Which Riddle Riddle?

#94: Good Will Farting



This is a HeadGum podcast.


Hey Chuck. Chuck, it's me, your cousin Marvin. Marvin Riddles?


Why are you calling me, man?


You know that new podcast you were looking for?


Hey Marvin? Huh? I told you, man, you can't call me anymore. Yeah, we're cousins though. It doesn't matter, man. You stole $800 from me.


Hey, is Marvin here? Marvin, get the hell off our property.


Maybe it's just Marvin on the phone.


He's not here. You know that new Riddle podcast you were looking for?



Marvin, why do you do this? Why do you do this?


I can see him on her front lawn on the phone.


Are you on the lawn phone? Are you on the lawn phone?


Honey, I told you your cousin cannot keep coming around here. He stole $1,200 from us.


$1,200? I thought it was $800. You stole $2,000 from us? No, it was $5,000. Baby, let me invite him in. I legally can't kill him.


He's gonna make us do riddles.


Well listen to this. It's Hey Riddle Riddle. I'm Marvin Riddles. I'm JPC.


And I'm calling the police.


And if you're a first time listener to the show, this is a riddle podcast mixed with a hint of improv. We're three best friends and we're doing riddles to save our lives.


And if you've never seen Back to the Future, I am so sorry. Oh my God. That's going to be a dick.


Go watch Back to the Future.


Hey guys.




Good question.


And it's also pretty late and back to the future, so don't just watch the first hour and say, I don't get what the fuck they were talking about and turn it off.



It was the very first post-credit scene was that scene. Was him playing Johnny B. Goode? Erin, what were you going to say? You have a question?


I have a question. Have either of you watched McMillions yet?


No, I hear it's great.


The HBO documentary. I think you will both like it a lot. I would love for you to watch it so we can talk about it.


It's about how the Monopoly McDonald's game was a scam.


Yeah, it got like a high-jacked.


By the mob.


Basically by the mob. It is, couldn't be more fun. I can't. I can't wait for Yes, $3 wine. What? $3 wine in beer, I think. And then they have a piano playing with a singer, and it's like a guy being like, brown-eyed girl, and you're drinking your $3 wine.



I will tell you that when I.O. moved to the building that it's in now, and there was the Whole Foods across the street from I.O., I think that it also may have been the first time I'd ever been in a Whole Foods in Chicago. I went into Whole Foods the day after IO had opened. So there's a ton of improvisers in there. And then I just saw like a barefoot man drinking a glass of wine, wearing a blazer. And I was like, this is not my seat. What the fuck is going on?


I've spent more money at the Whole Foods on Kingsbury than I have on rent, on clothes. This is a fun game. I have all my money.


This is a fun game. Besides like basic necessities, bills, et cetera, what store do we think we spent the most money at? I think JPC probably got zooks.


Probably, for JPC probably like Chuck E. Cheese. Maybe like Spencer's Gifts.


Can you guys guess who they're? There probably is a store where I've spent an unreasonable amount of money.


Is it a game?


No. Game. Dead stuff.


Game. Stop.


Is it like how to beat taxes and do another store?



I think truly the place I've spent the most money is no longer here. So yours, do you think you know yours? I do know mine. Restaurant or store? Store. No, it's not food related. I would never spend money on food. Maybe? Nope.


But you're close with clothing store.


Target? No. Clothing store. Express for men. No. Structure? No.


American apparel. No. Just kidding.


Um, Turtle Clothings. Turtle Clothings? I'll give it to you. It's Bonobos. Oh yeah. They do not sponsor the podcast. I think they used to sponsor some podcasts, but there was- Like the trunk delivery? There was a time, no, it's just clothes like, you know, buying clothes, but there was a time when I had a Bonobos gift card and there was a I've never owned a $200 pair of jeans and I was like, I've never owned a $200 pair of jeans. I'm going to try to see what a $200 pair of jeans is. Jeans that suck your dick? Damn, you're close. What?


Wait, wait, wait, wait.


Close, details. Because they're jeans. But I've never owned a $200 pair of jeans. I'm going to try this out. Unfortunately, they were really great and I really loved them and now I've got like four pairs, I think. Spent way too much money. And one of the collared bonobo shirts was what I wore exclusively as my work uniform. And I think I have that style. Were you working as a youth pastor? Yeah, I have that style of shirt. I probably have 42 of that same cut of shirt. Maybe less now, because I would give some away if I wouldn't wear them for people. All bonobos? All bonobos, yep.



It's been a lot of money at that store. Wowie. What about you Adal? I think hands down, but they've been closed for a few years now, but I still think they win. I think hands down Borders, because I remember for like a 12 year span, I would just go to Borders once a week and just be like, let me grab some CDs, let me grab some DVDs, books.




I mean, this is a 1991. It's dating Borders. Board games, they had everything. So I would spend, that's where I've spent the most money in my life is Borders. Erin what about you?


I do, I used to, I hope, I'm hopefully getting better at this, spent too much money on clothes, but I think maybe Sephora.


Oh yeah.


I love Sephora. I also, Sephora was like my Barnes and Nobles to you, which is like, I love just going in and like, I don't buy stuff all the time. You just sort of like, I like the ambiance and I like, like learning a lot about makeup. Cause I didn't, no woman in my family ever really wore makeup growing up and I,



You're a first generation makeup wearer.


Yeah, really. I had a friend from college. Her name is Berkeley Wallace. She taught me how to do makeup. And ever since then, I have been really interested in learning about it. I also think amazing makeup artists are amazing.


And Casey, we'll go ahead and beep that out. Just beep out Erin saying friend in college.


Come on. One of the most embarrassing moments of my life is I was at the Sephora in Massachusetts with my mom to get something for her.


You were with your mom to get something for her?


Yeah, we were like, she like needed a makeup, like a moisturizer.


Sephora is the main character in Final Fantasy 7?


Sephora sounds like Narnia. You're a member of Soldier. I want to go to Sephora. Sephora doesn't exist anymore.


And also at the time of this episode, Final Fantasy VII Remake is out and we are loving it.


Topical. So I was there and I was buying like a $5 face mask. And my mom was buying her moisturizer. And my mom, right as we were getting up to the counter, she was like, Erin, do you spend a lot of time in here? You seem to like know a lot of stuff. And I was like, I don't spend a lot of money here and not a ton. Like once or twice a year, I'll treat myself. And I got up to the counter, paid for my thing, and the woman behind the counter was like, You have become a platinum gold member here at Sephora. You are one of our top, like, customers.



We only give this award to people that have spent $2,000 of their mom's money this week at Sephora.


