Which Riddle Riddle?

#110: Don't Matter to Me, Broccolis



This is a HeadGum podcast.


Adal Rifai for Mayor. Adal Rifai for Mayor. Hey, uh, uh, JPC, Erin, here's some buttons. Vote for me. For Mayor.


These are just a bunch of loose buttons. Aren't they supposed to say your name on it?


Well, they do in your dreams. See, I'm running for Mayor of Sleepsville. Okay.


Good luck.


How has the quarantine been going for you? Not great. Okay. But there is one highlight, and that's been Feels Premium CBD.


I love Feels.


Wait a second. Okay, now you want to be sleep mayor, but I know that navigating the world of CBD can be complicated. Would we need a sleep mayor who could make the process as simple as possible so that people like me could start feeling better even sooner? Duh, don't be stupid.


In your platform, will there be a free CBD hotline to help guide you through the discovery process for CBD?


Erin, you know that's tattooed on my forehead. You see, Feels is a wonderful CBD that naturally helps reduce stress, anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness. I suffer from the last one where you all know that I usually don't go to bed until like 7 a.m. But with Feels CBD, I take a little drip under my tongue, I feel relaxed, I feel calm, everything just sort of melts away, and hey, all of a sudden Daddy Addy is mayor of night night town.



Is this your stump speech?




I like it. You definitely have the vampire vote. That's a strong demographic. So wait, are you telling me, I wasn't listening to what you said, that feels ships directly to my doorstep in only a few days and it's natural, healthy, better way to feel better?


That's right. If you order feels, anybody in the world, it will arrive at JBC's doorstep. They'll then have to carry it over to you and you'll get a personal meet and greet.


Exactly. I put a few drops under my tongue right before I start reading at night and it really helps just like relax me and get me into the sleepy time mood. You know what? Maybe I should run for mayor.


I knew this would happen. Okay, well listen, if you want what Adal described, which is you ordering this product and me bringing it to your doorstep, all you have to do to become a member, go to feels.com slash riddle and get 50% off your first order with free shipping. That's F-E-A-L-S dot com slash riddle R-I-D-D-L-E to become a member and get 50% automatically taken off your first order with free shipping, feels.com slash riddle.



Well, you have my vote, JPC. Congratulations.


I'm gonna be the mayor of nighttime or whatever.


What the hell?


Okay, I'm ready whenever... She is on airplane mode.


Getting a good mood.


Is that on your to-do list?


Cupcakes. Sunshine lollipops in the rainbows. Everything is awesome.


What are no rainbows? Nutella rainbows, dummy. Oh, fuck me.


The doctor was the mother. He stood on a block of ice. Oh, the work of fish. It was the habit of an airplane. He stabbed him with an icicle. And the water seemed rising.



Keif, Coen, in my office now.


Here's my badge.


What is this?


This is a podcast.


Why do I have a badge and a gun? No, here. JPC, catch it. What does it say? What does it say?


Ow, you hit me in the face with a badge. You can't just yell catch it as you're throwing something.


Jesus Christ, this is sharp. What does this say?


Queen of Cookies? Yes, that's my Queen of Cookies badge. Will you please give it back?


I won that fair and square. Oh, sorry. Our badges got switched. That's his badge.


That's my Queen of Cookies badge. I deposed the old Queen of Cookies fair and square. Okay. Took her title and her reign and her lands. I also got her lands. The Chocolate Chip Forest, the Marscapone Mountains.


Sir, are we getting fired?


Three more. Hold on, three more.


Okay, the... Wait for Waterfalls. Wait for Waterfalls, Peanut Butter Plateau, and the... Ice Cream Isthmus.



Ice Cream Isthmus. Are we being fired or what? No, you're being promoted. Two co-hosts. What were we before? Permanent guests? Whoa, this is good for me.


If I had known I was a guest, I wouldn't have taken off my shoes.


Well, Erin, put one on, leave one off, and ta ta ta, you're part of the club. Does this mean I can update my Twitter? No. Dammit. No, this is internal only. Okay.


So there's no monetary value to it and we're not even allowed to tell our loved ones we got promoted?


Nope, you have to keep it to yourself. But I will give you a $1 raise if you can do a proper intro. I'm Adal Rifai. I'm Japanese trained. What? Japanese trained.


Sorry, I got nervous. Karen Leaf.


Okay, I don't deserve it. I don't deserve the buddy.


I'm here with permanent guest Japanese trained in Karen Leaf and I guess we're doing riddles. If this is your first time, I'm so sorry. We're a podcast where we try and solve riddles, lateral thinking problems, puzzles, and along the way we call for improvised scenes and do some bits.



That's all true.


And if you need a train, konnichiwa. Buckle up, buckle heads. Week is good. How's your week?


Pretty good. I just listened to JPC's new podcast today, so JPC, you and I have been hanging out for a while.


I do subscribe, so I'm excited to listen tonight.


And I gave it five stars before I even listened to it.


So did I. Well, I'll even it out. I'll give you two now. I will say that when I put it up everywhere, you put it onto iTunes, you have to log in and put it up on iTunes. I'm like, well, I should just go and also review it as soon as it's up on iTunes.


Did you write a review as well?


I should have. I really wanted to. I really wanted to write a review and be like, hey, it's me. This is my podcast. Just wanted to say five stars. Very good.


And we should say the name of this podcast is Bill Buds.


Yes, Bill Buds, which is a play on, do you guys know what it's a play on?




Yeah, Billboard. I had so many people, it was one of those things where, you know, like with Hey Riddle Riddle, where you think, oh, this is a great idea for a podcast. Hey Riddle Riddle. People will instantly get Hey Fiddle Fiddle. They'll like, they'll get that connection where it's like Bill Buds, Billboard, like Billboard. And people were like, I had no idea. In fairness, some countries don't have like Billboard. They don't call it that. They call it the charts and stuff like that. Top of the Pops. That's what I call my dad's toupee. That's what I call my dad's toupee.



That's what I call my dad's toupee. That's what I call my dad's toupee.


That's what I call my dad's toupee.


That's what I call my dad's toupee. That's what I call my dad's toupee. That's what I call my dad's toupee.


It's just a really great reminder that the things that you know and are important to you are not things that other people know and are important to them. No matter how old I get, that's a lesson I refuse to learn. My experience is the only experience that it informs the world. That's very true. It's very true. But yeah, it was a fun reminder. And I learned that other people don't have the billboard charts. Anyway, thanks for listening to the podcast.


Thanks for downloading this. Great theme song, name, vibe, energy. I think a lot of people are going to love it very much. I mean, 10 out of 10 from me.


