Which Riddle Riddle?

#58: Flirty Chef!



This is a HeadGum podcast.


And in the morning, I'm solving riddles. Hey everybody, it's A Riddle Riddle. This is... This is Riff Raff. We also got Jameson Kiki.


That's my favorite one you've ever done. What episode number is this?




You finally found the perfect intro.


I can't wait until it's just a series of like, riddles have layers shrek, it's hey riddle riddle. Have you seen this riddle?



It's hey riddle riddle. It sounds like you were reading a newspaper while you were- Frankly my dear, I don't give a riddle. What else?


Farquad, more like riddles now. It's hey riddle riddle. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Well, you know, we've run out of good ideas for the show. We ran out a long time ago, but we're here. Oh, I did have one joke I just thought of.


Oh, yeah? What if during an election a state was called a swing state? Remember Wayne's World? For like Wayne's World?


I just worked shopping.


Is this for like 2020?


Mm-hmm. For like Ohio? Mm-hmm. Okay. I think we should definitely make... Get Dana Carvey and Mike Myers there and have them call it a swing state. A swing state, yeah. Is that fun? Yeah.


Anything to make this next election lighter.


Yeah. If Mike Myers and Dana Carvey didn't mind hosting like a election night live event where they're reading the results live. I take it back, that sounds amazing. Just to give something, someone... Just to give people another option that's not CNN or Fox or MSNBC. Or yeah, Adult Swim. Or Adult Swim, or portthumb.com slash news. Anything that's not that. I think that that would be a very fun thing to do. Should we all say who we're voting for? That might be a fun discussion. I'm only going to vote for an independent candidate. We're talking about which M&Ms flavor are you, right? Because I'm voting for Reese's Pieces.



You're really an anarchist, aren't you?


Some men just want to hold the world in their head to chocolate.


We haven't recorded in a very long time. What did I miss?


It's been a while. I was at Gen Con. I just got back from Gen Con. So was KJ. And when you're hearing this, that'll be two and a half months later, but yes. Two and a half months. That was my favorite sitcom spin-off. Two and a half months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months, months,


Erin Keif, Erin Keif, and John Patrick Coan.



I guess. So every few songs I would go, I guess. But I was far enough away that they couldn't hear me. Can it be original members? Is ELO still the original? It's called Jeff Lynn's ELO. So it's only Jeff Lynn. And then I think the rest of the band was all fairly young. And then at one point he sang, which is one of my favorite songs of all time, which I never thought I'd see live in my life, because I'm going to die young. Keisha. But Danny Harrison, George Harrison's son, came out on stage and they sang Handle with Care, the Traveling Wilbur song. I love that song. Which is one of my absolute favorite songs. Me too! And I was like, there's no way I'd ever hear it live. And then he played it. Wow. So it's Jeff Lin and George Harrison's son, which is about as close a collection as you can get, because Dylan's the only one else alive, I think.


Do you remember in like the mid 2000s when all those artists like Jenny Lewis and maybe the guy from Bright Eyes did a cover of that song? Connor Oberst? Yeah, and then Ben Gibbard, like that whole group of musician friends, mostly like independent singers, they did a cover of that.



Mmm, I gotta check that out. I also, so I guess is what you yell at a concert when you don't know the song or care for it. And then we also, I went for dinner, and if you ever pick up the tab at a dinner or lunch, you have to grab the receipt and insist you take it, and then look at the bill, and then just, loud enough so people can hear you. But soft enough to where it seems sad, you just have to go, I'm ruined. And then when somebody says something, they're like, did you need some? No, no, I got it. I said I got it.


I'm ruined. It's funny because when we're talking about little receipt bits that you do at breakfast this morning, before we placed, or no, we placed our orders and the server- Famously at breakfast at your friend Tiffany's house? Yes, and I ordered diamonds. It was a waste of an order? Yeah, we placed our orders and then the server said, and is this going to be one check or two? And I said, ask us at the end of the meal. That's pretty good. That's a fun little thing.



And then when you get the bill, I'm ruined.


That feels like a, what's it, like a Job from Arrested Development thing. I'm ruined. So yeah, that's what I've been up to. I went to breakfast this morning. Erin, what have you been up to?


I was in Boston for two weeks. I was there on behalf of the trip. Exactly.


Yeah, the song Boston.


For half the trip, I was with my boyfriend and his family on vacation in Boston, which is bizarre because I was like, I'm at home, but I'm not at home. And I was doing all touristy things.


The whole trip, you were calling him your Boston-baked boyf? Yeah.


And then he broke up with me like 11 times on that trip. And then the second half of the vacation, he met my whole family for the first time.


How'd it go?


It was crazy. Okay. Everybody listen. Okay. So he, my parents and his parents, him and I all went out to dinner together.


He, my parents and his parents, him and I. Hold on. Can I get a piece of paper? I did a piece of paper.


My parents and then the two of us all went out to dinner together and everyone sat down and for five minutes, all four parents were speaking at the exact same time. Everyone was so nervous.





I was so scared. Oh my gosh, I was so scared.


Why were they nervous? Are parents nervous to meet other parents?


Well, I think I got my parents in such a tizzy of like, don't embarrass me. I was so scared.


I saw my dad almost meet another dad once, but they made eye contact and they both booked it in different directions. Oh, I know what happened there. It was him from the future. Can't occupy the same space.


Yeah, I think that they just were like, because I've known my boyfriend for like five years, and I think we've been hearing so much. You know what I mean? Like they just were, and my parents are nervous and didn't want to let me down.


Did they have like a, in the Venn diagram of conversation, was there a set that was like, they had the most overlap for conversation?


Um, yeah, that's a good question. Um, they loved talking about, like, being Catholic and Irish.


Oh, fun.


Yeah, so that's fun.


Huh. We'll beep that out. Yeah.


No, but, like, talking about, like, growing up.


They love talking about being beep and doing a beep.


Um, like, growing up with that kind of background and how, like, ridiculous it can be sometimes.



Did he meet Mitch?


He did meet Mitch, and he loved Mitch. My boyfriend was nice enough, and I was nice enough too, to take my niece out of daycare for a day, and we watched her for an entire day. And it was the best day ever, and then Mitch came home and bought... What's going on in here? Why do I do have my baby fat?


Five, four, five. I smell the blood of an Irish Catholic.


Welcome. Sean really liked Mitch, so I guess I got all of our faces, huh?


