Which Riddle Riddle?

#133: Riddleternational Gibberish



This is a HeadGum podcast.


The doctor was the mother. He stood on a block of ice. Both of them were goldfish. It was the cabin of an airplane. He stabbed him with the knife.


And the horses came rising.


Okay Riddlers, on your mark, get set, go!


Oh wait, what are we doing? What are we doing? Uh, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, darn, darn. Eat this casserole, eat this casserole.


Done. Okay, belly dance. I'm still on the belly dance portion. What were we doing?


Okay, so that was a foot race, and neither of you moved.


I should say, I done hurt my foot, and I can't walk on it.



Uh, forget it. This is the last time we tried to do Hey Riddle Riddle Field Day. You guys didn't even try to- Hey Maybelline! I hurt my foot! I'm just packing everything up from Hey Riddle Riddle Field Day. You guys didn't even want to participate even.


No, it was fun. It's not that I didn't want to participate. I just said every time I tetherball, I hit myself in the back of the head. Without fail, I can't get another concussion from tetherball.


And yet we played tetherball, you did not get hit, and we both got hit in the head by you.


And also, JPC, I thought it was really cool that you had those fears and that you introduced us to Featherball, which was so light and so relaxing. And it knocks the wind out of you and it hits the back of the head though.


Instead of all these games, let's just do regular riddles. Fine.


Fine. Well, it was a good run. I'm Adal Rifai. I'm JPC. And I'm Erin Keif.


I love egg foods.



I don't think there's anything funnier to me than in a southern accent yelling. I think when I started improv, I feel like 95% of the scenes I saw or did were exactly what JPC did, which was like, hey, Darlene, come in the front yard. You'll never guess what's out here.


Uh, Gabby Dixon yelling, hey, y'all going to JCPenney from out of a window in the IOT theater is still one of my favorite things I've seen. And that was like 2015.


I do love that it's not just like a southern person yelling. The context is always that they're very far away in both of those examples. It's not like someone, because it's insane for a southern person to have like a shouting match with someone like in close proximity. That's what they would.


Oh no, they're always far away. And it's always asking if people are going to JCPenney. Hey, y'all going to JCPenney?


Hey, that's the river what took my son. I think that's the Tina Fey bit. Oh, Southern Voices. Um, speaking of Southern Voices, JPC, you are from the deep south of Indiana.



I'm from, well Indianapolis is exactly the center of Indiana. Couldn't be more the middle of Indiana. But it is weird though because every time that I went to southern Indiana or even just like south of Indiana, like I had a friend who just lived on the south side of Indianapolis which was not that far away and he had like a southern accent and it was like I felt like it was more of a rural accent than it was a like actual like southern draw accent.


It was just like... Well nobody speaks like that second one unless you're Colonel Sanders. Well I'm just a simple country chicken lawyer.


A country chicken lawyer from Savannah is what that voice is. What does his voice sound like?


You're on a 12-piece bucket.


Adjourned. It was more like a cadence thing. He just had more of a cadence to his voice. And he was from Indianapolis. Basically, not really. It was outside of Indianapolis. We were from the same place. That's why when people hear Indiana they think like, you know, two horses and ten cows and the horses are the mares.



And the cows are the wives. And the cows are the wives. I'm gonna feel dumb as soon as this leaves my lips but I'm gonna risk it.


Hey, I'd like you to feel dumb before it leaves your lips and then you'll just feel normal as you say it.


You're a true friend. So in my head, I always thought Indianapolis was like, the name Indianapolis is one because it's in Indiana and it's like a metropolis. So to me, Indianapolis is a combination. It's almost like Pizza Hut Taco Bell. It's a combination Indiana metropolis. Is that correct?


I think Annapolis means city. So like Indianapolis, like mini Annapolis. I think Apolis is like the Greek thing for like city.


Is that derived from Apollo? Apolis? Apollo's lisp?


Remember Apollo had that lisp? Yes, and it would only come out when he was saying the word city. So it's Apollo's lisp means... You just got yourself a salon? Uh, yeah, but that's, that's where, that's, I think that's where that's from. But, you know, I, I could be, I could be absolutely incorrect in the, in Appleus, but there's all, a bunch of cities have Appleus on them that are like, yeah.



These are cities.


Oh, okay.


Hold on. It's from a Greek word meaning citizen of no country. Polis was a city state of ancient Greece, adding the A in front means not of. So Minneapolis and Indianapolis, I have no idea, but they took the Apple from that Greek word.


Fascinating. And Erin, we should say that Erin climbed up her bookshelf ladder and knocked it to the side so that she whizzed by all her books, a la Belle and Beauty and the Beast. She grabbed a big old tome that said, city info?


Yeah, I gotta tell you, I got a concussion twice in that entire exchange.


You pushed the ladder too hard?


Yeah, going up the ladder, about my head, and then push the ladder too hard, going sideways. Man, it's not easy.


When Erin got concussed, she dropped that heavy book out of her zoom and it fell from the top of her zoom into the bottom of, or from the bottom of her zoom into the top of mine. I caught it. I did look this up. This is funny. So this is funny. This is interesting, I'd say as a fact. Polis, as we all know, means the thing that Erin just said it was. A polis sausage is a sausage that belongs to no one.



Okay, well if I pee right now, we'll go into your screen too asking for a friend.


Al, why is this hot? It's like an acid. It's not hot in temperature, it's hot like spicy.


Okay, well here you get two options. It's either hot like spicy or it's the consistency of hail. You decide.


Hey Riddle.


Oh no, sweetie, Giardina is the peppers that chopped up. It's what you get with the side of Italian beef. Oh, it's delicious.


When you say Giardia to people, you either go with Giardiniera or what's the... What's that cook on the fingerwork? No, what's the STI? Gonorrhea.


Anyway... I was thinking Geranium, so I guess I'm unique.


Yes, that's very unique. Anyway, she got super sick. She threw up like five times. But it was like, it was also kind of concerning, you know, when a pet's sick and you're like, oh no. But at one point she was like, we were trying to like, do you want to lay down? Like, where do you want to go? Like she was just kind of walking around, just getting everything out of her. So she was just like standing in the kitchen, just like her legs were shaking and she was just staring off into the distance. We were like, oh no. And we were like, do you want to drink some water? And she like went and drank some water and then she like threw up all the water. So I've cleaned up way worse today. This is just water and I'm like, well, thank God it's just water. But when I was like cleaning up her water, I was like, it's cold. It's cold like the water from her bowl was cold. And I'm like, oh, throwing up something that is cold is just like, it's gotta be the worst experience.