Well, we can say it because Arnie Parrott is the only theme song creator in town. And if you get anyone else to create your theme song, you're doing your podcast a disservice. But I thought he absolutely killed it with this, with our new theme song. It's phenomenal. Excited to listen. And excited to guest whenever you'll ask me. Yeah, no, absolutely. So I'll say this, Adal and Erin have already been preinvited. You can still get pregnant from preinvitation. It's true. They just have to pick the album that we want to talk about.



I've been thinking about it. I'll let you know.


The first episode was 1989, so as far as you know, that's the only one that is off the table. Actually, it would be fun if our second episode was just having someone else come on to talk about 1989 and just doing it forever.


Can I come on and talk about Garth Brooks?


Absolutely. Or do you want to talk about... He's pump tree. What's his alter ego?


Oh, Chris Gaines. Chris Gaines. Who's more pop? Garth or Chris? I think, okay, so Garth is like country pop. Some people may argue with me on that. And then Chris Gaines I think was supposed to be like emo pop or like... Got it. Or emo country. Yeah. Emo country. I love the idea of an alter ego.


The only thing new in my neck of the woods is I've been getting a lot of online hate, I'm saying in quote marks, about being too much of a feminist and ruining the show by saying feminist things. Lots of messages from women on Instagram. I think I sent you guys one of them. I don't think people realize how much of a compliment it is to me. They're saying it with the cadence of an insult, like you're ruining the show by saying these things.



There's something to say when someone calls you too much of a feminist and then you look at their profile and it's a white dude with three followers and it's like, thank God you can fuck off. I would grab your phone and delete the podcast.


Oh, I know. I'm so embarrassed that these people found our show and are enjoying it. I'm like, what are we doing wrong that you like this?


Erin, here's what I would say. Without you in this podcast, it would be unlistenable.


That's very funny.


To be fair to Adal, he is saying that because Erin has all the cords.


I'm the one who plugs the microphones in. That is so funny.


Erin's sitting at one of those old timey telephone switchboards and she's just connecting our scenes together. She's doing it like Lily Tomlin.


It's just also so funny to me that people are calling me out for being annoying and progressive and preachy. And I was like, you've heard JPC say eat the rich since 2018, haven't you? He's been screaming about eating the rich.



Erin, you can still get pregnant from preachy. Who's our old man, Pubbles? Wait Adal, you didn't tell us about your week. I said my week is good. I don't know what I've been up to. Adal, I keep telling you, that is a concern and a problem. I'm so sorry. I have three quick things that are exciting me because it's fun to be excited and it's fun to share fun things versus being like, it's fine because good news is good. One, we had a meeting with one of my all-time favorite actors of all time from film and I was losing my mind. It was so cool. It was maybe the coolest experience I've had. And he was cool as hell, and very nice, and very kind. Two, things are moving forward.


Wait, hold on, hold on. Erin, do you think we should try to at least guess? Adal said actor, but I think he said he, right?


Unfortunately Adal and I are friends, and so I do know what he's talking about, but I will guess.


Oh man, okay, then I'll just say William Hurt.



It's actually the corpse of Jimmy Stewart.


You were so, so, so, so close. And then number two is things seem to be going well with us in the house, with Gemma and I getting the house. Hopefully that works out. And the exciting thing that I wanted to mention last week was that in the basement, there's a full wet bar. So I'm either going to turn it into a tiki bar, which is my main dream, or maybe a vermilion minotaur, like a magic tavern. And then we can have like little underground secret society parties.


I'm gonna pass out.


I'm gonna need a wetsuit.


At the wet bar? It's a swim up, right?


It's a swim up. It's a swim up in the basement.


Oh, I should have said the basement is slotted.


Oh, it's just a shitty plumbing.


It's not even like... When I say there's a wet bar in the basement, I mean it's a kiddie pool floating on top of the sewage.


I know. I know.


And then the third exciting thing from this week, which is maybe the most exciting, is that I asked my groom party, my wedding party, to be in the party.



And who's in that list?


Oh, a bunch of people.


But anyone specific?


Didn't get a call, so. Oh, okay. Well, you and the conversation we talked about. You and J.P.C.?


Yeah! I freaked out.


Adal also said that he is having the wedding no matter what. He said the wedding goes on. And if you don't come, even if there is a pandemic, if you don't come, we aren't friends. That's what he said.


And Adal said probably every 0.4 seconds. And obviously this is dependent on if the world, we just don't want to get anyone hurt. We're just really are so we're gonna make keep everyone safe. I'm freaking out. It's my first time. I've been a groomsman and it's famously, I think I've mentioned this in the show before, one of my lifelong dreams. You're making my dreams come true.


I told Erin she could either wear a dress or she can wear a pantsuit or she can look at Victoria kind of thing like whatever, whatever you want to do.


I just immediately hung up the phone with you, sent you another text, and then googled lady suits.



Erin, I just know one guy in West Virginia with three followers is screaming right now.


I'm so excited. Are there any other women I didn't even ask?


No. There's other women at the wedding. I feel like weddings are a man thing. You know what I'm saying? It's gonna be in my man cave. I should have said my wet bar's gonna be a man cave. I suck and... And JPC, when you said that I told you if you don't come, we're not friends, that's actually what you told me the first time you gave me a hand job. That's true.


And I said a little egg timer for one minute.


You guys, I got really tired of them giving each other hand jobs. Although I will say, doing improv with men often feels like watching two men give each other hand jobs.


And by the way, bad. Nobody wants that. Speaking of two men giving each other hand jobs, we have some listeners submitted... Is this a bad segue? Well, it's a segue that I have to use. We have some listeners submitted riddles. These go back to, you guessed it, 2018. The title of this email I will read because I absolutely love it. And it just says, when you search riddles for teens and hit page 10... You get some weird stuff.



Oh, this person is really... We get them. I get them.


They get them. They get them. So Holly says, and Holly I believe is one of our Discord moderators now. So way back in 2018, we all grows up, but Holly says, hi Kevin and Susie, here's my first contribution to the madness. So here we go. It falls standing, but runs on its belly. What is it? It falls standing, but runs on its belly. It falls standing.


A kid in gym class who can't catch a break.


Is it spaghetti? It's not spaghetti. 2018, did I have spaghetti August 2018? Yes, right? This is like, I think so. I think like maybe, or did I get spaghetti in October?


It falls where it stands and it runs on its belly. It falls, I'm sorry, it falls standing, but runs on its belly. What is it? Okay, let's dissect this. It runs on its belly. Famously, America runs on Dunkin'. So could it be a donut? And donuts are great in the fall, pumpkin spice.



Okay, I'll answer that by saying, oh, go ahead, Erin. I have a new theory, and this is a good example. I think Adal listens to one word from every riddle, and sometimes it works out, and sometimes he answers donut.