Matt. Well, you threw an egg at us, so yeah. And I guess you got a little splash back on you since we were in such close proximity. You got eggs on all of our faces. Well, speaking of getting a total facial... Let's do Riddle. Wait, wait, wait. We'll beep that out. Facial. My traditions are flawless. Alright, let's take that back.


Well speaking of being totally covered had come. What's the funniest song? If you've listened to Hi Riddle Riddle, you have very low expectations about what this game is going to be. The game is, what's the funniest lyric you can sing? And you don't want to sing a whole song, but just like a lyric or two, what's the funniest lyric you can think to sing in the voice of the Muppet Swedish chef?



Can you give me the voice of the Muppet Swedish chef just so I can get into it?


So I'll go first, and this is the one that made me laugh, that made myself crack up laughing when I was devastatingly high.


KJ just made, okay we've surprised KJ and shocked KJ a lot but that just completely took them out. I'm dying!


I don't know what I expected, but I got more than I thought. I got one. I got more than I thought.


Also, I have to take a take of Furby X. Jesus Christ!


Okay, wait. I can't even do the voice.


It can't make me laugh.


I can't do the voice either.


That sounds like that YouTube of the person who started singing the wrong words to the national anthem. Was that some baseball game or a hockey game? Oh Fergie. Yeah, oh my god. James, you got one?



Just pain. Woof. So any lyric, the funniest lyric to sing in the voice of the Swedish chef?


Eat first, make then, take me here. What song is that? What song was that? Who's next, Griffin? Oh, I smell sex and candy. Oh my god! Oh my god!


I'm dying. Marcy's playground, a little Marcy's playground.


Marcy's playground.


This is the most fun game. Thank you, Adal.


Oh yes, KJ, go ahead. KJ's coming in! What an honor. KJ has something. It was so fun.


Let's have them come on this night. Here we go, this is KJ and Adal playing the game. Best lyric in your voice of the Swedish chef. Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Flirty Bed stop. It's gonna be a bed stop. KG, what the fuck was that song?



KG, what song was that?


Don't do it again!


Please! Let them do it again!


Let them do it again!


Here's my one caveat. You have to do something else than say the word flirty. Okay.


I can't.


Think like Saad 2009, Palad, Popalad on the radio. Tell me what this was. This was someone like you, Riddle.


Flirty, flirty, flirty, flirty. KJ, you're right, that is very funny. Flirting, flirting, flirting.


Flirting, flirting, flirting.


People will never recover.


Listeners, surely you should turn off the show at this point, but if you have a favorite lyric or song to sing in that voice, post it on Twitter or Instagram. Yeah, make a video. And tag us with Chef Flirty. Yeah, Chef Flirty. It has to be acapella, though. No backing track.



And Flirty is spelled... Although, if you can find it, karaoke backing track.


Flirty is spelled like when you flirt with someone. Why are we discouraging that? F-L-I-R-T-Y.


Vini Verni Flirty.


Chef Flirty. Now, I assume that all of our listeners have stopped listening. The only people that could possibly still be listening at this point are the people who have subscribed to the Patreon because they're used to this at this point.


Oh, wait, this isn't a Patreon?


Oh, I'm sorry, used to hashtag Birdie Fries Burger.


Oh my god.


But we are going to move along and do some actual riddles. I know people are... That's kind of a riddle. That's kind of a riddle. You're right.


Just like if you make any kid's movie, if you make a kid watch it.


Yeah. You're just like my dad who used to make us kind of pancakes growing up. Dad, this is $20. It's kind of fanfic. It's got pancakes. Get a job. I was in an army war.


That just made me so happy.


Holy shit. These are in line with my favorite warm-up riddles. These are seemingly from a riddle book that someone found. This is, I don't know, you didn't give me permission to use your name, so I'll just say this is from Simon. Simon emailed us in and Simon says, I found this 1959 book in a ditch and that's where it belongs. All the riddles are bad and many are also racist. Here are some of the better, and then in quotes, better, in quotes, in parentheses and quotations, better riddles. So these are the best riddles of a- These are the best racist jokes. of a terrible book. I'm hoping that Simon chose to exclude the racist ones. Yeah, hopefully you screen these. Well, of course not. That would take just a modicum of effort that I don't possess. We'll beep these out. Why is the letter V like a young girl? Woof. Why is the letter V looking like a young girl?



Because it's most of a triangle.


It comes to a point. Oh boy. Comes to a point. Get to the point young girl. Why is the letter V like a young girl? So let's build backwards. What do young girls have in 1959? Pigtails? Ponytails? Is ponytails more bottom?


Popes? Dreams? Thoughts?


No, Adal's on the right track with ponytails. Yeah, tails about ponies.


So this is a... The letter V. So, I could change this up and not do Young Girl. I could say, why is the letter V like Romeo and Juliet?


Why is the letter V like Romeo and Juliet?


It's a letter thing, but it's not about the letters that are around it.



I don't know.


We need a better hand. Why is the letter V, like Beyonce and Jay-Z, madly in love?


Well, why is it crazy in love? They're both in love. Yes. Okay, I get it. The letter V is in love, and so I say it. It's because it is always in love. Yeah, couples help, but not young guys. Yeah.


Because I was thinking like six, like I was thinking like... No, I think what this means is like it's 1959, so a girl's destiny is to get married.


I wasn't always in love when I was young. You were a child in the 59s. I had Monty Python posters and Guster posters.


Oh boy. I wasn't always in love. Were you ever in love? Were you ever in love?


No, I nearly cried.


I will introduce you to... Don't.


I'll be too nervous.


I'll completely blow it. I want to see a scene. Erin, you are a child. Who has modified thump posters on her wall? This is just a flashback. And JPC, you are... He's just reminding you of your life. You are her dad trying to coax her into more like a young... What a young child should have in their walls in terms of like the new kids on the block. How are you, Erin? How young? She'll be like and sink her backstreet puts. Let's say that she's like seven or eight.



Seven or eight? Okay, gotcha.


Dad, I rearranged my room. Do you like it?


Um, yeah, honey, I love it. I love what you've done. Are you sure that these are the posters that you won up in your room, sweetheart?


They're my heroes.


Monty Python is your heroes?


I'm a lumberjacket, I'm okay. I sleep all night and I work all day. I cut down these.