You go, I am not okay in my insides. I'm famously supposed to be around 98 degrees. And if this is coming out cold, then I am not 98 degrees.


If it was in me and it's coming out of me, it should be baked to the correct temperature, but this is not.


Well, speaking of in you and coming out of you, I believe you have some riddles that are dying to be regurgitated to our listeners' ears.


And I cannot wait to borf these little riddles into your chest.


This is fast. Yuck yuck.


Borf is my favorite Star Trek Next Generation character. He's got that crease on his forehead. Yes, you're thinking of six of nine.


That's it. Nice. Okay, so again, I'm digging deep into the listener-submitted mail bag for some of these, but I wanted to do just some listener-submitted ones, and these are from, you know, again, very beginning of the show. We're talking about 2018. These things are now... That's so crazy.


I was 20 then. That's wild.



I wasn't even born. These are from August, so they're not three years old, but they're getting close. They're getting close to that. Okay, so this one, and this is before we ask people if we could read their names. So I'm just going to read first names. This is from, I believe, Erem. E-R-U-M, Erem? Erem? Yeah.


Oh, I think this is, I know this person. I think it's Erem. Yeah.


Erem. Erem. Well, this is a person that Adal potentially knows and this is Erem. Erem says, hey there OMPs, you guys make my Wednesdays commute so much better. Please never stop further than puzzling and then take a stab at this Rizzy, if you dare. Like a Toyota or Civic, I'm just as good in reverse.




What am I?


I'm just as good in reverse.


Now, Erin, are you stabbing Erem there?


No, I'm stabbing the riddle. He told me to take a stab at it.


Oh, is it? That's true. How do I do this? Hold on.



Oh, is it my ass that won't quit? Is it my ass that won't quit?


You're ass that won't quit I have a question about. Is it just as good in reverse?


Yeah, of course.


Okay. Is the answer sudugg?


What? I'm just as good in reverse?


Yeah, so Se-dug. One is the couple name for Se-dee-and-dug, my sister and brother-in-law. And then two, that's as good in reverse or backwards.


Well, it's not Se-good. What did you say it was?


Se-dug. Dook-sa? As good?


Wait, wait. Read the riddle again.


I took G-O-O-D, space A-S, and then I flipped that, so it's S-A-D-O-O-G. Well, you did good as. Oh, whoops.


Okay, I think I'm gonna need the riddle again.


I'm drunk.


Wait, you're saying that Erin just has a good ass? No, no, no, no, no.


I don't quit. For a local charity, I told people I would do a dump tank and I accidentally went to the drunk tank and so I am sloshed. And I'm gonna boar



Okay well honestly this must be your first dunk tank because every time I go to a dunk tank I get drunk as a skunk before I go. Otherwise it's gonna hurt my feelings.


I want to see a scene. The two of you are on the hit show dunk tank where you have to pitch an idea. We're gonna have Erin you're pitching an idea to JPC who's one of the dunks and if you don't pitch your idea in a quick enough time or he doesn't like your idea he dunks all over you.


Why should I, Mr. Waterfall, give you the million dollar prize?


I'm asking for a million dollars for 5% stake in my company. In my company, us. Hey, I'm sorry.


Mike, can we cut for a second? Cut. Thank you, Mike. Are you nervous?


Yeah, I'm really nervous. I've never been on TV before.


I'm on TV every week. I'm Mr. Waterfall. It's actually, you know, it's totally fine to be nervous. I'm going to give you a little, a little something that someone gave me back when I was first starting out that will help you feel less nervous. I want you to close your eyes and imagine me naked.



Okay. Okay.


That helps me a lot.


That is hysterical.


When I imagined myself naked, I was like, ready. Hell yeah. I'm ready. Okay. All right.


I think I'm ready. Okay.


Mike, we good?


Sorry, I was on my phone. What's up?


Just say action, Mike. Did you know that Stevie Nicks is still alive? Alright Mike, somebody's cut this.


That's surprising. I didn't say that was surprising. I'm sorry. Action.


Cut. Sorry, cut. Mike. Action. I had to say it. Action. I'm Mr. Waterfalls. I really want you to win that million dollar prize. Show me what you got.


I'm asking for a million dollars for 5% stake in my company, take money from Mr. Waterfalls, and give it to Stevie Nicks. We have raised over $100,000 for mother investors. How much over? Be specific.


We have raised over $100,000, so it's like more or less $100,000.


It's basically another way of saying $100,000. No, it's not. No, that's just business talk.



Hey, so you're lying to me. Dunk.


Are you not pissed?


Hold on. That alarm means that you have one dunk. So there are only two other dunks remaining. That means I have locked in a dunk on my right hand. Now I also have my left hand on my forehead, and if I lock in a dunk on all three, you will get dunked. Dunk, dunk.


What is this show? What happens when I get dunked?


Well, that's it. I've dunked you on my left and my right and my forehead. Mike, looks like he's still on his phone, looks like he hasn't hit the actual dunk button, so you have a few more seconds. Mike, you're killing me.


And action. When I worked at a summer camp on the last day, There was a dunk tank of like every session of the summer camp. And you really saw which counselors were most hated by the children because we would be the ones getting in the dunk tank. And you'd just see something in their eyes and they would really want to dunk.


It wasn't you, was it?


No, I think they were mostly apathetic towards me. Yeah, but there wasn't a lot of hatred towards me.



How old were you at this point?


I think I worked at that camp for two or three years. So it was probably like 16 through 18 or 19. 16, 17, 18 probably.


Erin, are you still working on that app called pathetic?


Yeah, it will never be finished. True to its name. That's sort of like how I'm branding it is.


I'm never going to finish it. I have an app that's also called Pathetic and what the app does is randomly at random times it converts your ringtone to the sound of porn and then it turns your volume on. So at any point, like you might get a call or a text and you're like, And everyone's like, oh my god, that guy's watching porn on the bus? How pathetic.


I have an app that's pathetic. Caprese Salad. What are we paying $14 for mozzarella and tomatoes for?


Shut up, it's amazing. Yeah, I tell you guys about- There's also basil!


There's also basil!


We've heard it all a million times before.


In balsamic vinegar, idiots. So, maybe like a year and a half. Two years ago, I went to an improv show and it was like at CAC and it was sold out. And I don't know how it happened, but my phone bumped and it was in the middle of the show, full volume. It went, this is a head come podcast. And our show started playing from me. My own podcast started playing in a quiet TIC theater and I was humiliated.