Erin, I heard you say it works out, and I have been. I've been lifting some weights and doing some push-ups.


Wow. I absolutely knew it.


Erin, I will answer that by saying I want to see a scene. Something that you said earlier just absolutely struck me. So we're going to see a scene where you are going to be a gym teacher. Adal, you are going to be an accident-prone child in a gym class. You are going to be injuring yourself all the time in illogical ways.


Okay, Toby, we're going to play badminton today, but just randomly, I picked you to be the kid who wears the helmet while we play badminton.


Oh, Ms. Chris Ansemum.


Did you just get a paper cut while you were talking to me right just now?


Yeah, I was looking stamps and it was stuck to my tongue and then it cut the roof of my mouth and I'm bleeding. I need to go to the ER.


Oh boy. I think, uh, just like, here's a tissue. Just press it to the roof of your mouth and then, uh... Oh, it's in my eyes.



Oh my god, how? And I blinked and now it's in the back of my eyes. It's in my brain. It seeps into my brain.


We're gonna take a big, deep breath.


Oh no. Oh, my tongue fell out.


Oh God. Here Toby, I have good news for you. We're not even running the mile today. I can't stress to you enough badminton is the low impact, not too hard. Even if you get hit by the birdie, it's not going to hurt too much. Okay?


Okay. Okay.


Let me grab the- I'm going to pass you the racket.


Okay. My arm's just broke.


Oh my God. Okay. I'm here. I'm just gonna like a really soft serve at you. Ready? It's gonna be really easy.


I can't have ice cream. I can't have ice cream.


Of course you can't.


No soft serve.


We cut to Toby's parents at home. They're breaking some bad news to Toby. Toby, you're old enough now to understand, but you are not our natural born child. Your mother and I, well, we adopted you Toby. Your real parents are a Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head doll.



They just weren't in a place where they wanted to have kids.




Yeah, financially, emotionally. It had nothing to do with you.


Toy Story hadn't come out yet. I wish I could sit down, but I can't. But let me at least take off my green hat. Oh nice. Let me uncross my eyes. I can't believe you didn't see this coming before.


You're clearly a potato with things stuck in it. See?


That's a t-shirt. It's all standing and it runs on its belly. It's not a leaf and it's not a tree.


It runs on its belly. I'm there, it runs on belly. A car. I mean there's lizards who kind of skim the sand with their belly when they run. It is not a snake.


It is not a snake. It falls where it stands.


Is it an animal?


No, it's not an animal, Erin. That's really a good guess.


Is it vegetable? Is it mineral?


Is it Mr. Bean?


That's Yoda. Or Miss Piggy.



That's just Frank Oz.


I would love to see a shot for short remake of Star Wars with Mr. Bean as Yoda.


No, I want to see him as, what's that guy with the bad cough?


Oh, General Grievous.


Yeah, I want to see Mr. Bean as General Grievous.


Oh, so when I was saying Star Wars, I didn't mean episode one. I guess we had different movies in mind.


Yeah, Erin thinks that those are the original movies.


No. No.


Can we get a little hint? Jimin and Christmas. This is, it occurs in nature. Okay.


It runs all... Oh, river. River?


It's rain. Erin got it.




It falls standing, but runs on its belly. Oh, so a droplet is standing when it falls. A droplet kind of runs down on its belly.


Yes. Okay.


I love it. I love rain. Can you just add rain sounds here just because?


Oh yeah, add some rain sounds and here's what we're going to do. We're each just going to give sort of a motivational expression through the rain. Okay. Do you want to go first so I understand what that means? Okay. In a force with birds, you are the one who takes flight.



Got it, got it, got it. Okay, cool. Erin?


If you sneeze and no one says bless you, you are still blessed.


Every workplace has a Jeff.




Perfect. Yeah. It serves some, like, Jack Andy deep thoughts going on. Sure, yeah.


JPC just, like, who shook off his hands, stood up, and then was clocked out. I just watched JPC clock out for the day. Wow, you're done with work for the day. Okay.


As if you're wondering who the Jeff is, it's you. So JPC recently we've been referring to you as Chef Comedy and you are wearing an apron and it says kiss the comedy. How is that going?


So you guys have been calling me Chef Comedy. I wanted you to call me Jeff Boyardee. I didn't want to split hairs because I like both nicknames. Use them both.


Use them both. You didn't want to split hairs because you prefer to serve rabbit whole.



Exactly. Yes. Exactly. No substitutions. No substitutions on my video. Or else we'll put attack on their chair. Whole rabbits only. Okay, this email, next email comes from Mary. Mary also puts Susie in quotes, so Mary prefers to be identified as Susie. Barry begins with a quote. This quote is from Hugh Lupton. So this is a book that was that Hugh Lupton wrote and these riddles I think are from this. I don't know. I love House. Hugh Lupton. He's great. I was thrown because this email starts with a quote and I was like, is this a quote from Mary? But I will read this quote now. When we hear the riddle, a thousand possible answers. Oh, actually Casey, can we get some rain sound effects for this? That'll be way better. When we hear the riddle, a thousand possible answers go rattling through our minds. But when we arrive at the right one, there's a moment of delight. The world is made richer by a twist of language, by a simple picture in the mind's eye. And once we've got the answer, we can take the riddle to someone who hasn't heard it. Now, we are in a position of power. This is another of the pleasures of riddling. It's called being in the know.



Casey, can you add a wah-wah-wah-wah-wah?


That guy's definitely the Jeff at his work. Casey, can you stop the rain and add in a soundbite of Sam Raimi?


Sam, I'm curious, do you have any perspective on the Hey Riddle Riddle Patreon? We're getting yet another different iteration of Hey Riddle City.


I'm really glad that Erin is taking it to high school. I think that's going to be refreshing. And I have a lot of faith that they really know their stuff.


Great. Thank you. Great. Casey, he has walked off the show, clocked out. All right, so some of these we've done before and I'm not going to bother doing them, but some of them we have not. So, Mary puts 10 riddles here. When the horse strokes the cat, the wood begins to sing. This one doesn't seem specifically for me. Yeah, it does. That sounds like something JP Riddles would sing. Horse jerking off a cat. Wood singing.


JP Z, can you read it again?


When the horse strokes the cat, the wood begins to sink. So I do want to see a scene, because it sounds like something JP Riddles would say, I want to see a scene, Erin you are an ad exec, and you have a new product, and you've brought in JP Riddles to come up with the slogan or tagline, and JP Riddles is doing this.



Can I just say that I don't know why I thought you were doing this, but when you said, I want to see a scene, Erin you will be JP Riddles.


Over my dead body.


Alright, Erin is an ad exec that she brought J.P. Riddleson.