And my mom, the look on my mom's face, thank God she thought it was funny. She was just like, you idiot. Oh, I don't spend that much money here. And they were like, you are amazing. You keep us afloat.


That's amazing. Uh, listeners, Riddiots, why don't you tweet us and tell us where you have spent the most money in your life in terms of a store, uh, frivolous expenses, and we'll do the hashtag where my money go. Is that fun? Where my money go. Ferveless isn't the correct way to phrase it because clothing you need. Well, also, to a certain extent. But you do need to spend $200 a pair of jeans.


I think a lot of this stuff, like, especially from, I'll put my budget hat on for a second. This, I bought this hat for $3. That's why I call it a budget hat.


That hat says, come on my tummy.


I don't know the back, it says, go on fishing. That's a very confusing hat.


Weird. Can you wear it backwards please?


I got this on Danny Glover's official store.


Danny Glover kissing Joe Pesci.



What's going on with this hat? But I will say, I don't consider it frivolous expenses if there are things that kind of make you happy and prove the quality of life. As long as you're not going bankrupt with these things, if you have a gambling addiction, that's probably not great. But if you spend $200 buying clothes because it makes you feel good and you like that, that's totally fine.


Well, I have a bit of an addiction. It's an addiction to ripples. Jane's addiction? Perry Farrell. Who's Old Man?


Perry Farrell. I just have a quick question before we get into it. Does anyone remember the origin of Old Man puzzles?


I think it was Erin and I think it was maybe weird. I think it was maybe the first few episodes was I the only one giving riddles? Yeah. And then at some point we had somebody else do it. And I think you invented the term. No, maybe it was just about me. I think you said you're old man puzzles. This is one of those things that would be very easy to find out. No, can't do it. It's impossible to know.


It's impossible to know. You guys, you know what's such a bummer is we like come together, we do these episodes and then they disappear and we don't



Well, truly the real bummer, and for fans who have listened to the show for a long time, this is for you, for new listeners, I'm sorry bear with me. When we were first recording the show, we recorded, I think we recorded about a hundred episodes that we weren't recording for, so they all got lost.


And we put them onto a VHS tape, all the audio, and then we dropped it into a spooky well in Minnesota.


And then we recorded an episode of Gummy Bears over it. So, you know, you can't really win.


Because that theme song is such a fucking banger.


Do you want to do it? To be clear, to be clear, with Gummy Bears, it was still Gummy Bears, we just recorded our audio over an episode of Gummy Bears.


Dashing, go ahead.


I was going to say, we should go around and see if we can all remember, piece it together.


I'll do the beginning. Dashing and daring, courageous and caring.


I'm hungry and thirsty for all that life gives. All through the forest they ring out in chorus. Say the fuck out of our forest you people.



You piece of shit.


Now back to the fire we're bears.


Sean had never, he's like the oldest in his family born in the 90s and so he had never heard that song and I introduced it to him and he's like this is the catch you saw of all the time.


Wait, there's Gummy Bears? I don't know this. There's a full like three-hour night where I played Gemma, Gummy Bears, Tailspin, Darkwing Duck, like the 90s cartoons or 80s 90s cartoons had the fucking best theme songs and I think they're all written by a lot of the same people. Joel Schumacher. At any point during this night was she allowed to leave?


No, no, no. Block away.


I also, did you guys know the belly button song?




I showed on that and now we sing it all the time.


What's the belly button song?


It's from that like Joe's first video thing. It's like, I found a button and it's not from a shirt.




I found a button and it's not from a skirt. I found a button, it's a part of me. It's a button in the middle of my tummy.



It's my belly button. And it's right underneath my sweater. It's my belly button. And it's holding me together. I don't want to know it as if but we'll not do it.


I love it the most.


The most, like, unknown, rare, like, niche song. Erin knew every fucking word and syllable and hit it on the dot. But then we'll be like, sing Foolish Games by Jewel, and you'll be like, these... But I do know, I got mama skateboard for her birthday.


So you know all the words to that.


Grandma got run over by a reindeer. I'm Old Man Puzzles today. I'm the Puzzle Lord. I'm in charge of the puzzles. I'm going to be hosting out the riddles. And we're going to start with a couple listeners committed riddles. Okay. So the first one, this is from Sarah M. She says, Sarah says, Old Man puzzles. We meet again. This time I have a riddle forged by my own two hands. That is a slight educational element that you and your co-hosts might enjoy. Wow. She acknowledged you, the co-hosts. Here's the riddle. Here's Sarah's riddle. A man that's deathly allergic to bee and wasp stings commits a crime. As punishment, the dystopian government gives him two choices. He can either go into a room filled with extremely agitated and very territorial male bees and wasps Or he can enter a room where he will be hunted by government officials the most dangerous game style. If he survives 24 hours in either room, he is free to go without punishment. What room should he choose and why?



Can you read it again? No. Please.


I think you know the answer. So if Adal Rifai answers over to it one more time, a man that's deathly allergic to bee and wasps sings commits a crime. As punishment, the dystopian government gives him two choices. He can either go into a room filled with extremely agitated and very territorial male bees and wasps, or can enter a room where he will be hunted by government officials, the most dangerous game style. If he survives 24 hours in either room, he is free to go without punishment. What room should he choose?


And why? Maybe I'm stupid, but I think I know.


Okay. Well, Erin, Adal said, I think I know it. And Erin said, maybe I'm stupid. I think I know it. So I think we know how... Well, to be fair, Erin said to read it again. But yes, would you like to say?


Can male bees and wasps sting you? Is that the important part of it? So maybe pick the bees and wasps.


Male sea source.


How's the baby? Jim Gaffigan. Adal, what's your answer? My answer was the same thing, but to be fair, I buzzed in first. So Erin should get the answer. Adal did say he buzzed in first, which is what a male hornet in wasp would say. I was going to say that it has to be the extremely aggravated male bees and hornets because, unlike humans, male bees and hornets talk through their problems. They don't fight. It's true.



Yeah. So they'd be like, why are you in this room? Well, actually they posture, but they never sting. Like, you want to go? You want to go? You want to take this outside? But they never sting.


I want to see a scene.


Oh, I want to see a scene too, but you go first.


Erin, you are a female wasp. JPC, you are a male wasp. Fine. And this is a scene that's on like an educational video to show to wasp children in terms of the differences between the two.


Just around the corner, just around the corner. Hey kids! In about two weeks. You'll be dead, but for now, you're going into your teenage phase. You're three days old, and you're maybe noticing some changes.


Hi, I'm television actor Brad Wasp. And this is my co-host, television actor, Melissa Joan.