That's amazing because people assume the worst.


They're like, oh, she was listening to fucking Hey Riddle Riddle on the way here.


She was your own podcast to hype her up for this improv show.


This is funny because less than 48 hours ago, JPC and I were playing D&D, and as we're getting ready for D&D, it's like 10 a.m. or something, and all of a sudden my computer starts blaring, hey, this is Adal Rifai, welcome to Hey Riddle Riddle. And then it stops and everyone's laughing and I'm like, was that my computer? And people are like, yeah. And they're like, what do you like? Do you like to like listen to your, like they're all making fun. And it turned out it was JPC had turned on the link for our live show. And so it was just the intro, but I was humiliated because, and these are friends, but I'm like, but I'm like, I don't believe that it was Adal because it was Adal's voice that popped out.


And they're like, Adal, is that you? And I was like, I guess it is.


Oh God. Right under the bus.


Whenever I'm on tour with the Rolling Stones, I'll play one of their songs and I'll be like, that was Mick. No, Mick did that.



Did you guys have an answer to this riddle?


Like a Toyota or a Camry?


What was it? It's like a Toyota or Civic.


I'm just as good in reverse. What am I? So a Civic is Honda. A Toyota could be many things like a Camry. So one is make and one is model, right? So like a Toyota or a Civic?


It's a word going, it's one of, you like put the word backwards.


One goes is a make, one is a model. One always tells the truth, one always loves to dawdle.




Oh, they're, they're... S-S-Saturn. Civic's a palindrome. And so is a Toyota. Oh, a Toyota, yes. I know that from the Weird Al song.


Yes, you do. You do know it from that, and you know it from this riddle. Thank you, Erin. Yes, the answer is a palindrome. That's great. I like that one. Which is like a Toyota and I said, or like a Toyota. What's the name of that Riddle song? That song is called, That's your palindrome for today. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.



That's your palindrome for today. Bring such nice bright colors. Aquarius. I am a man a plan a Panama Canal. A man a plan a canal Panama.


Go hang a salami. I'm a lasagna hog. That's my favorite palindrome. Pretty great.


That's a good one.


I think it was from like I got that from like a Garfield book or something. I don't know. Um, anyway, that has stuck with me for my entire life and will be with me until my dying day.


And you don't even remember my last name, so it's clear what you try to remember.


I know, I remember it. It's Keish, you love eggs. Oh, come on. I think it's, it's Cluedle, right? Cluedle? Yeah. Either way, Erin, you gotta admit, we are getting warmer.


Good, because my pee is so, so, so cold and I would like for it to heat up.


Hey, put it in my dog's body, that'll heat it up. Okay, hey, here we go. This one is from Annie. I like this one a lot. This one, Annie says, hey, love the show. I thought I'd contribute with a couple riddles from Sweden. These are from approximately the 18th and 19th century from various areas in Sweden. I'll include the Swedish text if you want to go at reading it out loud. What do you guys think? Do you guys want to hear me pronounce these things in Sweden?



I'm not trying to get an entire country mad at us, so no.


Well, I will say anytime we get a listener submitted riddle or email from Sweden, we do have to do a little segment that's the Swedish Chef Bop, which is Swedish Chef singing a popular song. So I'll go first. I'm just going to be a little snippet, just a line or two. Here we go.


Don't go cheating with the fools. Please stick to the river that you used to.


Okay. I tried to do the left eye wrap and then I realized it's way too long.


And we're done here? Erin's up next. Apparently, are we ready? Okay, let's see. That's that new song that people keep playing on the internet.



I don't know what song that is, but I did suddenly realize that the name Werner Herzog is absolutely just a Swedish chef saying, Werner Herzog. Okay. J.P. Z. Here we go.


This isn't a song. Was that Crazy Frog?


That was Love Yourself by Justin Bieber.


Okay, what are these Swedish riddles?


I'm ready. So here's the first one. Walks uphill and downhill and carries a bone in its mouth. Walks uphill and downhill and carries a bone in its mouth. These are hundreds of years old and they're from Sweden. It is not a dog. This might help you. Gar aap fr bakke, uck aap fr bakke, ack bar ett bin ett kaften.


Ack bar, let me just pause and say, dad stop, ack bar is not a Swedish word. Admiral Ackbar is not a Swedish character.



It's a trap! Up and downhill? Is it a literal hill?


It is not a hill, no. Walks up and downhill with a bone in their mouth. Is this a person giving a everlasting blowjob? Hey Adal, stop trying to sell your new Willy Wonka adult script. Everlasting knobsucker. Oh my god we have to write this.


Hey Riddle.


We're crying and missing you for a week and at one point he says that he was in a blowjob contest that week and his girlfriend's like, you were in a blowjob contest? He's like, no, no, no, no, no. Giving blowjobs. And then later on someone throws a Drake in his face and he says something about how they have a Drake named after him at this bar. And she's like, they have a drink called the Tom Samuels. And he's like, no, it's called the ultimate cocksucker.



That's weird. Perfect.


Bob Odenkirk, comedy genius. Bob Odenkirk, hey, and he can do it all. He can break bad with the best of them. But do we have an answer for this riddle? This one I think is hard.


I don't even truly understand it. I imagine it's like analogous like it's not a literal bone. It's not a literal bone. Is it like teeth or bone and we all it's like every every human?


Well, you know what actually let me let me just double check this.


Or is this like a man in the morning man in the evening man at night kind of situation?




Where uphill and downhill are like early stages, like the beginning half of your life and the last half or something.


I don't understand this one truly because it carries a bone in its mouth. I think it might be more if it's like walks uphill and downhill and carries a muscle in its mouth.


I will also say carries a bone in its mouth. I'm more of a Charlottesville bone in its mouth.



Erin, what are you?


I'm a Carries with a bonus amount.


Is it three? Are there three?


No, there's four. Miranda.


Miranda. Cari and Charlotte. Okay.


You're full Miranda. It's funny that you don't remember because you're Miranda. None of this matters.


Erin took a pause and the light left her eyes. Sex in the pity.


After a year of quarantine, you just are like fucking none of it. None of it matters.


Yeah, so maybe that's your clue. It carries a bone in its mouth. I would say it carries a muscle in its mouth. Maybe even the strongest muscle. The tongue. Hey Riddle. Oh, yes. It carries a bone in its mouth. Okay, cool.



Smart, Adal.