Thank you so much for coming in today. And thank you so much for putting this bag over my head.


I get to keep the bag, I assume.


Uh, yes, sorry, we, uh, hard to get you on the phone, hard to get you on the phone, so we had to find an unconventional way to get you in here. Anyways, we are, and this is confidential, um, about to sell some raccoon coats, and we thought, we know the man, uh, for the job.


Do you mind if I eat a fork while you're talking?


Oh, you mean with a fork? What would you like to eat?


No, no, no, no, no. I brought this fork. If you have another, I'll gladly use it to eat it, as your rules.


Yeah, actually, just for like a quorum. I'll save it. I'll bring in a fork for you to eat your fork with.


Sure, sure. Thank you so much. Mr. Riddle, I just want to say it's an honor. My name is Jeff.


He's our intern.


Here, I'm just going to have a slideshow prep, so I'm just going to tell you... Right now you're the intern, Jeff, but one day you could be running the company. Oh, thank you.



We actually try not to say stuff like that to the interns.


Here I'm going to say a product and show you a picture and I just want you off the top of your dome to tell us the first tagline or model you think of. Here we go. This is a new candy bar. It's filled with coconut and peanut butter.


Give me that thing or I'll beat you to death with an old wooden tree.


Okay. We love that.


Okay. Great. We love it.


And this is just all a warm up for our raccoon coats. Okay. We're just getting the juices.


Raccoon coat. That's the one that I want to do. Let's, let's keep up, keep up with the slideshow though. I'm into this. Great.


Here's a, this is a sports car. It is a two door and it's a convertible top.


Never trust a bird. Bird's going to tell you a secret that you don't want to hear and you can't unhear something that you heard from a bird.


We love it. We love it right now. This is a orange juice, a pulp free orange juice.


If the employee at the Taco Bell sneezes on me, I should get the meal for free.


Great, and this is for a chain of restaurants where it's very, very tall women who serve you.



Yeah, I met the devil, but he poked me. He poked me what good? Tall woman. Look at that tall woman.


This one's for cigarettes?


Eat them up. Okay, I think this is the podcast now. One more. We have one more, which is Raccoon Coats.


This is the Raccoon Coats. Now, would you mind? I see that we have one in the room. Would you mind if I tried one on just to get more of the feel for it? Please, that's why it's here. Okay, I'll let you put my arm in here laying through this hole.




Oh no! Oh god, this one's still alive! Alright, you'll never take me alive, you bastard! I know you're trying to eat my forks, but you're never gonna get them! Okay, stuff myself in a microwave! All right, I'm cooking! I'm cooking you alive! I'm taking you with... That's a tall woman!


I love it!


Will JP Riddle's make it out alive? No, he died in that microwave.


That would be so funny if we never revisited that character ever again. And we're like, obviously, he got me microwaved himself. He's dead.



He's dead. Listen to us. We all have fun, but he's still able to die. So when the horse pets the cat, it turns into wood. Nope. When the horse strokes the cat, the wood begins to sing.


Well, it's obviously an instrument.


Erin, you are correct. Oh, I know what it is. Yes. A violin is cat, gut, strings, horse, hair, bow, and then the noise would be the... It is correct that it is a violin.


I mean, Erin... Not to be a little poopy feminist about this, but I really set him up for that.


No, I just said, Erin, solve it.


No, no, I'm halting the show to be a feminist.


Behind every great man, Erin. Erin, in the last scene I said there were tall women, what else do you want? I'm a feminist, tall women. Hashtag tall women. Hashtag not... Nope. Not all women, there's no tall women.


Alright. Make of me nothing, and nothing fits me. Make of me something, and something I'll be.





I only heard one word from that. Can you repeat it? Yep. Make of me nothing and nothing fits me. Make of me something and something I'll be. Okay. This is a tricky one. A hole? A hole is always a good answer. It is not a hole. Is it a child? It's not a child. And before you both ask, it's not a child's hole. So get your mind right out of the gutter. Make of me nothing and nothing fits me. Make of me something and something I'll be. I think it's better to imagine who said this, Hugh Lupton, who I don't know, as a little troll of a person.


JPC, you got, when you're old man puzzles, you got a real, like, rumpled stiltskin vibe to you. Like, the stakes feel high, like, I feel like if I don't answer it right, you get my firstborn son. This is all a compliment, by the way.


Yeah, thank you, thank you, thank you. And I make you turn crazy straws into gold? Make of me something and nothing fits me.


Make of me something and something I'll be.


So it's like if I'm nothing, then I'm nothing, and if I'm something, then I'm something. That's basically what this is.



I can't wrap my head around this. This one I think would be a head scratcher. So I'll give you a hint. You definitely know of a podcast that is all about this. Oh, murder.




You're correct, Erin. Interviews, murders, riddles. It is a riddle. Okay, so next one. On the way I saw a great wonder. Water had turned to bone. Ooh, bone water. Bone water.


We were so poor that all we had to eat and drink was bone water.


Have you two ever seen Winter's Bone? Yes, holy shit. That's the one with Jennifer Lawrence. Yeah, Jennifer Lawrence, yes. So good. And John Hawks, who plays Teardrop, her uncle. Phenomenal performance. One of the most underrated performances in cinematic history.


That movie will weigh heavy on your heart for a long time.


I still think it's William Hurt. I still think that he met William Hurt. History violence, pretty good.



Hurt. Hurt, yes. It's like John Tesh. Ooh, you're hungry. Yeah, John Tesh is a sentence. You piece of shit. That's her new shirt. John Tesh is a sentence.


I don't know. Can you read it one more time?


On the way I saw a great wonder, water had turned to bone. Okay.


Water turned to bone.


Yeah, I think this is like way simpler than it's making it out to be, but like what's another way? Yes, it's ice. Thank you, Erin. It's like water turned to bone. Is ice maybe? I don't know.


Ice's bone?


Ice's bone? Yeah.


You two are on a first date and Adal you've taken GPC to an ice skating rink and GPC you're trying to play it really cool like you know how to ice skate, but this is your first time.


Yeah, so we're going to go to the counter over here and they will give you the skates. I brought my own skates just because I have the skates. I'm sorry if that's weird. I can use their skates too as well.



Oh, I couldn't care less. This will be our first and only date, so whatever makes you happy, we won't be seeing each other again. Hey, I have the rest of the night to prove you wrong.


I love a challenge. I'm so sorry.


I'm going to go to the, there's a little food kiosk here so I'm going to grab something. I'm sorry, can I get some, let's see, can I get a Pepsi and no bones?


And whatever she wants, I will pay for 40% of it.


We sold out of Pepsi with no bones like two hours ago. I can give you some hot cocoa with a little bit of bones.