There's a ton of good sketches in there, but honey, what about... We cut to the dad looking around the room naming some of the other posters on the wall. They're just wildly inappropriate for a young woman.


I mean, this is a poster from the major motion picture of American History X. Is this something that you would really want to display on your wall? I mean, granted, Edward Norton's a fantastic character actor, but this is the work that you want to remember him by?


It's not even necessarily the movie, it's the art for the movie.


Okay, boy oh boy oh boy.


And it's sort of the message of the movie.


And you want this on your wall? This is a full page hamburger helper ad from the Sunday newspaper featuring, I guess it's an oven mitt or is it a glove?



Okay, well I need to have something on the wall that I'm attracted to.


Okay. I just, I want you to be, I want you to be, okay, what about this?


This is- You want me to be? You want me to be? I'm telling you who I am. This wall is who I am.


And if you want to have a blown up novelization of Rasputin on your wall, I want you to have that. If it makes you happy, but I just don't want you to pretend to be something that you're not.


Okay, I'll just start taking these posters down.


No, honey, you don't have to do that. The American History Act's what does need to go.


We should take off. I want to see fan art of Erin getting married to the glove from the hamburger.


No, but I also in that it's like not just our marriage, but like later when we have kids and you get to decide what the kids look like.


And it's just like a human body with a hand on its head.


What is taller, sitting down, then standing up? A chair.



No. I'm tired. Is it a type of human? No, it's not a type of human. Is this a pun? Is it alive? It's alive, yes. And it's not a pun. Oh, a giraffe. Nope. Getting on another dress face. Oh boy.


A giraffe giving another giraffe a piggyback ride.


Yeah, this is a book from the 59. We're all about giraffes eating each other out.


Oh, it's 59. I'm sorry, I misheard.


Well, famously, when a giraffe gets eaten out, it gets taken to the fucking... And the angel gets its wings and gets to go to a Toys R Us for the rest of its life. What is taller sitting down than standing up? Something living. I interacted with one today. Crocodile.


A train. A car.


It's living. It is alive. Oh, a giant.


A dog.


A dog. A dog is taller, sitting down, than standing up. When can't a frog croak? Dead. When it's dead. Wait, it does croak when it's dead. When it's alive. When can't a frog croak? Oh, Lord. I don't love this answer. Oh, geez.



I don't know.


When it's eating rib tips.


I have ribbits. No, so think about this in terms of when can't a frog croak Thanks for watching!


I want to see a scene. JPC, you have just written, you're writing for the Golden Girls. Okay. In the, I don't know, 80s, 70s? And Erin, you're a line script supervisor and you have taken Umbridge with one of the lines that JPC wrote. And I might pop in as Beharthman.


I don't get it. I think the joke will play.


Do you have any idea the audience for the show and who's on the show and what the show's about?


I'm assuming since I write for the show, it's just people like me that watch it.



All right, I want you in. All right. Okay.




All right. Good talk. No, no, no.


Come back over here. We're not done?


You're gonna read the line that you wrote in the voice of an old woman and then you tell me if it sounds okay.


And be respectful.


I'm so sorry. I will absolutely be respectful. I want to get down on some of that young dick. Sounds good to me. What?


That's actually not the line that we're talking about. Love that line. Okay. It's the other one? Is that for me or Rue McClanahan?


If you were painting a picture, what color would you use for the sun and wind? If you were painting a picture, what color would you use for the sun and wind?


I mean the obvious would be yellow and like gray. Mm-hmm, but that's not what we're looking for here. It's a joke. It's a joke.


You don't paint the wind.


You would use ray, ray blow. Ray blow, ray blow. No, that's not it. Is it a, is it a known color in like the Roy G. Biv spectrum or is it?



Yes. Okay. And it's, it's not the same color. Oh, so it's two different colors. Yes. What color would you use for the sun and wind? Two different colors. Red and black. Red and black. Explain, show your work. Black and yellow, black and yellow. It's a Wiz Khalifa joke from "#59."


Yellow, green, blue, purple?




Or is it any of those colors?


No. Wait, blue? Did you say yes? Blue is one of them.


Blue for wind.


Oh, okay, because it's supposed to be... Yellow and blue. What's a color that represents... Orange and blue. What's a color for the sun? Violet. Violet rays. So you got wind. Wind is blue. Blue. Oh, because it's blue. Yeah, because of homonym. So the sun blank and the wind blue. The sun blank and the wind blue. Purple. So blue is also past tense, so we're in the past tense.




Green. So Erin, what color is shined?



It's like sort of a violet-y.


Indigo. It's not the color that a sun would be.


Yeah, but I'm trying to think of what color in Roy G. Biv would represent a past tense thing the sun does.


So the sun sets?




And the sun also? Rises. Bump and spikes. Yes, Erin rises. Past tense. Rose. Thank you.




You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him happy with doing riddles. Yeah, the sun rose and the wind blew. Yeah, exactly. Well, we're on a roll. Why do weeping willows weep? Because Patsy Cline. Because what? Because Patsy Cline. Because Patsy Cline.


Weeping willows weep because... You don't know that song?


I do know that song. I was going to say, you're not close with that joke answer. But there's a rhyme in it that's close, but that's not helpful. Why do willows weep? Why do weeping willows weep? Kind of tree. It's a kind of tree. You're familiar with weeping willows? Because they're sappy. That's a really good guess. And a fun joke, but it's not it.



Because they can't get to the root of their problem.


No, again, we're on puns.


Because they want to be leafed alone.


Oh, because they got fucked over by their boyfriend. Okay.


You think that's the answer for 59? No, it's not it. Oh, I heard 69. Yeah, it's okay.


Give us a hand.


Okay, so they're sad for another type of tree.


Mmm, they're sad because maples, because pine.


They're pining for... They're pining for cones. They're so sorry for pine trees that pine. They feel sorry, I'm sorry, for pine trees that pine. Put this back in the ditch you found it. Okay, we're almost done, but we don't want to ditch all of these riddles. What can you swallow that can also swallow you? Well, based on that frog joke. I'd say a frog.




Water, correct, Erin. What ship has no captain but two mates? Friendship.




Fuck ship.




I want to see a scene. Or courtship. Depends on how you take mates.



I want to see a scene. You are two sailors on the sea. Okay. And you're both, you really want to be each other's friends, but you're both a little nervous because like adult friendship can be tricky.


Oh, tie up the mast and rig the bow. Tie up the mast? Yeah, tie up the mast. Sorry, sorry.