That makes sense. Okay.


I would say bones. That's a great riddle. I feel like the foot... Doesn't the foot famously have the most bones?


For most people, it's just one big one. Not mine. That's why I could never be a ballet dancer.


Yeah, the doctors have told me that I have eight bones, so who knows?


Erin? I think it would have been a great ballet dancer if I had cared about anything or I was good at being disciplined and showing up places, but I'm not.


Erin, I need you to plie. Your feet are like loaves of bread.


Thank you!


Okay, so this next one. What speaks and replies but has neither tongue nor mouth? What speaks or replies?


A telephone.


A simpler way to say this would be... These riddles were written in the 18th century. You heard me, bitch. Time travel. Time travel. The answer is the time traveler's wife, so thank you.



Ooh, a great film. Great film. No, it's terrible. It's terrible. I always think about how Hailey Palmer thought I loved that movie and she watched it and then judged me and she realized I was talking about About Time. Very different vibe.


Very different vibe than About Time, but About Time also kind of creepy. Time Traveler's Wife, famously set in Chicago, their reference Ann Sathers and the Metro. It's like they were here.


I'm so tired of things being set in Chicago and someone Googled Chicago once, so they're like, deep dish?


The Beam.


They lived in Chicago for their whole lives, so they proposed at The Beam. They went to the Navy Pier stained glass museum.


That would be an excellent bit. Hey, anyone out there listening, if you're ever going to propose to me, if you propose to me at The Beam, I will laugh out loud and then I'll say yes.


Hold on, are we all calling it The Beam? Yeah, The Beam.


What speaks and replies but has neither tongue nor mouth? An echo.



An echo? No. And Erin, I think that while telephone is incorrect, I think it maybe is like around, it can help you get to the right answer because you're on the right track.


Like a gramophone.


A postcard? Yes, but like in the olden times, like what would you... Telegraph. You don't know the location of a submarine, Erin.


I know the location of several submarines, bitch. I'm on Reddit.


Be more specific. What submarine are you talking about?


I know what morph code is.


No, so you're writing a letter, but it's not the paper and it's not the letter. We'll call it a pencil.


An ink quill.


It is an ink quill.




Yeah, it's very interesting. Okay, so I want to see a quick scene. Adal and Erin, you two are on a nuclear submarine. Erin, you are just sticking around and playing around with these controls. You don't actually know how any of this stuff works. And then Adal is the captain. He comes up to you to do a Morse code message. You're going to be sending a Morse code message, and you don't know how to do that.



And sorry, this is one of those new, clear submarines?


Yeah, it's a glass bottom boat, but all around the thing. It's from Florida.


Great. Professor Daniels, I need you to send a urgent message. This is the most urgent message we'll ever send.


Okay, sorry. I'm ready to do that. I just have... Snood is pulled up on here and I can't seem to find how to exit out of Snood.


Is Snood like sexy nudes?


No, remember Snood at the game?


Is that like chewing tobacco?


No, it's like a game you can play on your desktop. Also, Microsoft Paint is up. Sorry, I was just killing some time over here. And also, I want to apologize again and again for farting earlier. I know that's like number one rule here in a submarine is do not fart.


Here's the thing, you're new here. The first three months, every new recruit holds it in or they fart in their bed or in a sweater, a rolled up sweater, that they ball up in their hands. But after three, four months, you get the hang of it and we just walk around here, we're just propelling ourselves, blast off king.



Okay, that's great.


That's something a friend used to say, blast off king.


Well, I really appreciate you being nice about it. So what's the message?


Well first let me, it's an emergency so I have to rip open this protocol pack here and it says first thing I have to do is to outright ask you if you know how to send Morse code.


Oh and I put it on my resume for sure and that was under special skills so that is what I said.


Okay, well you also said that you knew how to use GarageBand, and yet when the commanders of the sub wanted to write and record an album, you suddenly seemed to not have the... I figured I would know how to use GarageBand because people say it's super intuitive, so that was just me like assuming I knew how.


Gotcha, gotcha. Okay, and I'm ready.


Do you think like Iggy Pop or the White Stripes lists GarageBand as like skills on their resume? Who? That's just something fun to think about. Okay, so let's see here. Second step of the protocol is I have to make sure that you have not eaten in the last two hours.



Ooh. Ooh, what am I going for a swim?


Well, we're in a submarine, so if something were to happen, we need to know that you can swim through the surface. Because if you've eaten, you will surely either drown or the food is fresh in your mouth to attract sharks.


Yeah, a couple things. Definitely put, I knew how to swim in my resume, so it must be true, right?


The other thing is... Well, you spelled swim with two M's, so we weren't sure.


And I have to swim in order to send this message?


No, no, no. We're just saying this message we're about to send is about to kick off a terrible, terrible war that will surely last for years.


I should just quit out of this game of snood. I don't have to like. I'm not going to get back to it soon.


Well, how do you play?


Well you do okay it's sort of like sort of like Tetris but opposite the stuffs at the top hold on sort of like Tetris but opposite so I'm connecting blank spaces no dummy to try and fill a board you're trying to break down a board but it's above so you're shooting little monsters up to the board oh god



You're shooting little monsters. This isn't Snood. This is our command system. What have you been doing?


Oh, I was having the best time. I thought I got a high score.


Shouldn't Admiral on the bridge? Which one of you fuck-knuckles has been farting in my sweaters?


Professor, raise your hand.


I killed a bunch of people because I thought the command center was Snood.


I'll repeat myself. Which one of you fuck knuckles has been farted in my sweater?


It was him.


What? No it wasn't. Court marshaled.


And action.


Night court marshaled scene.


This is snood.


Oh Gemma's obsessed with that game. Is it you?


Gemma plays that game.


Gemma found the app for it and was like over the moon and she literally plays that about an hour a day. Wow.


My dad and I used to play it on my childhood computer all the time. It's really addictive.



You know what else is really... She's not that much younger than me and I'm like, snake? Do you mean snake?




Snake on a Nokia? You snooed, you looed. Well, it's that magical time. 7.17 PM.


Oh really is!


It's riddle o'clock. Holy shit, how did that happen? 69,420 minutes into the day. So we're gonna take a break. This worked out perfectly. We'll be right back with more... Hey Riddle Riddle.


I love how you keep saying it's 69,420 minutes into the day, which is insane. Whoops. Oh my god, Adal, Erin, I feel like such a fool. What happened? What did we do? You know how we all thought that these ads were kind of a safe space to talk about, you know, what's going on in our lives and our problems and our issues and kind of talk through them? Well, it turns out these are being broadcast to thousands of people in the middle of our episodes.