Melissa Joan Hart. I'm a Wasp.



And we're here to give you a couple of quick scenarios that you might encounter in your time being an adolescent Wasp.


Oh no, I stung a human.


Oh, baby, I'm horny as all get up. Let's make some wasps, baby. Very good. Very great. A brief series of wasp-icational, seahorse-icational events. Thank you, Sarah M. Of course, the answer is yes. He should choose the room with bees and wasps. Male bees and wasps don't have stingers, so the man cannot be stung. Only female bees and wasps have stingers, since the stinger is actually a modified egg layer, aka ovipositor, ovipositor.


I'm going to call my ovaries my egg layers.




What? Adal? Okay, you guys ready for your next little listener submitted? I have a quick question. Oh, please.


After you see Sting, have you seen Stung? Do you walk home from the concert going, Stung was great. Are you Stung? That's what you waited on. He sat on that for a second.



I'm Adal.


You could tell he sat on that. No, to be fair, I tried to say it four times when I was not able to talk. To be fair, and then you still decided, this is worth it.


I found a button and it's not found my shirt. I found a button and it's not found my skirt.


Yeah, well Adal, I think that that was very much worth it. Let's go into our next listener submitted, Ribble. This one is from Mark. I'll just say Mark, doesn't say. Hoppus? Fuck. It's from blank when it is used. Aliens exist, Mark Hoppus. When I'm there, you notice my lack. When I'm not, all is truly black. I'm described as warm, soft, and bright. The end of this riddle is?




Ding, ding, ding, ding. Adal got it again. Yes, the answer. Well, I'm assuming Adal got it. He made eye contact even though he didn't say it. I'll give a wink. The wink is the same as an answer. Well, no. Let's remember, consent is important. Wink is not an answer. No, a wink is a no. Let's be safe. Yes, the answer is light. Thank you, Mark. I'm assuming Mark made that riddle up himself.



It was a great toy, light brights.


Oh yeah. I don't remember what was so great about light brights.


They just are so magical when you're a kid.


When you're a kid, this is before technology, when you're a kid and the floor is.


When you're a kid and your parents just got shipped off to, you know, Japan or Germany.


Yeah, they got shipped off to New Jersey.


Yeah, but you liked those, right?


Sadia and I each had one, I think, and we would just like, cause you put on like a little black template and then it tells you what lights go where. So it'd be like a pattern and it would say like O for orange or G for green. So you just kind of fill it in. It's almost like paint by numbers. Yeah. But then it'd be like a sailboat or something. But we would do it and then like go into each other's rooms to see what we've created or concocted. You leave it on at night. It was like almost a nightlight. Wait, really? Yeah. I would, yeah. Oh, interesting. Because I appreciate the glow.


The other thing that's low rent now technology has completely replaced is probably the Etch A Sketch, which again is very cool to have a way to draw or be creative as an outlet for kids, where now it feels like... Microsoft Paint is the new... Well, you could also just get a design tablet now and they'd fucking be able to actually create cool graphic design stuff, probably. I don't know. We don't have kids. We don't know what they're gonna do.



I'm never even Medicaid.


Aww. Erin, let's remedy that.




Here we go. Here's a... Come here. Come here. Ow. Ow. Come here. You're pulling my pigtail. Say hi to the nice lady. Hi to the nice lady. Wait, don't make it a... Oh, come on. Pull your pigtail. Fuck you. Get out of here, kid. It made me look terrible.


You just brought a small pig in here?


Yeah. Was that a big pig in the city? Kids, you get that reference, right? That'll do.


That'll do. That'll do. That'll do.


What was the thing in the World News Show last night, Adal, that someone in the audience said that they had an overbearing boss? And how do they ask for a raise and they have an overbearing boss? And then we did a scene where it was me and Eddie, maybe. And then Adal came into the scene and he goes, hey, a couple of us are going bearing. Do you want to go? And I was like, no, I'm overbearing. It was, it was a true bump set spike.


It was, it was one of the only times in life I've ever gotten that right.



Like, oh, I get what he's going for.


There's a total, like, if this, if he doesn't pick up on this, the audience is going to be like, who the fuck is this idiot? What is he talking about?


Do people cheer when he did it?


People clap. People clap. But 99% of the time, Adal, the way that it goes is Adal comes onto the scene with anything. Even if it is a bump set for me, he's like, hey, a couple of us are going burying, you want to go? And I'm like, Mark, I fired you two years ago.


And then the audience laughs at Adal. Truly, we did a scene where I was playing a tour guide in Alaska showing JPC where Timothy Treadwell died. A super funny scene. Before I could get like the location out or anything like we talked a little bit but before like as I was gonna start to tour and talk about whatever he goes so anyway let me get a gordita and just like made me a Taco Bell employee who's just insane.


That was the end of the scene we had already been yelling at each other for like a minute and a half it was nonsense.


That is really funny. There's a running bit of me holding auditions for an all-kid version of Grease and at the end JPC became the person auditioning and I came on and was like hey I hear you're auditioning kids for Grease can I read for Danny Zuko? And JPC goes oh let's see what we have here your name is Snagglepuss?



I didn't realize that there was a Hey Riddle Riddle episode in the middle of a world news show.


What's more concerning is that we're one trick ponies. So when people are like, wow, they do a lot of Hey Riddle Riddle stuff in World News Night. It's like, no, we have five jokes that we make all the time.


I don't. I don't. I've never done that. Sure. Have either of you ever seen me do like the Coco voice in a show?


Yeah, of course, all the time.


No, you haven't. You've seen me play a cat.


OK, guys.


11 times.


We got to get into Izzy's riddle. This is another riddle submitted by Izzy. Hey, folks. My name is Izzy. They, them pronouns. Stumbled across your show after Travis mentioned it on my bim bam and thoroughly enjoying it. They used to teach. And some of they did some of these riddles with their students back in the day. So they're going to share a couple of favorites. Cool. Thank you so much, Izzy. So, a man and his wife were driving along a deserted road at a somewhat reckless pace. The car went out of control and crashed into a tree. Both the man and his wife came out of it, non-serious injuries, but the car was undrivable. The man and his wife both didn't have their phones on them, so the man decided to head back on foot to the last house they passed to get help. His wife decided to stay with the car, but was scared about being alone, so the husband rolled up all the windows and locked it with her inside and headed off. When he returned, he found his wife to be dead, still appearing to be unharmed. She was still in the car, doors and windows still closed, locked and damaged in any way that would let anybody into the car. But somehow, there was a stranger in the car that the husband had never seen before. How did the stranger into the car and how did the wife die?



Rattlesnake in the vents.