Hey, can I be honest with you? Yeah, yeah. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing on this shit. I don't either.


I read a book called Nautical. Yeah.


You said tie up the mast and that's something that I said a couple days ago and someone looked at me really weird.


Really? I think I probably heard it from you. Yeah, maybe. Can I be honest? Yeah. Um, can you actually sit next to me and we don't look at each other so we can replicate like Catholic confessional?


Do you want to just step into the ship's Catholic confessional? This is an Irish Catholic ship.


Sure. Um, I'm just nervous.


Have you seen Fleabag?


What's up?


Have you seen Fleabag? Oh my god, yes. Okay, cool. The hot priest? Oh, the hot priest. Yeah. I can't step into one of these confessionals without getting a little hard and wet. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Not that I want there to be any sort of Hot priest thing between the two of us.



Oh, no, no. Well, we're both sailors. Do you know what kind of ship has, uh, no, doesn't float? Mm-hmm. And I don't... Do you want to be in a friend?


I don't want to be in a relationship with you. No, a friend, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend. Yeah. Uh, yeah, I could be in a friendship. I mean, Adult friendships are hard and weird and it's like when do we have... Oh, I'm sorry. Gene Simmons is... Gene Simmons is boarding the ship. Oh my gosh. All right, Erin, this one I know that you'll get. When do dash hounds have eight legs?


Dash hounds? Dash hounds. When do dash hounds have eight legs? When they're on top of another one? Yeah, when there are two of them.


When they're on a flight and it has a connecting flag. For what man does everyone remove? Wait, what was the answer? When there are two of them. Oh, okay. You got it. For what man does everyone remove his hat? For what man? Oh, Lincoln cuz it's weird. Cuz he got shot in the back of the head. Yeah, you have to take your hat off for him.





Oh, Miss Uncle Sam. I will only take my hat off for God, sir, which is why. I remove it in church. Lincoln Churchill. No, it's not God. What man does everyone... Does everyone remove his hat? For what man does everyone remove his hat? Dr. Winter.


I don't know.


No. Think about this. In order for this man to do their job, you can't be wearing a head barber. I want to see a scene. Erin, you're going into a barbershop. Adal, you are going to be playing the barber. Two-minute mic. Erin, you want a haircut, but you are refusing to take your hat off, and you want him to cut around the hat.


Okay, let me sit down on the chair here. My name is Two-minute Mic, and it's not for the reason you think.


You just tried to take off my hat.


Oh yeah, I just need you to sound like a Russian acrobat in the 1930s.



Just trying to avoid getting my hat taken off. You just cut around it. Just cut around it. Cut around the hats? Definitely nothing weird under my hat. I just want to make this clear that there's absolutely, absolutely nothing weird underneath my hat.


Oh, sweetheart, if I cut around the hat, I'm going to give you a bowl cut.


Fine. Let it be a bowl cut then.


You're hat is ringing. Excuse me everyone. Part of me just officer Danny, you know just doing a quick neighborhood patrol. Mike, I gotta tell you we're on the lookout for a woman who just robbed the city bank. Stole a whole bunch of nickels, and we're looking to get those nickels back, so if you see anything suspicious, you do holla. Man. Oh, that's my horse.


Gotta go.


She stole the nickels. They were under her hat.


You answered your own riddle, Erin. Oh, this next one also has a policeman. Couldn't tell if you were making a Chad Kroger joke or not. Why is a policeman like a crack in a bench? Why is a policeman like a crack in a bench? Why is a policeman like a crack in a bench? This is awful.



Because they both divide us?


That's very close. Because they cause a rift in social fabric. No, no, no. We're on the wrong track. Why is a policeman like a crack in a bench?


I don't know.


I don't even... This one makes me sad to see. It's from 1959. 1959. I'm gonna tell you what this one is and you tell me what you think it means. Okay. Why is a policeman like a crack and a bench? They will both pinch you if you park wrong.


What does that mean? Oh, pinch means, like, rest, right? Oh, and park means to sit, I guess, in that kind of, like... You gotta walk a long way on this one. I think in the 50s that was, like, a term for, like... Oh, park it here! You got pinched by the cops, like you got arrested or something.


I would have never gotten that.


Uh, yeah, I mean... It's like in a sting you get pinched, right?


Yeah, the pinch part made sense to me, but if you park wrong, does that mean, oh, yeah, I'm not going to spend any more time analyzing this motherfucker. Here's almost the last one. What should an envelope do when you lick it? Say thank you.





Smoke a cigarette? No. Call you. Smoke a cigarette.


Make it breakfast?




Lick you back?




Yeah. It says if you lick the envelope, the envelope should at least lick you, or at least offer, and then you could say, no, I'm too tired. Gave you some. Uncles? Get a little stickier. What should an envelope do when you lick it? It should shut up and say nothing. Is that what the answer is? That's the answer to this riddle. And Simon says, I am so sorry at the end of their email. And then Simon also included a photo, which has one more riddle in it, which says, What did one tonsil say to the other tonsil?


I hope we don't strap throat.


What did one tonsil say to the other tonsil? You getting removed? Yeah, pretty much. It's better to get ready. The doctor is taking us out. So I guess it's like taking them out on a date.



I want to say a thing. Okay. Dr. JPC, you are a doctor and Erin, you are something that Dr. JPC has removed from a patient and he has taken you on a date.


I've never been to such a nice restaurant before.


Yes, this is one of my favorite, technically a chain, but it's my favorite crab shack that I've ever been to in my life.


Have you ever been on a date with a bladder before?


I've been on a date with a couple people who blather on and on again.


Oh, I peed a little.


Oh, it's no worries. That's just your sphincter reacting in a natural way.


Oh my gosh, you know so much about me.


Well, every opening in a body is a sphincter.


Welcome, folks, to Crab on My Haters Great Fortnite. Of course, in the name we have crab, so that is our specialty. That's the specialty, yes. We also have a delicious lemonade today. It's the raspberry lemonade. It is seasonal.


I'll have a merlot and the lady will have a big glass of bile.



Okay. Merlot, some bile. Oh, I forgot we also do have a cum sandwich on the menu.


Ooh. No, thank you.


I'll have the cum sandwich.


Then we'll be taking that to go. Maybe our greatest work yet. Well, speaking of cum sandwich, I'm hungry. We're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back with more Riddblies and Googles.