Yeah, you're talking into a microphone.


Wait, is that why we're getting paid for these? I know I'm just as surprised as you guys, but I have landed on something revolutionary that is going to help us out of this pickle that we all find ourselves in and we're all in the same situation.


You know what?


See, I was about to recommend better help, but if you found something... I was about to launch into how I love pickles because this is an opportunity for me to just rant and rave about what I like. Well, okay. Wait, Erin, what's better help? Oh, do you want to hear about Bradley Better Help Pickers?


No, I don't want to hear about your pickle theory. Why did I say pickles like that? From the South? I don't know.


Well, thank God I'm here because let me tell you about what my thing is and that is Better Help. It's not a crisis line. It's not self-help. It's professional counseling done securely online. This is my favorite kind of way to get therapy because you can send a message to your counselor anytime and they're professionals and it's awesome and you don't have to do that performative one hour of therapy every week that stressed me the heck out. It's more affordable than traditional offline counseling and financial aid is available.



And BetterHelp will help you with things like, you know, is there something interfering with your happiness, JPC? Is there something preventing you from achieving your goals, JPC? Sorry, I'm mentioning just what's affecting my happiness and affecting me from achieving my goals.


Yeah, and so with better help, not like our ads that go out to thousands of people, everything that you share is confidential, it's convenient, it's professional, and it's affordable, right?


Yeah, and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. That's less than an Eddie Murphy movie.


And it's available worldwide.


Okay, so you're saying that we want people to start living a happier life. And as a listener of our show, you can get 10% off your first month by visiting our sponsor at betterhelp.com slash riddle.


JPC, no 10%. That's too much.


I don't make the rules. I think that they should join over 1 million people who have taken charge of their mental health. Again, that's betterhelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash riddle. This is way better than the idea I was going to pitch.


What were you going to say?



I was going to say whisper ads. We just whisper all the ads and so then we can hear the ads if we whisper all the ads.


Okay, I say this every day, but thank God I'm here. What would happen if I wasn't here, everybody?


Oh wait, GBC. Stop whispering. All these birds started landing on you. The birds are my friends.


What happened? I wasn't here.


I understood meningitis and that's about it.


Yes, JBC, that's exactly what you should do to alienate our Swedish listeners. Good idea.


I think our Swedish listeners are pretty impressed with my phonetic pronunciation.


We actually have a lot of people who listen from Sweden.


I don't know. Well, we did. I don't know if I told you guys, but I'm, well, one, I'm like a quarter to 30% Swedish. My family's from Delarni, which is in Sweden where they make those little red horses. And then two, I went to Stockholm and it was truly like the most beautiful place. I didn't realize it's like 400 little islands connected by like bridges and stuff. And every single person I met was like six foot four and stunning. Truly, truly just a magical land.



Okay, let's go.


Damn, sounds like it was well-stocked homes.


Pretty good.


There's a guy, I was lost and I was looking for my hotel and a guy who's clearly like a businessman was like, do you need help? And I was like, yeah, I can't find this hotel. Can you tell me what direction? He goes, no, no, no, no. I will walk you. And he walked me like 28 minutes to my hotel. I was like, the people here are like the most kind, amazing, impressive, beautiful people.


I would love to travel. That would be amazing. You guys find me a rich boyfriend right now. Everybody, go. What are you doing still sitting there? I can still see both of you.


My name's Rich. Can we date?


Get out of my face.


I don't know. Sean's a friend. I don't think I would do that.


Go, run, run.


Okay, so for all of y'all who don't speak the King's Swedish, here's the, I guess, it sounds like this is fucking dog vomit in my mouth. American translation. I was born in the woods. While I lived, I was mute. But since I died, I sing pretty well.



Why mama?


A tree that got turned into a flute.


This is funny because I think the answer is Stevie Nicks.


No, she wasn't mute. She had the voice of a fucking angel. RIP Stevie.


No, we can't make jokes about that.


No, we can.


We've messed up before. I think this, guys, I think this show kills people.


Do you think Stevie Nicks and Nikki Six have ever fucked?


Hey, let me put it this way. If I accidentally kill Stevie Nicks by reading this riddle and saying, RIP Stevie Nicks, RIP Mitch McConnell, RIP Donald Trump, RIP former Vice President Mike Pence. The hashtag would have to be... I got a long list.


The hashtag would have to be rippublicans.


R.I.P. Nancy Pelosi, R.I.P. Chokeshuber.


I was born in the woods.


We don't need to kill them. We just need to encourage them to retire.


Hey, death is the ultimate retirement. It's the only retirement you don't need to plan for. 401K is amazing.



Okay, if you're not planning for your death, you're going to be a burden to your family.


That's true.


I keep telling my family, when I die, give me to a bird. That's the thing about life, nobody makes it out alive.


Okay, the answer to this riddle is not what I said about the tree being turned into a flute. Well, a wooden flute, Erin?


Yeah. Like a recorder. A recorder, I think, could work. Is it a little wooden boy? When I lived, I was mute. I think that this You're on the right track, but it's an instrument basically, but it's not that instrument. Is it a liar?


It's not a liar. So can you repeat the full thing again? I was born in the woods.


Yeah, but I was born in the woods while I lived I was mute, but since I died I sing pretty well.


So it's a wooden instrument.


Yeah, but this is not, it's a wooden instrument. This is an instrument that you need like another thing to play it.


Like you can't, I guess you could just. Hmm. Yeah. The drum guitar. It's a drum guitar. Not drum, not piano. The drum tar.



No, think of, it's woodwinds. I think, I think this is a woodwind. No, I don't know. So it's like a reed? Not a reed. It plays with your hands up with your mouth. A bow. You need a bow for it. Oh, a violin. A violin.


A stratovari. Stratovari? What are those expensive violins?


I want to see a scene. Well, I don't know, Erin Keif said stratovari several times, and her wand lit up, and then her wand lit up, and then her wand lit up, and then her wand lit dark.


Aloha, Beethoven. I want to see a scene. JPC, you are like a world-class spy. Thank you. And also a world-class asshole. And you are undercover in this famous orchestra to try and catch a killer. And you've never touched a violin and you're trying to fake it. And Erin, you are the conductor.


Alright, let's all play a C. C, why aren't you playing?



I'm sorry, you were talking to me?


Yeah, are you ready?


Oh yes, you wanted me to play a C?