Rattlesnake in the vents. You've got to get your car checked for rattlesnakes every six to nine months.


Rattlesnakes in the vents. It's the only game with rattlesnakes. Um, well I think we've had something similar to this so this is why I think I know this.


We have.


We have. Is there a baby? Don't you give birth to a baby in the car there's complications. JPC was there a baby? Was there a tiny little baby in the car? Can we meet her? Can we meet the baby? Can we meet the baby? We promise. Hey, hey. Let me grab the baby here. We promise we'll be nice. Look, we'll promise we'll be not right. We're going to promise.


We promise love. Guys, there is a baby in the car. The baby is a little baby rattlesnake. Yes, the wife was pregnant, she'd gone into labor, and it was a baby in the car.


I want to see a scene. Just a continuation of what we were just doing. JBC, you're our mom, and you've just given birth to another baby, and Adal and I are twins. We're like seven-year-old twins, and we are very creepy twins, and we are asking to meet our new baby brother.



Oh, Jesus. You just appeared.


We were in the other half of the mansion and we decided to come up to see your mother.


I dropped down from the ceiling.


Clarissa dropped down from the ceiling, didn't you Clarissa?


I did.


She could stay up there for weeks.


Look under the bed. I'm on the ceiling.


I'm on the bed. Sometimes I'll just put my fingers through.



Yes, we want to meet our baby brother. What's his name?


What's his name?


Mummy. Good guess, but that's my name.


Mummy, what's his name?


His name is baby Delphlyn.


Delphlyn? At what temperature does he melt? What temperature does he freeze?


100 for both.


At what height does he fall?


At what height does he fall? Hey, look, are you guys doing riddles? Let's drop him and see. No, no, no. You can't. Everyone has to be very nice to baby Delafone. Is he a balloon?


What's that? Is he a balloon? Okay, you caught me. Twins! I'm the daddy DeVito one.


You caught me, kids. I didn't have a baby.


And I'm the daddy DeVito one.


Thank you. I was faking it with a balloon for these last nine months because I'm really trying to squeeze some extra child support out of your father


Speaking of faking it with a balloon, where is Pop? Faking it with a balloon. We basically just played Jamie and Samy from Magic Dever. What were we going to say, Erin?



I was going to say, I only will do this show if it's only Adal and I playing twins over and over again in different contexts.


We know what contract you signed. We will order it. You don't have to keep dragging our feet to the heels on this one.


And also part of my contract is JPC has to eat an entire box of Oreos in front of me every recording.


A man would stop at the gas station every day to pick up coffee, pay 10 cents to fill up his car with gas and then leave. Pay 10 cents to fill up his car with gas and then leave. Only to return the next morning and repeat the process. He needed to do this or his car would not get him through the day. The attendant saw a quick solution to the problem but the man preferred to simply pay the 10 cents each morning since he stopped by for his coffee anyway and to continue along with his day rather than to simply take the car in and fix it. What was the matter with the man's car? What was the matter with the man's car?



He was putting coffee in instead of gas.


Coffee in your car. Coffee in your car. You just put a big tank of coffee in your car.


Coffee in your car is a Saturday morning cartoon.


Coffee in your car when that kills snakes.


Adal, what were you saying?


I forgot.


Was it coffee in your car?


It was that. He would stop at the gas station every day to pick up coffee, pay ten cents to fill up his car with gas, and then leave. Only during the next morning would he repeat the process. He needed to do this, or his car would not get him through the day. They did not start a quick solution to the problem, but the man preferred to simply pay the ten cents each morning, since he stopped by for his coffee anyway, and continued along with his day, rather than to simply take the car in and fix it. What was the matter with the man's car? And we're certain the car is not a horse.


That's putting the car before the horse. I want to see a scene. Erin, you are a local who's come to this gas station. You have put a nozzle of gas in your horse's butthole and you're filling it up. And JBC, you're the gas station attendant who's come out to finally confront her.



And Adal, if you feel inspired to be the horse...


If it speaks to you. Hey Cheryl, this looks like a new horse.


Good morning, yeah.


I'm assuming the other horse. The last horse from yesterday died?


Yep, because it put gasoline in butthole.


See you're filling this horse's butthole up with gasoline.


Yeah, we're going on a road trip.


Okay, sure. Can I be straight with you? Can I be frank with you? You come in here what? Every day?


Every day.


And every day you kill a horse by filling its butthole up with gasoline? Please, let's talk more stuff.


No, here's the thing. I work at a sick horse farm. These horses are dying. They have one more day left to live. All of their dying wishes are road trips.


No, it's not true.


Carol, can I be honest with you? This gas station's not doing well. We can take all the business that we can get. You come in here and you put 40, 50 gallons of gas in a horse. And that means I can put food on the table for my family. Now I also know that every day a horse is dying. And so I got to tell you, it's not worth it anymore. This is the last day I'll let you fill this guy up because he seems to enjoy it. But after that, I'm cutting you off. You gotta leave my gas station.



Horses are $90,000 and I'm just trying to get these horses their final wishes and take them on a road trip to Grand Canyon so they can see it.


Carol, look, can I level with you? I'm a pervert.


I know.


I like feed stuff. Always have. You're a pervert too. You like feeling the horses up with gasoline. We're perverts. Only my perversion is low cost, okay? It's so low cost.


Depends on who you ask, I'm sure.


I got a couple of foot cameras stationed in front of the property.


This is the worst seed we've ever done and I know it.


Cost me $25,000 to install. Can't take any more gas in the butt? Same. Can we end every scene with, can't take anymore gas in the butt? I'll tell you what, we can end every first half of the show on that, so we will see you back after a brief commercial grip.


Gas in the butt, gas in the butt, me and my girl got gas in the butt. Gas in the butt when I kill snakes.



Hey everybody, I am on my own for this one, so I'm just gonna pretend like Adal and JPC are here, and like everything's normal. So, Adal would start by saying something like, Hey, I'm a bear, I love salmon, and I'm getting ready to hibernate. All I need is a perfect mattress to rest my head on. And then JPC would say something like, Well, we are going to find a mattress for you that's juuuust right. And then he'd say, Dab on my haters, grave cousins, police horse backwards hat. And then I would say something like, you should check out Helix Sleep to find the perfect mattress for yourself. Helix Sleep has a quiz that just takes two minutes to complete and matches your body type and sleep preferences to the perfect mattress for you. Whether you're a side sleeper, a hot sleeper, you're like a plush or a firm bed, you're a bear who's trying to hibernate, you're Erin pretending to be Adal or JPC, there's no more confusion and no more compromising on an average mattress. Helix Sleep was even awarded the number one best overall mattress pick of 2019 by GQ and Wired magazine. Are you kidding me? They also have a 10 year warranty and you get to try it out for 100 nights risk free. They even pick it up for you if you don't love it, but you will. So guess what? Guess what we're going to do? I'm Adal, I'm JPC, and I'm Erin, and we're going to let you know that Helix is offering up to $200 off all mattress orders for our listeners at helixsleep.com slash riddle. That's helixsleep.com slash riddle for up to $200 off. One more time. Helixsleep.com slash riddle. I lied. Here it is again. Helixsleep.com slash riddle. Oh, that was fun Adal in JPC, wasn't it? It sure was, Erin. Dab, dab, dab. I'm JPC. I'm exhausted. Oh boy.