Why would you put bone in hot cocoa? That would cool it off.


Well, it's just... Hey, me again, I do see hot cocoa's a little more expensive than the Pepsi, so just so we're keeping track, I'm now down to 30% of whatever she's got. And I'm good.


You're gonna pay for 30%? Might as well just like, not pay for it.


Okay, so hey, the lady says I shouldn't pay, so I guess I won't.


Okay, well that's fine. I know that you're a children's magician, so I know you don't have the money to spare, so I will pay for it myself. Great. Okay. Are you ready to get on the ice?



Can you hold here? Yes, I am. Can you hold your Pepsi? Thank you so much.


Oh, you do have Pepsi, okay.


You lied to me earlier.


With buns. Okay, great. And here we go. I'm just gonna use the shoes I brought here. I'm not gonna have skates, so let's get on the ice.


You're not gonna, okay, well, you could hurt yourself pretty easily if you get on that without the proper blades.


Oh, you think I'm gonna hurt myself? Because I don't have skates on? I don't have blades on? You think a woman can't walk on ice?


Hey, look, all you have to remember is when you're out there, don't fall.


Hey mom, dad, tell the story of your first date again.


Who's that kid? We're not your mom and dad. Lost kid. There's a lost kid.


Sorry, you have the same code as my parents. Same.


When did you last see your parents, little child?


I said seen.


I'm sorry. I really wanted to make that child a potato head. Alright, one more. One more. Placed above, it makes things smaller. Placed beside, it makes things greater. In matters that count, it always comes first. Where others increase, it remains the same. What is it?



One is the loneliest answer to the riddle please.


And this movie's three and a half hours long but Paul Thomas Anderson can do no wrong.


This movie's not going to stop.


Is it the number one? It is the number one Adal, you got it. Nail on the head of the nail. Wow. And okay, it looks like Adal is getting up out of his chair. Adal is running all around his closet. He's taking a victory lap. So there's nothing else to do. Adal's taking a victory lap. We might as well take a little break and we'll be right back after a little of these commercial.


I did it. I won.


I didn't. He didn't win. And we're back. Adal, that's time. That was your fastest lap yet. That was great. I need to sit down.



His tongue fell out.


Oh no, it's coming true. That was 28 hours. Do you guys ever notice that the characters we play on this podcast become a part of us?


Oh, so the thing that I've noticed is that I immediately forget everything that I've said and it slips by me like a Taco Bell through the system of a me.


Truly when every Wednesday when an episode comes out and somebody tags like a line we said or DMs me about something I said, I'm like, what are you talking about? And they're like, on today's Hey Riddle, I'm like, that was like a week and a half ago. What do you want from me?


Someone at one point, I will fully admit that I have no idea what this is in reference to. This was maybe a couple weeks ago. We had a bunch of emails that were like, all right, I'll bite. Tell me the tale of come Gary or something like that. I was like, don't know what that means. I was like, I can't help you.


I have an embarrassing version of that story. Someone tweeted at me a line I said in a Patreon episode, and I forgot I said it at first, and I laughed out loud at my own joke that I had forgotten making. Like, belly laughed.



What was the line?


It was from the improv one we did. I need a great Fanta while I wait for my cousin to die from a sword wound.


That song is truly one of the greatest moments of the podcast. It should be a t-shirt. Let's go with this one. A lot of little brothers line in one house. If you scratch their heads, they will die. What are they? Matches?


Matches! I had a solo character that I did, which was an RA coming into her room and you think she's like really pissed and annoyed that everyone has drugs and alcohol, but really she's looking for little brothers. She just doesn't want anyone to bring her little brothers to college. I know your little brothers here. Just tell me the truth. I mean, I get it. I had my little brother visit my first year too. I know what they smell like.


And RA is famously the Egyptian God, right?


Yes, of course, naturally.


I want to see a scene.




The goosebumps. JPC, you are a freshman at Vanderbilt University. Hell yeah. Erin, you are the RA who's a sophomore, but you think you are way more mature, way more worldly, and you're trying to share some of that knowledge and worldliness with this new freshman.



So this is the dining hall. Sorry, I'm going too fast. You probably don't know what that means. When we eat food, I'm sorry, I'm getting so ahead of myself. In order to have energy as a person, you have to consume food and water. Sort of like a fun kind of college thing. It's part of like the culture of the campus that you like eat and drink so you can sustain yourself. Any questions?


Uh, yeah, I just thought that they didn't do like a freshman hell week anymore. Like I thought that that was more like a thing for high schools.


They don't. Um, so over here is the bathroom. Ooh, how to explain. Um, how to explain. Okay. So you're going to be eating and drinking in the bathroom. No, in the dining hall. And then it's sort of like a pipe that will go through you and then you have to go to the bathroom and get rid of all the food and drink that already went through your body. Does that make sense? I mean, yeah, you're describing like a basic human- No, it's sort of part of like our culture here on campus.


It's sort of like- Did someone tell you that I had been in an accident or something or that I needed to reword?



I'm just telling you stuff that's specific to Harvard. I'm just telling you stuff that's specific to Harvard.


This is Vanderbilt. This is Vanderbilt. I don't even know Harvard stuff.


We cut to a JPC who's clearly in a coma and his father's talking to the doctor. Doctor, it seems like he's twitching and saying mutterings and musings.


What are you doing in my room? I don't know. I went to Vanderbilt and not Harvard.


See that?


Just kidding. Just kidding. Vanderbilt's amazing.


But it's no Harvard. I almost ran up to the two of you and said, mommy, daddy, tell me the story of when you first met.


Speaking of kids, if you had found me in my youth, then you would have happily drunk the blood I shed. But now that time has made me old, you eat me anyway. Wrinkled as I am with no moisture in me, crushing my body between your teeth. That's grapes and raisins. They're the same thing.


I want to see a scene. JBC, you are a raisin. Adal, you are a grape. And you are striking an unlikely friendship.



I'm plump and I produce wine. Oh yeah, look at me shine. Do do grapes is grapes is grapes. Oh, oh, do you want your ring back? Gollum, what's going on? What is it?


Gollum, Gollum, thank you for my precious life to be like you. I would love to be like you.


Oh, yeah. I mean, we'd all love to be like me. I'm beautiful and verbal. You're so beautiful for one night with you.


Switch places with me and let me live your life.


No, I'm not going to get in that fountain.




Oh, you just got hit by lightning. Now I really want to switch.


My arm's all crispy.


No, I'm good. I'm good.


I'm a witch and I'm putting a curse on you.


Oh no! She turned my feet into pumpkins. Why would she do that?


Hey, you'll be great like a tangine or something. This sucks. You'll be great like a tangine. You'll be super crazy.