Yeah, ready?


I'd rather take you to the high C's. I have a sailing boat, you know.


What? Okay, the performance is about to start. Sorry, I'm a little tongue-tied.


Sorry, if at any point tonight I'm a little sharp.


Oh my god!


Yes, sorry, that man, I threw a throwing knife at that man. I thought that's a bassoon. No, don't worry. That's a bassoon. I thought it was a rifle. I thought it was a rifle. Color me embarrassed.


He's just a bassoon player, don't worry. And also, he was a third chair, so not much of a loss.


Two bassoon! Do you mind if I switch over to flute? What do you mean? Well, I was going to play violin, but this champagne flute is more to my liking. Maybe a champagne flute for you as well?


I gotta tell you, you're really impressing me, but there is an audience out there, and we are a little bit delayed in our playing.


It's okay. We'll get started in just a second. Okay, maybe flute's not the instrument for me. Do you want sax?





Do you want sax?


Oh, a saxophone. Oh my god, I'm bluffing.


I guess I could find one of those as well.


Pron, can you hear me? Pron, this is Mission Control. Pron here. Please, just fake play the violin. Stop trying to fuck everyone.


Hey, if you want someone to come here and do the mission, you can call James Bond, you can call Alec Travaglia, you can call one of the 00s. You can call it Frommed or whatever. I'm gonna fuck, I'm gonna try my best. I'm gonna try, I'm not gonna say, I'm not gonna call my shot. I'm gonna try my best to fuck the conductor of this orchestra. That's how I'm gonna do it.


Okay, just one, two, three, four, five, six.


One, two, three, four, five, six. I guess so, but I'm probably gonna need a sandwich in between four and five.


It's always sexy.



There's a movie there.


Frump took music class. He has an understanding of these things. He's just not good at his job. Speaking of having an understanding of things, I think when we went to break, I said that 7.17pm is 69,420 minutes into the day. That couldn't be more right. I stand by that.


No, it couldn't be more wrong. Please, please don't learn math from the show.


Who are you calling a more wrong? All right. This is the last one. This is the last one for Manny. Okay. What is longer than the tallest of trees, but still doesn't reach above the berry bushes?


Oh, in Sweden, that's winter.


It's something that's horizontally long, a river.


It's not a river, that's a really great guess. Maybe this will help. Vadr detsun aralang, and det, langstad, rad, minanda inte nar, oven for beresit.


Du hast, du hast mich.


You know what? I want to know. Give me a score. If you're a Swedish listener, scale of 1 to 10, 10 being 10, 1 being 1, tell me how I did.



Okay, so it's not a river, which I think actually works.


Can you repeat the Riddle Riddle? You think other long things that would be maybe next to a river. Big old snake?


Yeah, big old snake?


Yeah, a snake that's tall as a tree. Hey, enough with this playing around. Just give it to me straight. Am I right?


Adal got it, it's a snake. Adal, you are like a solo hiker traveler in the woods. And JPC, you're a big old snake and you're trying to convince Adal that you're like not poisonous or scary so he can relax.


I'm sorry, I just want to pass by.


Yes, yes. I'm sorry. I was just sunbathing here upon the path. If you want to pass by, just...


Climb over me and you can continue out your way.



You think it's from a book? You think it's from a book and snakes can't read books so I wouldn't get it.


Well it involves a frog and a scorpion which are animals like you so I think it's meant for humans to talk about animals but not to them.


Oh! So you think I don't know frogs or scorpions? I live in the woods and you live in a city and I don't know frogs or scorpions. Some of my best friends are frogs. Fuck scorpions. I'll say that right now. Fuck those assholes.


I don't know enough about the animal kingdom to be a frog. Some of my best friends are frogs. Okay, that's fine. Well, it's a frog who's going to swim across. The scorpion says, give me a ride. The frog says, no, you're going to sting me. The scorpion says, I swear to you, I won't. The scorpion gets on the frog's back. They're halfway across the water and the scorpion stings them. And as they're drowning, the frog goes, what the fuck? And the scorpion goes, I'm a scorpion. What did you expect?


Ah, so you're saying that me being a snake in the road, as soon as you try to climb over me, I'll eat you and devour you and I'll say something quippy like I'm a snake, what did you expect?


And I realize now that as I was telling that parable, you bit me on the ankle.



Yes. Now, I did do that, but I'm not a poisonous snake. Well, it's not a deadly poison. It will numb you. Oh. Emotionally. Wow. You'll still be able to feel physically everything I'm doing to you. Hypothetically. Hypothetically.


Oh, um, yeah, I guess I'm not one. What size are you? Medium?


Medium? Yeah, 30, what, 30, 34 long? Waist 36?


34 wrong. I'm a 34 32.


Okay. If you were thinking I'm going to eat you, do not worry. I have no desire to eat you. Now, I'm going to dress you up in some outfits. I'm going to put you in some outfits.


The snake is dressing up the, the snake is dressing up the hiker. The outfits, some of the outfits are very very good and some the outfits are very very bad. They're making friends and they're at the mall. Now they're getting a smoothie. Now they're wearing the very same outfit. Now they're wearing very different outfits. Now they're both dressed up like the village people.



The hiker steps out, presenting an outfit. The snake is reading a paper. He puts down the paper and shakes his head no. Uh-oh, back to the drawing board.


Okay, now I am going to eat you.


Ah, nerds. In action. Perfect.


What a great little montage song.


Oh, yeah. Put that on all of our montages. So it's not... River works, but that is not the answer to this hundred-year-old riddle. So it could be beside a river. It's also something that like one would maybe travel on like a river. It's like a bank or a trail. A path, a road, a trail. Yeah, a road. A road. Yes, you got it. It is a road. Annie never actually says that Annie is from Sweden. Annie also just said that they are riddles from Sweden. But either way, Annie, Freaking thank you for sending those in. Those were great. Those are amazing. We had a fun time reading them.


We need more riddles that are translated from like olden text. Mm-hmm.



Yeah, those are fun.


Yeah, I think Riddle National. Oh, J.P.C.


's having a stroke.


This happens once in a episode. No, I'm coming up with the episode title in real time.


That's why we created the character J.P. Riddle so we could brush that under the rug.


He's almost there. He's gonna get it.


I think that we need more Riddleternational Adal Rifai.


Sorry, I was rewinding him.


I love rewinding myself. Okay, this next one is from Patrick. Patrick says, oh, please.


Erin, do you feel like you'd be able to tell if somebody was playing Swedish backwards?