Uh-oh, it's Uncle Adal here. Hey, how's everybody doing? I'm doing okay. I'm here in Chicago, and I have my kippies. I have my Gemma. We're doing okay. We're doing the best we can. Every day is a bit like a different Cormac McCarthy novel, but I have a little inside podcasting tip, a little secret. Lean in closer to your headphones. I don't know how you do that, but try it. Hey. Here's the inside secret. I use Feel's CBD. Yeah, that's right. In my routine, for about eight months now, every day, around noon, and then before I go to bed, I use Feel's CBD. Feel's is a premium CBD. We're not talking, we're not talking this garbage CBD. We're not talking Boys to Men ABC CBD. We're talking premium Feel CBD. It's delivered directly to your doorstep. You don't have to leave the house. And right now you probably can't. So that works out. Oh, you want to ask me, hey Professor Adal, I have a question. Hand raised. What does Feels do? Well, shut up for one. You're flunking my class. And two, Feels naturally helps reduce stress, anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness. Every day, my life consists of about 200 five-minute tasks that I have to do every day. And you know what? I get overwhelmed. I get anxious. I get stressed out. I take feels. And within minutes, I feel better. I feel like I'm able to focus. I'm able to accomplish what I need to do. I feel like I'm out from this Sisyphean task of menial emails. You know? Oh, but Professor Adal, hand raised. Professor Adal, another question. Different kid, but same voice. How do I take CBD? How do I take feels? You're... Put your hand down. You're doing great. You pass. We have a B+. Here's how you take it. You place a few drops of feels under your tongue. Do they give out B pluses in college? I don't know. Place a few drops of feels on your tongue and feel the difference within minutes. The thing to remember about CBD, though, is that you want to find your right dose. That's important. And everybody doses a little bit differently. So you want to leave room to experiment over the course of a week or so. You might need to take a little bit less, a little bit more. Me, I baby bear it. Every time, perfect dose. Ooh, but Professor Adal, can I get real human support? Shut up, of course you can. If you're new to CBD, if you've never taken CBD, Fuels offers a free CBD, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, And they're going to help you guide your personal experience. I've called this hotline and I told them exactly what I wanted out of feels and they gave me the perfect instructions. Join the Feels community to get feels delivered to your door every month. You'll save money on every order and you can pause or cancel at any time. Class dismissed. Wait. Hold on. Not dismissed. Homework for next week. What you want to do is become a member of Feels today by going to feels.com slash riddle and you'll get 50% off your first order with free shipping. That can't be right. It's got to be 5% off or 0% off. 50% off? That's too much, but I'm being told that is correct. That's Feels F-E-A-L-S dot com slash riddle to become a member today and get 50% off automatically and free shipping. Feels dot com slash riddle. Now class is dismissed. I need to see you after class, Daniel. Please stay after class, okay? You are 45 and you should not be auditing. You have a family at home that needs you. So maybe take some Feels, reevaluate your life, Okay, and then stop coming to Riddle University.



Okay, we are back and we did not finish that riddle. This is Izzy's riddle. Izzy's riddle. They still need an answer. Ten cents to fill up his car with gas every day and leave. He could simply take the car and fix it, but he prefers to just continue on doing it this way. Why? What's going on?


What's going on that you would only need ten cents to fill up your gas tank? He's leaking.


It's leaking. The gas is leaking.


The gas is leaking. Erin, that is correct, but there's a little more specificity that I feel like you need before you can truly solve this riddle. It's leaking into the engine. No. Which is not a leak at all. No. It's 10 cents though. I think this assumes that the price of unleaded gasoline is still $2, $3, whatever it is per gallon.


So what leak would cause you to not have to use this bunch of gas? Pay 10 cents to fill up his car with gas. And Erin is right about the leak. Oh, I know what it is. Do you? It's a gas leak which is causing him to go insane thinking 10 cents is enough for a top-off.



Top-off the morning to you.


This guy's insane. Yeah, they're leaking gas into his coffee every morning. He's driving his car into like the kitchen of a cracker barrel. Top it off and you're like, ugh.


Can I have some pancakes and play that little game that's on the table? Thanks so much.


Spiced apples? No, that is a good guess.


I'll take a rocking chair to go wink.


I have a hint. Would you like a hint? Yes. Izzy provides a hint. They say, the 10 cents per day was probably cheaper than what it would cost to fix the problem. He had a leak. Yes, but that's the hint. The hint is that he had a leak. What you're looking for is what was the matter with the man's car? So fixing it would be cheaper than Ten Cents? The Ten Cents is probably cheaper than it would cost to fix the problem. It's just not convenient.


It didn't have a bottom. Because you have to do it at every time. You guys, I just realized I look like the cinnamon rooms from Cracker Barrel. I took my family.


I took my family to go eat at a Crate and Barrel. They would not serve.



Unbelievable. By the way guys if you want to leave an iTunes review and you want to give us five stars and the only text that you would have put in the review is it didn't have a bottom even after the horse gassing it didn't have a bottom.


If I had one day left to live I'd go into a Crate and Barrel with a bat. And just go nuts. All those displays.


Why did you bring me here?


Because I want to pick out... Do I need towels?


I was born in the creation realm.


I want to go through. I wanted to register for our wedding.


I want to


Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. Adal, what scene would you like to see?



I want to see a scene. Erin and I are getting married. I am Batman. She is Erin. And Japes, you are Bane officiating the wedding. OK, catch her.


Do you really love it? We are gathered here. Gotham for wedding. Pretty close.


I didn't put that little mask thing in front of my face. No, it's good, Erin.


I wrote my own vows. When I was young, my parents were killed in front of me, shot down by the Joker. Did you have some?


Yes, okay. I know, but I'm the Erin, right?


And we're twins. I also think it was like Joe Chill who killed Joe Palance. No, it was Jack Palance. Jack Napier.