Oh no, I'm a raisin with pumpkin feet and a fucked up arm. I suck. Hey, take me places.


No, I don't want to.


Can I have sex with your grape?


Pushing you both into the fountain.


What was it?


I pushed you both into the fountain.


Oh, somebody pissed in here.


I'm an old raisin covered in piss with pumpkin feet and a broken arm. Is this how J.P. Riddles was made?


Can I... You guys, we're gonna get in so much trouble for copying the plot of Freaky Friday with you.


Remember when Jamie Lee Curtis played that raisin with pumpkin feet covered in piss? Can I just say, I want to say, and JPC, this is purely, this is purely your call. JPC, I can't stress enough. This is your call. This is stupid. You're in complete control. This is your call. Can we say canonically? That JP Riddles was formed when a raisin with pumpkin feet was pushed down into a fountain, covered in piss, and was struck by lightning.



I feel like, here's the true thing I think about this podcast. I feel like I got painted into a quarter quick with JP Riddles, so now whenever I do a character that's like, hey how's it going? They're like, hey JP Riddles can we help you with being JP Riddles JP Riddles? I'm like, I just want to be a raisin with pumpkin feet. Is that a crime?


That's its own thing. Obviously too, J.P. Riddles is an old Rat Pack jazz singer who got eaten and passed through raccoons and then put back together.


Well I feel like you were playing into the corner because of the listener response. People were like, yes J.P. Riddles, because it's an amazing character. But then I feel like there's also a creation of yours that ran rampant for a long time, which was like... Someone would come up and be like, I love Hey Riddle Riddle. And I'd be like, oh, thank you so much. I appreciate your support. And they're like, I'm a listener. Can you support me, Fokker? And I would just be like, I have nothing to say to that. And they'd be like, I understand. I understand. Could you not respond to me, Fokker?


And I'm like, I don't want to play this game. Again, I did invent that quote. That's for me and don't Google it. Erin. Yes. And Adal, you can both participate in this next riddle. Yes. What belongs to you, but others use it more than you do. Virginity. Adal, you can only use it once and it was a waste.



Erin, it's your name. Good job.


And you can tell everybody this is your name.


This is your virginity. You go into it through one hole. You come out of it through three holes. When you're inside it, you're ready to go outside. When you're outside, you're still inside. What is it? Bowling ball. Adal, it is a bowling ball. You go in and then out of a bowling ball. You snake-fingered motherfucker. No, it's not a bowling ball. Okay, can I hear one more time?


I'd like to see a scene. We are bowling pins, just sort of waiting to see what happens.


Pretty cool.


Somebody gets this guy the bumpers, huh? Aim into that. And just so everyone knows, complete luck of the draw that I'm over here in the 10 spot. Probably gonna do okay for myself. So, you know, but once we get racked back up, all is fair. So just so you know. You guys, you guys. What is it, Jacqueline?


I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running



Jacqueline, you know what you need to do to calm down? You gotta do the splits.


Oh, Jacqueline. No, don't do that. You don't want to do that. Roy's gonna throw you out into the pile of broken pins.


Okay, switch spots with me.




I don't know.


Are you talking to the machine that takes us up?


He missed. He missed.


He missed. He missed. Thank God. This guy sucks.


He's doing it again.


Yeah, he's going to keep rolling. Jacqueline.


Switch spots with me.


How? Look at how.


Use your arm. Oh, sorry. You don't have arms.


None of us do. Well, I did. I had one, but then I got hit by that lightning bolt.




Tell us the story. Oh, so you didn't get the answer. You didn't get the answer to this. You go into it through one hole. You come out of it through three holes. When you're inside, you're ready to go outside. When you're outside, you're still inside. What is it?



Is this something you physically walk into, or is this more like your fingers or something?


I guess walk into is maybe not the right word, but physically enter, yes.


Is it like a... is it like a... A shoe. Dollhouse?


Erin's... it's not a shoe.


A pants. A jacket.


Yes, it is a jacket or I would say sweater most likely, but jacket I think fits. You go into one hole, you exit through three holes. So we think a jacket has three holes. I guess if the neck hole of the jacket, if it's like a buttoned up jacket or a zipped up jacket, then yes.


And here's something I'm going to say and I feel unapologetic about it. If you put on your jacket while it's button, you fucking suck. No, you're actually way better than anyone else.


Because most people can't do it. No.


You're saving time.


You have a snake body. No. Well, Adal's, that's his hot take.


If you had to buy an expensive, like if you can only really spend significant money on one piece of clothing, what nice expensive piece of clothing would you buy? Would it be like nice sweaters or jeans?



A car.


No, clothing items.


A short hat. So I can only own one nice piece of clothing. Adal says sword hat, which good luck getting on an airplane with a sword hat, dummy.


I would say a pair of pants, because I feel like that's going to be, that's what you need to be like sturdiest, or like most have the longest run.


I was going to say a pair of shoes, but I think that shoes Like, for whatever reason would get worn out faster than pants. I think also you're just putting like more miles on them, right?


You guys are being so sensible with your answers.


What would you do, Erin? Would you do a big fake flower?


Be a big fake flower probably. Huge sun hat. The reason why I brought this up is because I love really gorgeous pea coats. If I could have a collection of anything, it would be gorgeous, luxurious outwear.


Don't peek and correct me if I'm wrong, because I definitely am. Aren't all pea coats the same? Pea coat is the navy coat, right?



No, well maybe technically. I just mean sort of like... I think it's a cut. Yeah.


I want like maroon wool, cashmere coats, and scarves and... There was a guy at my old work who came in with a brand new pea coat one day and I was like, it was one of the only times that I've been like jealous at a piece of clothing. Now I've owned a pea coat and I actually don't like them for Chicago. I'd much rather wear a parka when it gets super cold. But it did look like, I was like, damn.


For two weeks out of the year.


Okay, final riddle on this email from Mary. It says, Something was here since the world began, yet it is never more than a month old.


Something is here since the world began.


Since the world began.


Never more than a month old. Is it a month? No, it's not a month.


It's not the concept of a month? Is it some sort of like insect? It's an insect or animal or... Oh, moon.


Erin, it's the greatest insect of them all, the moon. Okay, I want to see a scene. Erin, you are the moon. You are a full moon and Adal and I are stars and we know that tomorrow you're going to be basically, you know, destroyed.



Good morning, guys. Oh, hello. Hi. Good to see you. Did you just eat? You look full.


I'm a full moon. I just wanted to come over here and apologize for the saying that people keep saying like shoot for the moon. If you fail, you'll land amongst the stars. I just don't think you guys are like inherently failures. I think like a little bit for sure. You're not as good as the moon.