I'm sure all of our sponsors love getting to the break by hearing, speaking of cum sandwich.


We're going to take a very normal look break.


We'll be right back.


Hey, you guys know how lately I've been really having fun with the Swedish chef? Yes, absolutely. Well, I'm not only the greatest Swedish chef impersonator, I'm also the sweetest chef. I cook at home more and more, and the reason I cook at home more and more is because of HelloFresh. They make cooking at home, so can you let me finish?



HelloFresh, America's number one meal kit?


Yes. The same ones. They make cooking at home so much fun. I love watching cooking shows when they fill a ramekin with salt and pepper. Everything's already pre-proportioned and they just dump it into a... Donkey sauce! Donkey sauce, Guy Fieri. That's my favorite thing to do. And now I do it at home because HelloFresh gives you everything you need for the meal. It's all pre-proportioned. You feel like you're a GD hero. You're just rocking and rolling. I put on some podcasts. I put on some music. I dance in the kitchen. And I have a coochin. Yes, that's right. It's a kitchen built by Ashton Kutcher.


Ashton Kutcher?


Well, actually, he punked you. That's not a kitchen. Oh, is it Ashton Martin? Yeah. And recently, I made a few meals that they sent me. This is from their vegetarian meal because my girlfriend and I are eating vegetarian when there's the two of us. So we had some penne rustica with a kick that's tossed with asparagus, tossed with a little crispy panko. One of the best things I've had in this year, 2019, the year of penne.


That sounds so good. What I love about HelloFresh is it's so flexible because it can fit your lifestyle. Say you want extra meals to your weekly order, they can do it. Maybe you want to change your delivery days. Maybe you want to change your food preferences if you give up being a vegetarian like a coward. Oh, it's just on certain days. Great. Or maybe you want to skip a week. HelloFresh is flexible. You can do all of that with HelloFresh.



Get things like family recipes or calorie smart or vegetarian when you're not a coward, I guess. And a fun menu series like Hall of Fame Craft Burgers, which is what I think I want to try next.


I will say JPC misread that. It is when you are not cow ward, so then you're not going towards beef. And I do want to mention another veggie recipe I had, which is the veggie chiles rianos. Am I saying that right? Sure. It's got you covered baby!


You know what's so exciting? What's that? Is that they add yummy add-ons to your order, like garlic bread and cookie dough. Are you kidding me, HelloFresh?


Okay, so I know we've talked a lot about HelloFresh, but you guys who listen to the podcast, you can also get HelloFresh. For $80 off your first month of HelloFresh, just go to hellofresh.com slash Riddle 80 and enter Riddle 80. That's R-I-D-D-L-E-A-D. HelloFresh.com slash Riddle 80. And you get $80 off your first month!



R-I-D. Delicious meals. It's like receiving- E-L-E. Everything's tasty.


Adal, I can't stress this enough. It's like receiving eight meals free. Or it's like getting $20 off your first four boxes. It's like both of those things. So I want you to try it. You want to try it. What's holding you back? If there is someone holding you back, you need to say something. You need to tag the podcast. Are Twitters the best way, probably?


Hello Fresh! We're back.


Adal's just showing me this YouTube video. The guy losing his mind. Speaking of a guy losing his mind, I've agreed to sit here as old man puzzles and do riddles for everyone, so I have some prepared. Are y'all ready?


You're in chain and we're all your ribbits.



Thank you Swedish Chef.


You don't even need food. You don't even need food.


You don't even need food. You don't even need food. Or do you need fuel? This show's become unlistenable. I'm insane. And you're all my puppets. Yeah, I'm ready.


We're right for a shallows parody. This is, this being released, what it is, perfect timing, perfect timing on that. And again, we are sorry that Bradley Cooper died.




Well, I hope. Can you imagine if he was actually dead and how lucky I would be? Oh my god.


If he died, my heart goes out to the people who made the Avengers because like, how are they gonna keep Rocket Raccoon going?


Yeah. Oh my god.


Also, he's a human being.


What's up? Rocket? No, he's not. He's a racoon. Oh, are you talking about Groot? Because Groot's a tree. Oh Groot, him's a tree. Susie regularly writes and destroys messages to herself. Susie sucks. Usually, people write such notes as reminders, such as in calendars. But Susie never expects to forget what was in the messages. Why write them, Susie?



Susie's life is- A message in a bottle.


Message in a bottle. Message in a Susie. The movie Memento is based off Susie's life. Every day she wakes up, she has no recollection, she has to remind herself of what's going on.


And they were like, yeah, but that doesn't work for a movie, so it has to be tattoos. So Message in a Bottle and Susie's and Memento are the two that are currently on... Well, the way you say them back to us makes it sound like they're shitty answers.


Read it again. Susie writes letters to herself, or messages to herself.


Yes. Susie regularly writes and destroys messages to herself. Usually, people write such notes as reminders, such as in calendars, but Susie never expects to forget what was in the messages. Why write them? You're going to love this answer. Is she doing homework? She's not doing homework. That is a good guess, but she knows she's not doing homework.


Can you give us a hint?


I can give you several hints.


Does she work at a Post-It factory? And she has to test the product?



I work at a Post-It factory. No, that would be insane if these were my puppets. But no, she does not work at a Post-It factory. I do want to see a scene. Erin, you are going to be the boss at a Post-it factory. Adal, you are working at the Post-it factory. And Erin is about to fire you for misuse of the Post-its.


You want to see me? Yeah. Jeff, come on in and take a seat. I noticed that you're not wearing clothes and you are wearing Post-its.


Yeah? Was there a problem that you wanted to talk to me about?


Did you pay for these post-its or is this company property?


Listen, I was told, or I guess shown by example when I got here, that everyone just takes office.


This is not covering enough.


I've been told that office supplies are okay to take, and we make office supplies. So let me be honest with you. My clothes is Post-its. I drive to work in a plane I made out of Post-its.


How? How?


Well, I can't fly it, so I drive it. I live in a Post-its house. We cut to your Post-it house where you are coming home to your Post-it wife. Posty, you're the only love of my life. Okay, I looked.



You now look me back.


So here are some hints for you for this riddle. Does she show them to someone else perhaps because they are cue cards for a newscaster? No. Are the messages intermediate steps in mathematical calculations or part of the process of encoding secret data? No. Are they intermediate steps in an electronic message handling process that is familiar to the public? Yes. Facts? No, facts would be a great guess.