Love is simple. Love is good. Love is putting your differences aside for one day with pain so you can marry the love of your life. Love is having Robin as your best man.



And I have Robin as my first mate.


I will go eat my shirt.


No, no, no, Erin. That's the worst scene we've ever done.


It doesn't have a bottom.


What is the answer to this?


We cannot stress enough. I can't just give you the answer.


Please, I'm begging you in my hand and knees. You're so close.


You're so close that there's a leak. You just have to figure out what's leaking. So what is leaking?


The gas tag.


No. What's leaking is the energy to the dial that shows the gas.


The radio.


No. No. Is the radio leaking?




Carbon monoxide.




Everything's leaking.


Something on every car that has the capacity to leak. Think about what else is in a car.


The types.


The bladder of the driver. No. Think about another type of gas that is in cars. Oh, farts. No. It's not gasoline. It's not gasoline.


What's the blue stuff?


The blue stuff you put in the front of a car.


That's going to be an emergency break.


The cooling, the engine cooling thing.


It's not coolant. Hold on. Hold on.



I got to see a commercial. Oh boy. This is the third scene or commercial we've seen on this Riddle that we're incapable of solving.


Your Honor, I'm guilty for having too much fun.


And you're also not giving us the answer, so when in Rome.


I want to see a commercial. This is going to be a 30 second commercial. This is for engine coolant, but the commercial is made to almost make it seem like it's a drinkable thing, like a, like a sunny day or something. Okay, cool. Yeah. Hey. Oh yeah. Whoa. Who's that guy? It's me, engine coolant. Wow. Hey, agent coolants. You're a cool ant, huh?


You look a lot like the Kool-Aid man. Can we drink you?


I'm not. I'm, uh, your uncle's wife.




Does he go down on you?


Uncles always go down on their wives.


Even when the wife is an engine?


Hey everybody! Let's cool down that engine with a little arctic blast.


You look like I can drink you. Are you sure I can't?


Okay, and I'm never going to directly answer that question, but please keep asking it.


You're a forbidden drink, like paint or whiteout. Forbidden drink, forbidden drink, forbidden drink, forbidden drink. You know what?



You can drink me if you're an engine. And only if you're an engine. And that kid is an engine, so that kid can drink me.


But I'm not, and I'm going to try.


Oh God, no! Time of death. Doesn't have a bottom. What else on a car can leak that has gas in it?


What else on a car can you guess?


There are four of them in most cars. Cylinders.


Tell us, JPC.


Four of these passengers are full of gas on every car on the road. Oh, inflatable husbands.


I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.


Do you know that?


I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.




I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.


Erin refuses to see tires. I don't know. This is also Erin's impression of her like a minicky. Why did you bring your car in, ma'am? I don't know.


This is me anywhere. If my dad isn't answering the phone and I need his help, I don't know.


Everybody at MITREQ, they see Erin like, that'll be $1,600. I don't know.



I'm like, are you sure? I just needed my window washed in front of my car.


Just one window washed. I have a dead bird, but it's inside my trunk. One of the tires had a leak and it cost $0.10 of gas. Air's Gas per day to fill that up, fill up that tire. And Adal says boo and Izzy says thanks much and I look forward to more of your lovely podcasts. Thanks Izzy. Wait, wait, I like that. I like that. Sorry Izzy. Thank you so much Izzy. That was a really good riddle that we are apparently just incapable of solving.


Wait, and of course every time Izzy sends a riddle, we always say, Izzy.




You pointed those, what is it? No, I was conducting. Oh.




So now that those pesky listener submitted riddles are off the table, we're going to go back to one of our favorite. You see it. It's the blue book. It's the blue book of riddles. Erin, how do you feel?



I'm calling 911. What do you think?


I don't know. What's your emergency?


GBC is, he opened the Blue Book of Riddles. Can you get a year's test as you can?


We're sending in the National Guard. Ma'am, I need you to get under a table and I need you to try and kill him.


We're sending all the National Park staff.


Ma'am, I'm authorizing you as a deputy over the phone.


I am knighting you over the phone.


Make a citizens murder.


Citizens murder.


Ma'am, go to a FedEx Kinko's, print out this license to kill. Alright, this one, the title of this riddle is Strange Sounds. You guys are gonna love this. It's the blue book. Modern movies, unlike those of a half century ago, are often made with picture and sound recorded at different times.




Anything that says modern movies was written 80 years ago.


Sound effect technicians watch the picture and make the appropriate sounds, perhaps walking in place on a hard floor to generate the sound of footsteps. No. How can this method of recording sound be detected in the final movie? So this is about old-timey Foley artists? It would appear that this is an old-timey Foley artist Riddle. Matt Foley artist?



I want to see a scene right out of the gate. Adal, you are an old-timey movie director and you're directing your first talking picture and JPC is the star of your movie and maybe it's like a Western.


Wow, what a great day. Sound has been invented in moving pictures. So Blake, you're going to get your chance to be not only just a feast for the eyes, but an audio feast. So let's go ahead and get you on set here. Oh boy, I can't wait to be an audio feast.


Oh, great. Oh good. One of the most handsome and alive and finally people are going to hear my voice. And I'm the female star of the movie. This is my female co-star. I'm beautiful. Isn't she a drop dead gorgeous?


We're ready to start the scene I know my lines.


We're ready to start the scene. Oh great.


You look very concerned I'd say. Well I was gonna say that this is supposed to be a sweeping romantic medieval movie but based on hearing your voice we're gonna make it a lesson. Okay, yeah, I love spaghetti. Okay, so what? Huh? Well, that'll come later when we get the Italians involved. So let's go ahead and let's say that you're walking into a saloon and you find you behind the bar. Here we go. Action! Hey, handsome. Can't pour you a drink. Oh, and sorry, that is correct. Don't forget to make your own sound effects.



Yeah, of course. Yeah, because now we can. We don't have to pay those dastardly foley, Arly.


And there's no way to edit this out. Here we go.


This is live in the movie?


Let's go from the top.


All right, go ahead. Hey, handsome. Gotta pour you a drink. Only if you got Tab, the soda of the future. Goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop, goop,


Let's see how long it takes for these two actors to realize the director left minutes ago. Remember those old timey westers that kept playing a girl from Ipanema?



How can this method of recording sound be detected in the final movie? Because it's so clear and good.


If it's any sound at all.


That's what it is. It's great to be back on tour promoting my new album Horse Hooves from a Mile Away. This one goes out to my family who's no longer with us. Hit it!


We're still here. We're with her.


We're on tour with her. We're her band.