I just wanted to come over and be sorry. Can we apologize to you because nobody ever says they're a fucking all moon. Hey now, you're an all moon, right? That doesn't make sense. And we also want to apologize because no one ever like pulls down their pants and say like, Hey, I'm starring you. Yeah. And Epic Man never hosted moon search. So fuck you.


What'd you say? You come to our house? I'm just saying like I look bigger in the sky. You coming to our house?


You throwing your way around? Yeah, maybe from fucking Earth. That's not even our solar system.



I have a question though. Do any humans know your name or you just named after like a random person they gave it as a gift in a relationship and they're no longer together?


You're winning. No, it's not worth it. She's waiting. My name is Barbara Miller.


Oh, and are they still together?


I don't know. I'm assuming they're dead. I live for billions of years and who fucking knows but I'm Barbara Miller now. Yeah, congrats on having an effect on periods.


Hey, thank you. I'm actually pretty proud of that. Also tides, do you affect any tides or do you just sort of like exist?


Honestly, you could affect some tides by fucking throwing one of those pods in the laundry next time you come around us.


See. We just watched it blow up.


I don't know how I just got my feelings hurt as the moon, but yeah, I did.



Outstanding. We know a lot of moon and star references. Thank you so much, Mary. We really appreciate those riddles and we appreciate you taking them from wherever book that you took them from. Okay, this next one comes from Monica. Thank you for sending this in Monica. Monica says, Plato wrote this bad boy. Pretty sure he was drunk when doing so. So it's by Plato and I read this riddle and I didn't I didn't Google to see if Plato actually wrote this riddle, so Monica doesn't provide any evidence that this is Plato, but it says that this is by Plato. So here's the question. There is a story that a man and not a man saw and did not see a bird and not a bird perched on a branch and not a branch and hit him and did not hit him with a rock and not a rock.


And we should clarify for listeners who might be confused, back in olden days in Greece, they called men men and they called women not a man. So it's a man and a woman?



I need to see a scene. JPC, you are Plato and Adal, you are Plato's scribe or assistant and Plato is drunk out of his mind and his assistant is trying to make sense of what he's saying to write it down.


Floccolis. Broccolis. Broccolis, please.


Please, sir. If you could just have a seat and drink some water. I've brought you some water from the well on the hill.


I would drink well water like a common man. I have philosophizing to do. So, here, you ascribe, get a pencil, dip it in a quill, rub it in some ink. You know, do the thing. You know the thing.


Yes, I have a pen ready, sir.


I'm just going to start spitballing, I'm going to start shooting from the hip. Okay. I'm Lucy. Ready when you are. The spirits of Mars are in me tonight. Alright, let's just, let's just shoot. What do I see? What do I see?


Sir, the spirit of Mars are in me tonight. That was the album you tried to release last year that flopped.


Did it flop? Yes. You two liked it though. They're still playing. Okay, show, show, show. Bad vibes. You bad vibes tonight, Broccolis. Let's see. What do I see?



My name is Broccolis.


Don't matter to me, Broccolis. All right. The ceiling. What do we see when it leans an earthquake? Okay. When the ceiling leans, ceiling, earthquake.


Sir, I'm not going to snap.


You're not going to snap, but you're going to write it down. Okay, that one's gold. Put that one in the front of the book.


Sir, if I may, I don't mean to upset you, but the bestseller list, the Grecian bestseller list came out last month, and Aristophanes is on top. Stereophanes? Aristophanes. He has the number one and two spot on the bestseller list.


Number one and two? Yes, number six. You fall into six. Six. We've got to do some good stuff. Okay. When a pan gets too hot, take it off the stove. Walk around for a little bit, and then, cook your breakfast. Okay, that wasn't good. Trash that. Okay, okay. You give me a topic, you give me a topic, any topic, and I'll philosophize on it.


Okay. Um... Broccolis, come on. Yes, philosophical topic. The meaning of life, meaning of life.



Meaning of life. Monty Python, good movie. Watch it or see the play. Alright, next one. Broccolis, come on.


Okay. Roadkill.


Roadkill. Well, you know, if we weren't meant to not eat roadkill, it wouldn't have such an appetizing name. Great. Okay. Next one. Orange juice with no pulp. Orange juice with no pulp. Do you mind if I put on this raccoon coat while we're doing this because I'm getting a little cold? All right.


Oh my God. That roadkill thing is... Wow. That's the sound bite of your life.


There's a story that a man and not a man saw and did not see, a bird and not a bird perched on a branch and not a branch and it hit him and did not hit him with a rock and not a rock. How is this possible? This is possible because it is a famous story. This is Schrdinger's story.



Oh, interesting. It's a man, but not a man, who hit a bird, but didn't hit a bird, who scratches butt, but didn't scratches butt, etc.


I think that that is a very accurate way to say it. I don't think that there's much that you, this is a very, you have to know a very specific, there's an explanation for how this person is a man and not a man, how this person saw and did not see, perched and not perched, hit with a rock and not a rock. There's an explanation for each one of those line items and that forms the sentence that is the answer to this riddle.


Can we, I want to put a call of action to our listeners.




If you can somehow type up a paper or a diagram that shows JPC, if JPC is behind the closed door, he is simultaneously not drinking his own piss for $80, and drinking his own piss.




I'm sorry, how dare you. Just like to see a little diagram of that. I'll give you the answer.


No we don't know, I want to try to get, now they give me that hint.


Okay, man or not a man?


A woman.


I like that one. I like a boy. Both of those I like better. So yes, keep going because I like that better than what's here.



Okay. And then what's the second one?


A man and not a man has a boy is great. Saw and did not see a bird and not a bird. So the man saw a bird and the boy saw a cat. Saw and did not see a bird and not a bird. Saw and did not see.


So two different things to unpack there. Is it like saw?


No, it doesn't have anything to do with that. It's both visual. And Erin, you're wearing something very specific here. So you're wearing some glasses today. Is it possible that you're wearing the glasses because your eyesight might not be 100% perfect? Yes. So if you're looking at something, would you see that you see it and then you also don't see it? Because maybe the vision is not great. That's the second part. So it's a boy who did not see well, saw a bird and not a bird. A bird and not a bird would be an ostrich. Hey Riddle. Yeah, it's a reed. So it's not actually a branch, it's a reed. Mr. Fantastic? Yes, it's Mr. Fantastic. He's stretchy. That's why your back could fit. And hit him and did not hit him with a rock and not a rock. Hit him and did not hit him. He grazed him.



He grazed him, yes. And with a rock but not a rock. A pebble. Ooh, nice one. A boulder.


Sand. Think volcano.




No, no, no. What's it called when it cools down and they have that? You could rub it on your feet sometime.




Pumice. Pumice, yes. It was a piece of pumice which he threw and missed. Wow.