Yes, I'm a very intelligent person with a very good ear. Okay.


JPC, sorry, go ahead. Erin has one good ear.


Sorry guys, I'm fully in the middle of watching some episodes of Say Yes to the Dress, so if you're talking to me at all, I'm only half-listening this episode.


That's a game show, right? Where if they say no to the dress, they lose a million dollars, but if they say yes, they win a million?



Honestly, if even one of us is half-listening for an episode, that is a 100% improvement. All right, so Patrick is, I'm gonna read this, I'm gonna read this in its entirety. And there is an answer to this, but this is a paragraph that I will be reading. This is an unusual paragraph. I'm hoping you can find out quickly what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would not think, I'm sorry, that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it. It is highly unusual though. But why? Study it and think hard about it. You may not find anything odd at first, but if you work at it, it just might dawn on you why this paragraph is totally unusual.



I hate when paragraphs get self-aware. He went down to the lake and oh my god, am I a book? Holy shit, I'm a book. Fuck off. Oh god, am I a book? Am I gonna die? Am I even alive? Will I be remembered?


What purpose do I serve? More books should be like they walked up the path and then said, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I'm a book, ah. Kill me, kill me.


Oh my god, oh my god I'm a book.


I sent you both a picture of this paragraph as well. It may be easier for you to figure out what is so unusual about this paragraph if you are looking at it.


I'm hoping you can find out.


My phone was on airplane mode so give it a second.


Erin's phone has landed. You are now free to phone about the cabin. Is it that they're all like run-on sentences or something?


It uses like only a few words.


Erin, yes, but there's something else to it. But yeah, I will say it uses very specific words.



Yeah. Unusual paragraph. Those are all said like three times.


It repeats a lot of words as well. Yeah. And I think that a lot of the reason why it repeats words is to make it longer to make it, but that again, it's the fact that it repeats words doesn't make it more unusual, but it is very unusual for a reason.


But every sentence uses, oh no, that's not true.


Yeah, so it doesn't have anything to do with a specific word in there or like a grouping of words as much as it has to do with the totality of all of the words.


Oh, I see what's going on here. Adal sees what's going on here. I thought I solved it, but I have found some discrepancies. I thought that it was every sentence ends with it and begins with it, but that is incorrect. But several sentences end with it and begin with it.


Again, it's less about individual words or groups of words as it is about every single word in here in this riddle. Has something in common, I would say.



Every single word in here has something in common. Yeah, to a certain extent.




Erin, can you elaborate? Can you use the answer in a sentence? Um, I do love the direction that you're going here, Erin, but I'm going to need to be, I'm going to need, the judges can accept it unless it's a little more specific.


Every word has at least one vowel.




I-I-A-U-U-U-A-Ooo. Erin?


There's no E's in this paragraph.


You both got the riddle and described your method of solving it. No E's. Just like a church rave.


No E. Just like my ideal version of entourage.


No E. Well what about turtle?


That's my nightmare. I love the letter E because my name begins with E. It's also my nightmare.


Entourage without E? Where's the heart? And then why would you even have Sloane in there? She doesn't fit.



I want to see a scene. The two of you are at the aforementioned church rave where there's no drugs permitted. And the two of you kind of, you don't know each other, but you kind of bumped into each other. You're kind of grooving. And you both, one of you is trying to suss out the other to see if they're into drugs or if they're straight list.




Hey, Bethany, right?


Yeah. Jerrod. Tyler. Oh, Tyler.




Tyler, oh my gosh. Okay, you look a little bit like Gerard. He's your cousin, right?


Yes, Gerard was my cousin.




This is so fun.


Your pupils seem pretty dilated. Are you high off of Jesus's love?


That's so funny, Bethany. No, I had an eye appointment a little earlier in the day.


Oh, they dilated your eyes. Cool. You must be in a little bit of pain.


Yeah. Oh, yeah. Actually, you know, as long as I'm wearing these big sunglasses, it doesn't affect me too much, but I kind of wanted to look cool here at the dance.



Gee, cool. What are you into?


Oh, yeah. Oh, man. I mean, I'm into pretty much everything that kids my age are into, right? Tech decks, Sunday school. Uh, alphabetical order.


Do you ever just like go and take like more communion than you should or like more of the blood of Christ than you should?


Oh no, I mean, not unless I was very hungry. Hey Bethany, I know that this is a kind of strange, but Gerard asked me if your cousin Mary Jane was going to be here at the dance.


Oh wink, wink, wink.


You want to get fucked up? I'm sorry?


You want to get fucked up?


The Lord. The Lord. What?


Yeah. The Lord. Do you want to be fucked up?


I mean, I don't know if that's Gerard's intentionist marriage with said woman.


Oh, you mean my actual cousin Mary Jane. Yeah, she's dead from drugs.



Scene. The perfect ending. Oh boy. And that could happen to you. That feels like a production they'd put on at like a religious high school, like right before prom. Oh, 100%. It's like this awkward scene and then it ends with them turning to the audience going, my cousin's dead from drugs.


I think I watched that in CCD, I'm sure.




You guys, I have a Raffy song stuck in my head. You guys remember Raffy?


I do, yeah.


You do?


It's you, yeah.


The children's music musician who's amazing?




He's the best.


We just talked about Raffy on Bill Buds the other day because Johnny was saying that a video from 1981 of Styx looked like a Raffy concert. That sucks.


That's amazing. Raffy's still alive, isn't that amazing?


Well, RIP Raffy.


You had one job to do. Oh God. Peanut butter sandwich made with jam. One for me and one for David and ma'am. Peanut butter sandwich made with jam. Stick, stick, stick, stick, stick. I know lots of witches good and bad, but the best witch that I ever had is a peanut butter sandwich made with jam. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.



I don't know the lyrics to any songs, and yet... Rifai sounds like what a three-year-old would call like the lottery. That is playing the rap for you.


What if like a week from now it was like Kevin McCarthy and Yani that died and we were like what is the power that we have?


It's strange, but it's more like... It's not specific. It's too chaotic. We can't predict where it will fall. We have to shut it out in the podcast.


Okay, I do want to do one more riddle for you guys. This one is from Connor, but Connor at the end of his email says, Cheers, Kevin. Goofed you one last time, it's actually Connor.


I don't think I've ever met a Connor who didn't punch me super hard in the shoulder and then go, what?