It's a what's that's familiar to the public?


Are they intermediate steps in an electronic message handling process that is familiar to the public? No, facts and Morse code are not correct.


Does she do those caricature doodles by the birdwalk?


The public is very familiar with those character doodles by the boardwalk. If you're a city that doesn't have a boardwalk, go fuck yourself. Fuck yourself. I'm from Chicago. I'm from Chicago. I care about one thing and one thing only. Navy Pier. Where I go to eat my deep dish pizza. Bubba gum shrimp!



Do you know that they do fireworks at Navy Pier every Wednesday and Friday?




I didn't know that until like a month ago.


That's wild. And we have a friend, friend of the podcast, our friend Rush lives right next to Navy Pier, so he probably sees those fireworks all the time. Oh yeah. Yeah, that's wild.


It blew my mind. I was there.


Oh, you shouldn't get your mind anywhere near the fireworks.


Yeah, put them right by my head so I could hear them. But yeah, I was like, what? Is this always here? Is this every night? And then I looked it up.


We saw the musical Six the other night and it must have been a Wednesday. It was a Wednesday night because we were driving home from Navy Pier and we saw fireworks.


Did you like it?


We only saw like a couple fireworks go off and I don't hate the idea of fireworks. Did I see no no no the musical? Who's in it?


He would have talked about it.


Here's my thing, my whole thing with six. My whole thing with the musical six. And this is JPC's sixth corner. Should have been five. Yeah, should have been five. I thought it was great. It was very fun. It was a fun musical. I will say that in the musical six, it's like these six women who all each pretty much each have their own song. There was a weird, like, I think that was like a weird light cue where you thought something else was going to happen at the end of the Britney Spears, Ariana Grande person song. At the end of that song, no one clapped. Oh wow. Because we, I think the audience thought something else was going to happen because there was a very striking light pose and then the performer kind of moved a little and I thought she was going to go into like a different part of the song and then it was an awkward moment and then it just, the musical moved on. Yeah, sounds like something.



I didn't, that didn't happen any of the times I thought.


Interesting. And I was thinking about it and I was like, that has to stay with you. Because she had to continue performing the show, you don't have to leave the stage in that show. She'll be haunted by that. Well, I'm just thinking like after the show you'd want to be like hey Kate. I'm so sorry like that sucks like Mariah was also watching the show with me, and she kept trying to like clap more for that performer Like at the end when she like did her like a little verse and like the very last song where I was like clapping for I was like it's over


Every interesting you seen, Erin was just on Broadway in whatever musical that Erin might be in.


No, no, no.


JPC, during the show something really kind of embarrassing or awkward happened and you're a paying audience member who's at the stage door to try and comfort her afterwards to make her feel better. Actors coming out. Actors coming out.


Uh, Erin? Yeah, I'm just trying to get... No, I saw the show. I really, really loved what you did.



You don't have to do this.


No, I don't. Can I just say, I would never have the courage to do what you do on stage. I'm an accountant and... Last year someone came into my office and I was trying to swivel my computer screen around to show them the taxes that I was doing for them. And I also hit myself in the mouth of the computer screen and knocked all my teeth out. And I was so embarrassed. And I was so embarrassed, but you know what? It gets better.


You didn't do it in front of all those people.


No, but it was in front of my whole office. And these people, they'll all leave and they'll never come back and see this show, but I had to do it in front of people that I see every day. And when I was just like you, when I was picking the teeth back up and trying to put them back in my mouth to prove to everyone that this is normal and it's okay, I also wet my shitty pants.


Oh, I'm sorry. I overheard teeth knocked out. It's you from the show. I was just in the audience. No, no, no. You were really bad. That was bad.



Oh, okay, okay. Well, it's hard to sing when all your teeth are gone.


Oh, can I ask you something? What? How'd you feel about the show?


I think it was pretty good until all my teeth fell out.


Well, you must have a concussion. I'm sick, goodbye. That's the funniest thing after a show. I've heard people go up to people after an improv show, and the first thing they say is, how'd you feel about this show? It's like, you're the fucking audience.


JBC, before we move on to more riddles, what was your favorite song from 6?


But we haven't finished this yet. Heart of Stone. It's gotta be Heart of Stone. That's the best song. I did also tweet about it because Hearts of Stone is also the expansion to Witcher 3. It's one of the DLCs. And the whole time she was singing that song, I was just thinking about Geralt of Rivia, swinging that sword around. How are we feeling about the new Netflix series? Fuck off with this Netflix series.


You gonna watch it? Of course!


I'm gonna watch it. I'm a little dirty boy who spank my little pants. I'm gonna watch the show. Fuck it, they cast Henry Cavill as the Witcher. I don't want to talk about it. He's a big block of wood. He's the worst. Henry Cavill sucks, right? Yeah. Am I, how, he's been in enough shit at this point that we can be like, this guy's not great. He was good in the newest Mission Impossible, where he cocked his arms. Yeah, he played a Rock'em Sock'em robot in that movie. That's the only thing I want to see him cast in.



Rock'em Sock'em!


But he was good in that movie, a little mustache. He was fine. But I just don't think he's... I just don't think he's going to be a good witcher. So I'll give you the riddle one more time. Susie regularly writes and destroys messages to herself. Oh no, pass, I don't want to. Usually people write such notes as reminders such as in calendars, but Susie never expects to forget what was in the messages. Why write them? She has a photographic memory and she's dumb.


I don't know.


Okay, so it's to solve a very common technology problem, and I will read this now. Susie has an IBM-compatible computer and an Apple computer and wants to transmit data between them. With only one modem and little technical knowledge, she sends the data to herself through an online electronic mail service with one computer and receives the data with the other computer. That sucks. No, that's a very common thing. That's a very common thing. And that one's from 1959 as well? That's a good riddle. You have to admit at one point in history that would have been a very good riddle. So she invented flash drives?



I'm going to


Go to the conference concert. I'll ever be able to let go of because it sounds so fake and so like, if someone said that to me in an improv show, I'd be like, you're a fucking liar. Okay. We're returning back to Yolanda. Oh, I'm sorry. Fuck. To Susie. Back to Susie. I could always do it right like 50% of the time. Always right 50% of the time. Susie often passes a writing instrument across the surface for which it is intended, and within a few seconds- Well, you know it's not a tablet. Because it's from the same book. Uh, within a few seconds erases the result. What is she doing?