Is that the whole thing?


That's the whole thing. A boy did not see well, saw a bat, perched on a reed, and threw some pumice, which happened to miss its mark. Thank you, Plato, for that riddle. I want to see a scene.


Thanks, Drunk Play-Doh.


Back to work. Drunk Play-Doh, for adults. Erin, I want to see a scene. I want you to be a young lady and you can't see so well and you are being bullied nightly by a bat played by JPC who throw things at you.


What is that sound outside? Who's hitting my window again? Can I put my contacts in? Oh my god, you're back. Did you just say I'm back? All I'm saying is that you're holding a boombox over your head.



Guess who's back? Bad again. Bad is back.


We broke up, okay?


Oh, come on. I left some of my CDs here. I left Eminem's stand.


Alright, fine. Here are your CDs. Now go back to the cave. We're done here. Okay. And even if you play Peter Gabriel on your boombox and hold it over your head, you will not win me back.


Trust me, I've tried to pick up that boombox. It's heavy as shit. Do you want some of the stuff that you left in my cave?


Yes, please.


Okay, so here is some of your bat poop. Here's a little more of your bat poop.


Hey, did I not leave anything in the cave and you just want to come over and see me?


I'm just pooping here. I just want to come over here and poop. And I did want to see you, I want to see you too. Because I miss you. Now it's just me and like 50,000 of my friends and I miss you, you know? Come back to the Batcave. We will never work out.


You sleep all day. I also sleep all day, but I'm not supposed to. I don't know.



Yeah, that's true, but we can make it work. Please, I'll do anything. I want you bat.


I want your bat, baby. The bat, the heat, your eyes, echolocation, your eyes. Wait, you don't even use your eyes. You use echolocation.


Are you riffing on a joke song about bats because that is a bridge too far. See? I'm sorry. Guess who's bat, bat again.


Out, Sammy. Those were my best bat songs.


I almost said I was dating a baseball bat now, and I was like, let's just not do this.


Uh, uh, bat the drive-in? I got nothing. Oh God, yeah.


Panic at the Bat's Go. The Battles.


Bat Street Boys.


Panic at the Bat at the Disco is what I would have gone for.


Wings. Who?


Wings. Very good.


Bat Wigs. The Traveling Will Baddies. Oh, we got a thing and it's called Radar Love. The Beach Bats.


Diamond and Beach.


Yeah. The Diana Ross and the Bats.



I said Beach. Bat and Garfunkel.


Earth Winded Bat, Elvis Batstello, Burt Bakker Bat.


Hey, Lady Bat Bat.


And if you were to put Bat in the name of a popular band, go ahead and send it over to us and hashtag it Bat Band. Bat Band. That's probably the other one using that Bat Band.


Anyone remember the musical Bat Boy? Did you ever listen to that?


I listened to it because you told me it was good.


Absolute fever dream. Well, I only remember like two songs from it, but I used to listen to the song Three Bedroom House from Bat Boy. If that is ringing any bells to any of you, please tweet me about it.


Casey gave it a thumbs up. Wow, Adal said you said it was good and Erin backed off of it immediately.


They're like, uh, only two songs.


I like that song.


Well, speaking of things you like, Erin, is there anything you'd like to plug?


Um, follow me, Erin Keif 10 in, uh, Erin Keif 2 on Twitter. If, uh, instead of examining your anger towards women, uh, you want to, uh, message a podcast host and tell her that she's being a annoying, uh, shitty feminist.



And Erin, I need to ask. So you're Erin Keif 10 on Twitter?


Oh, Erin Keif 10 on Instagram, Erin Keif 2 on Twitter.


So Erin Keif 10 on Instagram, Erin Keif 2 on Twitter. Is it because you want to keep your handles at 10 and 2, like a good driver?






Adal, we are 110 episodes in. That joke is fucking golden. I love that joke. Huge. Not worth it.




It is too. I love it.


You guys, they have hard eyes for each other right now.


Wow. Go, go, go. JPC, anything to plug? Sure. You can follow me over on Twitch at sharkbarkman is my Twitch name. We're in the shark tank. I play video games. From pretty much Monday through Friday for a few hours if you're in the central time zone. But come and hang out. It's a fun time. And then go listen to the Billbuds Pod. Maybe the next time we record we'll have Adal's opinion on the theme song.


I'll give it 10 JPCs.


Ooh, 10 JPCs.


And out of 10 JPCs.


Okay, thank you. Because 10 JPCs is not a lot.


100 JPCs.


That's a lot. That's a big amount. That's really good. Adal, do you have anything that you would like to plug?



Yes. If you don't listen, you should check out a podcast I do called Hello from the Magic Tavern. It's an improvised fantasy show.


I did an Earth Games with Momo that maybe just came out. It's the most fun I've ever had on any podcast ever, I think.


Well, I guess we won't be releasing this episode of Hey Riddle Riddle. Yeah, and we have bonus content at Stitcher Premium. So if you go to Stitcher, you can sign up and we have a bunch of sort of spin-off series. Like Erin mentioned, we do have a series called Earth Games. Erin was on, JPC was on, a bunch of other guests, some of our favorites. So please check that out. And also, if you have an idea for what I should do or name my potential bar, Please help me out. I'm thinking Gemma had an idea to name it Rifai Tai, like a Mai Tai, or Tiki-Z, where it's like a speakeasy Tiki. So let me know. I kind of like Rifai Tai.


Adal, thank you again for asking us to be in your wedding party. It's truly one of the coolest things ever.



Thank you both for saying yes. I will say JPC said, because he said, is there a certain color? And I said, I think we're doing blues with purple. So you could wear a blue suit with a purple tie, or I guess a purple suit with a blue tie. And JPC said, yeah, I'm going to come to your wedding dress like the fucking joker.


Hashtag bat songs. And Erin, we feel so bad for treating the moon so poorly. So let's just end the podcast with another quick scene where the moon calls on one of her other friends.


Hey Jupiter, can you come over? I got roasted today.


I'm sorry, I'm busy. Bye forever. Aww. Genotically Jupiter'd voice.



Hey, if you enjoyed that episode, we think you might enjoy our Patreon episode that comes out this Friday. It is the second episode in our 1980s high school mystery arc. It is an absolute blast. It's my favorite episode of the three. Oh, we had so much fun recording it. I laughed so hard. Don't tell me when I said that. It's a secret. Artie Parrott wrote a new theme for it and Casey Tony is killing it on the editing. If you are interested in that, go to patreon.com slash HeyRiddleRiddle and sign up for our Clue Crew, which is $5 a month. Or our review crew, which is $8 a month. You get two hours of extra bonus content. We'd love to see you there. That's patreon.com slash Hey Riddle Riddle.