Okay so Connor, already off to a bad start. Connor says, got a little riddle for you, I've always remembered this one because I think it was the first riddle that made me mad and because it was such a wild scenario. Warning is weirdly biblical, fits right in on the show, and here's how it goes. In hell, everyone is punished by being forced to eat with chopsticks that are three feet long. Everyone in hell is angry and starving because they cannot pick up their food and get it into their mouths. In heaven everyone is gifted with three foot long chopsticks, but they are all happy and full.



Why come? How'd that happen? I know this. This is an old parable and the reasoning is because in hell the sushi is warm and in heaven the sushi is ice cold. Warm sushi


Sushi is always warm when you throw it up.


Nope, that's not true. I know the answer to this. Not if you're quick. Erin, do you know this one? No, I don't know this one.


So is it like they like turn it into something else? Like they turned it into a chair or table or something?


Yeah, it's like snowpears. Sure, it's bugs. In heaven they sit on the chopsticks and so they're all happy.


That's the noise that I make if I sit on chopsticks.


on a three foot chopstick.


Y'all are gross.


I'm guessing the end was the... dead. That's my death.


I hope my heaven isn't you two shoving stuff up top of your butt.


That's just how I'm hoping. I'm just sliding down the chopstick until I die.



Hey guys, that's me being optimistic. I hope I don't see you there. I hope you two dummies are far, far, far, much further south than I am. I hope I'm up there and no one's shoving stuff up their butt. Unless they want it to do and it's normal.


I want to see you soon. The two of you are on a first date. It's a sushi restaurant. JPC, you don't know how to use chopsticks, Erin, you do. I love this restaurant.


I hope you're hungry. I ordered like a ton for us.


Oh, that's so cool. I've never heard of, I've never heard of this, would you call it a style of food before?


Oh, weird. Really?


Sushi. Am I saying that right?


Wow. Yeah. I feel like of all of the international cuisines, it's one that has been in America for a very long time.


America. I do know that one.


Okay, I'm slowly, slowly seeing some red flags that indicate you're an alien. I noticed it sort of right out of the gate.


No, no, no, I was born in this country.



No, no, I mean sort of a space alien. When you picked me up, I said thank you for holding the door for me, like opening the door to the car for me, and you said glee blorp. I mean, you're welcome. Oh, okay. You got beamed up to space for a second earlier. That was another sort of indicator. You saw that.


Hold on, bleep blurb. Second check-in, Ishaan to you.


Negative, I do not believe I am... Don't make fun of my voice, speak how you speak.


I feel like you're always mocking me. I'm sorry, you know that I am a bit... Is that an accent? And I pick up accents when I... I froze time, by the way, before I left the table, so she is none the wiser to what is happening here.


You forgot to freeze it this time, I can hear you, and I'm asking you if that's an X?


Hold on, I'm picking up some interference from outside. You have to speak a little louder, Bloop Blorp. Pick up interference, but don't pick up the check.


Cause we don't have any earth money.


Again, I don't know what that means. Bleep blarp out. Sending you back them. Any hoozle?



Um... Yeah, you didn't freeze time.


Where do we keep the missiles?


You didn't freeze time. You don't have any money for this date. This isn't going well. Is that your ex on that call? You know what? I'm out of here.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Please. I know that this date is not perfect, but you also work for the government and you know where the missiles are.


Okay. Goodbye. Brab's coat starts to walk out. Wait, wait, wait, wait.


Maybe before you leave, you could drink a little champagne out of this flute with me.


Oh my god, I'm blushing.


Scene. I'm James Schmron. I wasn't an alien at all. I'm a secret abib.


I love an alien at the- I love an alien that thinks he's freezing time, but is absolutely not.


Adal, did you know the answer to this, Riddle?


Yes. In hell, they can't eat the food because they're trying to feed themselves with these three foot long chopsticks, and it just will not work. That's not how math works. But in heaven, they use the three foot long chopsticks to feed each other.



Because they're good people because they're in heaven. I'll tell you this, I'm not really great with chopsticks, and if I can't get it in the first couple of grabs, going in with my fingies! And that's what I would be doing in hell.


In hell, the pianos only play chopsticks.


Adal, in your personal hell, what's something that you would like to be doing or something that you would like to plug?


Something I want to plug. I was recently on the podcast, The Small Wood Sessions, so please check that out. I feel like I was on something else, but I can't recall. I'll have to promote it next week if I remember what it was, but maybe I wasn't. Back to you. Bleed Blorp. Erin, something you'd like to plug?


Bleep Blorp, yes. Thank you so much. Follow me, Erin Keif10, on Instagram. I will hopefully have some fun projects coming out this year. So please do that. Also, if you are either working in this field professionally or it's a hobby of yours, please reach out to me on Instagram if you animate or draw for comic books or you're looking to get into that. Or you have a really close friend that you think deserves a spotlight for the work they're doing in that arena. Erin, keep 10 on Instagram. Reach out to me if that... and also link some of your work or some of their work so I can see. Thank you so much. Reach out to me if you're interested.



GPC, anything to plug?


Nope. You know, we've already done the live show that we were gonna do. I have absolutely nothing on the horizon, so I will be on twitch.tv slash shark, barkman, and playing video games almost every day until miserable life is over.


What the fuck? That was still a plug. You said, no, I don't have plugs, and then you plugged your Twitch.


That's not my Twitch.


Peanut butter sandwich raid with jam. One for me and one for David and Ram. Peanut butter sandwich raid with jam. Stick, stick, stick, stick.


Can you work a planet into that?


Yeah. I know lots of witches good and bad, but the best witch I have ever had is Jupiter. Goodbye. I love you Raffy. Call me.


Erin, I don't have much on this podcast. The one thing I have is bye forever. And you said Jupiter.


Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. Bye forever.


What was just Jupiter for 100 episodes has suddenly become Jupiter. Bye bye. Bye bye guys. Bye bye.


And then you say bye forever after that.


Totally invalidates my bye forever.


Oh my god. He's sitting on his swing on the playground going, I feel sorry for himself. Say goodbye after I say goodbye.



RIP Sasha Baron Cohen.


Bye forever.


And John Patrick Coan. Casey Tony did the editing. And Marty Parrott did the music. Hey there movies and titles. If you liked that, you are going to love this week's Patreon. We play the Hey Riddle Riddle exclusive IMDB Focker Can You Milk Me Trivia Game. And it's only happening at Patreon.com slash Hey Riddle Riddle. You can listen to that plus our entire back catalog by joining the Clue Crew for $5 or the Review Crew for $8. See you then.