What is she doing?


She's using a writing utensil across a tablet? What was it? No. Use it not a tablet. Not a tablet. Susie often passes a writing instrument across the surface for which it is intended and within a few seconds erases the result. What is she doing?


One of those little toys.


Huh, one of those little toys. You're using an etch-a-sketch. But what you were doing with your hands, Erin, can you do it one more time? So what you're doing with your hands right now, what I wanted to say was, I have nipples, Fokker, can you milk me? Because that's kind of what you're doing.


I don't see it.


Because your eyes are closed. Yeah, I don't see it.


Oh, I'm twisting nipples.


Twisting nipples. No, it's not an Etch A Sketch. That's a great guess. It's not an Etch A Sketch.


Is she doing one of those things where it's like you take a piece of paper and like take the engraving, shade the engraving of a tombstone?


Bleak. What did you say?


Bleak. Bleak. It's all like mop up excess grease. Just to know, like just for, as a trophy, to know who you've killed and keep a trophy. No, she's not doing that. Or to go to like the War Memorial Wall or something.



Or don't they do that in like the Big Lebowski to figure out what someone just wrote on a piece of paper?


Yeah, to shade it in. Give us a hint.


Give us a hint, Din. Are computers or any other electronic devices involved? No. By what she is doing, does she intend to communicate to anyone? No. Although it is immediately erased, does her output from the writing instrument in turn help erase something else? Yes. Our time. She's wasting our time. She's wasting our time. She did this so somebody could write a riddle about it and waste her fucking time. Um, yeah, she wants to waste our time. That's her primary purpose. Is it white out? It's not white out. Good guess.


No, I'm sorry.


Good grief is what I meant to say.


I don't know and I don't care. You don't care? And that's rare for me.


I will give you the answer to this riddle and then I'll also tell you a tip that's just one of JPC's life hacks. Okay, so here's the answer. Erasing colored chalk from a blackboard. Yolanda is a teacher and sometimes draws dye. Susie is a teacher and sometimes draws diagrams on the blackboard using different colors of chalk. Erasing such diagrams leaves colored smudges on the blackboard. Susie discovered that scribbling over the colored smudges with white chalk and then erasing the scribblings helps to remove the colored smudges and, unlike wiping the chalkboard with wet rag, permits immediate reuse of it. So, this is a real thing that you can do if you ever take a dry erase marker and someone uses permanent marker on a dry erase board. If you take dry erase marker and then right over the permanent marker, you can just dry erase that and then it'll all come off. I don't believe you. Yep, it's true.



Holy shit!


It's true. I've done it many times at work.


Who told you how to do that though?


I think someone told me at work, every job I've ever had I've had like a white board by me.


Can I give you a life hack? This is one of Adal's life hacks. If you're out of like clean socks or underwear or like towels and you're lazy, just go buy new ones. Oh, okay.


I got a life hack. Sometimes if you angle the shower head right, you can eat a cupcake in the shower.


Are you like a Kathy comic strip now? What is going on? Can I give you one of GPC's life crabs? Uh, no. Okay, you know what one.


But my thing also applies to a glass of wine.


Have you guys ever drank? Sorry, I don't drink anymore, but have you ever drank in the shower before?


Uh, once or twice. I feel like I have a few times, yeah.


It's a very satisfying feeling. I used to do it, um, when I, I would like go for runs. And, um, I had a roommate who was a runner once who told me that after a run, a beer hydrates you better than water because it's got like electrolytes in it or the carbohydrates or whatever that's in it. So it's like, it's more refreshing to you than water. Was a friend selling beer at the time?



Was his friend an alcoholic?


He was not an alcoholic. He was in very good shape. So I would go for runs and then have a beer in the shower, like, as I was, like, cooling off. Great experience. Oh. Can't drink anymore, but... The listeners are dying to know what brand of beer we talking. So here's what I would do. I would take a Miller Lite, I would open it up, I would drain it in the shower, I would piss into the bottle, and then I would drink and I could not tell the difference.


When I've done staycations, I've drank in the shower.


Staycation drinking in the shower. Staycation gonna die alone.


Oh, I'm trying to think if I've ever had a glass of wine in a bath before.


I've done that too. It's been a while.


I love baths. Love them.


I bought a bunch of bubble bath stuff. You know, Jasmine, some Mule Ecliptus, all the nice, the bums and the salts, but I haven't used it yet. Jasmine is a Disney princess. Oh yeah, and her tiger too.



Fans, listeners, bring Erin a bath next time you come to the world meeting.


A full bath. Can I tell our listeners a secret? My boyfriend doesn't listen anymore. But we've been thinking of just talking about maybe moving in together. And he has an amazing apartment.


I love it. It's a great apartment. You've been there. I've been there. You told us that's what's keeping you together?


Yeah, 100% what is keeping us together. But I don't know if I ever want to move in because he doesn't have baths. Where will I take my baths?


That's a tough call. You can't retrofit that thing with a bath. That would be a big deal breaker for me, even though I have not taken a bath in my place and I've lived there for over a month now.


Just the option of being able to take a bath.


The option and the idea of having a bath, yeah. And if I go into a hotel, it better have a fucking bath because I am definitely taking a bath in a hotel. If ever I travel for work, you can bet this motherfucker's taking a bath. I sit by a kiddie pool. I'm sorry?


Fill it with hot hot water. Okay.


Hey, come on into my hot kiddie pool. I got a hot kiddie pool in the backyard.



I did used to do that in Australia though. I would buy kiddie pools and just sit outside and drink in the kiddie pools.


Mm-hmm. That's what you do in Australia. Just drink in the kiddie pools. Just soak it in. Here's a riddle for you all. Magazines often contain postcards meant for use by new subscribers. That's just a fun... We're not even to the real yet. We're just learning to check.


Let me see the cover of that book. World's Most Boring Fucking Facts. Guinness Book of Bullshit.


World's Most Boring Fucking Facts?


Dead Stop. Dead Stop. Let's all tell three boring fucking facts. We'll go around the horn.


Let's see. You could have sex in a couple different holes.


You can kiss quietly. The noises that we make are noises we choose to make. Did you know that when you come, it feels good?


When you have sex, you might accidentally fall in love.


Wash your hands before sex as you can give your partner a yeast infection.



Make sure if you have sex on a bed, it's laying down.


pee after sex so you don't get a UTI and then talk about it on the podcast that you have.