I guess do you guys want to hear some clues for this? Yes. Are the sounds and pictures out of sync as when words on a foreign language film don't match up to the speaker's lips? No. Sounds are still in sync. Do mistime sounds too early or too late? Give it away. No. Are some sounds inappropriately absent? Yes, inappropriately absent.



Oh, breathing.


What sounds are not there?


What sounds are not there?


Farts. Okay.


Yeah, farts.


Yeah, it could be farts I guess.


Is it fart?


Yeah, because you know how you can tell when you're watching a movie if the actor is farting.


He farted. He farted. Matt Damon farted. He farted.


Oh, Charlie Stern just queefed. They cut it out.


He farted. Matt Damon farted. I saw. I saw.


Guys, I saw a background. Do you like apples?


Hey Riddle.


If any movie that you have a clip of a character farting... It has to be Matt Damon.


I'm sorry. It has to be Matt Damon.


So like, for an identity and then just like as he's fighting you hear a fart slip out?



The departed. If you could just tell Matt Damon's farting, take a little video of it and send it to us.


And we'll call it "#de-farted."


De-farted. Hashtag de-farted.


That's amazing.


Good job, Alan.


Okay, so as soon as clips of Matt, David, and Farting in movies, we were pretty convinced that they ended up in that sound now. Hashtag to farted. This will be a good use of everyone's time. Hashtag fart is suffering. Oh my god. Hashtag how do you like them farts? All right, do you guys just want the answer to this fucking bullshit? Give us a hint. I think that you're pretty much close.


What's missing?


The absence of sound. It's a certain type of sound.


Room tone.


I mean, I said like wind, but feedback from them, I don't know. You would kind of have to be pretty specific in this, which is why I think I might just give it to you. Just give it to us. Okay, so you're gonna love this answer. Some movies in the 1980s had scenes in which someone was typing, but the sounds of the keys were unrelated to the motion of the typist's fingers. Nowadays, scenes of typing conceal the hands to prevent that error. Reverberations remain a clue as when a person walks from outdoors into a nearer corridor and the footsteps do not reverberate indoors. Another clue is the absence of a companion sound as when several people are walking and only one set of footsteps is heard. Oh, I was going to say all of this. Or when a horse-drawn cart is shown and a horse's hooves are heard. But the cartwheels themselves are totally silent.



I hate when they make cartwheels in movies too quiet.


Yeah, I thought they meant like people just cartwheeling you.


Everyone knows that's the natural sound of a cartwheel. What do you think? 8 out of 10? 8 out of 10 of that cartwheel?


Do you guys pick up continuity errors in movies often?


Yes, sometimes my brain can pick those out pretty quickly.


Halfway, no, two-thirds of the way through season five probably will be finished very soon. But there was a scene where there was a woman standing in the back of a room and then another character talked and then it cut back to her and she was in the middle of the room. And I was like, can you believe that? She was in the back of the room and she was in the middle of the room. I said that to Mariah and then she just looked at me with the look of like, who fucking cares? Like, let's just get through this. That's so funny. Let's just get through this. But the continuity errors do, like, draw me out.



Like, I'm like, oh, oh, oh, can you believe? When I was younger, I was the worst. And in Legally Blonde, Warner, her boyfriend at the beginning of the movie, his hair is parted two different ways on the same date, drove me Freaking crazy when I was a kid and I would always like point it out if I was out of sleep over here watching it. I'd be like, hey, do you notice that because they probably shot in different days. Blar, blar, blar, blar. But I was like, um, can you be homesick and call your mom?


There's a lot, there's a surprising amount where I do notice, I feel like I'm fairly perceptive, but there'll be like two shots in a TV show where it's like in the two shot, someone's collars popped, but in the one shot close up, it's down. So that kind of stuff happens nonstop.


My friend, I never noticed this until my friend Christine Wines turned me on to it, but she used to go fucking apeshit or post on Twitter for like celebrity wigs that were like fucked up in movies and stuff. And now I see it all the time. And especially, again, we were watching Lost. And Lost has a lot of time dashes and fast forwards and stuff. And then they bring characters back and stuff. But sometimes they're wearing, like they didn't have the wig anymore for that character. And they got a wig that was similar to it, but it's not that same wig.



You guys Emma from Hair Throw Away the wig. It's a disaster.


Oh, celebrity wigs. Top of my head, Kristen.


Good answer.


Very good answer.


Christine Wines was in my dream last night.




Isn't that crazy that you brought her up?


That is crazy.


No one's mentioned her to me in the last couple weeks. She's the best, but I was like, why was Christine Wines in my dream last night?


Just little dream poppins.


I know. She just came to say hello.


Maybe you saw her, I just scrolled past her on Twitter or something like that.


Oh, I think also we were both supposed to be at the same wedding that is being postponed. And I think maybe I was excited to see her, so my brain centers in my brain.


You're supposed to go to a wedding for Post Malone?


Yeah, he's not doing well.


Holy shit. He's officiating.


For Post Malone. It's people that he doesn't know, but they're doing it for him. We'd like to dedicate our wedding to Post Malone. I was born at the wedding party. All right, you ready? Yes. This one's called Gas Station Glitch. During a fuel shortage, George drove to a gas station and waited in line behind many other motorists. Cars a horse. Cars a horse. Fill it with butt.



Fill it with butt. A man.


That's her t-shirt. Cars a horse. Fill it with butt. Fill it with butt. Can we have a t-shirt of just a horse's ass with a gas pump?




All right, veto it.


Fine. You only have 10 more.


You guys have no idea the shit I vetoed on the show.


It should be gas nozzle going deep into a horse's ass and underneath it should just say regular.


I feel like I'm a dam and the water is just the hell that you two would collect upon the earth t-shirt wise if I didn't stop you.


During a fuel shortage, George drove to a gas station away to the line behind many other motorists, a man in the familiar gas station uniform.






This riddle was written by like Carrier Pigeon or Pony Express.


Walked over and explained to him. We have a $10 limit. To save time, we're taking cash only and collecting payment in advance. George gave the man a $10 bill. When he reached the front of the line and parked in front of a pump, he asked for his $10 worth of gas. The limit is $5, replied the attendant. What happened?



The man was driving double cars. The man was driving double cars. I'm Mark Summers and this is Double Cars.


What is it called? Mobile Home.


What's it called?


Mobile Home. What's it called?


Can you read that one again? I feel like I missed one detail.


During a fuel shortage, George drove to a gas station and waited in line behind many other motorists, or it was just a normal day at frickin' Costco, right? They got the cheapest gas in town. A man in the familiar gas station uniform walked over and explained to him, we have a $10 limit to save time, we're taking cash only and collecting payment in advance. George gave the man a $10 bill. When he reached the front of the line and parked in front of a pump, he asked for his $10 worth of gas. The limit is $5, replied the attendant.


