.


Oh, these are gentlemen.


Yes. But I have had like a lot of different women see me in the sweatshirt and go, oh my God, I love your sweatshirt so much. I need one. Where did you get it? So, I don't know. I don't know if this is for men. This episode just goes to show. Wear what you want to wear. This makes me so happy, and this hasn't deterred me not even a little bit.



Well, Erin, let's speak clear on something. JPC and I are 100% the villains of this episode, and we will be absolutely roasted and salted.


The earth of our- No, in order for you to be villains, it would have had to have affected me at all. You two are just two clowns. Having the best time. I'm having a great time.


Hey, I will say, I will say I never said I didn't like the sweatshirt. And I will say this is recorded. This whole thing has been recorded. I never said I didn't like the sweatshirt. Look at the hats back there, Erin. Look at the hats on my wall. You don't think I like the sweatshirt?


And I'll admit there were clowns because earlier I tried to knock on your clavicle because I thought I was home.


Oh, fuck. Okay. I'm crying. Okay. That's the funniest.


Just, I mean, yeah, it's, you know, someone doesn't go to a comedy show, laugh for an hour and a half, and then come out and say, I don't like the comedy show. I was laughing. Of course I like the show.


Yeah. Also, this is somehow even more your taste than it is mine, JPC.



Of course. I already bought one.


No, you didn't. I did.


I bought this small while we were talking. Why not?


You're a liar.


I'll wear this sweatshirt. You're a liar.


Erin, I'll also say I've been to many a barbecue because you said you've had many people stop and say like, where can I get that? I've been to so many barbecues where someone will take a bite of someone's potato salad and then go, this is the best potato salad I've ever had. Could I please get the recipe? And the person goes, absolutely. They bring them back the recipe. They go, oh, thank you so much. Now I have this recipe. This is the best potato salad. I can't believe you gave me the recipe. Thank you so much. Then I walk home with that person and they crumple up that paper and throw it in the trash and they shrug and say, I was being nice.


You need better friends. Your friends are mean and weird. It was you. No, I would never go.


I think try it out because it fits. First of all, that story is about me. Adal is twisting what that story is about. It's not about potato salad. It's about getting people's numbers in a bar, and I crumple them up and throw them away because it's about getting it, not about following through on it, Adal.



I want to see a scene. I want to see a scene, too. I want to see a scene. JPC and Erin, you are two people at a bar. You don't know each other. JPC, you have settled next to Erin at the bar, and your one goal is to get her number just so you can crumple it up in front of her and throw it away.




I'm sorry, Kelly?


Ew, get away from me. I'm here with my friend. Don't be weird. My name's not Kelly. You know it's not.


No, the bartender's name is Kelly.


Oh, I'm so sorry. Have a good night.


What can I get you? Can only get better. I will have... Usual? I'll have the usual and then I'll pick up this whole party's tab.


No, please don't. Weird and bad.


Don't do that. It seems like they're going through something like maybe like a funeral of some sort.


We're having the best day actually. Oh, I'm sorry.


I'm sorry. I think he's talking about the party to his right, which is a funeral.


Oh, okay. Never mind. Have a good one.


It's the McGill's. It's the McGill's. That's a funeral party. Did you want to pick up her tab as well?



No, no, no. If you could add more to her tab, or like, please her in a way.


Dude, I don't want to be rude, and I'm so sorry, but I just got there. You don't want to be rude? Here's the thing, I just got there by my friend. Do you have a time turner like Harry Potter?


That would be the best possible, that would be for you? Erin, don't forget, once per episode, you can rewind a scene two minutes. Is this guy bothering you? I'd never do this, but is he bothering you?


Yeah, a little bit actually. But you gotta go, you gotta go. I'll walk, I'll walk. Okay, here's the thing.


Still me?


Yeah, I just, my friends dared me to try to like get your number and then crumple it up in front of you, which would be a terrible thing to do to someone. So to deter conversation, I tried to be as rude as I possibly can. I'm so sorry.


I don't even have a phone. So it never would have been an issue. I would have never been able to give you my number.


Hi, I'm a sweatshirt with a woman inside of it.



Well, if you play your cards right, you could be a woman with a sweatshirt, a sweaty shirt.


Can I take all the time you need?


JPC, if you want to use Erin's time turner


Is this guy bothering you? I never do this.


I don't know this guy. I don't know this guy. Could you?




I'm sorry. I'm so... I feel like I fucked this whole thing up because I'm... I'm from space. So that's... that is why I am... I'm not good with people. I'm from space. This is not my body.


If you play your cards right, you'll be an alien inside of a man, inside of a sweatshirt, inside of a woman.


So that's exactly what I am, currently.


A sex turd ducking. Okay, here's what's interesting. I would like to see a scene.


We never called scene on this scene. I'm going to use the time turner. Is this scene bothering you?


Yeah, this scene is bothering me. Thank you. I never do this, but can you? I would like to see a scene. There's two scenes I want to see. So after this is over, there's another scene.