And don't forget to sex after pee just to mix things up.


If you are jerking off and you get a little bit of your own cum in your open mouth, don't tell anybody! This is your secret. Keep it forever.


Keep it like a secret. Keep it safe, keep it secret.


Magazines often contain postcards met for use by new subscribers. Some people consider them a nuisance and just toss them out. Some don't. Even though they won't ever use them for their intended purpose, why not just throw them away? This is fun.


What is the riddle?


They're asking us why don't we throw these... Yeah, some people don't throw away those postcards from new subscribers. Some people don't throw them away. Why?



Because they want to use them.


They want to recycle them. Yeah, they want to send them in. Oh, they want to build... They want to build a better world.


I don't know.


This is, I will say, that I will give you some clues to this. Coasters? Coasters is a better answer. Coasters is a better answer than this. Here are some clues.


The floor is coasters for poor people.


Wow, that's our new shirt.


That's our new shirt. Oh, come into my house. Just so you know, the floor is coasters and my walls is sheets.


The floor is coasters, the floor is also table, chairs, and beds.


Do you guys remember when you were kids playing that game, the floor is coasters? You had to stand up on the couches and the chairs and the tables and put all your drinks on the floor. Ah, fun game. Could the need anticipated by those who saved them be satisfied by blank paper of similar size and shape? No. Are they used to cause troublesome paperwork by writing someone else's name on them and then mailing them? Yes. No, but that's fucked. Is their reply paid status very important more so for an ordinary post- more so than for an ordinary postcard? Yes.



Oh, it's like the, we had a baby eats a boy. You can use it to send a short message to someone.


Yeah, I guess.


Who works at the- Who works at the magazine?


You're using the stamps. Pre-paid? Okay. I'll give you the answer. And then we can all just take a moment and just really think about what we've done to deserve where we are. Postage for a first-class item with a reply paid address must be paid by the recipient. City residents may hoard the cards in case of a garbage collector's strike, perhaps believing that those who contribute to the garbage problem should help solve it at their own expense. What the fuck?


I'm so confused.


I am equally confused. So if you put a magazine subscription card on a trash bag, it gets mailed to the garbage bag?


We just realized in America, America, the greatest place on earth.



Anything you put a stamp on will get mailed to the person who delivered it.


We're gonna see a scene. Erin, you and I, we live together. Adal, you are our neighbor. We have been watching you do this for a couple of weeks now, but you take your trash bag, you put a stamp on it, and then you try to shove it into the mailbox instead of taking it and putting it into the trash can. Today we're actually gonna talk to him about it.


I think we should say hello. I don't want to say he thinks he's insane. Okay, well, I think it's not.


Oh, hey there friends! Hi! Good morning neighbor! Mitch, right? Yeah, Mitch.


Happy Saturday to you!


Happy Saturday. What you got going on there? Oh, just taking out the trash. Yep. If you will. Yeah, we do it as well. We put it in those city bins. Oh yeah, the mailbox, the city bin.


Oh, we put it in that big, like the green, or just blue, depending on the recycling.


Oh, you have two different mailboxes? Well, we have a mailbox, which is where we usually get our mail, but that's... I have mail, fucker, can you box me?



This is probably a little too personal, but what kind of trash you got? What's in that trash bag?


What's in the trash bag? We got some Post-its. I have some... Some Post-its? I have some bananas that went rotten. I have a lot of tissue because I actually came into my open mouth and I had to clean out my mouth.


You really just shouldn't tell people stuff like that.


Oh really? Give it to myself?


Oh totally! We totally believe that there's real trash in there. Nothing nefarious going on over there.


Yeah, at all. So you're gonna mail that to someone? Yeah, well, famously, if you put trash in a mailbox, it will be sent to the person who caused it. Oh, so I guess it's coming back to me. It's all coming back to you, Mitch. Hey, why don't you guys come inside? I want to show you my basement. Oh, boy.


Yeah, why not? Magazines often contain postcards meant for use by the new subscribers. That's how we started this journey. Speaking of taking a big old journey on a shit mountain. Another sponsor? We have another sponsor. What does everybody have to plug?



I was keeping track of all the podcasts I've done to promote them, but then I lost that piece of paper that I was keeping track of. You think a mean bird took it, right? A bird took it. A mean bird! A mean bird, big bird. Yeah. So if I guess it on your podcast, please email me and remind me because I can't recall all the podcasts I was on. So I'm going to do a new segment I like to call Doctor Recommendations. No, no, no. Is everybody feeling healthy? Sure. It's time for Doctor Recommendations. Oh no. Recommendations.


I'm ready.


What do you got?


What's the diagnosis?


Check out Hadestown. You got to listen to the music. It's on Spotify. The full album is now on Spotify. Best Broadway musical I've ever seen in my life. Oh, interesting. You're going to want to check it out. If you like to listen to the shows before you go see them, listen to the full album. It's incredible. Or go see it in New York if you ever have time. And then also check out a game I found at GenCon called Just One. It's more fun than Codenames, and Codenames is one of my favorite games. It's a great party game.


Okay. Just One. J-U-S-T. O-N-E. Gotcha. Do you have anything to plug? Anything for me to plug? You can follow me on Twitter at GPSofly, Instagram at sharkbarkman. If I had to recommend something, we just watched The Boys on Amazon Prime. It's like a superhero TV show. It's good. It's very fun. Bloody gory. Just a good time with the movies. And that's it. I don't have anything else to plug. Erin?



Follow me, Erin Keif 10, on Instagram because I have a web series coming out soon and you'll find all the details about that there. Also, my recommendation is listen to Sami Ray. She's on Spotify, but she has this amazing... Oh, I'm sorry, you wrote down, I can see that, Sugar Ray. Oh, yeah, never mind. Sammy Ray, she has this incredible jazz voice and it's a really great summer singer to be listening to.


Don't make me happy. Speaking of summer singers, Erin, I had a song I wanted to sing in the sweetest chef voice, but I forgot the lyrics. Can you help me out? Fly me to the moon. Let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like on... Giverny, Verney, Jupiter. Bye forever.


This has been Hey Riddle Riddle, created by Adal Rifai, starring Erin Keif, and John Patrick Coan.


AG Snyder did the editing, and Marty Parris did the music. Loco created by Emily Cardamus and Emo Edomores.



That was a Headgum podcast.