What? The station attendant in the familiar uniform was a fucking liar.




Fucking Swindler.


The gas station man? Swindler's List. Yeah. Oh my God. Hashtag Swindler's List. Don't hashtag that. Adal, you are exactly right. The man whom George paid was not an employee of the gas station, but a con artist who got a uniform, asked everyone in line for $10, and left quickly.



I absolutely needed to see his aid.


Wait a minute. Did you say con artist or con heiress? Con heir! Put the bonnet down. Connor, my son, Connor.


Adal, you are a, and I'm saying this with air quotes, gas station employee in a familiar uniform. You're not. And JBC, you're a guideline for gas. And I just want to see you con JBC's character into doing really anything.


Oh, quite a line today. Oh yeah, quite, quite a line here. And of course I work here, here at bottom dredge, barrel of gas.


Shell? You work at Shell? You work at the Shell?


Yeah, well all the employees call it bottom dredges, barrel gas, but yeah, Shell, Shell. Yeah, I guess I'm not an employee so I wouldn't know that. Yeah, it's a long line. Yeah, real long line.


Gotta get that gas, though.


Yeah, gotta get gas. Gotta get gas. Or practically runs on this stuff. Absolutely. I work here, so what I'll need from you... Yeah, I can tell by your uniform. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And what we're asking for people is before, because there's a shortage. I love this uniform, by the way.



Well, thank you so much.


I love how it's simple. It's just a white T-shirt.


Oh my God.


With a mesh top on top, and you've got the white t-shirt that looks like it just has the word shell, but it's got an apostrophe in between the SH and the ELL. Yep, that's right. She'll? I'm sorry.


She'll? Okay. She'll be coming around the mountains when she comes. Gotta get that gas. Really excited about the gas.


Hey, excuse me. I feel like I recognize your face. Are you from the news or something?


Um, I don't know. I mean, I've been in the news.


You look a lot like that man who's putting... I didn't murder anyone. Gasolina Pors's butt.


I did that.


Well, congratulations. I really love the work that you do. Thank you so much. I'm a huge fan.


Thank you.


Wow, always nice to meet a fan. Gotta get some gas today.


Yeah. Real quick, can I try and swindle you? What's that? I've been trying to swindle you. You have been.


But I can't...


Who can't seem to get in for a swindle.


Okay, what would you like me to do?



I was going to say maybe like, oh, show me some pictures of your kids or something.


They're in the wallet. You can go ahead and just check that out right there.


Okay. All right. Take your money here. Okay. That seems fair. All right. What's your name?


I'm a cop. My name's Jack Copp. My name's Mark Coppas. No, you already said Jack Coppas. No, you already said your name and that's the name that you have to die with. Speaking of dying, do you guys want to die to one more Riddle?


Yes, please.


Yes. Speaking of cops, police officers, their spouses, this one's called staged roulette. Police officers, their spouses, and their families put together a talent show to raise money for their retirement fund. One of the events at the show was a skit about the evils of gambling. In one scene, a misguided man lost most of his money to a crooked roulette wheel operator. It was learned too late that the audience could see the stage from above and would observe the number into which a roulette ball would drop. What did the producers do?


What is this? Can you read that again? That hurt.



In one scene, a misguided man lost most of his money to a crooked roulette wheel operator. It was learned too late that the audience could see the stage from above and would observe the number into which a roulette ball would drop.


But this is a play about the evils of gambling, right? It's not a real, he's not really gambling. Hey buddy, I wish I had a better riddle for you, but all I got is the blue book. So the question is what?


What did the producers do? Because the audience could see that this The roulette ball landed in the wrong spot. So what did the producers do about that?


They took all the numbers out. Oh, they magnetized it.


What fucking eagle-eyed audience can see the numbers on a roulette wheel from the balcony or mezzanine of a theater?


I bring my tiny binoculars to the theater each time I go, so I would be able to spot something like that.


Do you guys want clues?


What do I have to do to get a reaction around here?


So why would the producers need to do anything? Because they would need it to be a certain number? I don't know. Do you guys want to hear the clues? Yeah.


Could the skit be rewritten so that the roulette bet was concealed from the view of the audience or removed entirely? No. So it depends on this bet being staged. Could the roulette wheel be partially hidden? No. Was gambling a significant problem in that town? Absolutely. Why do we need to know that?



I don't know. I don't want to take this to Riddle Court. I want to take this like a riddle abattoir and just put a fucking hammer in its head. It was learned too late that the audience could see the stage from above and would observe the number into which the roulette ball would drop. I mean what they could do is like if they're if they need the person to lose This is the worst riddle I've ever read in this book. The police chief had a crooked gambling joint raided and easily obtained a rigged roulette wheel for the show.


That's what the producers did.


Erin, anything you want to plug?


I want to plug anything that isn't Riddles. Follow me, Erin Keif 10 on Instagram, Erin Keif 2 on Twitter. Yeah, let me know if you need anything.


Here's what I want to plug. Listeners of the show, Ridiots, we beg of you, please send us riddles.



Yeah, we like your riddles better.


Clearly we are dying, we have scraped the bottom of the barrel, please email us some riddles, write them yourself, send us riddle books, whatever you can do to help with our riddle drought.


Now that is a bit disingenuous because we have like over a thousand emails of people who have sent us riddles that we have not cracked into yet.


Okay, well send us matches so we can burn this book. We've found that regular fire doesn't kill it. We've tried to stab it in its heart, but it is a Horcrux. That book is a Horcrux. This book is a Horcrux, and I do not want to know what wizard we're keeping alive. I also want to plug our... Look at you! I also want to plug our Patreon, patreon.com slash HeyRiddleRiddle. Please check that out. If you enjoy this show, I think even more so, you'll enjoy our Patreon, where we do anything and everything. We have about 70 hours of content on there. We're always adding stuff weekly, so please check that out. Newsletters, livestreams, there's lots of cool stuff on there.


You can follow me at jpsofly on Twitter at sharkbarkman on Instagram and Twitch. And that is the only stuff that I have to plug. So, Erin.



Erin, famously... Well, go ahead. No, please, please. Famously, Wesley Snipes in passenger 57 said the phrase, always bet on... Jupiter, right? And not black. He was farting in that scene, right?


Oh, please, we need these Matt Damon farting clips. Please, we'll die without them, please!


Bye forever.


What's that? He said that sound design answer pissed me off.


That was a head gum podcast.