And also, don't forget, so we do have to work in about 10 to 15 riddles. But we'll see these scenes. But just keep in mind, we have to work in about 10 to 15 riddles. Or we will get hate mail.


I would like to see a press conference. I will be my sweatshirt. JPC, you will be my sweatshirt's lawyer. And Adal, you're everyone in the press asking questions.


I've advised my client to answer very briefly a couple of questions and that's all my client's going to be answering today.


Thank you.


Yes, you sir.


Oh sorry, I don't have a question.


My eyes are just hurting. I have a question. Yes, in the back a question from you, the man with the straw hat.


Yes, my name is Mikhail Skekro. I'm with Why magazine. What was the inspiration for buying this sweatshirt?


Hey, I'm glad you asked. Here's the thing though. I didn't buy myself. I was just perfect just the way I was. In a very per- I'm turning to Coco so fast. In a- Although I don't- I do think if the sweatshirt talked, it would sound a little bit like my friend Coco. And here's the thing. I was perfect, and then a perfect lady saw me on the internet, and she thought two perfect things should be together, and that was the inspiration for me being bought. Ooh, ooh, I have a question.



Again, yes, you sir.


Yes, I have a question. My name is Todd Magazine, and I'm with the fashion newspaper. My question, what was the woman's name?


The woman's name was Erin Keif. Oh, sorry, I've been advised by my lawyer to stop.


I just want to make sure that everyone who's at this press conference is clear what's happening here. This is a sweatshirt. Yes. Not a woman, not someone wearing a sweatshirt. This is a sweatshirt. I'm a sweatshirt's lawyer because this sweatshirt is being sued. That's right.


I'm being accused of a murder. And look, I'm gesticulating. Can you see? I'm a sweatshirt and I move like this.


You killed fashion is what I heard. Now what do you have to say to the accusations that you're actually an insanity quilt?


I'd say if I'm an insanity quilt, then bring it on.


I will step in. That question is way out of line. My client is not an insanity quilt. My client has been compared to a ThunderShirt that you put on a dog to calm them from storms, except this is a ThunderShirt that you put on a dog to make them experience a hurricane.



I have a question.




My name is Billy Crudup. Not that Billy Crudup. I'm the actor from Almost Famous. Okay. And Prefontaine. You can still get pregnant from Prefontaine.


Sounds a lot like Dr. Chameleon. I guess you only have four voices. Just like this sweatshirt only has four quadrants. You only have four voices. Whee!


All right, please, please. Save it for this game.


I have a question about the lawsuit, which is how much is Lakinta ensuing you for looking like they're carpets?


Ah, good question. And I actually am dating that law suit. Who would have thought a colorful sweatshirt and a suit made of law would get along so well, but turns out suits and sweatshirts are a good match.


I can't believe I went to college for this.


Uh-huh. And then law school. Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh.


Now, hold on. I did tell you I did not attend law school.




I said I've seen four seasons of suits and not in the right order.


Case dismissed. I have a question here in the back.



Final question for the back.


I don't know if you could see my raised hand because I'm a tiny kid but my name is Mikey and I just wanted to know are you the drawing that I did in preschool that I got an F on?


Yeah, your teacher is so terrible and I thought, why not make you into a beautiful piece of art?


Wow, my teacher said she never, she said preschool. There's never been an F in the history of preschool, but then I drew you and something changed.


Uh-huh. Sounds like everyone's pretty jealous of how Erin's confidence for wearing me. I'm gonna go over here and I'll see you two in hell.


She cannot read her room. No, she's jealous.


I wanted to see another scene, but actually it's so weird. I feel like, guys, Eminem just walked in and he said he wants to rap about this sweatshirt. Should we let him?





No, I think we should. Right, JPC? We should definitely let him.


That seems like a fair and balanced way of... I mean, I don't have a horse in this race, so...


You're growing. You're not calling Adal your horse anymore. I think that's really big of you. Your friendship is really blooming.


Sometimes you have to let a cult run free.


Blooming. Brothers bloom. Adrian Brody.


Tom Brady. Uh-oh. Quarterback. QB. QI. Q. James Bond. Denture Bond. False teeth. False. You got false teeth?


Oh Eminem, just wait. Get to the part about the sweatshirt. You guys are going to love this.


Sweatshirt. Looks like dirt.


Dirt. Does it hurt? Does it hurt? Did it hurt when you fell from heaven because God hated that sweater? It could be better. I wrote a letter. Dear, dear wife, the Civil War finds me fighting for this sweatshirt. I'm hurt, got shot, got shot, need a shot. A tequila, because I feel like I hate other sweaters. Patron. Patron, you're on your own. If you like this sweater, you're on your own. Ownership. Ownership. Sales. Got a sale on the ship. Made a wool and a sheep. Ba-ba. Black sheep, Tommy Boy. Chris Farley.



Farley. Niles Barkley. Chris Farley. Cocaine overdose. That's not funny. David Spain.


I can't believe Eminem just did a whole thing about a sweater and he didn't say vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti.


Ah, that's the line.


How do you not work mom's spaghetti out of your Eminem?


You can keep going Eminem if that feels like you need to.


Oh yeah.


There's vomit on my sweater already? Mom's ravioli?


Get out of here. Eminem, get out of here. Oh, that was worth it. Oh, that was worth it. And let's do a riddle?


Ragu. Rag on you. Rag on you for what you're wearing. You're like a Karen. You want to speak to the manager.


A way in a manager. In a major. Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ. Look at that sweater.


I mean it's it's no more incomprehensible than the riddles that we've been doing for the past year anyway.


That's true. Adal, just one riddle I think will do.



Okay. Let's see here. Let me find a good one. Okay. Here we go. I could be something that you do to a socket, or perhaps something you would put in your head if you had no hair.


A plug?


Oh, let's see, I have a few things here. I did a few podcasts recently. You're going to want to check out the restricted section podcast. I was a guest on their show, it's one of my favorite podcasts to do, the restricted section. I was also on the Blue Ridge Adventurers Guild podcast. I was on Garden Plots with Skeletor podcast. And also I want to mention Hey Tavern Tavern. It's on Stitcher Premium. It's myself, JPC, and Erin. And we do a, it's basically a Hello from the Magic Tavern spinoff. We play our characters from that world. And it was so much fun. We have seven episodes. Four of them I believe are out now. And if you use the code MAGIC, you can get four weeks free. So if you use it now, You can hear everything that's come out, you can hear the next three, and then you can cancel and still be safe. So please do that. Check it out. That's Hey Tavern Tavern.



JBC, what are your plugs?


I was just on a podcast called the Land Before Crime podcast. This is an improvised true crime podcast where we all play dinosaurs. It was not very fun to do, and I don't think it came out well. It's the Land Before Crime podcast. Look at that. Erin, anything that you have to plug?


Oh, I'm so sorry. I literally just got a Facebook message back from Gemma. So I had sent her about 25 minutes ago. I sent her a picture of the model with the sweater. And I said, what do you think of this? She replied with four lines. First line, undecided. Second line, it's cool and different. Third line, looks comfy. Fourth line, but it's definitely bold.


I'm all those things. I'm all those things.


Erin, you're undecided, you're cool and different, you're comfy, and you're bold. All of those are past taglines for Folger's Coffee, too, by the way.





Erin, anything to plug?


Yes. Recently, I was on the Billbuds Popcast. I had the best time. I talked about Aemon Ignite, the fun album, and I truly had such a good time. They were such gracious and lovely hosts, and they were so funny and lovely, so please Check that out. Also, I want to plug knowing who you are and buying what you like. Here's the thing, everybody. I had pretty low self-esteem for most of my teenage years and a big chunk of my 20s. But the closer I get to 30, the more I go, you know what? I like really weird shit. If I want to buy A chair with a weird print? I'm going to do it. If I want to wear purple lipstick every day, I'm going to do it. I just got to say, I love this sweatshirt. I love you too. And I love it even more after this episode. Wear what you want. I'm looking forward to seeing a pair of medium shorts that will finish the set in the mail, boys. I endured this episode for a free pair of $100 shorts. Woo! And it's the best! I love this sweatshirt. Good night everybody. I love it.



And stay tuned. We will be releasing a fully updated dress code policy for the show. Just so we can kind of get to the business of the show. The dress code policy is in the works.


We have our lawyers working it up right now. Erin, we love you. You are absolutely fucking rocking that sweatshirt. Right at the end there you did make us the villains pretty hardcore.


No I don't. Or did you make yourself a villain and I took advantage of it by getting a free pair of shorts.


We did check in 15 to 20 times to make sure that you're okay and you said yes, you were loving it.


So I just want to make sure... I guess you'll have to buy me a free pair of shorts just in case.


I want to make sure that I don't get punched in the face next time I'm out on the street. And Erin, speaking of Zeus and Mercury, there's a, so those were Roman Greek gods, there was actually a Danish god, also planetary, who was a little bit into fashion, and that god's name was...


Jupiter, don't yell at them for this episode. I had the best time ever. They're going to give me a free pair of shorts. Don't worry. I love it here. This is great.



Well, it's not free if we have to pay for it.


Oh yeah. Well, free for me. But thanks guys. Don't yell at them. This is the best episode. This is one of my favorite episodes ever. Don't yell at us for not doing riddles. We promise we'll do riddles soon.


I think it would have been even different if Erin was wearing a weird sweatshirt.


And John Patrick Coan, Casey Toney did the editing, and already parented the theater.


If you've listened past the credits, congratulations. You're about to hear 30 seconds of Erin roasting JPC and Adal's attire.


You guys look great. It's always so good to see you.


I'm wearing a tire!


And I'm so attired, I need to go to a bed.


Oh my god.



Hey there subject nouns. If you liked that, you are going to love this week's Patreon. We do two sentence stories and it is a blast. You can listen to that, plus our entire back catalog at patreon.com slash Hey Riddle Riddle by joining the Clue Crew for $5 a month or the Review Crew for $8 a month. See you then. That was a hate gun podcast.